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Old 04-17-2005, 04:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: MD
Building my own

well i'm looking into building my own computer, i wanna know if there is a website where i can order all the parts and then build it at my house or will i have to buy parts from all over the place. Thanx for anyone that helps me out
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Old 04-17-2005, 04:42 PM   #2 (permalink)
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The best site I can give you is http://www.newegg.com

I built my computer entirely from parts from this store. $2100 got me a 3.2GHz P4, 1GB memory, 200GB HDD, Nvidia Geforce6800 graphics card, Creative Audigy2 ZS soundcard, Creative 5.1 THX 500watt speakers, and a extremely nice Sony 17" monitor with DVI-output.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.
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Old 04-17-2005, 05:24 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: MD
not trying to spend that much money and i only need the towe, but i'll check it out thanx

does it have like a thing where it has lists of everything that it has for each catagory and i choose one? cuz i really have never done this before and don't know what i need
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-17-2005 at 05:26 PM..
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Old 04-17-2005, 05:35 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pacaveli
not trying to spend that much money and i only need the towe, but i'll check it out thanx

does it have like a thing where it has lists of everything that it has for each catagory and i choose one? cuz i really have never done this before and don't know what i need
Yeah, there's a link at the top that says "shop by category." I think the category you want is "Cases - ATX" or something to that effect. There are gads of cases out there, but generally the ones recommended are Lian Li (super nice, but super expensive, plus they don't come with a power source) and Antec (slightly less nice, but less expensive, and come with very nice power sources), though by no means are those the only worth mentioning.
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Old 04-17-2005, 06:25 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: MD
i mean kinda like a form with like a drop down list, and then all o the compnents, im not sure what i need so i theirs like a form for me to fill in with stuff it would make it easier.

i serached google, and im seeing the word bare bone, what does that mean?
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-17-2005 at 06:32 PM..
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Old 04-17-2005, 07:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: St. Louis/Cincinnati
If you are not familiar with the components with building a computer, maybe you should look into someone doing the deed for you.
Here is a list of the components that every computer should have:
  • Case (with a fan)
  • Power Supply (at least 300 watts)
  • Processor (AMD or Intel)
  • Motherboard (make sure processor and motherboard match)
  • Hard Drive (80GB+ is preferred)
  • Memory (512MB+ is recommended)
  • Graphics Card (can be between $100 and $800, also can be on-board (on the motherboard))
  • Sound Card (can also be on-board)
  • Case Fan (to exhaust heat/bring in cool air)
  • CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive (either cd burner/dvd burner or just a dvd-rom)
  • Floppy Drive (many computers now do not include floppy drives but they are about $8 and you might use it)
  • Monitor (LCD Flat panel or CRT, CRT's are cheaper but bulkier)
  • Keyboard/Mouse (obvious)
  • Operating System (i recommend Windows XP Pro instead of Home)
  • Speakers ($10-$300; price varies depending on size, 2.0, 2.1, 4.1, or 5.1 system)
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.
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Old 04-17-2005, 07:26 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pacaveli
i mean kinda like a form with like a drop down list, and then all o the compnents, im not sure what i need so i theirs like a form for me to fill in with stuff it would make it easier.

i serached google, and im seeing the word bare bone, what does that mean?
In a word, No.
You are going to need to do research on what you need, and choose accordingly. I assume from your posts that you are not even aware of what peices you need to do this.
I'm glad that you are interested in "rolling your own:, but it will require work on your part as well.
I'm going to list the peices you need, along with my personal preferences. I'm sure many will pipe-up with there opinions on verious hardware.

Also, use This Link to Toms Hardware, a well known site amongst those that build computers. It will take you step by step through the process. The tutorial is three years old, but no less relavant.

Now, what you will need:
  • Case
  • Motherboard
  • CPU
  • CD Drive
  • Floppy Disk Drive
  • Hard Drive
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Monitor
  • Memory
  • Graphics Card
  • Network Card
  • Modem


Now we get to details. Choose 32 or 64 bit computing. Google the terms and do your research. 64-bit cpu and motherbaord compinations are more expensive than 32-bit, and not as widley used, though they are gaining popularity and will eventauly (read: a few years) replace 32-bit combinations.

