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Old 03-08-2005, 09:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
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Yeastie-Beasties: 1, 3, or 7-day treatment?

Hi ladies,

This is a branch of the other thread I started in the Sexuality forum... http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=84880

It seems that my painful intercourse can be attributed to a yeast infection, even though I'm not very itchy and it's still freezing outside (usually I only get them in the summer). I've heard that birth control bears some of the blame... has anyone else experienced this? Since starting to have sex and being on birth control in the last year, I've had about 4-5 yeast infections. This seems like a lot to me, but I'd like to hear input from other women if possible.

So I got the 3-day generic Monistat (miconazole) stuff, which is what I've always done in the past. I'm curious though if anyone has had success with 1-day treatments? I heard that they don't work as well. Or on the other side, do the 7-day treatments work better (especially if you have them frequently like I do)? My doctor has given me a one-dose pill in the past, but this hasn't always worked well for me, so I stick with the 3-day.

Right now I'm at my bf's house for spring break (3 hours apart) and our usually lively sex life is being put on hold for half of my vacation, so that's why I'm asking about the 1-day treatment.

Thanks for any tips.
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Old 03-08-2005, 09:59 PM   #2 (permalink)
Fade out
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I had this problem for years, sex caused me to always get itchy, feel irritated . . . turns out my vaginal PH is very sensitive to any kind of sexual activity . . . i was always getting yeast infections because my PH was off from having sex, it was misery for a whole year until i saw a gyno. that has the exact Same problem herself . . . She pointed me to the solution that she herself uses . . . so now i put in a capsule of "boric acid" afterwards (like 5 bucks for two months worth and no need for prescription) every time we have sex and i haven't had a yeast infection except for maybe once a year . . . turns out, a fair percentage of woman have this problem and just keep medicating for yeast infections and don't know that it's just a very simple PH issue . . .

Just thought i would point that out to you, not that you have a PH issue . . . but it's worth considering if you treat alot for yeast infections because PH issues are very common . . .

Now onto my two cents on actual Yeast infection meds:
Go to the doctor . . . and get a presciption for "diflucan" . . (say if just like it's spelled)

I have a standing prescription with my doc. Anytime i feel an infection coming on . . . i pop that little pill and feel better within hours, no mess, no fuss, just a pill that works for three days and makes you feel better immediately . . .

For years, i used monistat, the one dose, the three day dose and the 7 day dose and it feels like it takes forever . . . Trust me, i know It's a little work to see the doc. But it's SOOOOOOOO much easier and you're in agony less long using the presciption pill . . .

That being said, since you're at your BF's house and prolly can't get to the gyno. right now . . . go with the one day dose and have some fun

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Last edited by sweetpea; 03-10-2005 at 01:32 PM..
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Old 03-09-2005, 12:42 AM   #3 (permalink)
actually, i have never had a symptomatic yeast infection in my life. i know they are quite common, but i've never experienced it. once i did get a call from the dr saying there was a little yeast in my urine, asked if i had any symptoms and when i said no, just said ok, if you have any let me know!

but, i did have a friend in college with chronic yeast infections. i mean, all the time--i really felt bad for her. (shame we aren't still in touch, i'd pass on sweetpea's suggestion!) she swore by diflucan (fluconazole) as well.
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Old 03-09-2005, 02:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I get them every now and again and I've found that using generic Clotriminazole (sp?) cream with oral acidophilus works best. If you go to any GNC they sell active acidophilus. You'd be surprised how fast the yeasties clear up once you start taking that. You can also use it as you would use an ovule and insert it into your vagina. The above combo cleared up a persistent infection after Monistat had failed to do so twice.
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Old 03-09-2005, 07:54 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Thanks for the tips... I'll definitely try some of these remedies on my next go-round with yeast.

Sweetpea, you put in the boric acid EVERY time you have sex? For me, that might be 3 times a day (since my bf and I only see each other on weekends)! Or do you put it in after your "last act" of the night? I am interested in the pH issue, though. Will check it out at my annual exam in May.

bad jane, count yourself lucky!!

onesnowyowl, I've heard some people suggest drinking acidophilus milk and/or yogurt often to prevent infections... do you do this also?

For now I'm on the 3-day treatment and hoping it will work. And I have tried Diflucan a few times (I mentioned in the OP that I used a 1-day pill, but forgot the name), but it didn't seem to work last time so I went back to the generic Monistat.
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Old 03-09-2005, 08:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I get one every single time I get put on an anti biotic....never had a problem because of my bc pills. Monistat is uneffective for me...I've never tried diflucan....Yogurt works for me, it never ever fails.....If I get a yeast infection I eat 3 containers a day (one with breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and its cleared up within 2 days.

