Thread: Top Ten
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Old 07-03-2005, 10:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
Johnny Pyro
Hey Now!
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Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
Top Ten

I love Movies. I really do, but I am so sick of celebrities coming on T.V. and telling us who to vote for,what should we do about the war,their opinions,what is right and wrong, and what religion is best.
Actors have a very privilelged life. Everybody does everything for them. They can pretty much do whatever they want. They are rich and loved by the public. That type of life can really changed a person into a self centered asshole. Oh yeah Angelina Jolie helps kids in Africa or whatever the fuck she does, but look at all the publicity she gets for it. Come on! When an actor does something good like donates money to a charity or starts one, its all for publicity. Its the Hollywood thing to do.
Why do we want to know what a celebrities opinion is? Why is it important? America eats it up. Fuck Ben and Jen!!!!!

Top Ten Actors who I Hate
10. Matt Damon and Ben Afleck(I just don't like them!)
9. John Travolta(One good movie,Pulp Fiction. Also he's a scientologist.)
8. Vin Diesel(No talent what so ever!)
7. Ashton Kucther(cooher,kucher, or whatever the fuck his last name is.)
6. Demi Moore(Why is she still in the public eye?? Oh yeah she fucks Ashton whatever the fuck his name is?)
5. Tim Robbins(Shut the fuck up!)
4. Susan Surandon(Shut the fuck up too!!)
3. Adam Sandler(I don't get it? He such a nice guy......SHOOT HIM!!)
2. Katie Holmes(Is she hot?'d fuck i wouldn't..I'd....I'd..Shoot the fucking bitch for going out with Tom fucking Cruise and buy in to his scientology bull shit.......She can't act too.)
1. Tom Cruise(Do I need to explain?)

Top Ten Actors Who I Love
10.Jack Nicholson
9. Benicio Deltorro
8. Vincent Price
7. Christan Bale
6. Guy Pierce
5. Bruce Campbell
6. Al Pacino
5. Michael Madsen
4. Edward Norton
3. Robert De niro
2. Brad Pitt(Fight Club!!)
1. Johnny Depp(Ya, I'm on the Johnny Depp ban wagon)

I feel so much better.........Please list 10 you love and 10 you hate
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell
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