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Old 01-17-2005, 01:57 AM   #161 (permalink)
Stick's Avatar
Location: Sydney, Australia
Chopper - Where Chopper stabs Keithy George in the face and tells the screws that "Keithy's done himself a mischief".
Pulp Fiction - The whole "Bring out the Gimp" scene.
Apocalypse Now - Helicopter attack with Wagner playing.
ominous adj.
Menacing; threatening. Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.
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Old 07-16-2005, 03:33 PM   #162 (permalink)
Hey Now!
Johnny Pyro's Avatar
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
Clockwork Orange- The first scene in the milk bar.
Kill Bill Vol 1- The crazy 88 fight scene.
I spit on your grave- Bath tub scene.
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell
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Old 07-17-2005, 11:34 AM   #163 (permalink)
spongy's Avatar
the sheer loveliness of the dinner at the chinese restaurant in The Fisher King

Crouching Tiger .. the scene at the end.. I would rather walk the earth as a ghost....

The loooong fight scene in They Live

Come What May in the theater in Moulin Rouge

Come with me if you want to live .. the Terminator

the climactic gunfight in Way of The Gun
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Stephen King
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Old 07-17-2005, 03:58 PM   #164 (permalink)
Une petite chou
noodle's Avatar
Location: With All Your Base
just for the sheer pleasure of bittersweet teen love... the boombox serenade in the front yard scene from Say Anything.

most powerfully horrifying... the man with head on curb scene with ed norton in American History X

best use of household objects... the fight scene between roommates in 2LDK.

matt damon's speech in the Mooby boardroom from Dogma
burning of jim cunningham's house in Donnie Darko
boys' discovery scene at the end of The Virgin Suicides
when the girls are reading about their diagnoses in Girl, Interrupted
zach braff sitting on the couch at the party in Garden State
and just for the drool factor and best use of motor oil and bicycle pedals... the fight scene in The Transporter at the warehouse. yum!

i love movies.
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House

Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand
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Old 07-19-2005, 05:59 AM   #165 (permalink)
Location: Minnesota
Originally Posted by BulletBob
The cat scene in The Boondock Saints

Lobby Shootout in The Matrix

Liqour Store scene in SLC Punk
Haha, the cat scene was hilarious.

Also, at the end of The Usual Suspects, when Kevin spacey suddenly loses his clubfoot while walking...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, when it switches to Jim Carrey crying in his car after the introduction to the movie and Beck is playing on the radio...Jim Carrey rules.
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Old 07-20-2005, 12:02 PM   #166 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
I would have to go with Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate in "Life of Brian", as he describes, with a lisp, that he has a friend back in Rome named Biggus Dickus.
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Old 07-20-2005, 12:26 PM   #167 (permalink)
Professional Loafer
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Location: texas
The dinner scene in Wedding Crashers where Vince Vaughn is getting jacked off under the table.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."
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Old 07-20-2005, 04:04 PM   #168 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme
I've always loved the scene in Fried Green Tomatoes when Kathy Bates crashes the hell out of the VW beetle, and the the girls freaking out when the see it. "Face it lady, we're younger and faster!" ... "Face it girls, I'm older and have more insurance" HAHA classic!!
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 07-20-2005, 04:49 PM   #169 (permalink)
loving the curves
kramus's Avatar
Location: my Lady's manor
I don't know if anyone has mentioned the scene in "Big Trouble in Little China" at the start, where Wang goes to chop a beer bottle in half with a cleaver and instead it spits across the table. Where Jack (Kurt Russell) nabs it real casual like, one handed, and says

"It's all in the reflexes, Wang."

Apparently that was just one of those things, and was included in the movie because it was so totally priceless.

