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BigBen 06-20-2006 01:13 PM

Real name is Ben.

The nickname BigBen has stuck with me for a long time.

I remember the days when your character name in video games had to be 6 characters or less. Made it easy for me.

Ben is a solid name. Classic and simple, yet not overused enough to fatigue in people's minds.

stevo 06-20-2006 01:16 PM

my name is Mortimer. just kidding. its not.

m0rpheus 06-29-2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by BigBen
Real name is Ben.

The nickname BigBen has stuck with me for a long time.

I remember the days when your character name in video games had to be 6 characters or less. Made it easy for me.

Ben is a solid name. Classic and simple, yet not overused enough to fatigue in people's minds.

<---Also a Ben and I totally agree with the above statement. The best part is you can even fit it in the video games that want your initials (Golden Tee etc)

No one calls me Benjamin (except my SO if she's pissed at me...).
I was named after Ben Crenshaw, the golfer, my folks were thinking of names and my dad was watching golf on TV. Crenshaw was teeing off and they both really liked the name. Thank god Chi Chi Rodriguez wasn't teeing off :D

Zodijackyl 07-02-2006 12:35 AM

I'm Stephen, but I just go by Steve.
People seem to have a problem not spelling my name wrong, writing either Steven or Stephan, both of which I was officially recorded as through most of my primary education because nobody would listen to me that they spelled my name wrong.
It seems that nobody can get a name right these days...

Val_1 07-03-2006 02:56 PM

My real name is Victor. But, I'm not gonna share that here. Oh, wait ... crap!

pornclerk 07-24-2006 06:35 PM

<------- Amy ;)

Xavion 07-24-2006 08:14 PM

Hi, my name is...
...My friends call me 'Sexy' because my initials are SXC.

My grandmother wanted my mom to name me Sterling when i was born , but my mom vetoed that idea quickly and went with something else...

Pronounced 'Stef-on'...but i always get Steven or Stephan. Never used to annoy me that much as a kid, but now it kind of irks me when people get it wrong, I correct them, and they still insist on saying it wrong. Jerks...

I LOVE my middle name. I don't know where my mom got it from, but it's uber-cool in my eyes...pretty much my name-sake's saving grace. Everyone thinks it's exotic and i agree. I mean, c'mon, how many people do you know with a X-name???

Family name. There has been a few mix-ups with my identity because on my school records my last name has always been spelled 'Cowen', but on my other official documents (birth certificate, social security card, etc) it's spelled 'Cowan'...once i got old enough to handle the situation myself, I had everything switched over so it all matched up (my mom didn't seem to care that my life would be complicated by this sometimes).

So there you are...Stephon Xavion Cowan...that's me!!!

CandleInTheDark 07-24-2006 08:16 PM

My first name is Foster.

I will bet $100 that I am the only person named Foster, the exception being people who named their children after me.

oberon 07-24-2006 09:00 PM

I am called William. But the only people allowed to call me that are my parents and maternal grandparents. It's copied from my paternal grandfather, his paternal grandfather, his paternal grandfather, and so on.

When I was young, my mom used to call me Will, but I insisted on William, so for awhile it was William. Then suddenly one day when I was 11 or so I made everybody call me Will. That name's stuck ever since. I try to use my legal name for all commercial purposes.

I have had several other nicknames in my lifetime, not the least of which are "Bear", "Bull", "Moose", "Rigger", "Grunt", "Big Guy", "Horse Penis", "Billy", etc. None of which I respond to anymore, if ever. ;)

I don't give a rat's ass what my legal name is. You can call me whatever you like, but don't expect me to respond unless it's approved by me. :)

evil_twin617 08-01-2006 11:25 AM

My first name is April. I've always hated it. My mother named me after a book of poetry (real original) called "April Always."

Throughout my school years all I got was jokes, April Showers, blah blah blah.

Then when I got a little older and was working in strip clubs all the men assume it's a fake stage name. I could even show them my driver's license and they still wouldn't believe it.

And I can't tell you how many times people ask "Were you born in April? Is that why your mom named you that?" HaHaHa, like I never heard that before.

The middle name is a matter of some debate. My mom was a bit of a hippy chick and wanted to name me exactly after the book "April Always" Thank heaven saner heads ruled and my dad gave me my middle name, Lynette, which is just awful in general. My oldest son is 19 and he STILL doesn't know my middle name.

uncle phil 08-01-2006 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by CandleInTheDark
My first name is Foster.

