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Old 03-22-2009, 06:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Greg Gutfeld and the rest of Red Eye Panelists.........Fuck You

So I was watching CBC this evening and they ran a story about a faux news program Red Eye that mocked the Canadian Military and the job they're doing in Afghanistan.

Now I live in a military town and haven't seen a flag raised fully in weeks, the 4 soldiers killed this week were stationed in my hometown so yeah we've taking a shit-kicking here and don't appreciate assholes cracking jokes about our soldiers who are serving and dying in that fuckin country.
“Isn't this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?” Gutfeld asked panelist Doug Benson. Of course, what Gutfeld meant was that someone besides himself should do the invading.

“I didn't even know that they were in the war,” Benson said, adding he thought Canada was where someone went to avoid fighting. By the way, I could find no evidence that Benson ever served his country, either. He quipped that this would be Canada's tourism draw, “Come on by while we nap!”
Seriously people watch this shit? This is the kind of shit that ruins America's reputation around the world when you have asshats like this spouting off about something he knows nothing about. He didn't know we were in the war, he's more than welcome to come to Trenton to watch a reparation ceremony, or stand on a bridge while the hearses carry our fallen down the Highway of Heroes on their way to Toronto.

That's about all I have to say on the subject for now, fuckin assholes should come to my town and open their mouths, I'm sure we could find a nice piece of forest to rest in.

Chickenhawk Red Eye Panel Mocks Stricken Canadian Army As Slackers

FOX News' Greg Gutfeld has never put his own fanny on the line for his country but that didn't stop him and a similarly non-serving Red Eye panel from mocking the Canadian military as a bunch of slackers while overlooking the extremely heavy casualties it has received assisting the United States in the war in Afghanistan. As part of the “joke,” Gutfeld also suggested the Canadian military is making us more vulnerable to attack. With video.

The recent YouTube video below, called “How to lose friends and alienate countries,” posted by “taffyincanada,” shows an episode of Red Eye, FOX News' answer to The Daily Show, in which Gutfeld repeatedly smeared and jeered the Canadian military. Gutfeld either was ignorant of or deliberately withheld from the audience the fact that the Canadian military is fighting in one of the most dangerous pockets in Afghanistan and has suffered a disproportionately high number of casualties (In 2007, it was 2.6 - 4 times higher than British or American soldiers in Afghanistan and 2.6 times higher than the death toll of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq). Not long ago, Canada's Lieutenant General Andrew Leslie announced that, the Afghanistan mission is taking a dramatic toll on the military and, due to personnel and equipment shortages, it may need a “year-long break from operations when its current mission in Afghanistan ends in 2011."

With evident disgust, Gutfeld opened the “commentary” by sneering that Leslie was “an unusual name for a man – yes” as the Red Eye panelists laughed derisively. Gutfeld “joked” that the Canadian military wanted to “do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants.”

“Isn't this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?” Gutfeld asked panelist Doug Benson. Of course, what Gutfeld meant was that someone besides himself should do the invading.

“I didn't even know that they were in the war,” Benson said, adding he thought Canada was where someone went to avoid fighting. By the way, I could find no evidence that Benson ever served his country, either. He quipped that this would be Canada's tourism draw, “Come on by while we nap!”

More uproarious laughter ensued. Gutfeld said approvingly, “Exactly!”

Gutfeld suggested that Canada was just taking advantage of a military tail wind from the U.S. He asked, “Would Canada be able to get away with this if they didn't share a border with the most powerful country in the universe?”

Panelist Monica Crowley, who admires Donald Rumsfeld's “successful effort to bring freedom to Afghanistan,” nodded in sarcastic agreement.

“No, they probably wouldn't,” regular Bill Schulz said. I could find no evidence that he ever served his country beyond sarcastically smearing our ally, either. “Does this surprise any of us?" Schulz asked. "We have police officers and they have Mounties. Our cops ride heavily armored cars. They ride horses. We have bullet-proof vests. They have wonderful little red jackets THAT CAN BE SEEN A MILE AWAY (his emphasis). This is not a smart culture, Greg.”

Crowley, who made it 0 for 4 for military service, giggled. She acknowledged that the Canadians are “good allies” but added, “This is why I'm so disappointed in them.” She joked, “So they're getting manicures, they're getting pedicures. Everybody needs a little time off.” She then agreed that, like Europe, Canada “couldn't take a year off from their military if they didn't have the security backdrop of the United States.”

Crowley continued with the odd joke that Sarah Palin might be in trouble because this might send a signal to the Russians to invade.

Then Gutfeld called on “capitalist pig” Jonathan Hoenig. “J-Ho, should we be worried at all about unguarded borders here or is their military pretty ineffective at all to begin with and it was always a problem?”

Hoenig began, “I have a tremendous respect, Greg, for anyone who serves – Canadian, American...”

“I do too,” Gutfeld said. Sure you do, Grego. You just proved what kind of respect you have.

As readers have probably guessed, business expert Hoenig did not, apparently, break the non-serving record of the panelists. But at least he didn't sneer at the soldiers. “We've tied these kids hands. I mean, after all these years, we can't even say militant Islam... I mean, my God let's win this war! And I think we've been soft for too long. And it's a shame to have to keep them there year after year after year when we're not actually going after the enemy at hand,” Hoenig said.

Schulz then took a swipe at the Mexicans, “joking” that maybe they'll copy Canada and want a siesta while “relying on our army, too.”

