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Old 01-28-2011, 10:51 PM   #241 (permalink)
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Done. I think. You will have to show me one day.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 02-01-2011, 11:31 PM   #242 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 02-02-2011, 01:34 AM   #243 (permalink)
eat more fruit
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Originally Posted by KirStang View Post
Gah ! You're influencing me too much towards DD !

Is that a tlr-1 on the front? I was looking at some of those on ebay. I already have a tlr-2 for my glock.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 02-02-2011, 08:36 AM   #244 (permalink)
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The DD is highly regarded, but this particular DD had a bit of play between the upper and lower receiver. I had to put a bit of electrical tape on the front take-down lug to remove the wobble. There's also a solution involving O-rings, but I didn't want to buy any just yet.

Yep! That's a TLR-1 on the front--I had originally equipped the DD w/ a Aimpoint T-1, but with the TLR1's bezel and the aimpoints 20mm size, my sight picture was really obstructed. If you're going to run a weaponlight at 12 o'clock in front of the A-frame, I'd suggest a Surefire X300--the bezel's smaller.

When I drop in to my BUIS, my sight picture's still a little occluded by the TLR-1. But the Aimpoint M4 with its 30mm size permits me to shoot normally.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

Here's a good deal on a TLR-1: Streamlight TLR-1S Tactical Lights

$85 for a TLR-1. Add some spare batteries to get up to $90 for free shipping.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."

Last edited by KirStang; 02-02-2011 at 07:21 AM..
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:24 AM   #245 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Nice, KirStang. If you had as many tricked girls hanging out at your place as you have tricked guns, I would never leave your couch.

I was all sold on the DD until you told me it's got more flop than a basic training M16A2. I'm sure fit/finish doesn't matter* on a fightin' gun** but it's really annoying. I get the feeling I'll need to manhandle like 3 of them at the local gun shop before I buy. I like their street cred and the flared mag well but I'm tired of brand loyalty bullshit. My goal for summer is to come home and buy a mid length M4 w/ non-fail optic and anudder Glock 34 to chew up.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 02-02-2011 at 09:26 AM..
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Old 02-11-2011, 05:17 AM   #246 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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So... is this how you military guys carry at work? Honestly, I can't tell anymore. "I'm new, I don't know what I'm doing!"

Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 02-11-2011 at 05:23 AM..
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Old 02-11-2011, 06:18 AM   #247 (permalink)
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The coveted fun-switch.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:42 PM   #248 (permalink)
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Tacti-kooling out my POS Century AK. I need to take a familiarization course with this gun. Notice the UTG rails, the $30 Walmart RDS, and tactical man-beard.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:04 PM   #249 (permalink)
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I see your AK and raise you this one:

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence

Last edited by Slims; 03-18-2011 at 05:38 AM..
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:14 PM   #250 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Slims View Post
I see your AK and raise you this one:
Damn, I want his man beard.
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:54 PM   #251 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KirStang View Post
Damn, I want his man beard.
THAT is a tactical man-beard!
"Religion is the one area of our discourse in which it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about"
--Sam Harris
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:21 PM   #252 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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/full retard
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 06-01-2011 at 11:41 AM..
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Old 02-17-2011, 11:06 AM   #253 (permalink)
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"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence

Last edited by Slims; 03-18-2011 at 05:37 AM..
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Old 02-17-2011, 07:09 PM   #254 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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/full retard
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 06-01-2011 at 11:40 AM..
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Old 02-17-2011, 07:45 PM   #255 (permalink)
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No worries.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence

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Old 04-21-2011, 08:30 AM   #256 (permalink)
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Respect mah authoritah!

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

I probably ought to sell a couple of extraneous pieces and get some good glass for my LAR 8...but I want to wait until 2012 elections, in case there's another tremendous price jump, so I can improve my collection...
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."

Last edited by KirStang; 05-11-2011 at 07:25 AM..
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Old 04-21-2011, 09:02 AM   #257 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plan9 View Post
You don't want to use a square knot on something that doesn't have tension on both sides. Use a bowline. And use a goddamn overhand safety.