I will bet $100 that I am the only person named Foster, the exception being people who named their children after me.


remember foster brooks?

fresnelly 08-01-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by evil_twin617
My first name is April. I've always hated it.

I don't know, I've always liked the Month names for women - May, April, June. I've met some fine women with these names :)

If you look back to their true origins, they're a lot cooler than some sentimental poem would suggest.


Charlatan 08-01-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by uncle phil

...or Foster Hewitt, the voice of Hockey.


Elphaba 08-01-2006 03:44 PM

I use Pen in some of my posts and pm's. I'm sure you're shocked to learn my name is Penny. :)

Impetuous1 08-01-2006 04:44 PM

My name is Christina. I also go by Chris. I can't stand the other variations though. Chrissy, Christy, Christine, etc. I like my name. It's not super feminine. A good strong female name that translates well across several languages. My mom told me on different occasions that she named me after some people. One was Chrissy Hind from the Pretenders and the other was Queen Christina of Norway. My dad wanted to name me Blanca. All I can say is thank god my mom won on that one. Now Blanca just reminds me of this horrible looking creature from some old video game. I think it was street fighter or something like that.

ubertuber 08-01-2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
I use Pen in some of my posts and pm's. I'm sure you're shocked to learn my name is Penny. :)

You know, I totally missed that. I kept thinking Penelope! And that's ironic because that was what I called one of my tubas years ago... That's me, missing the obvious answer.

icksters 08-01-2006 11:05 PM

Jessica Cristina

I love my name, i like the spelling of my middle name.

My middle name is my maternal grandmas middle name. My sister got my paternal grandmas middle name.

wow...i said middle name alot :p

opus123 08-02-2006 12:14 AM

My real name is Jon Melusky. (Rhymes with husky). I host lots of Seattle events for various communities I am involved in. So my cell phone, home phone, and address are all online everywhere google crawls and digs. Never had any stalkers, but I did have a confused Japanese guy call me once. His English was not very good, but he got my number from somewhere....maybe come to think of it, maybe he just was practicing his english by dialing random phone numbers... who knows....*smile*

Some people like to call me Jonathan, which is fine. I wish I had a unique name most days, but then I think of all the teasing and maybe I got lucky with a boring name like Jonathan. I do hate it when I am in a crowd of people and people yell Don or Ron or John and I have to look around a lot to see if they are looking for me or some small child or whomever....

Does google spider this message board forum ?


rmarshall 08-02-2006 11:19 AM

My first name is Robert. I just registered on here with my boring email addy name without thinking, then got enough posts to get on the titty board. When I discovered I should have a cutesy alias, I didn't want to bother cancelling the account and registering again. Is it possible to just change the login name?

I hope my stalker is cute!

Leto 08-02-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Daoust

My last name is not Daoust. I only dream of sharing the name Dan Daoust with the original hockey god by the same name.

First thing that I thought of when i saw this. Dan Daoust the hockey god.

My real name is really exotic: John. Growing up, it was a pain because I always had about 2 to 3 friends (still do actually) who were named John. My dad's name was john (in German) so was my grandfather's and so is my oldest son's.

my middle name is Edward. 'Nuff said.


Originally Posted by evil_twin617
My oldest son is 19 and he STILL doesn't know my middle name.

so, ummmm... what's your son's email?

:lol: :lol:


Originally Posted by icksters
Jessica Cristina

I love my name, i like the spelling of my middle name.

I love your name too...

Janey 08-02-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by fresnelly
I don't know, I've always liked the Month names for women - May, April, June. I've met some fine women with these names :)

If you look back to their true origins, they're a lot cooler than some sentimental poem would suggest.


no, my name isn't anything to do with a month, but a good idea. I never thought of it! My parents chose it for its ease of speach (no L's or R's). My real name is Lai-Ping and my middle name is Maria.

snowy 08-02-2006 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Janey
no, my name isn't anything to do with a month, but a good idea. I never thought of it! My parents chose it for its ease of speach (no L's or R's). My real name is Lai-Ping and my middle name is Maria.


Sorry, couldn't help myself. You've been missed.

Average_Joe 08-02-2006 06:11 PM

Well, I prefer to remain anonymous, so I will not give my name, but I will tell you 2 facts about it.