Benson was asked for the last word. He replied, “How about evildoers who're saying thanks for the heads up on that year thing, Canada?”

The panel broke out in loud laughter again.

“Very good!” Gutfeld exclaimed, as Benson beamed with pride.

What a bunch of disgraces to this country.
Cheap shots come in wake of recent deaths in Afghanistan

OTTAWA – As Canadians mourn the loss of four more fallen soldiers in Afghanistan, a videotaped segment of an American TV talk show where panelists mock Canadian soldiers as slackers is making the rounds on the Internet.

The five-minute segment, which aired recently on Fox News late-night program ‘Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld’ and later posted on youtube.com, features American panelists suggesting Canadian soldiers need time off for “manicures and pedicures.” The item aired after Gen. Andrew Leslie, the Canadian Forces Chief of Land Staff, told a Senate committee the tapped military would need a one-year break from operations after the difficult mission in Afghanistan winds down in 2011.

“The Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants,” Gutfeld said with a sneer, adding: “Isn’t this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country? They have no army.”

Another panelist Doug Benson said he was unaware Canadian troops were on the ground in Afghanistan.

“I didn’t even know they were in the war. I thought that’s where you go if you don’t want to fight - you go chill in Canada,” he said.

The segment has been posted online (YouTube - How to lose friends and alienate countries) by an outraged Canadian who titled it “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

So far, more than 3,000 people have posted responses to the clip, which also makes fun of RCMP officers and their red uniforms. Fox News was not immediately available for comment.

Ottawa-based Conservative commentator Geoff Norquay called the segment “insulting and beneath contempt.”

“In a week when we lost four more brave soldiers, Canada deserves better from this so-called news network,” he said. “I really wish I subscribed to Fox News so I could cancel it. I hope Canadians will boycott these ignorant children and their pathetic comments. They do not deserve to earn a penny from Canadians.”

Steve Staples, director of the Ottawa-based Rideau Institute, called it a “shameful display” that a panel would laugh it up at the expense of families who have lost loved ones.

“The dismissal of Canadian efforts in Afghanistan simply rubs salt in the wounds of Canadian families whose sons and daughters have been injured or killed in the war,” he said. “It’s significant because Fox News, a major backer of the Bush administration, echoes the ignorance of many in the U.S. who have no idea about Canada’s significant contribution to the war in Afghanistan.”

Liberal MP and defence critic urged Canadians to write to Fox News to protest the panel and said Canada should raise the issue with U.S. President Barack Obama.

“What’s a disgrace is that a lot of people are watching this and it is promoting stereotypes,” he said.

Calling Canada’s military “the best little army in the world,” retired Gen. Lewis MacKenzie lambasted the American panelists as “distasteful” and showing an “appalling ignorance.”

The bodies of the four fallen Canadian soldiers will be repatriated to Canada Monday, three days after their deaths in two separate bomb arracks in Afghanistan. Flag-draped caskets of Master Cpl. Scott Vernelli, 28, Cpl. Tyler Crooks, 24, Trooper Jack Bouthillier, 20, and Trooper Corey Joseph Hayes, 22, will arrive at CFB Trenton for a repatriation ceremony. The four deaths and eight more injuries occurred as the Canadians were working with U.S. troops to attack and disrupt Taliban command centres and supply lines.
A link to the video:
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Old 03-22-2009, 06:43 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Old 03-22-2009, 06:46 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Sorry, is this the Fox equivalent of This Hour Has 22 Minutes, The Royal Canadian Air Farce, or the Rick Mercer Report?
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Old 03-22-2009, 06:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Not too sure Baraka, from what I can gather it's an actual news show (I use the term news loosely). I love CBC News Sunday Night for reporting things like this though, gives a nice insight to the kind of people who watch and believe Fox News is actual news.

Found this story as well:
Ian Welsh: News Flash for Fox News: Canada Doesn't Need the US For Security
News Flash for Fox News: Canada Doesn't Need the US For Security

Canadian Lieutenant General Leslie Andrew Leslie recently noted that after Canada's deployment in Afghanistan ends in 2011, Canada's military may need a year to recover. The reason, as Ellen points out, is because Canada has been suffering 4 times the casualty rate of American troops in Afghanistan, because Canada's in one of the most dangerous provinces.

Of course, Fox panelist Benson then mocked Canadians:

"I didn't even know that they were in the war," Benson said, adding he thought Canada was where someone went to avoid fighting.

No, Fox and the Republican party is where people go who avoid fighting. None of the panelists on the show appear to have ever served in the military.

Then Fox pundits made the suggestion that Canada leaches on the US for security:

"Would Canada be able to get away with this if they didn't share a border with the most powerful country in the universe?"

Here's a fact for Fox. There is only one country in the world which threatens Canada's security in any meaningful way. Only one country in the world which might be able to successfully invade Canada: that's the US.

Canada doesn't need the US to save it from anyone but the US. Sort of like protection money: "Such a nice country you have there. Be a shame if anything any happened to it."

Which is more or less what one panelist meant when he said:

"Isn't this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?" Gutfeld asked panelist Doug Benson.

I know many Americans don't think this way, but I get tired of the idea that Canada is some pacifist country. We joined both WWI and WWII sooner than Americans, and we took heavier losses per capita (see endnotes). Sure, we didn't fight in Vietnam or Iraq, but that's because neither country was any threat to us, or to our ally, the US. Fighting in unnecessary wars is deeply immoral and worse than being immoral is a mistake which weakens the countries which partake.

