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Old 06-07-2007, 07:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
Superbelt's Avatar
Location: Grantville, Pa
Paris back to the Hilton after only 3 days in jail.

She didn't like the baloney, so she starved herself out of the prison sentence.
She gets to spend the next 42 days sitting in her family mansion rather than a jail cell.

And to review: This was her second DUI, performed on a suspended license, additional violation of her probation was that she failed to enrole in alcohol education programs and she was doing 70 in a 35 without her headlights at night.

And she gets off with 3 days in jail and the luxurious comforts of a month an a half at home.

My little brother is going to be sentenced for his 2nd DUI soon. I should tell him the hunger strike trick. Wonder if it works for a non-socialite?
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Old 06-07-2007, 07:54 AM   #2 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Aww....poor widdle baby Paris....
She was starving? How could they tell?
Your brother will get the same treatment-if he's got the bucks and the same mommy and daddy.
They should have sentenced her to community service in Compton....in a soup kitchen, with a mop.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:08 AM   #3 (permalink)
ubertuber's Avatar
Location: Ellay
I'd put more stock in this if her house resembled my house.

Heck, people pay to go to places that resemble her house - they're called resorts, and her family owns a bunch of 'em.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:10 AM   #4 (permalink)
lankrypt0's Avatar
Location: Aberdeen, NJ
This really pisses me off, though who didn't see this coming a mile away? They basically set it up a few weeks back when she went to a psychologist or some such BS and he claimed she was not emotionally fit to go to jail.

Should have sent her here :
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:15 AM   #5 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
Superbelt's Avatar
Location: Grantville, Pa

That is her new prison cell.

Who do I have to kill to be sentenced there?
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:36 AM   #6 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Did you honestly expect anything different?

Although...I would be interested in seeing how Superbelt's brother fares.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:38 AM   #7 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Originally Posted by Superbelt

That is her new prison cell.

Who do I have to kill to be sentenced there?
Actually, that looks like a prison...rich doesn't mean taste...
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:42 AM   #8 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
Superbelt's Avatar
Location: Grantville, Pa
He's trying to fight it right now actually. Trying to get the thing thrown out on a technicality. It won't work and I am actually hoping he gets the full 30 days and license revocation for a year. 2 DUI is 2 too many. He needs to learn a lesson.

All Paris just learned is she is above the law and money still makes her problems go away.

Last edited by Superbelt; 06-07-2007 at 08:45 AM..
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:43 AM   #9 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
No one is emotionally fit to go to jail; that's not a reason not to go to jail. Jail is the system we have for now, so she has to go. If she's acting, she needs to stop and jail would stop it. If she's actually that stupid, then she needs a wake up call.

Her parents should be deeply ashamed of themselves, as she is clearly too stupid to feel shame for herself.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Originally Posted by willravel
If she's acting, she needs to stop and jail would stop it.
Did you see House of Wax? She's not that good an actor.
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:58 AM   #11 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Did you see House of Wax? She's not that good an actor.
Fuck, I'm glad that I already swallowed my swig of Coke, and set the can down before reading that.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:01 AM   #12 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Did you see House of Wax? She's not that good an actor.
That could have been part of her act. How much money has she made making herself out to be as stupid as the president? The Simple Life and other horrible pieces of Armageddon are making her even more rich. She gets in tabliods and it helps to sell anything she's in. I'd say she's walking in the footsteps of Pam Anderson and the likes, but it could be intentional. Do you know how much money Pam has? I'd imagine quite a lot.
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:05 AM   #13 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
Superbelt's Avatar
Location: Grantville, Pa
Well, hopefully she's walking in the footsteps of Anna Nicole instead and we will be rid of her existence soon.
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:13 AM   #14 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Yikes...I don't want her dead, just either to get smart or to stop pretending she's dumb as a stump.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, SB. We're all pulling for him.
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:49 AM   #15 (permalink)
roachboy's Avatar
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Location: essex ma
thought i would let you in on a little secret.

paris hilton is actually "paris hilton", a fictional character within an ongoing bit of performance art.
seen from that angle, she is a genius.

the character "paris hilton" does not do anything--she gets fucked up, she participates in various incompetently documented sexual liaisons, she gets fucked up, she show up to events, she gets fucked up, she hangs out with other fictional characters in various LA bistrii, she gets fucked up, she drives around.

its all about the "spontenous" attraction of "the media" to "paris hilton."
the less she actually does while continuing to attract "the media" the better the piece gets.

