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Old 08-09-2005, 11:48 AM   #179 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
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Location: Wilson, NC
Boondock Saints - "And there was a FIRE FIGHT!"
Boondock Saints - When Smecker turns on his classical music while going through the first crime scene with the Russians. Particularly, when the camera follows Smecker down the alley as his hands 'conduct' the music on the cd player as he walks. Perfect.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - When Arnold has the minigun in the Cyberdyne building. The way that scene is built up isn't 'macho.' It's just one of those 'I didn't want to shoot this thing but you are leaving me no choice. Run and hide.' things. It's also perfect.
X-Men 2 - Nightcrawler in the first 5 minutes in the White House. BEAUTIFULLY choreographed, beautifully ORCHESTRATED, perfect special effects. When I saw that in the theater I knew this movie was going to kick ass from then on.
War of the Worlds - When the tripods first come out of the ground in that first scene in Boston. Cutting through buildings and vaporizing humans like it's nothing. That whole scene I just didn't know what to do. Amazing.
The Blues Brothers - I could go on and on for this movie. It's my favorite movie of all time. My extreme favorites: "This place has everything!" Car chase in the mall. Also "The use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues brothers has been approved." Those two massive car chases in that part of the movie are just comical and perfect. The entire Ray Charles scene with the "I'll even throw in the black keys for free" line is one of my favorites too.
Return of the Jedi - the epic lightsaber battle between Luke and Darth Vader. Mark Hamill seriously looks like he is pissed at Darth Vader like he killed his dog. The way he swings that lightsaber when he cuts off Vader's hand looks like there was a behind-the-scene grudge.
The Matrix - Minigun on the helicopter scene. I almost soiled myself in the theater when that puppy came hovering down with Neo on mounted on the minigun. Agent Smith: "Noooo."
The Matrix Reloaded - Agent Johnson jumping from one car onto the other car to get to the Cadillac Trinity, the Keymaker and Morpheus were in. My mouth drops every single fucking time I see that scene. That car gets fucking mashed into the ground. I skip to this part every once in a while to get a fix.
Leon (The Professional) - "EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!" Gary Oldman is a fucking psycho.
The Two Towers - Helm's Deep scene. "LEGOLAS BRING HIM DOWN!" Orc guy runs into the dynamite bridge and lights it. One of the best explosions in cinematic history. I don't care if it was in the book, that scene is a favorite.
Ronin - Sean Bean's shortlived performance. "'BOUT GOT TURNED INTO A BIT OF RASPBERRY JAM BACK THERE YEAH!" Also, the car chases in this movie put all others to shame. And DeNiro getting out of that Mercedes with the grenade launcher like he was spreading mayo onto a sandwich for his kid.
Heat - bank shootout scene. This scene seriously gives me the creeps for how accurate (or at least how I think a real shoot out would be) it is. Val Kilmer fucking OWNS in this scene.
The Matrix - When Neo finds himself in the Real World in the body harvest area. The camera pans up from the columns of human cells with the electricity reverberating up and down the columns, the epic music blasting. Brings a tear to me eye.
Army of Darkness - When Ash climbs out of the pit in the beginning. "Who wants to have a little." The first time I saw that scene I seriously started tearing up I was laughing so hard. The ending scene of the theatrical release (the unlimited ammo shotgun and "Hail to the King, baby." line) is one of my favorites also.
Men in Black - In the morgue. "Notice anything weird?" "Nope." "Doctor the organs are missing." "Well yeah I mean wherever they are, they are intact, there's no pieces. Wherever they are they're whole....."

WOW I could go on and on
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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