Why are we in Afghanistan and not Iraq? Because there is a least a case that Afghanistan harbored terrorists who attacked our NATO ally, the US. We're being a good ally. There was no credible evidence that Iraq was involved in 9/11, and we don't believe that when Fred hits you, you should attack Mary instead just because you don't like Mary and always wanted to beat her bloody.

For many years I have believed that Canada needs to revamp its military. Not to make it more of an expeditionary force, but to make it serve Canadians better. The main arm should be the Navy, supported by the Air Force, so we can defend our territorial waters. As for our army, they should be trained in insurgency/counter-insurgency. Officially, of course, the military upgrade would be so we could fight the colonial wars we keep getting dragged into by our entangling alliances. Unofficially the real reason would be because after Iraq, only a fool thinks the US isn't one demagogic politician and one disaster away from invading anyone it pleases, whether there's any good reason or not. Sound ridiculous? Well, 8 years ago would you have thought that if country X attacked the US, the US would use that as an excuse to attack country Y? Ridiculous is no longer a valid counterargument. The US was a rogue nation under Bush, I can see no reason to think it couldn't happen again. And Canada has a lot of oil.

If the US invades, Canada can't beat it on the open battlefield. But Canada is a big place, perfectly designed for guerrilla warfare.

But really, Canada and the US have been allies and friends for a long time, and I'm proud we've helped in Afghanistan. Hopefully relations will stay good. But when Fox is the top viewed news network in a country and spewing this sort of hate, one sometimes wonders.


In WWII Canada had 1.1 million men serving and lost 45,364. The total population of the country in 1945 was 12,072,000. Canada thus had a per capita loss rate of .376%. America's death rate in WWII was .21%.

In WWI Canada had 64,944 military casualties in a total population of 7.2 million. The per capita death rate was thus a wopping 0.9%. The US lost 53,402, in absolute numbers less, and the casualty rate was .054%.

The US entered WWII in December of 1941. Canada had been at war since September 10th, 1939. In WWI the US entered the war on April 6th, 1917. Canada had been at war since August 14th, 1914. (Granted, Canada had no choice in the matter as it had to go to war when Britain did, but it didn't have to send as many men as it did. Granted, also, that there's a strong argument that the US should not have entered WWI, which was not a war about any great principles or against any great evil, despite the propaganda at the time.)
What did you delete you comments for mike? I would have loved to viewed them, must have been interesting to be deleted 3 minutes later.
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Old 03-22-2009, 07:23 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I'm sorry to hear about that. I do recall Ace_O_Spades (I believe it was him) posting that he would laugh about another 9/11.

The pain that people feel is real despite the disconnect that is caused by the rush of this 21st century life.
We would do well to stop and put ourselves in other people's shoes from time to time.

Thank your for your country's service. Do you have family in the military too?
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:21 AM   #6 (permalink)
Her Jay
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No family currently, my grandfather served in WW2 but no family currently in now. I know lots and lots of military personnel currently serving though.

I find it amusing that Gutfeld married an actual whore, as in he met his wife at a brothel in London, imagine that, all the guys she's blown, yet he still kisses that mouth, what a sick fucker, maybe that's why he's so bitter, because he married a whore. I hope bad things happen to the panel of this show, they deserve it.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 03:43 AM.. Reason: spelling
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:04 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: My head.
Really, Jay ... Really? Gutfeld is an asshole for making fun of anyone in Iraq ... but really, are you better than him with the whore comments? Really?
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:19 AM   #8 (permalink)
Her Jay
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He wasn't making fun of anyone in Iraq, it was Afghanistan, Canada doesn't have troops in Iraq. Really you don't know this yet?

If you're comparing me calling his wife a whore, to him making fun of the soldiers of Canada and their contribution to the Afghanistan mission when 4 soldiers died there on Friday, I have to ask you the same question. Really? Or better yet, give your head a shake.

From Wikipedia:
Gutfeld currently resides in New York City with his wife, Elena Moussa, whom he met in a London brothel
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 07:25 AM.. Reason: added quote
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:51 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: My head.
I was just wondering how it was relevant in your OP, but then, this is your thread so ....
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Old 03-23-2009, 09:07 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Actually, I think the Fox comments reflect the views of a substantial portion of Americans who think their allies exist only to be derided - Allies, like Canada, who have always come to the aid of America such as in the wake of 9/11. Allies who, like Canada, were fighting Nazis while Americans were cowering and profiteering from the misery of others.

Yes, they have the freedom to disparage my nation - a nation fighting on behalf of the US for some God unknown reason - but I will happily answer their rants with one of my own.
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Old 03-23-2009, 09:20 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I don't remember Canada bashing before South Park. And it was only funny the first few dozen times. The million times that followed weren't just unfunny, they were a sad reminder that Canada actually has their act together in a lot of ways the US doesn't.

Fox News talking about Canada in this way isn't just like making a Titanic movie joke, it's like making a Titanic movie joke in the middle of a round table discussion about the horror stories of boats sinking and people suffering during said sinkings. Stay classy, Fox News.
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:44 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: My head.
hightheif, as a regular US citizen, I apologize on behalf off the rest USA. Just so you should know, Gutfield is not a representation of what we think about everyone else. He is one man with that opinion and has the ability to broadcast over millions of viewers. Doesn't mean we agree.

This is an appropriate albeit shitty example of a biting thanks. No, not a substantial portion of Americans think like this.

