I had this problem for years, sex caused me to always get itchy, feel irritated . . . turns out my vaginal PH is very sensitive to any kind of sexual activity . . . i was always getting yeast infections because my PH was off from having sex, it was misery for a whole year until i saw a gyno. that has the exact Same problem herself . . . She pointed me to the solution that she herself uses . . . so now i put in a capsule of "boric acid" afterwards (like 5 bucks for two months worth and no need for prescription) every time we have sex and i haven't had a yeast infection except for maybe once a year . . . turns out, a fair percentage of woman have this problem and just keep medicating for yeast infections and don't know that it's just a very simple PH issue . . .
Just thought i would point that out to you, not that you have a PH issue . . . but it's worth considering if you treat alot for yeast infections because PH issues are very common . . .
Now onto my two cents on actual Yeast infection meds:
Go to the doctor . . . and get a presciption for "diflucan" . . (say if just like it's spelled)
I have a standing prescription with my doc. Anytime i feel an infection coming on . . . i pop that little pill and feel better within hours, no mess, no fuss, just a pill that works for three days and makes you feel better immediately . . .
For years, i used monistat, the one dose, the three day dose and the 7 day dose and it feels like it takes forever . . . Trust me, i know It's a little work to see the doc. But it's SOOOOOOOO much easier and you're in agony less long using the presciption pill . . .
That being said, since you're at your BF's house and prolly can't get to the gyno. right now . . . go with the one day dose and have some fun