now she is approaching a limit-state of self-erasure.
weaselling out of jail by refusing to eat bologna and going on a 3 day hunger strike is genius.
she shows that in amurica, if you are endowed by accident with adequate cash, you do not have to *do* anything--but she is beautiful because she takes doing nothing SO FAR...now, she has extended this idea that she does nothing all the way, to the effective erasure of a 2nd dui conviction.

so now she CAN'T do anything because nothing she does has any status.
she CANT really be guilty of dui because she doesn't DO ANYTHING.

so we see that "paris hilton" is transcending the cheap situationist character of her earlier work and attaining the status of zen master.

sheesh, people. i thought this would be obvious.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:54 AM   #16 (permalink)
The Reforms
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As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:55 AM   #17 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
I don't think she's just acting dumb. I'm pretty sure she's that fucking stupid.

Not that it matters. She's still gonna be on the front page every fucking day till she dies. Or at least gains too much weight to be considered cool.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:55 AM   #18 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
This is bullshit and whoever allowed this needs to be thrown off the bench (assuming it is a judge).

See this is why there are class wars and why people hate the rich. "Normal people" have to face the consequences for their actions..... the rich time and time again get off and instead of being gracious and humble shove it in people's faces.

What will it take? Maybe Paris actually killing someone in her next DUI and then the system will probably determine it wasn't her fault.

Our country was built upon the justice for all, and equality before the eyes of the court.......... perhaps we never had it, but there is no doubt in my mind we aren't even close to having it anymore.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:01 AM   #19 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Originally Posted by Superbelt
I am actually hoping he gets the full 30 days and license revocation for a year. 2 DUI is 2 too many. He needs to learn a lesson.
I dunno. I mean, sure...he definately needs to "learn a lesson". But, 2 is 2 too many?
I've never gotten a DUI. That does not mean that I couldn't have. I know that there have been several times, back in my wilder youth, when I was driving and knew damn good and well that I had absolutely no business doing so. It was just plain ol' dumb luck that I never got caught. I highly suspect that most anyone here could easily say the same. So...I tend not to look with a critical eye upon those that do get caught...once. That should, in my opinion, be the wake up call. Anything over that, I really hold no sympathy.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:31 AM   #20 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
Superbelt's Avatar
Location: Grantville, Pa
Every time someone does that, they unnecessarially threaten other peoples lives.
I wouldn't throw the book at someone after one. But some considerable stiff penalties to actually slap them in the face and wake them up to the danger they possess I think are necessary. Something much more substantial than what we do to them right now.
Two, especially in the manner that Paris got hers, that is just horrible.

As much as I love him, my brother (and anyone who is a repeat DUI offender) should not be getting off this easy. Not with the devestation they cause.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:38 AM   #21 (permalink)
Big & Brassy
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Location: The "Canyon"
I'm with World's King, she is just that fucking stupid. BUT someone, somewhere is pulling the right strings, and the American Sheep are eating it up.

BTW, what the fuck is she even famous FOR? A few years ago, nobody ever heard of this bitch. All of a sudden, BAM, Paris Hilton "the daughter of billionaire blah blah blah..." has been seen being a fuck up. Lather, rince, repeat. Add a made-up sex tape and a lame-ass FOX "reality" show to the mix and now she's a "celebrity?"

Fuck you, Paris Hilton, and your ilk.

[gets off soapbox]
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:40 AM   #22 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
I've never driven drunk in my life. She's done it so often she's been caught twice.

This has been another episode of why I'm better than Paris Hilton.
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:51 AM   #23 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by Mister Coaster
I'm with World's King, she is just that fucking stupid. BUT someone, somewhere is pulling the right strings, and the American Sheep are eating it up.

BTW, what the fuck is she even famous FOR? A few years ago, nobody ever heard of this bitch. All of a sudden, BAM, Paris Hilton "the daughter of billionaire blah blah blah..." has been seen being a fuck up. Lather, rince, repeat. Add a made-up sex tape and a lame-ass FOX "reality" show to the mix and now she's a "celebrity?"

Fuck you, Paris Hilton, and your ilk.

[gets off soapbox]
Her and her sister Nikki started as "runway models" and as the press does found the Hilton sisters rich, beautiful and party animals. So the press followed them around and Nikki soon got tired of playing the game, found some rich greek shipping magnate's son and has pretty much not been heard from.