Last edited by Xerxys; 03-23-2009 at 11:00 AM..
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:52 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
No, not a substantial protion of Americans think like this.

I disagree - I'm not saying the majority of Americans share these specific views, but I do think millions (15-20% maybe?) do.

The rest of the world is exposed to vast and disproportionate amounts of US media (although I do think that trend is reversing thanks to the Internet) and we get to sample many flavours of America - some nice, and some not so nice. I think this Fox view point is on shared by many.

That is their right - no one should ever repress opinion. But it reflects very poorly on the US as a whole, rightly or wrongly.
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:52 AM   #14 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
I was just wondering how it was relevant in your OP, but then, this is your thread so ....
Yep it's the thread I started so if I want to rant about his wife sucking cock, or Gutless giving that rather feminine looking Schulz a ride in the hershey highway, I will.

I even sent Gutfeld an email today inviting him to come express his views in my town, although I doubt I'll hear from a gutless coward like him, he'd rather spew his bullshit from the faux news studios far away from Canadians, and far away especially from Canadians who are military.

It may only be one person expressing this view, but it's the reason the rest of the world thinks so lowly of the US at this time, and as long as people like Gutfeld continue to fire off their bullshit, people will keep the same attitude. You can only bash allies for so long before they stop being allies and just tell the US to fuck off when they need help. I find it so amusing that a 'reporter' can be so misinformed, and that unfunny Benson being there is just sad, from the Marijuana Logues to Faux News, jesus at least the setting matches his humour now, non existent.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 10:56 AM..
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Old 03-23-2009, 10:58 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Thanks Xerxys, your apology is not necessary, yet appreciated. The comments by that Gutfield clown were evidently classless and i restrained my self from posting on this forum until I cooled down. Silent Jay, well, he's right. His delivery may not be to all of our liking, but at least it's an honest, hard charging accounting of how he feels, and I for one am with him (althought I would hate to play against him in a hockey game).

We all know that Americans are not represented by that guy, but it sure gets scary when the exposure he gets starts to develop a stereotype.

As for he Canadian military? It's got a great deal of tradition and history, and remember it is representing a country barely one tenth your size. But my father (born in Germany) recalls soldiers of that country fearing the Canadian's tenacity over all other soldiers. At least on the Western Front. I am proud of them.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:17 AM   #16 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
But isnt the question that is begged here, why are Canadian forces fighting in Afghanistan?

oh, and in terms of fighting spirit... I dont know much about the reputation of various armies today, but both my grandfathers fought in WWII, and my understanding is that in that war the Canadian's were admired and feared (depending on which side you were) as being amongst the toughest and bravest forces in the conflict.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:44 AM   #17 (permalink)
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I'm always reminded on the WWII joke about the sentry on guard duty:

Sentry: Halt, who goes there?

Answer: 81st Airborne

Sentry: Pass, Friend

Sentry: Halt! Who goes there?

Answer: King's Highlanders

Sentry: Pass, Friend

Sentry: Halt! Who goes there?

Answer: What the fuck business is it of yours?

Sentry: Pass, Canadians.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:50 AM   #18 (permalink)
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hahaha, good one! The sentry was lucky he wasn't jersied.

The dude apologized. Said it was satirical.

TheStar.com | Canada | Fox News host apologizes

Fox News host apologizes
VIDEO: Anger over Fox News comments
YouTube: Canada's Afghan mission on Fox News

Allan Woods
Ottawa Bureau

OTTAWA – The host of a Fox News show has apologized for bashing the contribution of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, saying his “satirical take” on daily news events has been misunderstood.

Greg Gutfeld, host of “Red Eye” was responding to outrage north of the border about a March 17 segment that aired in the early morning hours but sparked a diplomatic flap when it surfaced on YouTube over the weekend, following the death of four Canadian soldiers in Kandahar.

The show’s panelists took a number of shots at Canada and the military, with one saying he didn’t know the country had even deployed troops in Afghanistan.

Another said the only reason the military could pull its soldiers out of the NATO-led mission was because it relies heavily for security on the United States.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay launched the counterattack on Fox’s Gutfeld, saying the comments were in poor taste and requesting an apology.

“I think it is a very limited, uninformed view. It is crass. It is insensitive and it is in fact disgusting given the timing, where Canada is just receiving back four fallen heroes … at CFB Trenton,” MacKay told CTV Newsnet shortly before travelling to the military base where the latest four soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan arrived today.

MacKay said that the views expressed on the show do not reflect those of the U.S. government, which has been effusive in its praise of Canada, nor the “vast majority of Americans.”

Fox offered up an apology a few hours later saying comments on the show were “in no way an attempt to make light of troop efforts.”

“I realize that my words may have been misunderstood. It was not my intent to disrespect the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military, and for that I apologize. Red Eye is a satirical take on the news, in which all topics are addressed in a lighthearted, humorous and ridiculous manner,” Gutfeld’s statement read.

The late-night show, "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld," featured a panel that took turns bashing Canada. One panelist said he didn't even know Canada had troops in Afghanistan and another said the only reason the military could pull its troops out of the NATO-led mission was because it relies heavily for security on the United States.

A clip of the segment, which aired last week in the early morning hours, surfaced on YouTube over the weekend and kicked off the diplomatic flap.

Dan Dugas, a spokesperson for MacKay, said earlier today that "no one is laughing and they owe Canada — and, more importantly, the families of each one of our fallen heroes — an apology for their ill-informed mistakes."

