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#1 (permalink) |
Hey Now!
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
Top Ten
I love Movies. I really do, but I am so sick of celebrities coming on T.V. and telling us who to vote for,what should we do about the war,their opinions,what is right and wrong, and what religion is best.
Actors have a very privilelged life. Everybody does everything for them. They can pretty much do whatever they want. They are rich and loved by the public. That type of life can really changed a person into a self centered asshole. Oh yeah Angelina Jolie helps kids in Africa or whatever the fuck she does, but look at all the publicity she gets for it. Come on! When an actor does something good like donates money to a charity or starts one, its all for publicity. Its the Hollywood thing to do. Why do we want to know what a celebrities opinion is? Why is it important? America eats it up. Fuck Ben and Jen!!!!! Top Ten Actors who I Hate 10. Matt Damon and Ben Afleck(I just don't like them!) 9. John Travolta(One good movie,Pulp Fiction. Also he's a scientologist.) 8. Vin Diesel(No talent what so ever!) 7. Ashton Kucther(cooher,kucher, or whatever the fuck his last name is.) 6. Demi Moore(Why is she still in the public eye?? Oh yeah she fucks Ashton whatever the fuck his name is?) 5. Tim Robbins(Shut the fuck up!) 4. Susan Surandon(Shut the fuck up too!!) 3. Adam Sandler(I don't get it? He such a nice guy......SHOOT HIM!!) 2. Katie Holmes(Is she hot? Ya...no..mmmmm.....I'd fuck her...no i wouldn't..I'd....I'd..Shoot the fucking bitch for going out with Tom fucking Cruise and buy in to his scientology bull shit.......She can't act too.) 1. Tom Cruise(Do I need to explain?) Top Ten Actors Who I Love 10.Jack Nicholson 9. Benicio Deltorro 8. Vincent Price 7. Christan Bale 6. Guy Pierce 5. Bruce Campbell 6. Al Pacino 5. Michael Madsen 4. Edward Norton 3. Robert De niro 2. Brad Pitt(Fight Club!!) 1. Johnny Depp(Ya, I'm on the Johnny Depp ban wagon) I feel so much better.........Please list 10 you love and 10 you hate
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Australia
Wow you hit the nail pretty much on the head with yours. 'Cept I'd take Johnny depp out of the top and Adam Sandler out of the bottom. And then add for the good side Hugh Jackman and the the bad actor Adam Brody as number one (horrible actor).
A.minor.fall.then.a.major.lift |
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#3 (permalink) |
Go Cardinals
Location: St. Louis/Cincinnati
Yes, there are certain "stars" that voice their opinion more then they should ::cough:: Tom Cruise ::cough::. Yet, being an actor isn't the perkiest job that most think it is. Imagine having every shred of privacy in your life GONE. No matter where you go, people will recognize you and stare. Every girl/guy you date will be scrutinized, and tabloids will make up stories about you.
There are actors who have to train for months for roles that they have (Angelina Jolie for her action roles). Certain actors lose a TON of weight for roles, and even GAIN weight for roles. How much time do you think Will Smith spent training to be a boxer for his role? It is easy to say for us that they live the dream life with all the money. Sure, they won't ever be hard on cash, but it isn't all it is cracked up to be. Getting mad at nearly all actors for the few crazy ones (Cruise) isn't fair. P.S. Matt Damon is a great actor, some of my favorite movies he has been in (Rounders, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, Dogma).
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department. Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity. |
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#4 (permalink) |
Hey Now!
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
Oh Soccerchamp76 where do I begin?
![]() 1. I work 12 hours a day 60 hours a week in a factory, and your telling me the great Will Smith trained to be a boxer in a shitty Ali movie for millions of dollars? Wah! Wah! 2. Gain and loose weight for a role? Thats real hard with a personal trainer and a millon dollar check in your face.(Christian Bale should of got 100 million for the machinist,awsome movie) 3. Sure, your privacy is gone, but thats the price of fame. I could live with it. 4. I bashed 10 actors not nearly all of them. 5. Matt Damon a great actor! Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 are good movies? Bourne Identity! Bourne Supremacy! Your crazy!! Moron!! am I wrong here! am I Insane! Please comment about this I need some one on my side. I don't want to be the bad guy. soccerchamp76 is way out of line. "I think Matt Damon is a great actor." .............What the fuck?! ![]()
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell |
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#5 (permalink) | |
is a tiger
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek" --Kevin Smith This part just makes my posts easier to find |
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#6 (permalink) |
Stick it in your five hole!
Location: Michigan, USA
While I might agree with most of what you are saying, SoccerChamp is not way outta line. He is voicing his opinion, just like you did when starting this thread, no more or less. So while you are entitled to disagree with him, calling him a moron is rude and unnecessary. Thats what I think is outta line.