I like MSI boards myself.
The first thing you need to do is decide what features you want. How many Usb ports, integrated sound, etc. Only you can do this research, understand it, and decided what product meets your needs.
My two boards of the moment are:
K7N2-Delta Plantinum for 32-bit, AMD cpu based computers.
K8N-Neo2 Platinum for 64-bit, AMD cpu based computers.

Don't skimp on the motherboard. Identify what you need through carefull research, and keep in mind that you get what you pay for.


I like AMD based solutions. Maybe you like Intel. There are those two companies that make CPU chips. Certain chips fit on certain motherboards. You'll need to keep that in mind.
Don't for a chip with less than 2.5GHZ of speed. The price is too low not to.


The above is the two major compnenets that are interelated.
Barebones kits come with a motherboard, case, and some other compnents. Some barebones deals also include the CPU. I like Tigerdirect's deals for barebones.
Choose AMD or Intel for your CPU type, and then look at what is available.
They also have just Motherboard+CPU combos if you want to get a matched cpu and motherboard that will work together, and then buy everything else you want elsewhere. This is good for if you had your eye on a specific case or something.
In that case, the DFI lanparty motherbaord with an AMD chip is at a nice pricepoint.
For Intel, This Msi and Pentium cobo is nice.

The point is, explore your options, understand what you need, and do your research before spending your hard earned cash. You owe it to yourself to do your homework and understand the parts you need first.

Post any and all questions you have, and always feel free to solicite us for opinions on any given part.
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:31 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: MD
can u tell me what i need to complete a computer heres what i have so far


i know i need and OS but im not sure witch XP i should buy
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:33 AM   #9 (permalink)
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I'm surprised that no one has directed you here before now:


There isn't a checklist, but if you know what you're looking for you can shop around and find some really awesome deals on the hardware that you want. Just make sure that you read the feedback about the companies before you order from them.
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:39 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: MD
i've looked their, i got some stuff picked out and heres my list so far


i wanna know if i forgot anything
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:57 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: MD
thanx for those links on the chips and mother boards, now i ask u for your honest opinion for playing a few games and some Instant Messaging and email, which should i got the AMD combo u said, or the intell Combo you said. I want your honest opinion, and are these good deals?
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games

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Old 04-18-2005, 02:01 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Georgia Southern University
Doesn't really matter whether or not you go AMD or Intel. AMD is cheaper, and you'll get a good bit more bang for your buck. If money is an issue, as you stated, I would recommend you get an AMD Athlon XP processor (CPU). Get atleast a Athlon XP 2500+, although I would recommend the Athlon XP 3200+, it may be out of your price range. Then pick a motherboard. For the AMD Athlon XP you will need a Socket A motherboard that will support the chip. For a reasonably priced motherboard, I recommend the ASUS A7N8X.

And another thing: don't go cheap on a power supply! I can't tell you how many $30-$70 generic and no-name brands I have had to replace for people. Most of the time they took it to the local Mom & Pop's computer store and paid $150 to have a $30 power supply put in that died two months later. Just because a case comes with a power supply (PSU) doesn't mean it's a good one. However there are a few companies that make very good case/PSU combos (Antec & Thermaltake are two of the best). Look here for some reasonably priced case and PSU combos that will last a good while.

Before we recommend RAM or a graphics card, it would be nice to know what type of games you play. It would be really beneficial to everyone. By you saying "play games" I think Doom 3, World of Warcraft, Half Life 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament 2004, Counter Stink, etc. However some people just play solitaire, mah jong, shockwave games (bejewelled, etc.), Tetris, etc. and consider that "playing games". The more info you give us, the better we can help you.