Canadian soldiers have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001 and have spent the last four years in the country's most violent region.

Canada has lost 116 soldiers in Afghanistan.

The country has said it will pull out most of its 2,500 troops in Kandahar when its current combat mission expires in 2011.

News of that impending withdrawal, and the army chief's comments that the military would need a year's hiatus to regroup and refurbish, served as the launching pad for members of the Fox panel to mock Canada.

The segment was posted online under the title, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries."

So far, more than 3,000 people have posted responses to the clip, which also makes fun of RCMP officers and their traditional red uniforms.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:50 AM   #19 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Originally Posted by Leto View Post
Thanks Xerxys, your apology is not necessary, yet appreciated. The comments by that Gutfield clown were evidently classless and i restrained my self from posting on this forum until I cooled down. Silent Jay, well, he's right. His delivery may not be to all of our liking, but at least it's an honest, hard charging accounting of how he feels, and I for one am with him (althought I would hate to play against him in a hockey game).
Yes people will have to forgive me as I'm not very diplomatic in my words, or as people have told me in real life, I'm rather blunt and don't sugar coat things or mix words, if I'm pissed about a topic, most can tell by my posts No need to worry about me in a hockey game Leto, haven't been on skates since I was 21, 10 years ago, so I'm a shell of my former hockey playing self.

Leto is right Xerxys, no need to apologize, although we do appreciate it.

SF, in all honestly I have no clue as to why Canada is in Afghanistan, I guess we're there to help the US in 'The War on Terror' (is that still going on?), but it seems like the US forgot about Afghanistan when they got a hard on for Iraq and then left their allies to handle Afghanistan for the last few years. Personally, I'm glad we're ending our mission there in 2011, I wish it was ending sooner, as I see no clear way of winning this war, but that's just my opinion.

added: Personally I don't buy his apology, his words weren't satire, also when the show aired on March 17 and he apologizes on March 23, that's just trying to save your ass, had he been sincere he would have apologized sooner. When you blatantly make fun of a countries military and call them a 'ridiculous country' and ask 'is this not the time to invade, they have no army' that isn't satire. The man figured because his show airs at what is it 3am that he could get away with it, but he got caught out. I find this quote interesting though:
“I realize that my words may have been misunderstood. It was not my intent to disrespect the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military, and for that I apologize. Red Eye is a satirical take on the news, in which all topics are addressed in a lighthearted, humorous and ridiculous manner,” Gutfeld’s statement read.
How were his words misunderstood? They seemed pretty clear to me, no intent to disrespect, I call bullshit on that one. There is nothing lighthearted, humorous and ridiculous about making comments about a countries military who has soldiers dying in the very conflict he was talking about. I still say fuck you Greg Gutfeld.

Found an interesting comment from Rick Mercer, he gives faux news some tips on satire:
Rick Mercer to Fox: Bullying is not satire

Renowned comedian and political satirist Rick Mercer has a few words of advice for the Fox News panelists who incited the Canadian government to demand an apology for their mocking of the Canadian military.

“If you're going to do satire, three of the most important rules are you have to tell the truth, you can't be a bully and don't be an asshole,” said Mr. Mercer, who hosts his own show on CBC. “Being a bully is not satire.”

Mr. Mercer learned of the controversial comments, made by Greg Gutfeld, host of the late-night program Red Eye with Gret Gutfeld after fans of his program began inundating his inbox with clips of an episode that aired on March 17.

On that show, broadcast at 3 a.m., Mr. Gutfeld mocked Lt.-Gen Andrew Leslie, chief of land staff for the Canadian Military, for suggesting earlier this month that the military may need to take a year-long break in operations due to personnel and equipment shortages.

Defence minister says show's comments limited, uninformed, insensitive and disgusting given that Canada will be welcoming back four fallen heroes on Monday.

I didn't even know they were in the war, one panelist said of Canada's role in the NATO-led Afghan mission.

Canada's military can take a one-year break since they enjoy the protections of their southern neighbour, the United States, suggested Fox News Red Eye host Greg Gutfled and panelists.

“Once their Afghan mission winds down some time in 2011, certain members of the Canadian military are looking to take a much-deserved break. And by certain members I mean all of them,” Mr. Gutfeld said. “Meaning, the Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white Capri pants.”

In his four-minute segment, Mr. Gutfeld asked the other three members of his panel: “Isn't this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country? They have no army!”

Another panelist Doug Benson, a comedian, replied: “I didn't even know they were in the war. I thought that's where you go when you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada.”

The segment, which has angered Canadians across the country, prompted the Canadian government to demand an apology from Fox News for “despicable” comments.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 01:25 PM.. Reason: added after
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Old 03-23-2009, 02:36 PM   #20 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Seems Doug Benson is feeling the backlash already, the asshole was dumped from a spot at The Comic Strip in Edmonton. Too bad, he should have came, there's a base in Edmonton, he could have got a view of what people feel about him, maybe even the punch in the face he deserves. I hope all his Canadian gigs are canceled and he never makes another dollar playing a show on Canadian soil again.
An American comic slated to play in Edmonton has been dumped after slagging Canadian soldiers on a Fox News talk show.

Doug Benson was set to appear at The Comic Strip in West Edmonton Mall April 2 to 5, according to his Myspace page.

He was one of the guests on Fox News' Red Eye talk show that took aim at the Canadian military for talk of taking a one-year break after leaving Afghanistan.

An employee at the Comic Strip said that the show has been nixed.

