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Old 02-08-2007, 11:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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So here's the deal. I went and saw my gynec around the first of December 2006. I hadn't gotten my period for six months. So she put me on estrogen and in ten days, give or take, I started my period. It lasted for about four days.

Now, I haven't had one since. What do you think I should do? Go back to the doctor for another presciption of estrogen, or just wait it out for another six months?
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Old 02-09-2007, 01:08 AM   #2 (permalink)
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.. well last year i've had my period for 6 months only, on and off..
i went to my doc, she told me it was all stress (given that i took all the blood tests and hormone test and the results were fine.)...i tried birth control pills, and it screwed me up even more..and i stopped..and left it alone. My period comes on time now (at least for the past 2 months), but sometimes it gets really annoying cuz it spots in between periods..which kinda throws u off cuz u think u're pregnant..-_- anyway..i suggest that you just leave it alone.. cuz i 've learned that even when im not under extreme stress or alongside with another other stimulus, my period likes to go crazy with no apparent reason. Who complains about not having their period anyways? :P lol..the only drawback is that.. its harder for you when you want to get pregnant because your cycles aren't normal..:/

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Old 02-09-2007, 03:11 AM   #3 (permalink)
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are you back to eating normally yet? Not doing so can always throw you off

and to answer Just Doll...."I" will complain about not having my period....I had major surgery in October which somehow messed me up....I went three months with no period and it was driving me crazy (no way could I last 6 months without having gone to the dr) The plan was for me to go this month if I missed another one. Fortunately I did start, unfortunately Im making up for the last 3 I missed. I havent been able to get out of bed for 3 days now.

Girls....never take not having one so lightly....so many things can cause it, from the not to important to the major reasons.

La petite, given your gyn history I would call the Dr again. Does she know about your eating disorder problems?
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Old 02-09-2007, 07:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I would go back into you Gyno but I wouldn't necessarily take the estrogen. If you aren't getting your period it's likely for a reason. I've gone without my period for periods of time for various reasons.
1. One summer I was working 3 jobs and taking care of an ill parent. I lost mine for the whole summer. I also lost about 20lbs and I didn't need to loose even ONE pound back then.
2. I lost my period when I was pregnant and never got it back while I was nursing for 3 years. Obviously this isn't your issue but a change in your hormones can cause these issues so easily.
3. I missed my period once recently when I moved out and filed for divorce.

Emotional stress, physical stress, and your diet can all affect your period. You should get to the bottom of your issue because whatever is causing this could cause other problems as well. Don't let your Dr just treat the symptom.
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Old 02-09-2007, 08:13 AM   #5 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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My doctor knows that I have an eating disorder. Of course, I kinda underexaggerated it, though, saying that I had only lost 15 pounds instead of 40.

Since I've been dieting since age ~12 years, do you think I could have done permenant damage? Thanks for all the advice guys; glad to know I'm not the only weird one out there.
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Old 02-09-2007, 11:16 AM   #6 (permalink)
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When I had an eating disorder, I lost my period for 6 months, eventually, when I returned to eating healthier and more balance, my period returned normally on it's monthly cycle.

Firstly: Was your period normal at any point in time?

and to answer your question, yes, I think you should continue to seek medical attention on this and be honest with your gyno about the real details. I know you mentioned wanting children at some point and it may take a few years to get your body back to ovulating corectly, so you want to get on that as soon as possible.

Also, I don't mean to pry, but are you eating a more balance diet and at least 1300 cals. a day? That's what the body needs to ovulate, if you're not eating that kind of diet, you are affecting your fertility.

Also, how much are you excersicing. Even now, my body isn't quite normal, if I do too much excercise in a given month, my period will be late. So that also plays a part, getting too much excercise can also cause you not to have your period. This happens often to athletes.

at any rate, I hope this works out to be something that's easily fixed

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Old 02-09-2007, 05:23 PM   #7 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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sweetpea, I don't think I've ever had a normal period, because I've had eating issues since before I had my first period.

When I tried eating healthier, I still didn't get my period. The only way I could get my period was, like I said, taking the highest dose of estrogen for ten days. Blech, not good for the body.

As for exercising, I don't really do much. I ride my bike to and from school/work, and I recently took up cardio kickboxing for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursday.

As for eating a balanced diet- I have an eating disorder. What do you think?