I'm going to need to roughen up my Glock grips. The idea of putting skateboard tape on a pistol doesn't appeal to me at all.
Try tractiongrips. He sells extremely thin very adhesive textured silicone precut to fit glocks. Nice guy, small business. Like $7 or something.

twisted no more
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Old 05-09-2011, 08:47 PM   #258 (permalink)
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My LAR-8 rocking the new Leupy Mk4

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 AM ----------

The Leupy Mark 4 is about 7 Oz lighter than the Millet I had on before...I really notice the ~1/2lb weight reduction.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 05-10-2011, 11:01 PM   #259 (permalink)
eat more fruit
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Awww the kirstang armory pics got taken down

/puts the lotion and kleenex away

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 05-12-2011, 02:16 PM   #260 (permalink)
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1/2" at 100 yards. Near Bolt Action groups .

M6A3 with TA01 ACOG...accuracy was poor today (most other groups were everywhere).

Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."

Last edited by KirStang; 05-12-2011 at 08:09 PM..
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Old 05-13-2011, 11:27 AM   #261 (permalink)
I'm calmer than you are, dude
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Good shooting. Though some dickhead once told me that only 5 round groups count.
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Old 06-01-2011, 11:37 AM   #262 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Hah, I told KirStang 5-shots-or-shit immediately after I saw the SHAZAM! target.

Pfft, bush league! He should have pencil-whipped that bad boy before posting.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 06-01-2011, 12:11 PM   #263 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plan9 View Post
Hah, I told KirStang 5-shots-or-shit immediately after I saw the SHAZAM! target.

Pfft, bush league! He should have pencil-whipped that bad boy before posting.
Totally. Shoulda pulled out my .308 caliber Skilcraft #2 and went to town. Oh well.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 06-20-2011, 09:11 PM   #264 (permalink)
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I cleaned out my War Room a while back and was surprised to find that I had everything needed - sans a barrel, handguard, and gas tube - necessary to build a complete gaming rifle. I was going to order another VTAC handguard, though decided against it after pricing the add-on modular rails. I hit up a gun show recently and found a used LaRue 13.2 hanguard for roughly half of NIB price. Problem solved. I removed the VTAC from my AR target rifle and set it aside for the game gun and threw the LaRue on the target rifle.

Bonus: the added rail space on the LaRue gives me someplace to put unused rail covers and an old tac light (still need to dig up a pressure switch). I think the end result looks cool and is functional, though I suck at the gun porn pics.
Calmer than you are...

Last edited by Walt; 07-15-2011 at 08:38 PM.. Reason: pics
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Old 06-20-2011, 09:18 PM   #265 (permalink)
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Nice blaster. What kind of barrel did you end up going with? 1/8 twist? Wylde chamber?

BTW, you were right about the precision .223--in building my "precision" rifle I should have given more thought to a precision .223/5.56 upper.

Range report in the future?

How do you like that muzzle device...looks like a PWS FSC556?
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 06-21-2011, 04:10 AM   #266 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
People still use A2 buttstocks? What is this... 1993? I mean, the A2 buttstock was designed to fit someone 6'6" without body armor.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 06-21-2011, 12:07 PM   #267 (permalink)
I'm calmer than you are, dude
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Originally Posted by KirStang View Post
Nice blaster. What kind of barrel did you end up going with? 1/8 twist? Wylde chamber?

BTW, you were right about the precision .223--in building my "precision" rifle I should have given more thought to a precision .223/5.56 upper.

Range report in the future?

How do you like that muzzle device...looks like a PWS FSC556?
The barrel is a Noveske 18" SPR barrel. 1:7 twist with their take on the Wylde chamber - I think they call it a Mod 0 chamber. She shoots like a champ, though the mitigating factor is the optics. With a 15x scope and the right load, she will bang out sub 1/4 MOA all day long. The current optics are only 2.5-8x with a standard mil-dot reticle. Small targets have a tendency to disapear behind the crosshairs. No biggie, as this was intended to be a close to mid-range, "minute-of-dude" rifle. Also going to look in to some anti-walk pins as mine have started to get a little squirrely with hotter loads.

Good eye on the comp. It's the PWS FSC556 variant designed to run a Gemtech or KAC suppressor on a HALO mount. The things are awesome. You seriously have to shoot it to believe it.

Originally Posted by Plan9 View Post
People still use A2 buttstocks? What is this... 1993? I mean, the A2 buttstock was designed to fit someone 6'6" without body armor.
Nobody uses them anymore. They're just not cool looking. That's why broke dick college kids like myself can find a used one complete with buffer tube and spring for $40.

I dig a fixed stock on target rifles because the LOP/cheek weld remains constant and the old school sling attachment on the underside of the butt works as a decent palm hook when shooting from a rest.

/Body armor is a crutch.
Calmer than you are...

Last edited by Walt; 06-21-2011 at 12:10 PM..
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Old 06-21-2011, 09:44 PM   #268 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.