(if he hadn't buggered his shoulder on a routine grounder throw Russel was on his way to playing 2nd base in the big leagues, or so goes the story)
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
I'm going with this - if you like artwork visit http://markfineart.ca
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Old 07-20-2005, 05:08 PM   #170 (permalink)
Location: Austin....Austin, Massachusetts
the esacpe scene from shawshank redemption....
"he crawled through a mile of shit and came out clean on the other side"
what a amazing scene...sometimes i just watch the movie and skip to that scene
"I have no idea whats going on"
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Old 07-20-2005, 06:33 PM   #171 (permalink)
Alien Anthropologist
hunnychile's Avatar
Location: Between Boredom and Nirvana
At the end of "The Graduate" when Dustin Hoffman madly runs upstairs into the church balcony and screams "Elaine! ELAINE!!" as he is wildly pounding on the glass and Elaine turns and looks up from up front from the pulpit of the church, -where she just about tie the knot & she tosses her flowers to her groom (while at the same time her mom "Mrs. Robison" looks up in shock & horrow)...and then Elaine runs out of the church to get to Benjamin...
"I need compassion, understanding and chocolate." - NJB

Last edited by hunnychile; 07-20-2005 at 06:36 PM..
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Old 07-20-2005, 10:22 PM   #172 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
Reading through the other answers my mind is mostly focused on those scends, thus, I am unable think of any but this:

In, "Fools Rush In", when the chihuahua darts out of the house, the in laws ask, "Was that a squirrel?!?"
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Old 08-04-2005, 03:39 PM   #173 (permalink)
#1 Irish Fan
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Location: The Burgh
Requiem For A Dream- the final scene where everyone has hit rock bottom and their lifes are ruined due to the drugs... its such a powerfull scene
Fuck Ohio
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Old 08-07-2005, 01:05 PM   #174 (permalink)
Republican slayer
Hardknock's Avatar
Location: WA
Anything with big floppy titties.

I'm easy.
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Old 08-07-2005, 11:36 PM   #175 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
pulpfiction - the coffee scene with Jimmy. i have it on mp3... "did you see a sign in front of my house that said dead nigga storage?"
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Old 08-08-2005, 01:40 AM   #176 (permalink)
ZenFilthPig's Avatar
Location: Here. No, not there... here.
I agree with Kramus in regards to Big Trouble in Little China.
But I'd have to go with the whole "If we're not back by morning.... call the President." speech. It would be followed up closely by the start of the fight at Lo-Pans wedding, when Jack fires his machine gun into the air and the falling rubble knocks him out.

Ahh slapstick... makes me chuckle everytime.
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Old 08-09-2005, 10:30 AM   #177 (permalink)
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
I replied to this a long time a long time ago, but I have some more to add, some of which have already been said by other people.

Spoiler warnings for all, movie titles in bold so you can glance at any to avoid.

Collateral - the scene with the coyotes crossing the street with Audioslave - Shadow on the Sun softly coming in to the background. The expressions on their faces are perfect as is their silence throught this and the next minute or so. I often put the DVD in just to watch this one scene.

Apollo 13 - the countdown and launch, very powerful scene, another that I can watch indpendent of the rest of the film. Even with a few (small) parts of the special effects starting to show their time, the way it is filmed is perfect. I love the "go / no-go" check in mission control right beforehand just as much also.

Garden State - the party scene where he just sits there while everything else is going on around him.
The Great Escape - When they found Tom, also when they line everyone up in the field near the end
The Godfather - When Michael is planning out the killing of the police captain in the family office. It shows him starting to take on the mantle of his old man despite his brother technically being in charge of everything. Also, when Don Corleone finally asks the undertaker for his favor.
Closer - the scene in the strip club. And not just because its Natalie Portman stripping (doesn't hurt), but the dialogue and acting is perfect for that scene, especially after you see the end of the film
Bad Santa - "I beat the shit out of some kids today ... It made me feel good about myself." Also, the "fuck me Santa!" scene.
Children of Dune - eh, its a miniseries, but close enough. The ending of part one (which covered the Dune: Messiah book) with the montage showing the settling of the affairs with the song in the background (Inama Shurif). Also, the scene in part 3 where he finally gets a chance to talk to his father while sitting on the dune
Return of the King - as someone else said, the lighting of the beacons scene. beautifully made.
The Two Towers - When Treebeard sees the destruction and yells out and all the other Ents come out of the forest for their last march and the assault on Isengard. The music there is perfect as well.
Leon: The Professional - also one someone else said, when Gary Oldman asks for everyone and, when questioned about it, screams "EVVVERRRYYYYONNNNNEEE!" Immediately followed by the countless police cars screaming in from every direction.

