Originally Posted by shakran
I humbly disagree. Even if you think the people who chose to stay behind were stupid (and some of them were - most of them were not, because they had no choice) that does not mean they should not have your sympathy. They have still lost everything they ever owned, many have lost loved ones, and most will be ruined and homeless, possibly for the rest of their lives.
And by saying that you have no sympathy for them because you think what they did was stupid implies that you feel intellectually superior to them. In other words, you seem to think you have never done anything stupid. Since pretty much no one can claim that, I humbly suggest that you rethink your attitude. Even if you do something stupid, that doesn't mean I won't feel bad for you when you get hurt by it. Your lack of ability to feel compassion for those whom you deem to be not up to your standards is somewhat disturbing.
You are forgetting one thing noone had to stay in their houses there were shelters set up for them to go to where they would have a better chance of survival than if they stayed at home.
I in NO WAY none what so ever feel intellectually superior. if i was to do something stupid i would have to pay the concequences.
ie. stay in attic drown... learned my lesson wont be doing that again
I dont feel compassion for people because of their, ( you would say poor judgement) stupidity to stay behind. If i was there as a rescuer you bet i would rescue everyone, but would i agree with the reasons. NO
I feel sorry for the familes of the idiots who stayed behind ( And no one had to stay in their homes) that is the biggest bunch of bullshit and im so sick and tired of that being everyones point. There were busses taking people to the superdome and 9 other shelters of last chance. ( the superdome is the only one i could find named on the list)