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#41 (permalink) |
Rail Baron
Location: Tallyfla
One more thing. The superdome was opened to the needy and immobile. They took 9,000 people, and could have taken 30,000. Therefore: THEY HAD A PLAN AND PLACE FOR THE POOR TO BE SAFE
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser |
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#42 (permalink) | |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
Oh my God... would you just look at that mole hill over there? No, no... not that mountain you are staring at... the mole hill right next to it...
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#43 (permalink) |
Rail Baron
Location: Tallyfla
I get it. Its not that big of a deal. And maybe I came off a bit harsher than I meant to. I suppose I was still worked up over the previous posts. Sorry if I took it out on you.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser |
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#44 (permalink) | |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#45 (permalink) | |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
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#46 (permalink) | |
Acctually, I was told about the levee situation 1.5 days before shit went down, and i live in colorado.... and now for my meaningless opinion, i guess im one of the "childish" ranters, heres why: 1. New Orleans residents chose to live there, knowing the hurricane risk. Personally, I dont think it is wise to live somwhere prone to natural disasters. And i understand that somtimes "shit happens", however, upon choosing to live in a disaster area, dont you think it is wise to prepare yourself for evacuation at a moments notice.... If you are incapable of leaving during an evacuation, you should have probably found time to move previous to the hurricane. 2.I'm not going to worry about other people who refuse to worry about themselves. Otherwise, ill get caught not looking out for myself and i try to avoid that sort of thing. It may be selfish, but it is the truth. Its fighting an uphill battle. One side of me feels this way^^^^^^^......and i can understand where you are coming from, ppl who feel that way..... BUT Try to think of it this way: the other side(the much more dominate side) feels bad for all the victims of the hurricane, because i do stupid things all the time for no real reason. And if if i, lets say, was streaking a football game, and upon jumping the fence ripped my dick off, i would want somone to help me!!!!!! even if i was being a complete idiot..... Last edited by eotlemac; 08-31-2005 at 02:04 PM.. |
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#47 (permalink) | |
Knight of the Old Republic
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
![]() -Lasereth
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert |
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#48 (permalink) | |||
The west coast gets earthquakes. Montana, Minnesota, and upper states on the east coast get killer blizzards. The east coast and southern coasts get hurricanes. Arizona and New Mexico get crushing droughts. So does Texas. So far pretty much the only state that's habitable under your guidelines is Colorado (although you get droughts too, and if you live in the mountains you have to worry about rockslides). And now that all 260+ million people in the US have to move to Colorado in order to satisfy your safety requirements, Colorado's gonna turn into an overcrowded cesspool. Next suggestion? ![]() Quote:
Tell ya what. If you can pull this off I'll give you a new car. Once somewhere in the south is rebuilt, move down there. Get a job that pays you 11,000 a year. Throw out any savings you had before you got the new job, because if you wanna be accurate here you have to start with the same nothing those people started with. Get a family, kids, and all the expenses that come with it. Don't cheat on your taxes either. Now, with the vast sums of money you have left, I want you to buy a car, and a new house somewhere far inland where you won't get hit by this stuff. Don't forget that when you apply for a job in the city your new luxury cardboard box is located, you can't list any real job skills, because a lot of those guys don't have any. So if you can manage to move out of your abject poverty to a safe place without stealing anything to do it, I'm very impressed. Quote:
So. . .which side of the fence are you really on here? |
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#49 (permalink) | |
Location: Some nucking fut house.
Wild fires could pose a problem. Let's all leave. Last one out, turn off the lights.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts. |
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#50 (permalink) |
...is a comical chap
Location: Where morons reign supreme
Shakran beat me to it, but every state in the US is prone to some sort of natural disaster. As far as people living in hurricane prone areas...do you eat seafood? Use oil? Ever taken a cruise? Ever enjoyed a hotel near the beach? Used a seaweed based product? (types of gelatin, toothpaste, and fertilizer are among its many uses) The people working in these industries live on the coast...they don't commute hundreds of miles to work.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king" Formerly Medusa |
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#51 (permalink) | |
*grin* Good point! |
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#52 (permalink) | |
Location: baked beans
Stevo. A tip of the hat to you friend. This needs to be said again.
Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers. We like money. Give us your money you stupid consumer whore. |
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#53 (permalink) | |
Location: bangor pa
I think the problem for me with this is i think for myself......
not how society would want me to think.
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#54 (permalink) | |
“Wrong is right.”