Paris, however, seems to love the spotlight and being the focus of attention good or bad. So the press uses her to deflect American attention off true issues and she does what she needs to, to keep that attention.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 06-07-2007, 10:55 AM   #24 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
Does anybody here REALLY CARE whatever is happening to Paris Hilton? Please think about it. Even if you kill somebody, driving drunk, and farbeit from me to criticize a life-long-term democrat, you skate. Think some more...
With any luck she'll drive into a bridge abutment next time.
I didn't mean that. Does anybody REALLY CARE what happens to her, as long as nobody else becomes a victim of her stupidity?
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Old 06-07-2007, 11:03 AM   #25 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Does anybody here REALLY CARE whatever is happening to Paris Hilton? Please think about it. Even if you kill somebody, driving drunk, and farbeit from me to criticize a life-long-term democrat, you skate. Think some more...
With any luck she'll drive into a bridge abutment next time.
I didn't mean that. Does anybody REALLY CARE what happens to her, as long as nobody else becomes a victim of her stupidity?
I don't care what happens to Paris Hilton as long as it is the same justice that is passed to someone who barely makes his rent and pays his bills, or anyone else. Justice is supposed to be blind and the great equalizer.... if it isn't then our country is not as great and not as free and not the rags to riches country we claim to be.

And victims???? Paris leaves victims left and right (maybe willing victims but victims nonetheless) just ask Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Nicole Ritchie, and so on.

What will happen, Brit, Lindsay, and Nicole will o'd, kill someone or end up truly losing it and Paris, who led them there will walk away unscathed.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:06 PM   #26 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Well said, Pan. Well said.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:10 PM   #27 (permalink)
Thanks a fucking lot, California.

Until there is a REAL zero-tolerance policy on drunk driving, scumbag fucktards like this cunt and others of her drunk-driving ilk will continue to get away with relatively no punishment.
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:20 PM   #28 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
Originally Posted by roachboy

so we see that "paris hilton" is transcending the cheap situationist character of her earlier work and attaining the status of zen master.
I never would've thought to see the words "Paris Hilton" and "zen master" used in the same sentence....ever.

Looks like I owe someone a dollar.

I don't give a shit about Paris Hilton and I certainly don't watch any of her stuff unless she's half-naked and taking it like a champ--and even then I'm only mildly interested--but it's a gorram shame that this ended the way it did.

One half of my brain is outraged that money, pseudo-celebrity and a coldly calculated temper tantrum is enough to completely short circuit the justice system. That it is appalling that in their need to coddle, curry favor, appease, or assuage every little discomfort this b-list media attention whore--at best, mind you--went through, that those in charge felt the need to bend over backwards and subvert the system so egregiously.

The other half of my brain thinks it's just par for the fucking course and prays that the next time Paris gets liquored up and gets behind the wheel, she hits one of the putzes that had hand in this bullshit.
No signature. None. Seriously.
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:26 PM   #29 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by analog
Thanks a fucking lot, California.
It's one judge, not the whole state. I happen to be proud of a lot of things from California, we're damned progressive, we have one of the strongest economies in the world, let alone in the US, and we're rad. One complete idiot judge can't define my state.
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:47 PM   #30 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Originally Posted by guthmund
The other half of my brain thinks it's just par for the fucking course and prays that the next time Paris gets liquored up and gets behind the wheel, she hits one of the putzes that had hand in this bullshit.
Interesting. Now that, I feel, would be real justice. I'm likin' the you think there, guthman.

Originally Posted by willravel
It's one judge, not the whole state.
Nah...we'd much rather blame all of you. It's a whole lot more fun that way. And besides, someone in the state had to have elected his ass. Share the blame. It's the right thing to do.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 06-07-2007, 01:34 PM   #31 (permalink)
Sir, I have a plan...
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Originally Posted by willravel
... and we're rad.
This made me laugh.

Honestly though, Paris Hilton is a product of the whole culture that Cali (especially SoCal) is guilty of pushing on the rest of the world. Right now teenage girls around the country are trying to grow up to be just like her.

I'm with analog, let's send our heavy shit to California, then tow it out to sea and sink it. What was it Mr. Keenan said about Arizona Bay?

Fortunato became immured to the sound of the trowel after a while.
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Old 06-07-2007, 01:54 PM   #32 (permalink)
Easy Rider
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Location: Moscow on the Ohio
In Paris's America, what she has been going through must seem very cruel and unfair to her. Those of us who expect justice to be applied equally to everyone just don't understand how the system really works.
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Old 06-07-2007, 01:55 PM   #33 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by debaser
This made me laugh.

Honestly though, Paris Hilton is a product of the whole culture that Cali (especially SoCal) is guilty of pushing on the rest of the world. Right now teenage girls around the country are trying to grow up to be just like her.

