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Old 05-23-2005, 11:59 PM   #321 (permalink)
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Wow, what a great ending. I also agree that it was extremely predictable in certain points, and actually told my brother during a commercial that I sincerely hope that they make a trend out of "killing" main characters and resurrecting them minutes later for every episode of Day 5.

But regardless of all the obvious plot points, I enjoyed the finale a lot and I became really excited for the next season. By the sound of the quick teaser at the end, it sounds like according the natural progression of the days, we'll be watching Spaceman Jack Bauer save the Milky Way. He's already saved an individual, a city a country and the world...now he's taking on intergalactic threats and is keeping our Solar System away from harm.

I can't wait.
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Old 05-24-2005, 12:00 AM   #322 (permalink)
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Just so everyone knows, Chloe WILL be back next season for the WHOLE season. Mary Lynn Rajskub (the actress that plays Chloe) has signed a contract to do the whole season next year. I don't know about Edgar, but Chloe's not going anywhere.

I LOVED tonight's episode. Little cheesy, little unrealistic, but hey, that's 24. I thought it was the best season finale since season one.

And yeah, Mandy looked HOT tonight. Mia Kirshner is just...wow. Her total disregard for anyone and anything only makes it better.

I think that Tony and Michelle have gone the way of Kim and Chase. Maybe a bit roll in season five, but I don't think they'll be back. They've made their decision and are going to stick with it. I think they'd be hard-pressed not to bring back Jack, though. I'm not entirely sure how they're going to go about doing it, and I'm sure it will be unrealistic and ridiculous, but as long as I get to see season-2 style full beard mountain-man Jack again, I'll deal with it.
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Old 05-24-2005, 01:28 PM   #323 (permalink)
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Now check that out. This makes 2 consecutive seasons that include Jack's heart has coming to a complete stop. And for the finale, it'll stop for good. But let's have a few more kick ass seasons before that day comes upon us.
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Old 05-24-2005, 02:10 PM   #324 (permalink)
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I don't get this talk about Jack not coming back... for me, it's completely not even an option. For next season or any season. Has there been official talk of having the show sans Jack/Kiefer?

Every season, hell every episode, has been completely focused on Jack doing his thing. I guess they could introduce someone like Chase again, and transition into him being the lead character, but that'd be a looooong process... at least for me to accept it. I don't know.. for me, 24 isn't about terrorists trying to blow shit up, it's about Jack being a total badass.

twenty-four minus Jack equals zero.
Greetings and salutations.

Last edited by Moskie; 05-24-2005 at 02:18 PM..
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Old 05-24-2005, 02:31 PM   #325 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 777
Now check that out. This makes 2 consecutive seasons that include Jack's heart has coming to a complete stop. And for the finale, it'll stop for good. But let's have a few more kick ass seasons before that day comes upon us.
[24 Fanatic correction] Jack's heart did not stop two seasons in a row. His heart stopped in Season 2 when he was being tortured and taser'd. Season 3 Jack had a heroin problem, but no heart stoppage [/24 Fanatic correction]

I have a feeling Jack will be back as a black-ops type guy in Season 5. He's the ultimate in plausible deniability.

"What, Jack Bauer attacked your embassy? That is proposterous, he's dead"
I think Pringles initial intention was to make tennis balls. But on the day that the rubber was supposed to show up, a big truckload of potatoes arrived. But Pringles is a laid back company. They said "Fuck it. Cut em up." -Mitch Hedberg, '68-'05

Bauer's the man.
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Old 05-25-2005, 01:30 AM   #326 (permalink)
The Pusher
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What a fantastic ending to the fourth series. Jack walking into the sunrise, aviators on, cool as ice.

I agree the downing of the missile was a real let down, they could have made that so much more thrilling. I feel so sorry for the agent captured by the Chinese who gave up Jack's name - when he was talking to CTU and said 'My transport's here' I don't think anyone believed that was his real ride. Likewise when the two shadowy figures got into the car that exploded - Jack took his sweet time figuring that one out!
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Old 05-25-2005, 07:31 AM   #327 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElwoodBlues
I have a feeling Jack will be back as a black-ops type guy in Season 5. He's the ultimate in plausible deniability.

"What, Jack Bauer attacked your embassy? That is proposterous, he's dead"

I didnt like the whole missle destruction scenario either. at least let it go let it get shot and let it fall into the ocean off the coast of Cali...i am no rocket scientist but if a nuke blows up before it reaches its target the radioactive material wont be released??

Also can somebody tell me what happened to the mercenary in the stealth bomber...am i the only one who did not see him get his?
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Old 05-25-2005, 07:49 AM   #328 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crossova

I didnt like the whole missle destruction scenario either. at least let it go let it get shot and let it fall into the ocean off the coast of Cali...i am no rocket scientist but if a nuke blows up before it reaches its target the radioactive material wont be released??