1. It's not Joe or anything associated with the name Joe.

2. I hated my name growing up, and still do. My first & last name both have 2 syllables. It sounds so short, and has no character. I gave all of my kids multi-syllable first names, except for one, but I address him with a 2-syllable nickname....all because I can't stand my name!

Marvelous Marv 08-05-2006 05:14 PM

Not Marv. Not even close.

I have a name that is now more common among females. My wife has a name that is more common to males.

Makes it easy to recognize junk mail and telemarketers when they get the genders wrong.

captobvious 08-05-2006 05:45 PM

Mine is not Captain, and it's not Obvious. It did lead to a lot of teasing as a kid, but then again I think kids can find a way to make fun of pretty much any name. I like my name, and all the ways other people still find to mess it up.

Willravel 08-05-2006 05:54 PM

It's Will, of course.

I am a modal verb. I basically mean the same thing as "shall", but I think Will sounds a lot better than Shall.

I am also a noun in that I am the faculty by which a person decides on or initiates action. It's a responsibility I take very seriously. My second noun meaning is that of a legal document containing instructions as to what should be done with one's money and property after death. Also a responsibility.

I am even the rare and envied transient verb meaning intend, desire or wish. Call it what you will.

Finally, I am a proper noun, meaning my first name is Will.

It's quite an adventure.

rhaevyn 08-05-2006 08:35 PM

My name is Alexandra Joelle. With home friends and family, I go by either Andi or Andra. My sister started calling me Alex when I was little, and I started going by that in general when I started college.

I'm glad my parents settled on Alexandra. My mom had wanted to name me Mary Frances or Rebecca.

highthief 08-06-2006 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by rhaevyn
My name is Alexandra Joelle.

That's a great name.

As for me, it's Simon.

Charlatan 08-06-2006 03:33 AM

Wow. Simon. I never would have guessed that.

highthief 08-06-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Charlatan
Wow. Simon. I never would have guessed that.

It's one of those bilingual Quebec-type names. Keeps ya out of trouble regardless of the language you are speaking.


Actually, my mother bestowed on my grandmother the job of naming me. She chose "Dominic". My mother told her to try again! "Simon" was the more acceptable choice.

ziadel 08-06-2006 10:11 AM

My name is Adam.

SSJTWIZTA 08-06-2006 11:12 AM

My name is Clinton

Such a propername for such a scumfuck piece of shit...

..i prefer C.J. Though, or Sick-Boy.

Nancy 08-08-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Zeraph
Hehe, I read that as "Been Felt"

I'd say that qualifies as a Freudian slip :lol:


Originally Posted by Zeraph
My first name is Matthew.

Mmm "Matthew". I love that name.

Infinite_Loser 08-08-2006 10:26 PM

My 'American' name is Brandon. I'm not very fond of it as I've always found it... Weird.

I prefer my original name of Ejike (But no one calls me that except my dad, my grandfather and a few of my overseas cousins).

healer 08-10-2006 06:50 AM

Cool name, Infinite_Loser. How would one pronounce Ejike?

My full name is Henri James Abrahams. I am (I think) about the 5th or 6th Henri James on my dad's side of the family. It's tradition to name the first son Henri/y, or a variation thereof like Heinrich.

biznatch 08-10-2006 10:24 AM

My name is Vincent. I think it means victorious.
My second name is Romain, and I hate it.

Crack 08-10-2006 10:28 AM

Jaeret here. Rhymes with Ferret, or Carrot, or Parrot, or ... that's about it. :D kids can be so cruel...

"Jaeret the Ferret sat on a Carrot"

to quote the flyman: Bastards.

Jinn 08-10-2006 10:31 AM


Phillip Michael, actually. :)

snowy 08-10-2006 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Crack
Jaeret here. Rhymes with Ferret, or Carrot, or Parrot, or ... that's about it. :D kids can be so cruel...

"Jaeret the Ferret sat on a Carrot"

to quote the flyman: Bastards.

