when people stay in their homes, and luck is on their side...we congratulate them like no other.
i was in minnesota at the time of the red river valley floods...if any of you recall, it's when fargo looked like NOLA does now, just colder and slightly more on fire. the folks who stayed were portrayed by the national media as fighters, survivors, the ones who really put their all in to saving their homes. with a 40 flood crest, and a whole lot of flat land...this of course wasn't terribly bright. bu it's a bunch of midwesterners...a stubborn lot that was more inclined to do everything they could to save their towns and way of life than retreat to saftey. maybe they took some uncessary risks, but i have to admire them for giving their all.
shakran has dealt quite nicely with the class issues involved in a privately funded/organized everyperson for themselves evacuation, (and current coverage seems to suggest that this is one area where the local gov bears some responsbility), but i think it's good to add that the difference between a glorified survivor and a flood victim is a bit of luck, not necessarily any difference in judgement.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16