She said both Benson and the club decided to cancel.

In the recently-aired segment, Benson said: "I didn't even know they were in the war. I thought that's where you want to go if you don't want to fight."

Four Canadian soldiers killed Friday. The death toll for Canadian soldiers killed in the fighting is now 116.

The show aired after Gen. Andrew Leslie, the Canadian Forces Chief of Land Staff, told a Senate committee the military would need a one-year break from operations after the mission in Afghanistan winds down in 2011.

"The Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants," Gutfeld said with a sneer.

The segment was posted online (YouTube - How to lose friends and alienate countries) under the title, “How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries.”

By Monday afternoon, more than 7,800 people had posted responses to the clip, which also makes fun of RCMP officers and their traditional red uniforms.
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Old 03-23-2009, 02:42 PM   #21 (permalink)
I'm surprised someone hasn't called this satire yet.

Completely tasteless in my opinion. And extremely bad timing given the fallen soldiers who just returned to Canadian soil.

But what is said is said. Maybe next show these clowns can mock the Americans who followed the Canadians and just about every other army in the world into both WWI and WWII. But that would just end with gloating of how the Americans won both wars.

Do they still taech world history in the American edumacation system? (This last question is a joke,..don't take it personally ya'll Amoricans)
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:25 PM   #22 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Gutfeld tried calling it satire in his 'apology', actually not much of an apology at all, more like a 'people misunderstood me, it wasn't my intent', personally I don't buy it, had it been satirical or had he not meant to insult the Canadian military he would have apologized after the show, not 6 days after the show aired and after he pissed off pretty much all of Canada, I reckon it's safe to say he won't be coming to Canada anytime soon.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:27 PM   #23 (permalink)
I gather from your posts that nobody in this thread has ever watched this show, knows how these actors interact with each other, or knows the basic premise of this program. I watch this show a lot. Every chance I get, as a matter of fact - and the reason I do is that it is irreverent, condescending, and bullish. Those three words are likely what was used to pitch the show to the executives and what these people say to themselves every day before taping.

It, like MANY shows on Fox News, is NOT a serious news reporting program. Fox is filled with shows like: The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity's America (I hate him so much!), Hannity and Combes, RedEye, and many others. These are opinion pieces - NOt news programs. So I tend to disregard people who claim that Fox is a Faux News channel when they cite these shows as evidence. The actual news on Fox takes place in the middle of the day and is very balanced, whereas the opinion programming is not balanced at all. (logic being that, if you don't watch this 'faux' news network enough to realize that half of it's shows are not news, then go off and condescendingly remark that anyone who watches Fox is, by default, an ignorant-redneck-conservative-hick, you are just mindlessly following others who have fallen prey to the same mistake you are making. All of this means that you are ill-educated on the subject and unfit to hold a viable debate on the objectivity of Fox's actual news programs.) In fact the biased comments on this show that are in the opening post are the EXACT kind of thing that is incorrectly protested. (In short, they are biased, insulting, and make assumptions based on a 4 minute clip. These assumptions include Greg's facial postures made during phrases where his face was not even pictured.)

Now that that is out of the way... The show is nothing but satire. Repeated: NOTHING besides satire. If you watched it, you would know. I mean, for God's sake - The man draws some stupid snippet of the days news on a piece of computer paper EVERY SHOW! (And it usually involves a unicorn...) This whole segment stems from the show poking fun at Canadians for deciding to jump out of fighting for one year. It may seem as especially hateful to those who have only seen this one clip, but this is how they treat every story they cover.

So... what I have gathered from this thread is that you (Jay) are upset because this show that you never watch is making fun of the Canadian military for doing something that a military really should never do (ie. run out of resources) and poking fun at a few ethnic stereotypes of Canadians while doing so. Because you are upset at this show you know nothing about, but feel that your countrymen and country have been specifically targeted for an extreme verbal lashing by them, you make hasty and emotional comments and cite lines from Wikipedia (I presonally find it hilarious that you imply that one cannot trust Fox News - but then cite Wikipedia articles that were probably edited by angry Canadians after this all came out)

Also, the comment that now is the time to invade Canada is quite obviously satire. I don't see how you could actually be concerned that one lone actor (Who actually simply reads the teleprompter - yes, Greg's lines are mainly scripted, everyone else makes up their lines) would try to incite a war between the US and Canada. I think that Canada's reaction to this whole mess has vindicated his comment on Canada being a ridiculous country.

In short - I personally, am grateful for Canada's contribution to the military efforts in Afghanistan. I would not wish harm to any of the Canadian or US military personal overseas. I do not think less of Canadian soldiers because there are less of them than there are US soldiers. However, your views about Fox News are incorrect and your views about the show RedEye are skewed by 4 minute news clips. Yes, it is horrible that four Canadians died fighting for their country. I would not wish that on any soldier.

However, to actually believe that the words in that show are anything more than shock humor and stereotypical comments is ignorant. And, as you said in your opening post, you have people who talk about things they don't know.