Location: toronto
!check out my new blog! http://arkanamusic.wordpress.com Warden Gentiles: "It? Perfectly innocent. But I can see how, if our roles were reversed, I might have you beaten with a pillowcase full of batteries." |
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#55 (permalink) | |
Cunning Runt
Location: Taking a mulligan
At least he wasn't ignoring a major event due to being in the middle of a blow job, like his predecessor.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher |
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#56 (permalink) | |
I assume you're talking about the 93 WTC bombing? Clinton ignored that because he hoped the terrorists would go away. Not because of a blowjob. To suggest such implies either a vacuous misunderstanding of recent history or a petty attack that could be valid if it weren't cheapened by idiotic low blows. And this honoring veterans crap - sorry, that was a feel-good "let's try to get his pathetic numbers up" move, and it was not appropriate considering the number of his citizens who were dead and dying in the wake of the hurricane. |
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#57 (permalink) | |||
Location: Greenwood, Arkansas
And since it was the BLACK mayor that delayed in calling for a mandatory evacuation--Saturday's call was for voluntary, it wasn't until Sunday that it became mandatory--the note you chose to share with us must put him and his administration in the conspiracy. 0 for 2 on this one. |
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#58 (permalink) | ||
Location: bangor pa
as much as i want to say 911, i wont thats a whole different thread, but i will make the point of this. there are two pictures one of some black people looting, and one of some white people "fighting to survive or something" both from different sources but still, they are both looting taking food or clothes is looting no matter how you look at it AND you are damn right i dont sympathize for those left behind. 1. people left lost there houses - i sympathize 2. people left didnt lose their houses lost crap because of looting - i sympathize 3. people who went to the last resort places i believe there were ten, and died - i sympathize 4.people who chose to stay behind because they did it before, because they didnt think they would drown - i dont sympathize 5. people who are looting - dont sympathize 6. PEOPLE STUCK IN HOSPITALS - I sympathize If you look at my list i am not an irational jerk. i believe there are some things that can be done better, and some things that were done the right way.
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#59 (permalink) | |
I humbly disagree. Even if you think the people who chose to stay behind were stupid (and some of them were - most of them were not, because they had no choice) that does not mean they should not have your sympathy. They have still lost everything they ever owned, many have lost loved ones, and most will be ruined and homeless, possibly for the rest of their lives. And by saying that you have no sympathy for them because you think what they did was stupid implies that you feel intellectually superior to them. In other words, you seem to think you have never done anything stupid. Since pretty much no one can claim that, I humbly suggest that you rethink your attitude. Even if you do something stupid, that doesn't mean I won't feel bad for you when you get hurt by it. Your lack of ability to feel compassion for those whom you deem to be not up to your standards is somewhat disturbing. |
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#60 (permalink) |
Post-modernism meets Individualism AKA the Clash
Location: oregon
The original post is pretty inconsiderate.
Keep in mind that there was also a lack of funding (resources $$) for hurricane and flood-control in the New Orleans area despite 2004 being the worst hurricane season in decades. The federal govt. actually decided to cut spending with the steepest reduction in NO history.. More money is going to Iraq. Smart. :T You can read more about funding issues here: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/ea..._id=1001051313
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin |
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#61 (permalink) | ||
Location: bangor pa
I in NO WAY none what so ever feel intellectually superior. if i was to do something stupid i would have to pay the concequences. ie. stay in attic drown... learned my lesson wont be doing that again I dont feel compassion for people because of their, ( you would say poor judgement) stupidity to stay behind. If i was there as a rescuer you bet i would rescue everyone, but would i agree with the reasons. NO I feel sorry for the familes of the idiots who stayed behind ( And no one had to stay in their homes) that is the biggest bunch of bullshit and im so sick and tired of that being everyones point. There were busses taking people to the superdome and 9 other shelters of last chance. ( the superdome is the only one i could find named on the list)
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#62 (permalink) |
Who You Crappin?
Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
The city of New Orleans really dropped the ball here. They had NO emergency plan. Yesterday I was in a hospital waiting room all day (waiting for my sister to give birth) and watched CNN for 10 hours. Shepard Smith was reporting from the main highway that comes into New Orleans, where thousands of people were leaving the city. Every single one was black, and no one had been told what do do or where to go. Funny how all the white people were evacuated and the black people were left to fend for themselves....
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel |
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#63 (permalink) | |
Location: bangor pa
its funny how the mayor is black and still everyone thinks that thre black people were left to fend for themselves
![]() edit* as if this was all planned to kill all of the black people in new orleans hell if they are going to do that whjy not giveallt he black people in the usa a free trip there so they can all die? haha now i believe in no way were the black people left to die, nor do i believe that they wernt told so they would die. no do i believe in racism so only thing we can believe is WHAT THE MEDIA TELLS US.
Last edited by pattycakes; 09-01-2005 at 06:50 AM.. |
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#64 (permalink) |
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Location: In the dust of the archives
***CAUTION*** The tension in this thread is beginning to take on a life of it's own. Let's take a moment, take a few deep breaths, sip a cup of herbal tea...whatever it takes. Let's keep the discusion civil. OK? OK. I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony "Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt. |
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#65 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I just got an email from a very good friend of mine who lives in Louisiana - thankfully about 5 hours north of NO, and was spared completely. She had kin who has not been so lucky. She had an Aunt, Uncle, and cousin who lived in Gulfport, Miss - and no matter how much the family begged and pleaded with them to go to a shelter -they opted not to go - because "it just won't be that bad". Her other uncle in that area, opted to go to a shelter.