Damn I have a lot of favorite scenes.
...And then I found $5!
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Old 08-09-2005, 11:09 AM   #178 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
<B>Terminator 2: Judgment Day</B> - The beginning of T2 when the terminator is walking down the hall towards John Connor with T-1000 on the other side of him. John doesn't know which way to go. The terminator takes a pump action shotgun out of the roses box he had, steps on the roses as they fall to the floor and protects John as T-1000 begins to shoot at him. The T-1000 theme playing during that scene is basically what I think of when I remember that incredible movie.

<B>Matrix Reloaded</B> - The scene starting with the balcony scene (Neo fighting the Merovingian's protectors) all the way through the end of the highway scene. That might be the best action scene in any movie I've ever seen.

<B>Matrix Revolutions</B> - When the Hammer hovercraft is flying through the maintenance ducts with hundreds of sentinels trying to stop it, finally bursting through the dock doors and EMP'ing thousands of remaining sentinels attacking Zion.

<B>Heat</B> - The shootout after they rob the bank at the end.

<B>Ronin</B> - When DeNiro and Reno's characters shoot the car carrying the briefcase with a grenade launcher. The following car chase is incredible too.

<B>Return of the King</B> - When King Aragorn is thanking the hobbits for their trek to destroy the ring at the Huge White City® (never read the books) in front of the massive audience.

<B>Collateral</B> - When Max is talking to Vincent's boss and completely fakes being a hitman to gain respect.

<B>Sin City</B> - The scene when the cops first try to capture Marv for supposedly killing Goldie. Basically any scene involving Dwight (Clive Owen).

<B>Closer</B> - Any scene with Clive Owen's character. I've seen him in two movies and he's already one of my favorite actors.

<B>Spiderman 2</B> - When Peter Parker and Octavius are talking about science at his house. This entire scene is incredible because it shows how alike both characters are when not in their "superhero" form.

<B>Spiderman 2</B> - When Parker (in the Spidey suit with no mask) rescues Mary Jane from the falling wall at the end. Instead of making it a cheesy rescue with big muscles, Parker simply says, "This is really heavy."

I'm sure I'll think of more later.

