Originally Posted by Superbelt
I am actually hoping he gets the full 30 days and license revocation for a year. 2 DUI is 2 too many. He needs to learn a lesson.
I dunno. I mean, sure...he definately needs to "learn a lesson". But, 2 is 2 too many?
I've never gotten a DUI. That does not mean that I couldn't have. I know that there have been several times, back in my wilder youth, when I was driving and knew damn good and well that I had absolutely no business doing so. It was just plain ol' dumb luck that I never got caught. I highly suspect that most anyone here could easily say the same. So...I tend not to look with a critical eye upon those that do get caught...once. That should, in my opinion, be the wake up call. Anything over that, I really hold no sympathy.