I love your name. I think it's such a cool name for a boy. But now I'm reconsidering.

shoegirl 08-10-2006 10:39 AM

Keila here. I always just tell people that it sounds like tequila, without the te, of course. :)

mandy 08-11-2006 05:35 AM

well, my name is ...drum roll please... drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Mandy, yeah, and i came and i gave without taking:)

when i first joined TFP, i wasnt sure if i should give my real name or not, so i went with the name i was given at birth. and no, its not short for amanda just derived there from and it means beloved, worthy of love. i got a few nicks aswell, munchie, cos i used to eat alot after i smoked a joint(note that i dont smoke weed anymore, but sometimes get a realy strong *lus. *wange, because i have really chubbie cheeks.

but everyone calls me Mandy except healer, he calls me noonie pie:)

*lus - pronounced "lis" meaning strong feeling or longing(it's afrikaans)
*wange - pronounced "vunger" meaning cheeks(face cheeks:)

izzzzy 08-27-2006 08:09 AM


Ch'i 08-27-2006 10:49 AM

The name's Tom

Slyboots 08-27-2006 11:11 AM

My initials are LAM...I hate it.


Jove 08-28-2006 10:54 AM

My name is Joe and back in the day when I was in elementary school I went by Joey. I slashed the y in middle school, but I have a few people who still call me Joey.

Sugarmouse 08-28-2006 01:05 PM

My name is jennifer.I quite like it...neverused to but i do now.

Scorps 09-02-2006 10:07 AM

Tyler is name but everyone I know mostly calls me Scorps, just a nickname I have had for sometime, all because of my tattoo. The my last name Donlon seems easy but no one can ever seem to spell it right, my current job still gets it wrong and I have been with the company for over 3 years.

Jetée 06-23-2007 12:13 AM

cool, a revival opportunity... BUMP

I am an eclectic mix of names, first name is Old English, middle name is German, and last name is inherently of Spanish Origin.

bah, well - The name is Edward, which means "guardian of prosperity". I think it suits me well. :D

tenniels 06-23-2007 12:34 AM

My name is Tenniel, sorta obvious as my name on here is tenniels. My last name starts with an S, hence the tenniels thing. Not a very common name I guess, but I can't imagine being called anything else. When I was a kid, I wanted a cute name like Britney or Courtney or Keely or Haley, but I grew out of that. The Captain and Tenille jokes get old, but I just reply with you can call me Captain and leave it at that. At one point there were actually 3 Tenniel's in my Juniour High although they were all spelled differently. The other two girls were off an Indian reservation, so I'm not sure if that means it's a popular name with the natives or if it was just coincidental. They moved away, and since then, I'm the only Tenniel around.

medlar 06-24-2007 10:59 AM

My name is Jack. I was named after a long line of Jacks on my mum's side of the family. My granfather, great granfather and so on..I was also known as Jack James or John Jim, or J.J . Now it's just Jack..I also have my mum's side of the family last name..a common enough Irish name beginning with O'. I often wonder if my dad's name might have been something more exciting and exotic.:rolleyes:

Strange Famous 06-24-2007 11:55 AM

my name is Adam Micah Douglas

I'm not so worried about stalkers!

Telluride 06-24-2007 12:01 PM

My name is Ryan. It's an Irish name that means "little king". So, if TFP ever becomes a theocracy, I guess I'm in charge. :)

Hail to the king, baby!

Mith 06-24-2007 01:20 PM


ItWasMe 06-24-2007 05:37 PM

Although it's not my real name, most people just call me Tammy. Even my family. I tried going by my real name when I was younger, but eventually I stopped trying. People can't seem to pronounce it correctly (and no, it's not Tamra). A couple of my hubby's coworkers pronounced it correctly, but were later surprised to learn that I'm "a white girl." That was kind of amusing. I actually do like the name, and I think it looks pretty in my signature. But for practical reasons, I've resigned myself to "Tammy." I have no idea what it means, as I cannot find the exact name in any baby book.

Lady Sage 06-24-2007 05:59 PM

My initials run sequential in the alphabet and my first name means bringer of light.

A shiny penny for the person who guesses the initials and the first name in the proper spelling. :D

filtherton 06-24-2007 06:27 PM

My real name is Chet Buttinsky.

ItWasMe 06-24-2007 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Sage
My initials run sequential in the alphabet and my first name means bringer of light.

A shiny penny for the person who guesses the initials and the first name in the proper spelling. :D

Could it be Luca M. or Lucrece M.??

TheCrumblenaut 08-12-2007 11:32 PM

I doubt I'll have any stalkers - Mark James Watson is me :)

Midnight 08-12-2007 11:48 PM

ROFL. fun thread.

My parents had absolutely NO girls names picked out - they were both absolutely CERTAIN they would have a boy - so I was supposed to be Daniel David.

shock of the day - one baby, hold the penis and testicles!