I'm with analog, let's send our heavy shit to California, then tow it out to sea and sink it. What was it Mr. Keenan said about Arizona Bay?
A quick google search told me the top teen magazines in the world:
Teen magazine, Hearst Communications, NYC
CosmoGirl, Hearst Communications, NYC
Seventeen, Hearst Communications, NYC
Girl's Life Magazine, Baltimore, MD
Teen People, NYC?
YM, CondéNet, Inc, NYC
Elle Girl, Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S., Inc., NYC

Not only that, but most TV shows you watch are filmed in Canada, and most movies aren't shot in the US.

Just to make sure the stereotype isn't so prevalent anymore.
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Old 06-07-2007, 03:39 PM   #34 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
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Location: Between the darkness and the light.
Originally Posted by pan6467
I don't care what happens to Paris Hilton as long as it is the same justice that is passed to someone who barely makes his rent and pays his bills, or anyone else. Justice is supposed to be blind and the great equalizer.... if it isn't then our country is not as great and not as free and not the rags to riches country we claim to be.

And victims???? Paris leaves victims left and right (maybe willing victims but victims nonetheless) just ask Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Nicole Ritchie, and so on.

What will happen, Brit, Lindsay, and Nicole will o'd, kill someone or end up truly losing it and Paris, who led them there will walk away unscathed.
And here I thought that the only thing that made her famous was an internet sex video.

The prison should have just hooked her up to an IV line for nutrients.
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Old 06-07-2007, 03:47 PM   #35 (permalink)
Mistress of Mayhem
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2 cents worth...

They have places in jail for sick prisoners.

Thats all I have to say about that.
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Old 06-07-2007, 03:47 PM   #36 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
seretogis's Avatar
Location: Seattle
Originally Posted by pan6467
See this is why there are class wars and why people hate the rich. "Normal people" have to face the consequences for their actions..... the rich time and time again get off and instead of being gracious and humble shove it in people's faces.
There are plenty of rich people who do their time, for instance Martha Stewart. However, she is self-made money, not an empty-headed bimbo who happened to be born to the right parents.
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perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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Old 06-07-2007, 05:30 PM   #37 (permalink)
tenniels's Avatar
Location: Oh Canada!!
The whole situation is absolutely stupid. Make her serve her 23 days (half sentence) in jail like the rest of us would. So she almost had a mental breakdown and couldn't handle it, isn't that what jail is supposed to be? It's not supposed to be fun and exciting and make you happy. Have the medical unit give her some Ativan or something, I don't care. I mean, I would in no way look forward to jail, but I think I could handle where she was, especially away from general population. It's not like she was on death row at a federal penetentiary or something. I honestly wish that everyone (myself included, but I wanted to comment on this) would never talk about her again and she would no longer be famous and I think that would be her punishment. I don't wish anything horrible to happen to her, but it would be hilarious because it seem she thrives on this kind of thing. Just erase her from everyone's minds and she would be going insane trying to get people to take her picture. Ah well I have gone off topic here, sorry bout that. She just annoys me and this whole Paris thing pisses me off. Make her go back and finish what she started.
I like things. And stuff. But I prefer to have things over stuff.
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Old 06-07-2007, 05:33 PM   #38 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
I can think of another famous person who actually KILLED someone while "allegedly" driving drunk in 1969, but being from a family of power and influence, he pretty much got away with it, with the exception of the incident dogging him even until now.

I only bring it up because it seems relevant to the thread. I truly do not want to start a flame session.
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-

Last edited by Push-Pull; 06-07-2007 at 05:36 PM..
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Old 06-07-2007, 06:33 PM   #39 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
I read an article on her jail sentence a month or so ago. It basically said that since the jails are so full at her location, she won't serve more than a few days and then will be released. The article went on to say that many offenders serve much less than their sentenced sentence depending on how ram packed the jails are in the area. I'm sure her popularity and family power has something to do with it, but the fact that they'd rather have room in a prison for a murderer than a DUI definitely impacts the term as well.

Originally Posted by willravel
I've never driven drunk in my life. She's done it so often she's been caught twice.

This has been another episode of why I'm better than Paris Hilton.
I seriously LOLed at that
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert

Last edited by Lasereth; 06-07-2007 at 06:34 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 06-07-2007, 06:58 PM   #40 (permalink)
liloleme's Avatar
According to CNN she is coming back to court in the morning

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer issued his order after the city attorney filed a petition late Thursday afternoon questioning whether Sheriff Lee Baca should be held in contempt of court for releasing Hilton on Thursday morning.
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back, days, hilton, jail, paris

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