Captain Obvious-McVerbose says:

C'mon, now... length of pull has nothing to do with coolness. While they make chopped A2 buttstocks (whatever they're called, "Sully stock" or "stubby") the biggest advantage of the telescoping stock made famous by the old CAR-15 is the fact that you can push it in to choke up on the gun and then adjust in or out in small increments (4-6-more? holes, depending on brand of buffer tube) for body size and shooting position. I can't do all that crazy Magpul Dynamics ultrahero shit (fetal prone, anyone?) with an A2 stock because I'm only 6'1" and thus don't have the 7'8" wingspan required to run a M16A2 ("Ye Olde Musket") like that. As you know, the shape of the weapon has to change to compensate for the change in the shooting techniques... and that shit has changed like-whoa drastically since I got out of basic training / Army specialty schools where I finger forked the charging handle with my dominant hand like I was in The 'Nam and basic things magazine changes weren't even taught because, well, y'know, you just do it.

That and you can get an GI M4 telestock (angled buttplate, ribs) for the almost the same goddamn price, it weighs less, offers a top mount for your sling and you can still do the non-dominant hand hook on the giant sling loop. That and it doesn't run and shoulder like a fucking Viking longship oar.

Even on a target rifle, you've got a be a huge mamma-jamma to get proper eye relief on a A2 stock in some shooting positions. I can't use a A2 stock in the prone with an optic. It's just too goddamn big. Now, based on the picture you posted a few months back, I'm guessing you're probably at least 30% Sasquatch on your father's side, so I can understand why you'd like to use something shaped like a sea bass to steady your 300-500 meter shots.

/shit you already knew, rhetorical commentary for other viewers, pointless gun furniture masturbation filler talk, sorry attempts at humor

I would like a lightweight sliding stock similar to the one on the SCAR. Something like a totally gutted Magpul UBR would be perfect. Yeaaah.


Yes, I am impressed with your made-from-spare-parts toy. You do realize I'm going to have to show you up now, Sir.

Sure, I suck at shooting, but at least I can have a cooler gun. I'm going to have to go Full Retard on my next M4.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 06-22-2011 at 01:52 AM..
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Old 06-22-2011, 08:51 PM   #269 (permalink)
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You obviously don't have the credentials to post on EliteTacticalOperator.net if you're using that stone age A2 stock.

I'm not so sure the Leupold TMR is all that great--even with an illuminated reticle, in broad daylight the hashes are somewhat hard to make out. (If you don't know, which i'm sure you do, the TMR has a space in the center of the reticle).

Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."

Last edited by KirStang; 06-22-2011 at 09:07 PM..
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:35 PM   #270 (permalink)
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The above pics weren't the junk gun; they are of the new handguard installed on my old target rifle. The target rifle was sporting a VTAC tube and I liked it so much that I was going to order one for my junk gun. Then I found a great deal on a LaRue that turned out to be $100ish cheaper than the VTAC. I don't need 2/3 of that rail space but the price was right. Long story short, the VTAC goes on the junk gun and the nice rail goes on the nice gun. (Junk gun is below)

One of those fancy MagPul's would be fun to play with at the range, but I think there's too much to fiddle with and break to put one on a rifle that gets knocked around (remember the M24's with the craptastic HS Precision adjustable cheek pieces?). I like the A2 because its simple and you can't beat it for stability/durability.

I agree that the A2 isn't ideal for running and gunning and all of the crazy shooting positions in between. But that's reflex sight/carbine work, not precision rifle work. My optics need about 3-4 inches of eye relief, regardless. You can shorten a stock all you want, but your head is still going to be in the same place in relation to the sights. I've tried shooting the target rifle with a MagpPul CTR. Moving the optics forward to retain proper eye relief was easy enough, but I found that my shooting hand got jammed up too close to my shoulder causing trigger manipulation and my hold to suffer.


I gave up on that forum a long time ago. There are a few true SME's, but the majority of the posts that I've seen fall into two different categories: Those who are trying to build exact replica SPR's and whatever M4 variant SF is rocking these days. And those who are trying to replicate Mk 262 ammo rather than work up the best load for their rifle.
Calmer than you are...

