Originally Posted by Johnny Pyro
Oh Soccerchamp76 where do I begin?
1. I work 12 hours a day 60 hours a week in a factory, and your telling me the great Will Smith trained to be a boxer in a shitty Ali movie for millions of dollars? Wah! Wah!
2. Gain and loose weight for a role? Thats real hard with a personal trainer and a millon dollar check in your face.(Christian Bale should of got 100 million for the machinist,awsome movie)
3. Sure, your privacy is gone, but thats the price of fame. I could live with it.
4. I bashed 10 actors not nearly all of them.
5. Matt Damon a great actor! Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 are good movies?
Bourne Identity! Bourne Supremacy! Your crazy!! Moron!!
am I wrong here! am I Insane! Please comment about this I need some one on my side. I don't want to be the bad guy. soccerchamp76 is way out of line.
"I think Matt Damon is a great actor." .............What the fuck?! 
1) So you are saying training for a boxer isn't hard?
2) Losing a lot of weight and gaining weight isn't hard, either?
3) Easy for you to say that having no privacy is easy to live with. How about having reporters tracking you down everywhere you go.
4) Your opening paragraph bashed all actors.
5) Apparantly OPINIONS.....aren't.
You mean, you are saying that DIFFERENT people LIKE DIFFERENT movies and actors??? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!