Originally Posted by la petite moi
As for eating a balanced diet- I have an eating disorder. What do you think?
Do you think I should mention to my gynec about wanting to have a child in the near future? I'm thinking about scheduling another appointment now that I have medical insurance.
I was under the impression that you were on your way to recovery, I didn't realize you were still dealing with a full fledged E.D.
LPM, I'll just be frank, if you want kids, anytime in the next 10 years, you really need to start eating 1300 cals. a day and seeking counseling. It's going to take you a few years to even get your body back on track and may take you a while to concieve once you get healthy. Every day that you put off seeking treatment and not just a couple sessions but real-change-your-life treatment, you are putting your chances of having a child biologically further and further from being possible.
I understand that it's difficult to have an E.D. and it's a mindset that may stay with you for decades... however, you have to not let it affect your eating habits.
I would urge you to seek another appt. with your gyno. and tell him/her just how serious your E.D. is, they can help put you on a program back to fertility.
do let us know how this turns out.