.. well last year i've had my period for 6 months only, on and off..
i went to my doc, she told me it was all stress (given that i took all the blood tests and hormone test and the results were fine.)...i tried birth control pills, and it screwed me up even more..and i stopped..and left it alone. My period comes on time now (at least for the past 2 months), but sometimes it gets really annoying cuz it spots in between periods..which kinda throws u off cuz u think u're pregnant..-_- anyway..i suggest that you just leave it alone.. cuz i 've learned that even when im not under extreme stress or alongside with another other stimulus, my period likes to go crazy with no apparent reason. Who complains about not having their period anyways? :P lol..the only drawback is that.. its harder for you when you want to get pregnant because your cycles aren't normal..:/
It's like you slit my throat, watched me bleed to death, and asked my dead body why I was screaming in so much pain.