Last edited by Walt; 07-15-2011 at 08:38 PM.. Reason: pics
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Old 06-23-2011, 06:26 PM   #271 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Walt View Post

One of those fancy MagPul's would be fun to play with at the range, but I think there's too much to fiddle with and break to put one on a rifle that gets knocked around (remember the M24's with the craptastic HS Precision adjustable cheek pieces?). I like the A2 because its simple and you can't beat it for stability/durability.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 06-23-2011, 08:20 PM   #272 (permalink)
I'm calmer than you are, dude
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Ha! I just shot a very nice bourbon out of my nose. Thanks, dick!
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Old 07-04-2011, 05:11 PM   #273 (permalink)
Soylent Green is people.
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Location: Northern California
Mega Gator lower.
RRA lower parts kit.
Magpul MIAD pistol grip.
Magpul trigger guard
Daniel Defense upper with 16" pencil barrel with mid length gas system
BattleComp 1.0
Omega X 12.0 rail
Surefire X300 light
Troy front and rear flip-up BUIS
Aimpoint micro T-1
Larue mount
Magpul AFG 2
Vickers 2 point sling

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done, had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908, whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defended me, I told him that it was his duty to defend me even by using violence." - Mahatma Ghandi

Last edited by longbough; 07-04-2011 at 05:16 PM..
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Old 07-04-2011, 05:31 PM   #274 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Longbough... ya stranger.

And awesome timing. Nice blaster.

I'm totally building something similar.

It's gonna be like deja vu.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 07-04-2011, 07:18 PM   #275 (permalink)
Soylent Green is people.
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Location: Northern California
deja vu all over again, man!

married life with new baby sure do take up a lot of time.

my S&W 327 TRR8

Scandium N Frame 8 round .357.

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done, had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908, whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defended me, I told him that it was his duty to defend me even by using violence." - Mahatma Ghandi

Last edited by longbough; 07-04-2011 at 07:52 PM..
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:12 PM   #276 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Beautiful. Please tell me you have a '60s Colt Python.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:18 AM   #277 (permalink)
eat more fruit
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Exquisite embroidery.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 07-06-2011, 12:45 PM   #278 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Alright, motherbitches... I have returned with what can only be described as the most gnarly of Tilted Weaponry super porn posts!

Now that I’m independently wealthy (HAH!), I’ve decided to reward myself with a “dream rifle” assembled out of parts made by top quality main stream fightin' man weapon manufacturers. I find it to be an amazing toy; the kinda piece that is made by ancient dwarven blacksmiths out of old Harley motorcycle engine blocks and the melted down receivers of WW1 machine guns. No gimmicky bullshit and no safe queen treatment; this gun is going to be rode hard and put away wet. I received the last component this afternoon and put it all together for this mediocre photo shoot. I'll do a range report of some sort next week to confirm that KirStang already knows first hand: no amount of money will ever make me a decent shot.

Read ‘em and weep.

First, the porn:

Now for the specs:

Upper Receiver:

* Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) upper receiver with 16” 1-in-7 government profile barrel and mid-length gas system

The mid length gas system (9.8” versus 7.5” carbine) changes the gas impulse from solid tap to a more gentle push. It may also increase reliability on action parts but not that'd I'd ever notice. The 1-7” rifling offers improved accuracy with heavier loads (62 to 77 grain bullet weights). The government profile is a skinny “pencil profile” underneath the hand guard and makes the weapon lighter on the front end by shaving off a few ounces.

* Viking Tactics (VTAC) (by Daniel Defense) TRX 13” Extreme free float hand guard with rail insert panels and RSM QD sling mount

The thinner extended free float hand guard is really ergonomic and allows you to really push your support hand forward on the gun to better “drive it” for follow-up shots on one target as well as assisting in traversing between targets. It features bolt-on 1913 rail panels for accessories (pistol grip, flashlights) and a low profile sling mount point.

* Fail Zero nickel boron coated bolt carrier group (bolt, bolt carrier, firing pin, cam pin, etc.)

Nickel boron is an extremely hard non-porous metal finish and has been torture tested in weapon components by very famous guys with well-groomed beards. It supposedly prevents the caked on accumulations of carbon seen on standard phosphate coated internals and can be quickly cleaned to field standards without harsh chemicals or scraping. I'm not really worried about reliability nor do I intend on firing 15k rounds without cleaning my blaster; I just want to make it easier to clean every 1k rounds.

* Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) (by VLTOR) Gunfighter Model 5 charging handle

The charging handle is one of the most important controls on the weapon and this improved design may prevent "pulling a Walt" as it distributes stress more evenly The Gunfighter Model 5 is the only model worth owning; the other models are way too big and catch on gear like crazy, pulling the weapon out of battery.