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#7 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Let's keep the comments in here civil, folks. It's entertainment after all, not politics
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#9 (permalink) |
Minion of the scaléd ones
Location: Northeast Jesusland
All right, against my better judgement, love and hate:
Hate: 1) Nichole Kidman - There is just something about her that sets violent, evil thoughts loose in my head. Beyond Nichole at the top of the bottom, the rest of both lists are in no particular order. 2) Tom Cruise - Excellent actor, apparently a waste of air otherwise. 3) Jay-Lo - I haven't the foggiest notion what women see in her, and I haven't a clue how the one thing men see in her qualifies her for anything other than porn. 4) With some exceptions, the rest of the singers who have taken up acting without being actors, from Elvis to Linsay Lohan. (Frank Sinatra and Meatlof would be a few of the exceptions. LL CoolJ another.) 5) Adam Sandler - One good movie does not an actor make. He's gratuitously stupid most of the time, and, when he's witty, he's not wit enough to overcome (Pretty much the same thing could be said about Jim Carrey, but Truman and Eternal Sunshine count for a great deal.) 6) Ben Stiller - The Decay of Wit into the comedy of self pity. Feh! 7) Will Ferrell - Some people think elementary school boys are cute. Michael Jackson, for instance. When the boys are 6'6" and in their 30's, they're not cute; they're clinically mentally retarded. It's not funny; it's sad. 8) That tumor on Will Ferrel's hip. You know the one who played monkey boy and Mango on SNL. He's so wretched I can't even remember his name. I know it's not Corky Romano, only because he played that part. 8) Tom Hanks - Down hill all the way from Batchelor Party 9) Barbara Streisand - Not only a singer, and not only an opinionated singer, but a stupid, opinionated signer. 10) All Professional Wrestlers. Jesse, Hulk, The (or should I say Mr. Rock). Bluging Pectoral Muscles are not sufficient for, well, anything. Love: 1) Kevin Spacey 2) Morgan Freeman 3) Alec Guinness 4) Peter Sellars 5) Mandy Patinkin 6) Anthony Hopkins (Bumped Peter Ustinov) 7) Ben Kingsley (Bumped Mandy Patinkin) 8) John Cusak 9) George C. Scott 10) Christopher Lloyd 11) Julianne Moore (Bumped Dan Hedaya) Since I don't identify with women, there is only one actress on that list, in the 11 spot. However, let me toss out Sally Fields, Joan Cusak, Anjelica Huston, Maggie Smith, Linda Fiorentino, and Kirsten Dunst as actresses I have a ton of respect for. Still not enough. Some more: Edward James Olmos, Denzel Washington, Joe Panteleon, Sigourney Weaver, Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin (Hunt for Red October), Sean Connery, Tim Curry, Oliver Platt, Hector Alizondo, Raul Julia, Helen Hunt, Jack (There is only one), Ed Norton, Brad Pitt, Dan Akroyd, Tim Matheson, Richard O'Brian, Bill Murray, Mike McKeane, Christopher Guest, Mako, Toshirô Mifune. Other than the abovementioned lists, I have no particular feeling one way or the other about Actors in general.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life. |
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#10 (permalink) |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Top Ten:
10. Male: Sean Connery Female: Salma Hayek 9. Male: Morgan Freeman Female: Gwyneth Paltrow 8. Male: Edward James Olmos Female: Maggie Gylanhall 7. Male: Don Cheadle Female: Sally Fields 6. Male: Ewan McGregor Female: Natalie Portman 5. Male: Anthony Hopkins Female: Uma Thurman 4. Male: Patrick Stewart Female: Glenn Close 3. Male: Daniel Day-Lweis Female: Joan Allen 2. Male: Steve McQeen Female: Judi Dench 1. Male: Humphrey Bogart Female: Cate Blanchett Bottom Ten: 10. Male: George Clooney Female: Madonna 9. Male: Sprint PCS Guy Female: Halle Berry 8. Male: Any Wayens brother Female: Heather Graham 7. Male: Jerry Seinfield Female: Jennifer Lopez 6. Male: Chris Rock Female: Any pornstar (why do they have to ALL be hokey?) 5. Male: Tim Curry Female: cast of Charmed 4. Male: Arnold Swarts...the governor Female: Cindy Crawford 3. Male: Sylvester Stallone Female: Angelena Jolie 2. Male: Colin Ferril Female: Britney Spears 1. Tom Cruise with his dumb ass mouth open Female: Susan Sarandon |
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#11 (permalink) | |
Go Cardinals
Location: St. Louis/Cincinnati
2) Losing a lot of weight and gaining weight isn't hard, either? 3) Easy for you to say that having no privacy is easy to live with. How about having reporters tracking you down everywhere you go. 4) Your opening paragraph bashed all actors. 5) Apparantly OPINIONS.....aren't. You mean, you are saying that DIFFERENT people LIKE DIFFERENT movies and actors??? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department. Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity. |
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#12 (permalink) |
who ever said streaking was a bad thing?
Location: Calgary
Top Ten:
10) Dan Akroyd 9) Joan Cusak 8) Gwyneth Paltrow 7) Sean Connery 6) Morgan Freeman 5) Goldie Hawn (sp?) 4) Jim Carey 3) Micheal J Fox 2) Catherine Zeta-Jones 1) Gregory Peck Bottom Ten: 10) Tom Cruise 9) Micheal Jackson (not really a movie star but.... being in Scary Movie makes him fair game) 8) Angelina Jolie 7) Susan Surandon 6) Renee Zellwigger 5) Russel Crowe 4) Demi Moore 3) Katie Holmes 2) Andy Dick 1) Tom Green |
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#14 (permalink) |
Hey Now!
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
I guess I'm alone in my dark world. Once again I'm the bad guy.
Actors should be put on pedestals.They have the hardest job in the world. My job is easy. It's easy living pay check to pay check. Matt Damon is the greatest actor of all time. This is my last post on this thread. I've lost. (I just wanted to add Mel Gibson in the hate list. How did I forget him?!)
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell |
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#15 (permalink) | |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I dont see where this thread is going to become constructive in any way -- closed...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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