Most of the time I try to remember to eat one container before I take the first pill....but thats not always possible. There is something about the active yogurt cultures that fight yeast infections.

I know when I was younger my doctor used to tell me that having sex before the infection was gone because you can transmit it to your partner and he can carry it and give it right back to you...I cant remember the name of it but there was a cream ex hubby used to use, just a topical rubbed on his dick for a few days, when I'd had a yeast infection
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Old 03-09-2005, 10:37 AM   #7 (permalink)
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I have only had a few yeast infections. Since I started taking acidophilous a few times a week I haven't had any. I now frequently get Bacterial infections. We believe that this all began when hubby got sick with Staph in his lungs while in the hospital. Since then he's battled some bacterial skin infections and we suspect that the staph is a systemic resident. This means that I'm constantly exposed to it. Especially when we have sex. At one point while he was on antibiotics he didn't have any more symptoms for a long while and the whole time that he was symptom free I didn't get any new BV infections. I use a Vaginal Fungal prescription cream. I have an ongoing presciption with the Dr and can just refill whenever I notice the symptoms coming back.

I know your deal is fungal but here's why I mention my type of infection. According to my Dr and other medical sources, apparently BV is as common or even moreso than yeast infections. The symptoms are somewhat similar but there is a distinctive oder that you will get with BV. If you self medicate for Yeast but it's BV or combined with BV as is fairly common apparently then you open yourself up for a really serious BV infection. BV is a common source of abnormal PAP results (I've been a victim of those) and can contribute to more serious sexual health problems. If you haven't seen a Dr for yeast infections ever I STRONGLY suggest that you see a Dr. The Diflucan sounds great and if this is yeasties then it would be worth it to see your Dr for this. I have personally used the 1-day Monostat as well as the 3 and 7 of both monostat and generic kinds. The 1-day types are much stronger medication and thus potentially more irritating. I found that the generic 1-day ones were more irritating. The 3 day were useless to me - didn't turn out as effective as the 7 day and I figured what 4 more days when I've been doing it for 3 already. The Monostat vaginal itch cream that comes in the combo 1-day pack does a number on me. First time I put it on it felt like I'd put on icyhot almost - it burned. I never used it again. Not sure why it did that for me when it's supposed to be SOOTHING. Wierd.

Well there's my experience. To sum it up I suggest that you Check it out with a Doc and/or use the 1-day and try taking those acidophilous pills - they do work wonders.
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Old 03-09-2005, 10:57 AM   #8 (permalink)
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ShaniFaye, is that yogurt a special kind, or just any yogurt? Also, can your man still re-infect you if he's wearing a condom? My bf wears one every time, so maybe we don't need to use the cream.

Raeanna thanks for the info on BV, I'd read about it before but hope I don't have it, since I don't notice an odor (can you describe the odor though, just in case?). Also, where do I get acidophilus pills, and do I need a doctor to check me out before starting those?

I've seen a doctor a couple times for yeast, like I said they usually prescribe Diflucan but it hasn't always worked for me. Maybe next time I will try 1-day Monistat (not generic) and hope it works... I'd do the 7-day now except that like I said, I'm on a week's vacation with my bf and we hardly see each other otherwise... so I'm reluctant to nix sex for the whole time. Let's hope the 3-day works for now.

So no one has a connection between their birth control and yeasties? I've seen this connection in the literature that comes with both my bc and yeast meds... but no one has mentioned it yet.
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Old 03-09-2005, 11:07 AM   #9 (permalink)
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I've started getting yeast infections since I started the Pill, so they definitely contribute to them. Abaya, a BV infection smells fishy, very nasty smelling.

I've tried the three day and the one day...I felt like the three day worked better than the one day did. It probably boils down to each womans body in that respect though.

Thanks everyone else for the tips though, I'm going to have to start taking acidophilus now for prevention.
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Old 03-09-2005, 11:23 AM   #10 (permalink)
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I just eat yoplait or dannon.....nothing special....as long as it has active yogurt cultures thats all you need.....and no if you use condoms every single time you prob dont need o worry about that
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Old 03-09-2005, 11:27 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I love my yogurt....this may be a good reason to start eating a cup every day!!!!
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Old 03-09-2005, 12:29 PM   #12 (permalink)
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ohh i might actually be having the same problem but i never thought it could be yeast because i'm not itchy at all and i have no white discharge :/ i'll try some of this stuff ..thanks
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Old 03-09-2005, 05:44 PM   #13 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Originally Posted by abaya
Sweetpea, you put in the boric acid EVERY time you have sex? For me, that might be 3 times a day (since my bf and I only see each other on weekends)! Or do you put it in after your "last act" of the night? I am interested in the pH issue, though. Will check it out at my annual exam in May.