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 08-09-2005, 11:48 AM   #179 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
Redjake's Avatar
Location: Wilson, NC
Boondock Saints - "And there was a FIRE FIGHT!"
Boondock Saints - When Smecker turns on his classical music while going through the first crime scene with the Russians. Particularly, when the camera follows Smecker down the alley as his hands 'conduct' the music on the cd player as he walks. Perfect.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - When Arnold has the minigun in the Cyberdyne building. The way that scene is built up isn't 'macho.' It's just one of those 'I didn't want to shoot this thing but you are leaving me no choice. Run and hide.' things. It's also perfect.
X-Men 2 - Nightcrawler in the first 5 minutes in the White House. BEAUTIFULLY choreographed, beautifully ORCHESTRATED, perfect special effects. When I saw that in the theater I knew this movie was going to kick ass from then on.
War of the Worlds - When the tripods first come out of the ground in that first scene in Boston. Cutting through buildings and vaporizing humans like it's nothing. That whole scene I just didn't know what to do. Amazing.
The Blues Brothers - I could go on and on for this movie. It's my favorite movie of all time. My extreme favorites: "This place has everything!" Car chase in the mall. Also "The use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues brothers has been approved." Those two massive car chases in that part of the movie are just comical and perfect. The entire Ray Charles scene with the "I'll even throw in the black keys for free" line is one of my favorites too.
Return of the Jedi - the epic lightsaber battle between Luke and Darth Vader. Mark Hamill seriously looks like he is pissed at Darth Vader like he killed his dog. The way he swings that lightsaber when he cuts off Vader's hand looks like there was a behind-the-scene grudge.
The Matrix - Minigun on the helicopter scene. I almost soiled myself in the theater when that puppy came hovering down with Neo on mounted on the minigun. Agent Smith: "Noooo."
The Matrix Reloaded - Agent Johnson jumping from one car onto the other car to get to the Cadillac Trinity, the Keymaker and Morpheus were in. My mouth drops every single fucking time I see that scene. That car gets fucking mashed into the ground. I skip to this part every once in a while to get a fix.
Leon (The Professional) - "EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!" Gary Oldman is a fucking psycho.
The Two Towers - Helm's Deep scene. "LEGOLAS BRING HIM DOWN!" Orc guy runs into the dynamite bridge and lights it. One of the best explosions in cinematic history. I don't care if it was in the book, that scene is a favorite.
Ronin - Sean Bean's shortlived performance. "'BOUT GOT TURNED INTO A BIT OF RASPBERRY JAM BACK THERE YEAH!" Also, the car chases in this movie put all others to shame. And DeNiro getting out of that Mercedes with the grenade launcher like he was spreading mayo onto a sandwich for his kid.
Heat - bank shootout scene. This scene seriously gives me the creeps for how accurate (or at least how I think a real shoot out would be) it is. Val Kilmer fucking OWNS in this scene.
The Matrix - When Neo finds himself in the Real World in the body harvest area. The camera pans up from the columns of human cells with the electricity reverberating up and down the columns, the epic music blasting. Brings a tear to me eye.
Army of Darkness - When Ash climbs out of the pit in the beginning. "Who wants to have a little." The first time I saw that scene I seriously started tearing up I was laughing so hard. The ending scene of the theatrical release (the unlimited ammo shotgun and "Hail to the King, baby." line) is one of my favorites also.
Men in Black - In the morgue. "Notice anything weird?" "Nope." "Doctor the organs are missing." "Well yeah I mean wherever they are, they are intact, there's no pieces. Wherever they are they're whole....."

WOW I could go on and on
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 08-09-2005, 06:08 PM   #180 (permalink)
spongy's Avatar
More from me...

The Princess Bride Grandpa saying "As you Wish" at the end ... it is worth noting that my wife said that to me in her vows.

T2: Judgment Day When John says the cops are here.. how many... "all of them I think"

LOTR Fellowship of The Ring contains probably my favorite moment ever in cinema.... Gandalf the Grey standing his ground against the Balrog and yelling.. "You shall not PASS!!!" goose bumps for meesa. I also like the next few minutes.. highlights include gandalfs last (live) words in the film "fly you fools", and Boromir's expression and inflection of "for pity's sake."
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Stephen King
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Old 08-09-2005, 09:16 PM   #181 (permalink)
Location: Southern California
One of my favorite scenes is from "Steel Magnolias", the cemetary scene where Sally Field starts "WHY?WHY?" (gets me every time!)

And National Lampoons Vacation (the first one). When the family wants to go home after dopping off the dead aunt and Chevy Chase insists they are all going to have some Fucking Fun!-- great movie
"There's one in every family...two in mine actually.."--- Zazu
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Old 08-09-2005, 09:30 PM   #182 (permalink)
bad craziness
m0rpheus's Avatar
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Originally Posted by Speed_Gibson
Casablanca - at the end where they exchange those looks and then the police chief says that immortal line "Round up the usual suspects"
Gotta agree with you on this one.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Old 08-10-2005, 01:55 AM   #183 (permalink)
Bang bang
Spartak's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Just after watching some films:

Taxi Driver - Pow/You talking to me/Marty in the back of Travis' cab with the revolver.