So, the doctor that deliverd me said "You have a beautiful baby girl, what are you naming her?" and my father looked at her and said "um, i donno... What's YOUR name?"

So, Dr. Janice Herz had a baby named for her for the first time.

I'm Janice.


Laugh-O-Matic 08-13-2007 04:18 AM

Ramya. It's Sanskrit for Beauty and elegance. it comes in a religious hymn, my Mum is a spiritual person, and she really liked it.

As for the pronunciation. NOT Ram as in Ram, the animal. But as in Rum, the hic. ;) ya = yeah. So, my name sounds like Rum-yeah.

This is what my name looks like in the Devanagari script, just for kicks :


You won't believe the headache involved in getting others to say it right. There are at least 5 ways my name is misspelled/mispronounced. :eek:

LoganSnake 08-13-2007 05:39 AM

It's Igor. Please, spare me the Frankenstein references. I got enough of them in high school.

Crack 08-13-2007 09:57 AM


albania 08-13-2007 10:21 AM

Crack, I was at first dumbfounded as to where I had seen your name before. Until I realized that you had posted it on the previous page of this thread about a year ago.

As for my name....maybe I'll post it if I get to 200 posts. The first initial is E.

snowy 08-13-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by LoganSnake
It's Igor. Please, spare me the Frankenstein references. I got enough of them in high school.

Your name is Igor?! THAT'S AWESOME!!!

Though I can't help but wonder if your parents had it out for you from birth...

la petite moi 08-13-2007 12:35 PM

Lily Jane Britainnia Mershon is my full name, though my maiden name was Berger. Yes, I got all the nicknames from lilypad to hamburger to booger. I learned to reply with "Extra cheese, please."

I like my name a lot now, especially now that my last name has been changed. However, it's weird to see so many little babies named Lily now, because when I was a kid, Lily was such a different, old-fashioned name.

insidious_machinae 08-13-2007 12:44 PM

This message has been deleted.

LoganSnake 08-13-2007 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Your name is Igor?! THAT'S AWESOME!!!

Though I can't help but wonder if your parents had it out for you from birth...

Yeah, from birth. I'm Ukrainian. It's pretty common there.

roachboy 08-13-2007 12:49 PM


mixedmedia 08-13-2007 12:53 PM

Joy Elizabeth is what my mom used to yell out when she was mad at me...just Joy is good. :)

snowy 08-13-2007 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Joy Elizabeth is what my mom used to yell out when she was mad at me...just Joy is good. :)

Your name suits you very well.

kurty[B] 08-13-2007 01:04 PM

My first name I'm sure is obvious, it means Courteous.

My middle name means Shield Wolf. I grew up hating it because it rhymes with Rudolph, but I actually enjoy having a rather rare name.

My last name everyone thinks is my first name. It's not bad as a last name, but I don't like it as a first name. My least favorite experience was waiting for medical results at a clinic full of people, and the nurse comes out saying my last name. Since she was calling people by first name I didn't think twice about who it was. After the 6th time she finally says "Oh, I mean Kurt". Thanks. I'm used to it at this point.

blktour 08-14-2007 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by paddyjoe
My name is Patrick Joseph. My Irish Grandpa always called me paddy when I was young and I kinda liked it.

My best friends name is Joseph Patrick! how odd is that! lol

and my name is : Ramiro Hernandez

DaveOrion 08-14-2007 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Joy Elizabeth is what my mom used to yell out when she was mad at me...just Joy is good. :)

From 6 Word Stories


Originally Posted by DaveMatrix

An Angel's in my bed.....Again!

Dave, you sound surprised. You must not get a lot of angels in your bed.


Originally Posted by DaveMatrix

Thats not a 6 word story, and thats not shock, its joy
If find that somewhat ironic Joy......:) BTW, I go by Dave or David, no big shocker there. :)

dlish 08-14-2007 12:23 PM


a stock standard arabic name.

named after an uncle of mine.
never liked my name. i go by a lot of nick names. but most common is nabs.

Ami 10-18-2007 06:48 PM

Simply Heather

surferlove007 10-18-2007 07:54 PM

My first name is Kimberly...although I go by Kim. My mother named me after Kimberly Clark...yes the toilet paper company.

I like my middle name a lot, mostly because I'm the only I know who has it. Ilyse. Pronounced ILL-LEESE. Like Elise.

Last name is pretty common.
I'm happy with my names.

