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Old 03-09-2005, 10:57 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Iceland
ShaniFaye, is that yogurt a special kind, or just any yogurt? Also, can your man still re-infect you if he's wearing a condom? My bf wears one every time, so maybe we don't need to use the cream.

Raeanna thanks for the info on BV, I'd read about it before but hope I don't have it, since I don't notice an odor (can you describe the odor though, just in case?). Also, where do I get acidophilus pills, and do I need a doctor to check me out before starting those?

I've seen a doctor a couple times for yeast, like I said they usually prescribe Diflucan but it hasn't always worked for me. Maybe next time I will try 1-day Monistat (not generic) and hope it works... I'd do the 7-day now except that like I said, I'm on a week's vacation with my bf and we hardly see each other otherwise... so I'm reluctant to nix sex for the whole time. Let's hope the 3-day works for now.

So no one has a connection between their birth control and yeasties? I've seen this connection in the literature that comes with both my bc and yeast meds... but no one has mentioned it yet.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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