Just once a day, at night, before i go to bed . . . seriously, i would ask your gyno., it's very common to have PH issues and you can even not have a problem with one BF but have it with another because men's cum is more acidic in some men etc . . .

Hope you are feeling better, those suck to have!!

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Old 03-10-2005, 06:16 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abaya
can you describe the odor though, just in case?
There isn't always an odor. Some woman can have BV that shows up with abnormal cells in a PAP (only because of the inflammation it causes) but yet they have no symptoms that they are aware of. When the BV gets reall back for me the odor smells like old fish - strongly. Hubby has even smelled it when he's been in the bathroom and I'm going - it can be that strong. Also I get a cottage cheese discharge when it's bad. The itching is my first symptom though.

Acidophilous - you could talk to your Dr about it. I've told my Dr's when I've been taking it. I've had an equal number (2 and 2) tell me that it's not important or tell me that it's a good idea. There have been tests on it and it seems to not CURE Yeasties on it's own very easily but they will admit that it can be good at preventing them. I got my capsules off the suppliment shelf at Walmart. I've seen them at more than one pharmacy. The benefit to them is that they number of active acidophilous cultures are much more than any one container of yogurt (which you have to check to make sure the container says "ACTIVE cultures") and are easier to take if you're not absolutely crazy about yogurt. I like yogurt but don't want to eat it every day. I have heard that keeping your capsules in the fridge is better to preserve them but I keep mine in the cupboard. Just don't expose them to too much heat or it'll kill the cultures. The acidophilous is also helpful in preventing UTI's because it helps prevent the growth of bacterial in you digestive tract. I have fewer digestive upsets when I'm faithful in taking the capsules.

I forgot to mention that my Dr suggested I used a Boric acid to wash my genitals when I had a UTI and BV combined. There's another vote for Boric acid.
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Last edited by raeanna74; 03-10-2005 at 06:18 AM..
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Old 03-10-2005, 11:59 AM   #15 (permalink)
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I've had problems on and off for a while now, with yeast, BV, cystitis, and it sucks. My gynecologist said I'm just sensitive and it's interesting to hear about this boric acid stuff. I'll talk to her about it. I have done gyno-pevaryl ovules a few times to treat the yeast infections and it's quite good, three day thing. Also my gynecologist said she advised me to always use condoms even though I'm on the pill, and my boyfriend is longterm, because it just protects you from these annoying little problems. I hate condoms...but ah well, she said she even recommends it for married couples sometimes. Don't you think that's weird?
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
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Old 03-10-2005, 12:08 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Tippler, what are gyno-pevaryl ovules? Never heard of those before. I'm beginning to think that I'm "just sensitive" too, like your gyno said about you. Dammit, as if I'm not sensitive enough in general, now I have to add vaginal infections to my list of "issues." :P

About the condom thing... if ShaniFaye is right about her man reinfecting her at the end of her treatment, then the condom usage could be a very good idea. Personally my bf and I use condoms every time now, even though I've been on the patch for about a year. I've heard that some people absolutely hate condoms and others just see them as a minor annoyance... are you sensitive to the latex or are there other reasons why you dislike them?

And to everyone else: do you ever get "cuts" in your vulvar area (in the folds, cracks, etc) during an infection? I've gotten two in the last few days. I heard someone else talk about "fissures" being related to yeast infections, but am wondering if anyone else knows about this or has experienced it. I just want it all to stop!!!
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Old 03-10-2005, 07:35 PM   #17 (permalink)
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My Dr told me that fissures were common with BV and yeasties. They're caused by the inflammation that pulls and stretches the tissues.

As for the reinfection thing. They actually prescribed some medication for hubby that he took while I as being treated for the BV. It helped me go a long while with no infections.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 03-11-2005, 03:19 AM   #18 (permalink)
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I don't know if it's available in the states, Gyno-pevaryl ovules are just another anti-fungal treatment. I get the combipack, which is 3 ovules you insert in your vagina for 3 days in a row, and then also apply the cream that comes with it, and keep applying the cream until you've used it all. It works well. But I seem to have recurrent problems, at least recently it's been happening way too often. But htis also relates to the fact that I take medicine permanently for ulcerative colitis, which really messes up my hormones and makes me a lot more prone to infections, so I suppose what you all said about the pill makes sense.

As for condoms, I'm just generally sensitive down there, they seem to cause unpleasant friction, even with lube, also my boyfriend has more trouble coming with them on.

Fissures, I think that was my post you must have read because I mentioned them before. I've had them with yeast infections. It's pretty common, especially if your skin there is sensitive.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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7day, treatment, yeastiebeasties

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