Also can somebody tell me what happened to the mercenary in the stealth bomber...am i the only one who did not see him get his?
stealth fighter was shot down by the Airforce One escorts.

no, the radioactive material would not have the same fallout as if it detonated, yet it would still be dangerous to some degree, but not in the same manner at all.
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Old 05-25-2005, 08:06 AM   #329 (permalink)
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It was shot down? was that within the same episode...i totally missed them showing that....or was it just a quick two lines of dialogue.
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Old 05-25-2005, 08:18 AM   #330 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crossova
It was shot down? was that within the same episode...i totally missed them showing that....or was it just a quick two lines of dialogue.
it was radio chatter as the plane was going down.
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Old 05-25-2005, 08:34 AM   #331 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
it was radio chatter as the plane was going down.
ok, thx. that was bugging me the whole 2 hours on monday night. i was just waiting for the stealth bomber...but it was already downed
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Old 05-26-2005, 09:08 PM   #332 (permalink)
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TVG: Will there be a connection to the last minutes of the finale?
Cochran: Certainly. We'll pick Jack up in a very different place, roughly a year later. Of course, the show is the show, so it won't be long before he's back in the saddle. But we'll explore a little bit of what he's been doing with his life and the situation he's gotten himself into. That will certainly have an impact on his behavior when he gets involved in the streets.
And the return of Jack Bauer in Season 5 is CONFIRMED! WOOOOOOOO!!!
I think Pringles initial intention was to make tennis balls. But on the day that the rubber was supposed to show up, a big truckload of potatoes arrived. But Pringles is a laid back company. They said "Fuck it. Cut em up." -Mitch Hedberg, '68-'05

Bauer's the man.
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Old 05-27-2005, 08:23 AM   #333 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElwoodBlues

And the return of Jack Bauer in Season 5 is CONFIRMED! WOOOOOOOO!!!
Sweet! He was bad ass when he worked for CTU, how much more bad ass is he gonna be when he's rogue?!?!?

Maybe he'll turn to the dark side...
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Old 05-27-2005, 08:26 AM   #334 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stonegrody
Sweet! He was bad ass when he worked for CTU, how much more bad ass is he gonna be when he's rogue?!?!?

Maybe he'll turn to the dark side...
he'll be super duper extra black ops covert extrelemly for your eyes only top secret classified.
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Old 05-27-2005, 09:02 AM   #335 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stonegrody
Sweet! He was bad ass when he worked for CTU, how much more bad ass is he gonna be when he's rogue?!?!?

Maybe he'll turn to the dark side...

I just saw Swordfish (again). Maybe Jack will team up with John Travolta... as rogue terrorits smashers
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Old 06-15-2005, 08:33 PM   #336 (permalink)
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OK, I know it is kind of a no no to bring up old posts, but I had to comment because tilted entertainment is my favorite board, and I'm the type of 24 fan that can't watch it during the season due to how they leave EACH episode hanging so bad that I want to kill myself until the next week. (view my post on page 1 of this thread). So I tivo'd it, and over the past 4 days (yes I have a full time job, and yes every night we watched hours and hours and hours of 24) we watched the whole season. Let me tell you, it's like the best entertainment you can find when you watch like that. My ass is tired from all the couch sitting, but I'd like to comment. And although most of you have probably hashed this over and over again throughout the season, I just want to give my quick thoughts from a person that hasn't missed one episode since the first episode of season 1 of 24. Spoilers from previous seasons ensue, don't read on if you haven't watched them all.

No Kim was a bummer, because Elisha Cuthbert is hot. Audrey really needed to be put on a forced vacation some time before she was allowed to stay in the room when Jack was going to torture her husband. Taking a live wire from a lamp and grounding it through someones body is a little more serious than using a tazer, he would have been dead. Tony coming to save the day in his jean jacket was more than bad ass. The new head of CTU (the lady), and her daughter killing herself was not even close to as dramatic as last season Jack killing Chapelle. Every time they get close to Marwan, they only send in one small unit, he gets away every time because the rest of Jack's unit gets killed. Why in the world does Jack only have a hand gun??? That vice president that became president was the biggest pussy on the planet. I cheered every time a previous 24 personality came back, because the new people all suck (Chloe rules, Tony rules, Michelle rules, Palmer rules). Anyone watch the OC during the season, what up Tre, nice work being gay Nuclear weapons need to be detonated, so shooting it down with a missle would be perfectly logical. What's with pretending Jack is dead, we're pretty sure he'll be back for next season. My wife even said what is he going to be black ops or something (which is what some of you noted lately).

Anyways a very fun season to watch, I liked day 3 better, more stories and cutting off arms at the end was pretty darn cool.

Looking forward to next season, but again, I won't comment during the season because I will be TIVO'ing it again. It's so much fun to watch marathon style.
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Old 06-16-2005, 02:39 AM   #337 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Locke7
That's a fun couple days of 24 there.

I watched season 3 the same way, and season 3 has been my favorite. Coincidence? Maybe not... my parents own the first season on DVD, and I plan to charge through those sometime this summer.

There was some talk (some from me) about how this past season really stretched the whole real-time aspect of the show. I truly try to ignore the minor inconsistencies in regards to that, but this season seemed a lot more blatant about it. How was it when you watched the episodes back to back like you did? I think that's what impressed most about watching season 3 marathon style, was that the its believability didn't fall apart during it.
Greetings and salutations.
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Old 06-16-2005, 09:19 AM   #338 (permalink)
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Yeah, I didn't get any of that watching marathon style. I though the flow was good. The one thing we do though is we never stop watching at the end of an episode. Usually becuase the endings are all such nail biters. We will watch 10 minutes in to the next hour to see what happens.

I watched seasons 1 - 3 on DVD. And the one thing I don't like about that is that when you move on to the next hour. The image displayed on the DVD usually gives away some of what happens. That didn't happen (obviously) with watching by Tivo.

Oh, and season 3 was my favorite as well out of the series. Seems that a lot of others didn't like it as well, but I just thought it was great.
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Old 06-16-2005, 10:53 AM   #339 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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We tivo and tend to watch in groups like that for Shield, Alias, 24, MI-5, etc.

I definitely enjoy not having to wait a week to find out what happens.

Elisha Cuthbert was a distraction and added little to the show but dumb blonde stupidity. I'm glad that she's not on the show any longer.
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