Platoon - When Chris walks into the tent with all the potheads, and they are all smoking weed, playing around, listening to mo'town, then across the tent he sees Elias in a hammock eating a banana, Elias then gives him a sly wave of the hand. He later uses his M16 as an improvised pipe to get Chris stoned. This is immediately contrasted by the scene with the other platoon guys, generally being lame, drinking hard liquor and listening to country music.

Apocalypse Now - "Shit... I'm still in Saigon", and the whole spaz out in the room complete with punching the mirror. Whats even cooler is how Martin Sheen was actually in a drunken stupour for the entire scene.

Dr Strangelove - Muffley's improvised phone call to the Sovier Premier.
I can read your mind... looking at you... I can read your mind...
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Old 08-11-2005, 02:13 PM   #184 (permalink)
WoW or Class...
BigGov's Avatar
Location: UWW
Too many to list, most of them already have been but it's too hard to quote them all. Some highlights:

Pulp Fiction - Vincent with his finger on the trigger in the car, when I first saw the movie as a person who has been around guns for a large portion of his life I saw that and immediately thought "That is such a stupid idea, if Jules goes over a bump he'll probably-" (cut to 5 minutes of laughter)

Fight Club - where Norton fights his Boss.

The Usual Suspects - The ending where the detective puts it all together too late. (Also a great idea to pull if you're in a situation where you have to lie...but that's another story)

Saving Private Ryan - The first 30 minutes.

American History X - The basketball scene, it cemented in everyone's mind why Derek Vinyard was a hero to the neo-nazi's.

Braveheart - All the battle scenes...with a 750 of Jameson...45 minutes before English class...
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage, three flies landed in each of their pints. The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink but then held it out over the beer and yelled "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU BASTARD!"
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Old 08-11-2005, 04:25 PM   #185 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
<B>Saving Private Ryan</B> - The first D-Day invasion of course, but especially the end battle against the tanks trying to cross the bridge.

<B>Collateral</B> - The club Fever shootout.

<B>8-Mile</B> - The end flow scene when B-Rabbit completely bashes himself to ruin his opponent's chance.

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 08-12-2005, 11:11 AM   #186 (permalink)
"Love Actually"-the wedding song being played by audience members

"Princess Bride"-when Wesley rolls down the hill saying "As you wish" and then the princess goes after him

"Dogma"-Mooby slaughter scene

"Joy Luck Club"-last 15 mintues when family is reunited
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

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Old 08-12-2005, 02:18 PM   #187 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
Church's Avatar
Location: New Jersey
The Boondock Saints - The scene where DeFoe is reciting the final gunfight scene between the brothers and their dad set to classical music.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:20 PM   #188 (permalink)
Location: Calgary, AB

At the end, when the people standing in the coleseum are told to 'honour him' and the group circles Maximus and carries him out.
As soon as you stop living, you start dying....
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Old 08-14-2005, 06:51 AM   #189 (permalink)
RogueHunter65's Avatar
Location: Boston, MA
American Beauty

The part where Lester (Spacey) drives his remote control car into his wife's leg when she goes to ask him about the new car he bought. And he says that it is a 1970 pontiac firebird, the car he always wanted, raises his fist in the air in triumph and simply says, "I rule".
I suffer from amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I have forgotten this before
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Old 08-14-2005, 10:48 AM   #190 (permalink)
Catdaddy33's Avatar
Location: TN
Pulp Fiction -- my fav movie and full of great moments, best being the interaction between Vincent and Jules..

Fargo -- "so I assume that was your accomplice in the wood chipper"

Saving Private Ryan -- The D-Day invasion was breathtaking, the ending at the graveyard had me crying like a school girl...