* Daniel Defense A1.5 bolt-on fixed front iron sight with Trijicon tritium front sight post

Flip-up sights are for chumps. I’m all about running fixed iron sights and Daniel Defense makes the best ones on the market. The tritium (glow in the dark) inserts are too Gucci for some guys but I’ve a positive experience with them. Being able to immediately orient my iron sights in total darkness is something I value, especially for home defense.

* Daniel Defense A1.5 bolt-on fixed rear iron sight with Trijicon tritium aperture ring

Again, flip-up sights are for chumps. I prefer to cowitness my optics (iron sight and red dot both aim on the same aiming line) so that if my optic goes down, I can still look through it and engage the target without wasting time and losing my sight picture by taking my hand off the front of the rifle to flip up a BUIS (backup iron sight). You can't break it. Again, the tritium two-dot rear aperture is for those "oh shit" moments.

* EOTech XPS2-0 electronic red dot sight (1 MOA dot with 65 MOA ring)

You can argue EOTech / Aimpoint for a million years. People do it every day. It's stupid. I'm an EOTech guy until further notice. I like the big window, I like the 1 MOA dot and I like the fact that it didn't cost $700.

* Surefire X300 LED weapon flashlight

It's small, it's tough, it's bright as fuck. It sits on the 12 o'clock position where I can access it with either thumb. I've never owned a Surefire before (because I'm a cheap bastard) and I'm not really liking the poopy-feeling stiff activation paddles, but it's small and has a good reputation.

Lower Receiver:

* Knight’s Armament (KAC) SR-15 IWS lower receiver; 4.5# match trigger, integrated ambi controls (selector switch, bolt release, mag release)

The AR's biggest flaw is lack of ambidextrous controls, especially since almost every other modern assault rifle on the planet has ambi controls. While incredibly expensive, the Knight's SR-15 IWS lower incorporates things that I would have had to buy separately (match trigger, ambi controls, and fancy SOPMOD stock) so it works out in my favor to just buy the one lower receiver with all the goodies I want already installed. Unlike bolt-on ambi controls (Norgon mag release, Magpul bolt release), these integrated controls aren't going to snag on my gear or interfere with the normal manual of arms (and thus cause training scars). The match trigger is smooth and deliberate (I prefer a flat trigger surface to this rounded one, but whatever).

* Magpul MOE+ pistol grip (coming soon)

Even though one is currently mounted on the gun, I don't like GI pistol grips. I have a pretty long palm (orangutan-style) and thus prefer larger girth pistol grips (ex: one of my favorite pistols is the H&K USP 45). The Magpul MIAD with large insert is my all time favorite but it won't work on the KAC lower due to the placement of the rear takedown pin detent/spring. The MOE+ was the next best choice.

* LMT SOPMOD buttstock (replaced by Magpul MOE stock soon)

Everybody loves the hell out of the LMT SOPMOD buttstock. I have no idea why. I find the wide saddle to cock my head to the side uncomfortably when I square up and it doesn't ride as well with my body armor so I'm replacing this $212 piece of plastic with a $57 piece of plastic that doesn't throw off my groove. That and I don't need to carry a dozen CR123 batteries on my weapon, either.

* Noveske lower receiver end plate QD sling mount

The Noveske QD end plate is the cheapest thing on the gun and one of the most important for me. Having the sling attached to the back of the receiver instead of the side makes it a million times easier to flip the rifle shoulders without binding. As Charles Barkley used to say in those deodorant ads: Anything less would be uncivilized.

* Emdom/Military Morons Gunslinger adjustable two-point / one-point sling

The best rifle sling on the market. It doesn't have a heavy metal adjustment (Viking) or superfluous straps (Viking, Vickers) or require different motions for tightening / loosening (Viking). It is nice and wide, the hardware is flat and it can accept whatever attachment you prefer (QD, HK, etc.).



New Glock 19

- Factory smooth trigger (G19 stock serrated trigger is crap)
- Tru Dot tritium night sights (gotta be able to see in the dark)
- Vickers slide release (good compromise on size)
- Vickers mag release (good compromise on size)


Current state of my old blaster, the trusty RRA that has yet to turn to dust in my hands:

Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 07-06-2011 at 02:58 PM..
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Old 07-06-2011, 12:48 PM   #279 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:16 AM   #280 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle
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I was on the BCM website and I was going to get one of their charging handles... shipping is like $8 though for a part that costs $45. So I was thinking about getting an extra bolt carrier group to help spread out the shipping costs but they are all sold out of their own and they don't have any daniel defense either.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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