Originally Posted by roachboy
so we see that "paris hilton" is transcending the cheap situationist character of her earlier work and attaining the status of zen master.
I never would've thought to see the words "Paris Hilton" and "zen master" used in the same sentence....ever.
Looks like I owe someone a dollar.
I don't give a shit about Paris Hilton and I certainly don't watch any of her stuff unless she's half-naked and taking it like a champ--and even then I'm only mildly interested--but it's a gorram shame that this ended the way it did.
One half of my brain is outraged that money, pseudo-celebrity and a coldly calculated temper tantrum is enough to completely short circuit the justice system. That it is appalling that in their need to coddle, curry favor, appease, or assuage every little discomfort this b-list media attention whore--at best, mind you--went through, that those in charge felt the need to bend over backwards and subvert the system so egregiously.
The other half of my brain thinks it's just par for the fucking course and prays that the next time Paris gets liquored up and gets behind the wheel, she hits one of the putzes that had hand in this bullshit.