My question to you is this: If you are so upset about this segment, how did you feel about Steven Colbert's similar comment in Spring 2006(?) when he said that there would be many more jobs opening up because soldiers were getting killed overseas? Where was the outrage then? Especially considering that RedEye wasn't making fun of dead soldiers... Or does your outrage only pertain to Canadian troops, not for life in general? I'm not looking for a response, I just want you to consider that question yourself.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:40 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Faba View Post
Now that that is out of the way... The show is nothing but satire. Repeated: NOTHING besides satire. If you watched it, you would know. I mean, for God's sake - The man draws some stupid snippet of the days news on a piece of computer paper EVERY SHOW! (And it usually involves a unicorn...) This whole segment stems from the show poking fun at Canadians for deciding to jump out of fighting for one year. It may seem as especially hateful to those who have only seen this one clip, but this is how they treat every story they cover.
So it's satire to make fun of a military and saying 'I didn't even know they were in the war' when said country had 4 soldiers killed that week? Give me a fuckin break.

So... what I have gathered from this thread is that you (Jay) are upset because this show that you never watch is making fun of the Canadian military for doing something that a military really should never do (ie. run out of resources) and poking fun at a few ethnic stereotypes of Canadians while doing so. Because you are upset at this show you know nothing about, but feel that your countrymen and country have been specifically targeted for an extreme verbal lashing by them, you make hasty and emotional comments and cite lines from Wikipedia (I presonally find it hilarious that you imply that one cannot trust Fox News - but then cite Wikipedia articles that were probably edited by angry Canadians after this all came out)
You seem to be trying to make a point that I know nothing about this show, you assume a lot in your posts for someone who knows nothing about me.
Lets see the size of our military and the size of your military compared to the burden my military has taken in Afghanistan compared to your country who has forgotten about Afghanistan for how many years now? Oh it isn't just me who thinks Fox is bullshit news, ask any person with a quarter of a brain, they won't believe anything there, hmmm what did I just say there?

Also, the comment that now is the time to invade Canada is quite obviously satire. I don't see how you could actually be concerned that one lone actor (Who actually simply reads the teleprompter - yes, Greg's lines are mainly scripted, everyone else makes up their lines) would try to incite a war between the US and Canada. I think that Canada's reaction to this whole mess has vindicated his comment on Canada being a ridiculous country.
Ridiculous country you say? I'll keep my comments to myself on this one, they may get me in trouble, and you aren't worth getting in shit here over.

In short - I personally, am grateful for Canada's contribution to the military efforts in Afghanistan. I would not wish harm to any of the Canadian or US military personal overseas. I do not think less of Canadian soldiers because there are less of them than there are US soldiers. However, your views about Fox News are incorrect and your views about the show RedEye are skewed by 4 minute news clips. Yes, it is horrible that four Canadians died fighting for their country. I would not wish that on any soldier.
My views oin Fox News are incorrect? Hahaha you're fuckin hilarious, seriously that's funny shit right there. You drank the kool aid didn't you, poor soul all fucked up on Fox.

However, to actually believe that the words in that show are anything more than shock humor and stereotypical comments is ignorant. And, as you said in your opening post, you have people who talk about things they don't know.
Ignorant? Seriously you're calling me ignorant yet his comments are satire, you're pathetic. What don't I know about? That Fox is bullshit news generally watched by morons who are clueless to the world around them, see I know about Fox, but I suspect you're going to tell me how great and 'fair and balanced' Fox is.

Hey percy, we found the one to claim satire. Poor Fox viewers, not smarter than your average bear.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:52 PM   #25 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by The Faba View Post
Now that that is out of the way... The show is nothing but satire.
It's absolutely not satire. Fox News is a business and they're in the business of riling up complete idiots with crazy garbage, idiots that take what they watch seriously and follow their commands like redneck zombies. As long as business is good, Fox will sell their alternate reality and will screw up the political landscape.

Satire is only satire when the audience knows it's satire. Even if the intent of Fox News is to create satire (and it's not), the audience takes it very seriously.
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Old 03-23-2009, 04:13 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Why is a news channel doing satire to begin with? They should leave that to folks like Bill Maher, John Stewart, or even Chris Rock.
Cameron originally envisioned the Terminator as a small, unremarkable man, giving it the ability to blend in more easily. As a result, his first choice for the part was Lance Henriksen. O. J. Simpson was on the shortlist but Cameron did not think that such a nice guy could be a ruthless killer.

-From the Collector's Edition DVD of The Terminator
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Old 03-23-2009, 04:19 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Rick Mercer the best satirical comic in Canada even said this wasn't satire.
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Old 03-23-2009, 04:26 PM   #28 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by silent_jay View Post
Rick Mercer the best satirical comic in Canada even said this wasn't satire, but I knew there would be someone stupid enough to call it satire here, it was just a matter of time.
Jesus, dude, that's not necessary. We don't use the name-calling round these parts, hombre.
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Old 03-23-2009, 05:07 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Good point will, I edited my previous post so as not to offend anyone. Although honestly I don't consider that name calling. I've had what I've posted here called stupid numerous times with nothing said by anyone, but I guess I don't know the right people to pull it off.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 06:04 PM.. Reason: spelling
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:39 PM   #30 (permalink)
Does anyone have a video or a statement with Fox's apology for this nonsense? It was a public show, let's make the "sorry" public too.

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

I've watched the clip a few times now and it, "Red Eye", never comes across as a show that is satirical, ironic, or anything in between. This show, if I'm not mistaken, is on Fox News. The Colbert Show is on The Comedy Network.

You can make these kind of laughs about our country on South Park or whatever medium you must, but when you put it on a news channel, you have to back it up with facts.