RenaissanceII 10-18-2007 09:34 PM

Christopher Alan (Dad said that Mom thought it sounded pretty)...And god rest my maternal Grandma, but she'd call me Chrissy :ugh:

squeeeb 10-19-2007 05:55 AM

gennaro - it's my first name, not the family name like most people think. in italy it's common, but here in the states, i'm the only one i know..

hotzot 10-19-2007 10:19 AM


ziadel 10-20-2007 07:37 PM

Adam - The oldest of the old school mofos.


Originally Posted by LoganSnake
I'm Ukrainian. It's pretty common there.

Dude, say it loud. I'm Ukee and I'm proud.

2nd gener over here :p

MiSo 10-21-2007 10:09 PM

my name is spelled alan, but pronounced a little differently.
i'm asian so our accent is a bit different. so i make everyone i meet pronounce it the same way.

sounds like colin, but without the c.

LazyBoy 10-21-2007 10:19 PM

I sign all my posts "-Will", which is what I go by, but my first name is actually Willis. A name I share with my father and my late grandfather, God rest his soul.


Titan_Uranus 10-22-2007 03:05 AM


ColonelSpecial 10-22-2007 09:22 AM

Sara- princess in hebrew
Beale- beekeeper in welsh (what I have been told); it is my mom's maiden name which I hated growing up since all the other sara/sarahs out there were sara elizabeth or lynn or rose but once I was in a youth group with 7 other saras and then mine middle name is cool.

BadNick 10-22-2007 10:01 AM

My first name given at birth is Miklos ...it's Hungarian to reflect my family heritage, though I was born in Austria since they left Hungary halfway thru WWII. Since I started school here in the U.S., I still recall in kindergarden a couple teachers and I discussed "is it Michael or Nicholas?" and since then I've been Nicholas, or Nick for short. Now in hindsight it seems strange that I signed up here as BadNick, but it might be because my first attraction to TFP was the porn.

Kryptoni 10-22-2007 10:21 AM

"Lex Luther"

j/k - My initials are BCL

Plan9 10-22-2007 11:04 AM

*stares at FBI agents in the TFP*

You can't make me say it! I have my rights!

Jezzabelle 10-22-2007 07:28 PM

Ok, so the first letter of my first name is L. My middle name is Rae, when it's said together it's kind of hillbilly. Well if you add rae to anything it's instantly hillbilly!
I was named after my great grandmother, her first name was Esther. I lucked out not getting that name. Her middle name was 'L' and I like it, I've never met anyone with the same first name but I do have patients with the same name, it's kind of awkward to call a patient and say "Hi, L it's L" but I then get to hear well I haven't heard that name in a while, it's so old fashioned...

LazyBoy 10-22-2007 10:56 PM

I hate my middle name by the way "Howard"....my grandma uses it when she wants to get serious lol


casual user 10-23-2007 07:59 PM

my name's calvin

pejay1 10-29-2007 02:40 PM


Long time Lurker, first time poster.

bextro 10-29-2007 02:57 PM

My name's Björn... meaning "bear" in Swedish *roar* ;)

LadySin 10-29-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jezzabelle
My middle name is Rae, when it's said together it's kind of hillbilly. Well if you add rae to anything it's instantly hillbilly!

I feel your pain, my name is Sarah... middle name Mae... and when said together... yeah we all get it... and no I dont own a straw hat or a pair of overalls....

World's King 10-29-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin
*stares at FBI agents in the TFP*

You can't make me say it! I have my rights!

We have our ways of figuring it out...

Jozrael 10-30-2007 04:40 AM


snowy 10-30-2007 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin
*stares at FBI agents in the TFP*

You can't make me say it! I have my rights!

Awww, c'mon, I want to know. It's awkward to refer to you as Crompsin in my fantasies.

Lucifer 10-30-2007 10:29 AM

Really? I've got no problems with it

nolan36 10-30-2007 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by bextro
My name's Björn... meaning "bear" in Swedish *roar* ;)

Omg mine is Björn too!!! Im german, lived there half of my life so yea. One thing that is always confusing americans is the ö, because i always write my name with it and they don't know how to put it in there.(Alt + 148).

Jocke 11-01-2007 05:13 PM

"Jocke" is the standard nickname for "Joakim" in sweden. My name is Joakim. My name isn't 100% secular. Joakim is hebrew for "he whom Jehovah has set up" or something like that.

Lucifer 11-01-2007 05:16 PM

Jehovah set someone up?

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