Do you think I should mention to my gynec about wanting to have a child in the near future? I'm thinking about scheduling another appointment now that I have medical insurance.
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Old 02-09-2007, 05:32 PM   #8 (permalink)
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you do realize that when you're preggie a healthy diet is most important to the baby right? Are you prepared to eat what it takes to keep that child healthy?

you should tell your dr EVERYTHING, my guess is that she is going to tell you to get yourself and your body right before you even think about getting preggie (if its even biologically possible for you right now) your body is having a hard enough time since its not getting enough nutrition, adding a pregnancy to the situation is only going to exacerbate your problems
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Old 02-09-2007, 06:17 PM   #9 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Originally Posted by la petite moi

As for eating a balanced diet- I have an eating disorder. What do you think?

Do you think I should mention to my gynec about wanting to have a child in the near future? I'm thinking about scheduling another appointment now that I have medical insurance.
I was under the impression that you were on your way to recovery, I didn't realize you were still dealing with a full fledged E.D.

LPM, I'll just be frank, if you want kids, anytime in the next 10 years, you really need to start eating 1300 cals. a day and seeking counseling. It's going to take you a few years to even get your body back on track and may take you a while to concieve once you get healthy. Every day that you put off seeking treatment and not just a couple sessions but real-change-your-life treatment, you are putting your chances of having a child biologically further and further from being possible.

I understand that it's difficult to have an E.D. and it's a mindset that may stay with you for decades... however, you have to not let it affect your eating habits.

I would urge you to seek another appt. with your gyno. and tell him/her just how serious your E.D. is, they can help put you on a program back to fertility.

do let us know how this turns out.

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Old 02-10-2007, 11:20 AM   #10 (permalink)
sweetpea, I have had an eating disorder all my life. Just because I eat for a few months and gain some weight doesn't mean I'm just cured and fixed. I think you have that misconception about eating disorders or something.

Anyway, I didn't want this thread to turn into a discussion about my eating disorders and shit again, but I guess it did. My question was whether this was something serious or not. I guess it is, and I'll go talk to my gynec about getting some sort of BC or estrogen.

Edit: Shit, I just realised I posted this on nwlinkvxd's account. Sorry.

Last edited by insidious_machinae; 02-10-2007 at 11:23 AM..
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Old 02-10-2007, 12:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: in love
Originally Posted by nwlinkvxd
sweetpea, I have had an eating disorder all my life. Just because I eat for a few months and gain some weight doesn't mean I'm just cured and fixed. I think you have that misconception about eating disorders or something.

Anyway, I didn't want this thread to turn into a discussion about my eating disorders and shit again, but I guess it did. My question was whether this was something serious or not. I guess it is, and I'll go talk to my gynec about getting some sort of BC or estrogen.

Edit: Shit, I just realised I posted this on nwlinkvxd's account. Sorry.
um okay.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to threadjack. it just seems that the cause of what's happening is closely related.

Nope, I don't have any misconceptions. Was in the place you're in for a long time, was able to turn my life and health around, as is possible for you to do as well.

I didn't say you were "cured"....I just said I was under the impression you were "in recovery" A.K.A. actually actively trying to get better.... if that's not what you're doing, my mistake for having that impression.
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Old 02-11-2007, 04:49 PM   #12 (permalink)
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I don't understand how you can expect your doctor to fully help you if you are lying about your past health history.

As for your last comment to Sweetpea, I don't need to defend her because she is fully capable of doing that for herself. However, if you don't want honest feedback from members and only want to hear what you want to hear, then this forum probably isn't the place to post.
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Old 02-11-2007, 05:37 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Since Sweetpea has her own eating disorder, I really doubt she's under any misconceptions about it at all...but as Medusa said, she is very capable of defending herself.

Its a fact that you have talked about your anorexia here, its a fact that anorexia affects your period....I fail to see how you wouldnt think any of us would bring that up, when given your history its almost certainly a major contributor to you not having one.

Your GYN needs to know about the anorexia, because going on estrogen or any other medication is not going to fix your period if the anorexia is what is causing the problem....youre not only wasting your time, your wasting your Dr's by her not having all the pertinent data
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Old 02-11-2007, 09:08 PM   #14 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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Location: California
Just like you guys said, I gave my honest feedback too. I'm a tad stressy when it comes to my eating disorder, as a LOT of people close to me don't even understand it. What I've noticed is the trend is, though, is misunderstanding when it comes to recovery. My parents and many others have thought that recovery = eating and gaining weight. No, it doesn't. It takes years and years and being a "healthy" weight can still be unhealthy. Sorry I jumped down anyone's throat. I also should point out that just because you have one sort of eating disorder doesn't mean you understand another's eating disorder, yeah?

I suppose I understand what's causing no period. Bingeing, purging, and starving are all answers. However, my fear is that I have caused permanant damage and should just give up hope for ever having children or having a natural scheduled period.

Is there any way for my gynec to evaluate my fertility? Anyone know?
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