Fact was, no one seemed to know their own asshole from a hole in the ground.
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:52 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Faba View Post
Now that that is out of the way... The show is nothing but satire. Repeated: NOTHING besides satire. If you watched it, you would know. I mean, for God's sake - The man draws some stupid snippet of the days news on a piece of computer paper EVERY SHOW! (And it usually involves a unicorn...) This whole segment stems from the show poking fun at Canadians for deciding to jump out of fighting for one year. It may seem as especially hateful to those who have only seen this one clip, but this is how they treat every story they cover.

So... what I have gathered from this thread is that you (Jay) are upset because this show that you never watch is making fun of the Canadian military for doing something that a military really should never do (ie. run out of resources) and poking fun at a few ethnic stereotypes of Canadians while doing so. Because you are upset at this show you know nothing about, but feel that your countrymen and country have been specifically targeted for an extreme verbal lashing by them, you make hasty and emotional comments and cite lines from Wikipedia .
You're not understanding the "taking a year off" in the context of which it was presented.

The Canadian Armed Forces have been in Afghanistan since 2003 I believe and aren't scheduled to leave until 2011 or 2012. (Can't remember, the gov't has extended the deadline for withdrawl on 2 separate occcasions. In Afghanistan, you have the Americans, British, Canadians, Dutch, and Australians doing all the heavy lifting. The rest of the NATO allies are directing traffic in Kabul. Canada has lost about 120 soldiers now in this war. Given that our population is one tenth of yours, that would be akin to the USA losing 1,200 soldiers in Afghanistan.

Prior to that, we were in Bosnia,

Prior to that, we were in Africa.

Etc. etc. etc.

Here's a list...

List of Canadian military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He wasn't saying they are going to shut down the army for a year after this American War is over, he's saying, no more over seas duties for a year.

I don't think that's too much to ask for personally.

---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

Just a couple of points.....

1. I've never heard of this show before and the fact that it's on a 3 a.m. (or so I read) tells you how good it is.

2. I don't think the opinions expressed on this show echoes what most Americans think. I'm sure that if you talked with them they'd be very forward in their thanks for the assistance in Afghanistan.

3. Check out the ears on that one guy in the clip! (Was his father also his brother?)

Last edited by james t kirk; 03-23-2009 at 06:47 PM..
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:55 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Yep you're right james t, we've lost 116 soldiers and 1 diplomat in Afghanistan and the mission is over in 2011, unless it gets extended again which I hope it doesn't.

achtungbaby: It wasn't so much a 'sorry' from Mr. Gutless opps Gutfeld as it was a people took my words out of context, people misunderstood my words, It wasn't inteded to be an insult, basically he was taking no responsibility for his remarks and putting it all on the people who 'misunderstood' him.
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 07:03 PM..
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:02 PM   #33 (permalink)
Originally Posted by silent_jay View Post
Yep you're right james t, we've lost 116 soldiers and 1 diplomat in Afghanistan and the mission is over in 2011, unless it gets extended again which I hope it doesn't.

achtungbaby: It wasn't so much a 'sorry' from Mr. Gutless opps Gutfeld as it was a people took my words out of context, people misunderstood my words, It wasn't inteded to be an insult, basically he was taking no responsibility for his remarks and putting it all on the people who 'misunderstood' him.
I'm not defending this dude. I've seen the CBC and numerous other sources "say" Fox has said their sorry. I just haven't seen any links or video to that effect.

I'm with you man, this whole thing stinks like Dick Cheney's nutsack. Weird and rotten.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:13 PM   #34 (permalink)
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They said they're sorry I suppose, I just find it hard to believe a show that aired on March 17 gets an apology on March 23 seems odd, I don't know, but yes they have said sorry.

Here's an article about the apology.
Fox host apologizes for mocking of Canadian Forces

Mind you I read this thing that seems rather funny, I wouldn't have figured a little thread at TFP would get linked on whatever the site is, I've never heard of it.
Canada and libs want Red Eye cancelled and condemed. This shit is dead serious. - The Activity Pit

Edit: jesus I didn't notice those ears before, those things are huge. Notice though he was staying out of the bashing, seems he's the smartest one on the 'panel'
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Last edited by silent_jay; 03-23-2009 at 07:16 PM..
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:16 PM   #35 (permalink)
Thanks for the reply, reading it now.

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------

That's their reply?? I've seen more sincere apologizes from ... something.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:18 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Haha, my thoughts exactly, not so much of an apology as a the viewers misunderstood me, it's all satire. Satire seems to be the easy thing to hide behind when you get caught being an asshat on tele.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:23 PM   #37 (permalink)
It's a Nixon-like or Bush-like non-response/non-denial.

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Actually, it's worse. It's an outright lie. It was on "FOX NEWS". That makes it different. It was a news-sponsered program, from a "fair and balanced" news giant.

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

It's like watching Roger Clemens try to tell Congress that they "mis-understood me".
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:27 PM   #38 (permalink)
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That's what I don't get, satire doesn't belong on a news channel, we don't see Rick Mercer ob CBC Newsworld doing satire, or The Rick Mercer Report doesn't air on Newsworld, we see him on the regular CBC stations . I just don't buy this was satire, seems all too convenient an excuse when Gutfeld got called out to say it was satire.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:42 PM   #39 (permalink)
Satire my ass.

Look up "Ann Coulture CBC" on youtube. Most media gets away with this crap.
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Old 03-23-2009, 08:06 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Ann Coulter was funny on CBC, especially on I think it was The Fifth Estate when she was arguing that Canada sent combat troops to Vietnam, great video, she's pretty fucked up that's for sure, and her legs are so skinny, I'm not sure how she stands up.
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