Alien -- chest-burster scene
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Old 08-16-2005, 12:53 PM   #191 (permalink)
Location: Columbia, MO

This scene is a wonderful scene to a great movie. His rage and his mental state dwelling to one explosive fight with the pimps. At the beginning of this scene when he first shoots Harvey Keitel and just sits on the stoop for a while always makes me wonder what is going on in his mind whether he is preparing himself for the fight or wondering what to do next or if he is realizing what he has gotten himself into.

"I hate quotations. Tell me about yourself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I feel sorry for the failed lives of everyone who can sum up their experiences in one small quote." MINE! (but thats what I think Ralphie was trying to get at ^up there^
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Old 08-16-2005, 03:48 PM   #192 (permalink)
Sugarmouse's Avatar
Location: Preston lancs(i know i know)
when Salma Hayek has thhe guy drink whiskey from her foot in From Dusk Till Dawn..i would love to be the guy..lol or to look likeher myself!!! its a very sexy scene i think
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Old 08-19-2005, 03:38 AM   #193 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
Lucifer's Avatar
Location: Nova Scotia
BTW..."The sleeper must awaken"

Yeah, I agree with that one, right after Paul drinks the water of Life. sends shivers up my spine every time.
BUT the hands down best ending to a movie is the end of HEAT when Pacino is holding DeNiro's hand as he dies. And the score is great too!
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

1123, 6536, 5321
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Old 08-21-2005, 12:30 PM   #194 (permalink)
Location: Greenwood, Arkansas
Almost all the ones that have come to mind have been covered to this point, but I didn't see this one:

ROUNDERS--The two poker scenes, especially the last one where Matt Damon's character says "I can bust you up all night" to Teddy KGB.


A Voice Of Reason, not necessarily the ONLY one.
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Old 08-21-2005, 11:00 PM   #195 (permalink)
bad craziness
m0rpheus's Avatar
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Originally Posted by rs8001
Bladerunner "time to die" scene. Not expecting it to happan this way, really made the movie.
Ack! How could I forget the Tears in the Rain speech by Baty??? I love that scene.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Old 08-23-2005, 04:55 PM   #196 (permalink)
meembo's Avatar
Location: Connecticut
The last ten minutes of "The Last of the Mohicans" (with Daniel Day Lewis). Between the beautiful and majestic mountains, the music with the heartbeat pulse, the chase, the dramatic fight for life and love, and the fights to the death -- it's a perfect cinematic climax. I sat watching it for the 20th time with goosebumps all over again.
less I say, smarter I am
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Old 09-05-2005, 09:57 AM   #197 (permalink)
Pulp Fiction - Samuel L. Jackson reciting ezekiel.
Good the Bad the Ugly - The standoff at the end.
Memento - the very last scene ("Now where was I...")
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Old 09-05-2005, 09:41 PM   #198 (permalink)
Telluride's Avatar
Location: California
Raiders of the Lost Ark: When Indiana Jones is confronted by the swordsman in the market in Cairo, and he casually draws his pistol and shoots the guy.

The Boondock Saints: The bar fight scene.

Black Hawk Down: The two man rescue team, where the two soldiers try to defend the Black Hawk helicopter that had been shot down.

Army Of Darkness: Ash vs. Evil Ash, "Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun."

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie: The fight between Spike Spiegel and Elektra, when Spike uses the broom as a weapon.

The Big Lebowski: At the end when Walter tries to scatter Donny's ashes into the sea, but the wind blows the ashes back into The Dude's face.

Saving Private Ryan: During the battle at the end, when Private Jackson (the sniper) was reciting religious verses while gunning down German soldiers.

Reservoir Dogs: Mr. Blonde and the ear.
"I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice." - Friedrich Hayek
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Old 09-06-2005, 04:21 AM   #199 (permalink)
de Niro (bad guy) and Pacino (detective) in 'Heat', when they finally meet face to face in a diner after Pacino has spent most of the movie tracking down de Niro. Awesome acting and presence from two of the greatest. I don't think I've seen a better scene.
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