No one had heard from the aunt uncle or cousin for a few days -- the uncle who went to the shelter left the shelter today and went by the other relatives house today - there was no house -- blown clean away to the foundation... Her uncle's body was found in a tree - the aunt and cousin are still missing but not much hope is held out for them to still be alive... There are apparantly 300 or more bodies that have washed up on the beaches there... I am heartsick for my friend, that she has not only lost her relatives, but that she did everything in her power to get them to leave... It also makes be incredibly angry that because of the obstinance of these people, that they are now dead, and are causing my friend, who is the kindest person in the world, pain she shouldn't have to experience. Had they left and gone with the other uncle - they'd still have a pretty good chance at being alive...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#66 (permalink) | |
Who You Crappin?
Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel |
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#67 (permalink) | |
![]() but on the real tip: i was just saying i understand both points of view, like i said, im all for helpin' peeps. Last edited by eotlemac; 09-01-2005 at 12:39 PM.. |
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#68 (permalink) | |
Location: bangor pa
to clear thiings up i feel sorry for everyone who was \is at superdome \ convention center. they need help they stared to get it and need to get more. I still stand behind my rescue point and fell need not to discuss it anymore.
now the one that really bothers me more than anythying are the people who now are refusing to be rescued from their attics. the rescuer goes down and then comes back up empty handed because the people wont leave. What a waste..... then in another 2 weeks we will have to go back because they will want to be rescued
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#69 (permalink) | |
I've had just about enough of this. Your lack of sensitivity (and the lack of sensitivity displayed by others who are hopping on your bandwagon) is appalling. You guys don't seem to understand the situation these people are in. They started out before the hurricane with next to nothing. The poverty in New Orleans is unlike almost anywhere else in this country. The crappiest ghetto in Chicago or Milwaukee has people who are financially much better off than many of the people living in NO. These are people who struggle to have enough money to put even a little food on the table. That tiny little rundown house is all they have and now they're losing that too. These people are now doomed to spend the rest of their lives homeless because they couldn't afford insurance on their house and even if they could, it didn't cover flooding. They cannot afford to buy a new house. They cannot afford even the cheapest rent on an apartment. And now someone's asking them to leave the only thing they still possess. That's NOT an easy thing to do. Many would rather die, or at least think right now that they'd rather die, than leave that house. The fact that you're posting on the internet indicates that you're economically infinitely better off than these people, which means you cannot possibly understand their situation. You cannot understand poverty at that level unless you live it, or at the very least live among it so that you are exposed to what they go through. I can understand being frustrated that someone does not want to leave their house to get to whatever refugee camp has been set up for him, but I cannot condemn them for thinking the way they do. |
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#70 (permalink) | ||
Location: bangor pa
I Dont condem the people for not leaving. i am simply saying what a waste when they decide they want to leave... we have to go back to get them. I understand the people who went to the superdome got help... but it took how many days to long? ?(WAYYYY TO LONG) These people will be relocated either temporary or perm. Where is everyones donatons going, if they wont go twards housing / houses for these people? Side note walmart donated 25million ( and atleast 1 store that was looted( and cops looted it too yay!))
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#71 (permalink) | |||||
Look, people are still rebuilding after hurricanes which hit Florida last year and in years before that. In tornado areas there are tons of stories about people who got hit by a tornado a decade ago and they still haven't gotten back to where they were before it hit. And that's from one tornado that cut a destruction path MAYBE a mile wide and 20 miles or so long, IF it was a really nasty one. This is a destruction area that spans for hundreds of miles. There simply isn't enough money to restore everyone to the way they were before it hit. Last edited by shakran; 09-05-2005 at 04:31 PM.. |
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#72 (permalink) |
Location: New England
when people stay in their homes, and luck is on their side...we congratulate them like no other.
i was in minnesota at the time of the red river valley floods...if any of you recall, it's when fargo looked like NOLA does now, just colder and slightly more on fire. the folks who stayed were portrayed by the national media as fighters, survivors, the ones who really put their all in to saving their homes. with a 40 flood crest, and a whole lot of flat land...this of course wasn't terribly bright. bu it's a bunch of midwesterners...a stubborn lot that was more inclined to do everything they could to save their towns and way of life than retreat to saftey. maybe they took some uncessary risks, but i have to admire them for giving their all. shakran has dealt quite nicely with the class issues involved in a privately funded/organized everyperson for themselves evacuation, (and current coverage seems to suggest that this is one area where the local gov bears some responsbility), but i think it's good to add that the difference between a glorified survivor and a flood victim is a bit of luck, not necessarily any difference in judgement.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 |
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#73 (permalink) | ||
Location: bangor pa
Forced evacuations ordered...YaY!
http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/07/kat...act/index.html Quote:
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#74 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Note that the forced evacuations will not include the military. The general involved has said that his people will distribute food and water. I forget if they're also helping people who want to get out.
What gets me is that I'd be very likely to be the guy in the tree that Mal describes. I've been through a number of hurricanes. By the time they get to Massachusetts, they're not force 4/5, more like topping out as force 3 or less. So I'd likely have made the same mistake as many of those people, figuring it's just more of the same and that the government was being silly. And maybe add a little paranoia to that, too. "All I have is this house! Why they tryin' ta get me to leave it?? Are they gonna plant bugs in my bathroom??" |
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#75 (permalink) | ||
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
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