![]() |
buds abound..........
Xerxys |
maybe idyllic? |
OCM? |
ring? |
idyllic? |
Good Morning :)
http://onetravel.files.wordpress.com...-fireworks.jpg Will Eden be the early bird again this morning? |
Early? Not really early, but I'm here.
Phil? |
Partial to phil.
How's your fourth going, Lord? |
i'm partial to me, also...
fly? |
Lord Eat me.......... |
Yep, I'm here, surprisingly not hungover.
COM, how was your fourth? |
Not hangoverable, but very nice all the same.
Idyllic, are you hungover? |
Can't be drunk and hungover at the same time, ergo, I am never hungover. :thumbsup:
LordEden, thou light be green, art thou about? |
idyllic, you will be back...
sorry pops........
i'm goin' with ring. |
nope your stuck with me
eden? |
OCM? |
Oh ho, It is I.
Where is Fly? |
yaeh, where is fly?
Sometimes I feel like a fly on the wall, but I am not THE fly.
I'll make the call out too. Fly? |
three is a charm.....
phil buddy,where be you? |
right here...
ocm? |
Good morning, uncle phil.
Are you going golfing today? |
leaving in 10 minutes...
jove? |
Fly? |
nope. but I believe I can fly
phil? |
back from golf...
ocm? |
I waited for OCM and he didn't arrive yet,
Good Morning Uncle Phil, maybe you can call him again. I'm going back to bed. :) |
ocm? |
LordEden? |
GET OFF MY LAWN! Oh, sorry, thought you were those annoying Anderson kids across the street.
Fly, got us some bud for this weekend? |
or idyllic...
Once again, I too await her ...
Well, her light's on...
Where are you, ma'am? |
*embarrassingly raises hand*, oops, I was day dreaming.
Good morning uncle phil, golf this day? |
golf this day...
fly? |
yes......golf this day is gonna be sweet........
OCM maybe? |
Nope, you got the hobbit.
I'm calling out to OCM too. |
Maybe I am, too.
uncle phil? |
'tis i...
jove? |
By Jove, no!
Did I wait long enough, LordEden? |
haven't seen idyllic in a while... |
You got the hobbit instead.
Fly? |
lucky guess ya' bastard......
OCM baby.......... |
Not at the moment,
Where did you go Lord Eden? |
Working on a shitton of PCs here in the office.
Philly? |
back from golf...
ocm? |
Yeah, OCM??
how 'bout fly?
sure............Lord eat me will be next
I am the lord of eating!
OCM? |
then eat me like an oreo cookie baby.
and you'll be back i'm guessing. |
Oh hell yeah I will be... back... here... you know... with the POSTING.
I thought you were playing golf all day? What the fuck are you still doing on here? |
later with the golf man.........3 o'clock tee time..........
then tomorrow morn at 6.........am that is. you still around? |
yeah, cinn just woke up so I just finished cooking her breakfast.
so 3 oclock... that's 6 my time, got ya. |
27 holes today, fly...
(oh, and 40 bucks richer :) " ocm? |
lucky bastard..........i only got 18 in.
hey Lord eat me........ |
he's still asleep...
idyllic in out of the heat? |
hell yeah I was alseep, it's fucking sunday.
OCM? |
yeah...some eaves don't manage dropping.
uncle phil! |
i'm back...
jove? |
by jove! It's not.
Ocm? where are you? |
idyllic? |
Yes. Idyllic.
I mean, No, I mean, yes, me too, I mean ... ahhh coffee! |
Coffee is by my side, but I do believe that is not my name.
Where are you Phil? |
on the golf course? or looking at online porn? or multi-tasking doing both!
I'm bored but here. I truly believe that unc will be visiting here next. |
Do nieces & nephews count?
Blood & ashes! You'll guesstimate how long his holes might take, BadNick? |
Ocm?, I'm only doing this 'cause you're a buddy. Congratulations. Do you get a prize?
unc has to be showing up this time! |
just back from golf...
jove? |
No. OCM.
philip von bogey? |
91 on a par 72 - not a good day...
ocm? |
I'm not sure Ocm? really likes golf. I know I only like the walking around, socializing, and drinking parts, and I don't even need clubs for that.
I'm feeling Xerxys next ...not literally feeling, just figuratively so to speak. |
You feel correctly. Uncle phill, do I feel you too?
both of ya, keep your mitts off...
jove? |
OCM? |
hobbit |
Genetically Height challenged person.
Non-violent worshiper of the Islamic religion? |
no idea who you're talking about
little hairy creature |
Not as hairy as a hobbit.
Dlish? |
I'm not short, I've just got a closer relationship with the ground. Man-who-is-muslium-and-a-yankee's-fan |
nope, man-who-plays-golf-and-is-a-yankees-fan...
back to you, short-legs... |
only the one in the middle, phil.
ring? |
a ding-ding........
OCM maybe will come enlighten me......... |
you musta been blinded by the light. It's me
hmm, who's up this late? Fly? |
uh uh
you know what they say about short legs... |
Not sure what they say, but Randy Newman said:
Short people got nobody To love They got little baby legs That stand so low You got to pick em up Just to say hello They got little cars That go beep, beep, beep They got little voices Goin' peep, peep, peep They got grubby little fingers And dirty little minds They're gonna get you every time Well, I don't want no short people Don't want no short people Don't want no short people 'Round here gotta go with Fly again since he's in a favorable time zone |
Used to be pretty good at this game... Uncle Phil?
yup, and welcome back...
idyllic? |
close. people confuse us all the time. i think its the beard.
just playing a probabilities game i'd say uncle phil |
Probability fail.
What are the chances of Xerxys showing up today? |
He's busy sniffing used underwear at the laundry mat.
OCM? |
I think he doesn't wear underwear. Not sure why any of us do.
CaliLivChick ...mainly cause she seems to know unc but I have no idea who she is. |
who???.. (sorry CLC.. thats not true)
is fly buzzing 'round at all? |
Now that you mention it, there has been this huge fly in the family room as of late, but I haven't named him.
Nick, I'm an old-timer... been a couple years since I've been on though. =) |
winner! Sorry, CLC, I have not had the pleasure of your acquintance but I'm rectifying that as we speak.
I'm expecting dlish to jump in here now. |
Nah, she's too busy being delicious, and I'm too busy stalking... but I imagine you're doing the same thing....
me, why would you think that, CLC?
Oh, gee, I dunno Nick... how many times can we go back and forth? :lol:
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