Now, we won't be able to view your shopping cart. We don't have your cookies. Just post a link to the webpage of each of the products you are considering and we will give you our honest opinoin.
I will not walk so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
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Old 04-18-2005, 04:01 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: MD
heres my list of things im gettin so far

POWMAX Demon 580W Power Supply, Model "PSDE580" -RETAIL

ATI RADEON 7500 Video Card, 64MB DDR, DVI/TV-Out, PCI, Model "RADEON 7500 64 PCI" -OEM

Sabrent 6-Channel 5.1 Surround Sound 3D PCI Sound Card Model SBT-SP6C - Retail

Windows XP Home Edition w/SP2 - w/MS Plus! Digital Media Edition - OEM

Logisys Computer Blue Ergonomic Cool Fan Mouse, Model "MS802BL" -RETAIL

SAMSUNG 120GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Drive, Model SP1203N, OEM Drive Only

LITE ON, 16X DVD-ROM Drive, Model SOHD-16P9S Black, OEM

POWMAX DEMON II Black ATX Mid Tower Case, Model "CPDEM-3" -RETAIL

Arrow Micro 8" 4-Pin Power Cable Splitter this thing is free!

im prolly gonna end up gettin the intel combo because althogether this is gonna cost me about 360 dollars plus i need some memory and that shouldn't be to expensive. and i need a keyboard but im not gonna get anything over 15 bucks on that. So really i dunt have much left to get i think...
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Old 04-18-2005, 04:46 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: St. Louis/Cincinnati
I would upgrade the video card a bit. You could get a nice ATI Radeon 9800 for around 100 bucks and it would be extremely helpful for handling games better. XP Home with the MS Plus! is a waste. The power supply voltage is a bit overkill and I would recommend an Enermax power supply.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.
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Old 04-18-2005, 05:06 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Your still missing a CPU and motherboard.
Are you undecided between AMD and Intel, or trying to decide between 32 and 64 bit computing?
Feel free to ask questions or opinions to help you decide.
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Old 04-18-2005, 05:11 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: Maine, the Other White State.
You don't need a 580w power supply. Seriously. Get a GOOD 350 watt power supply for the same price you'll pay for that silly thing, and you'll be much better off.

And if you're playing ANY 3d games, get a better video card than that.

And, as mentioned, you still need some imprtant parts... a motherboard and a CPU. The computer isn't going to get very far without them.
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Old 04-18-2005, 08:39 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Georgia Southern University
Originally Posted by MooseMan3000
You don't need a 580w power supply. Seriously. Get a GOOD 350 watt power supply for the same price you'll pay for that silly thing, and you'll be much better off.

And if you're playing ANY 3d games, get a better video card than that.

And, as mentioned, you still need some imprtant parts... a motherboard and a CPU. The computer isn't going to get very far without them.
Rather it won't go anywhere. Can't even turn the darn thing on without the mobo.

Did you read my statement on PSUs? I know I may come off as the PSU nazi sometimes in certain forums, but I hate seeing people blow money on crappy power supplies that will NEVER put out the type of power they are labeled to do unless you operate outside in the winter at the North Pole. They just overheat and start to die after a couple of weeks. I was conned once in the past by people selling poor quality PSUs, and have had countless friend, relatives, and acquaintances suffer. I had a friend spend over $300 on power supplies over the course of 2 and a half years. For that much money he could have bought arguably the best power supply made in terms of reliability, stability, voltage consistency, and longevity the first time around and save himself a lot of time. Ditch that power supply for an Antec Smartpower 350W or something by Enermax or Thermaltake. Don't be like one of those people who build a "god system" and put a CompUSA brand "Extreme Performance 600W Power Supply" in there. You'd be amazed at how much an quality Antec SmartPower 300W can handle. I had an AMD Athlon XP 2100+, 1 gig of DDR, high end graphics card (at the time high end), CD-RW drive, DVD-ROM drive, and a total of 6 80mm case fans plus a high performance Thermaltake heatsink on an overclocked CPU; all of them powered by a QUALITY 300watt power supply until the darn thing got struck by lightning. Never seen a surge protector explode until that day.

Upgrade the vid card if you are doing any "gaming" more advanced than Tetris or Bejeweled. If those types of games fit inyo your "gaming" category, just get you an nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440 (64MB of ram or higher). If you mean Quake 3 gaming, get a ATI Radeon 9800 or 9800 Pro. Best bang for your buck for a budget system.

And on RAM... the stuff can be expensive if it's higher speed DDR. Look at your mobo and CPU options here. You don't wanna buy a motherboard and processor that use some expensive as hell RAM (ex. RD-RAM $400 for 512 MB stick).

And if you get the right motherboard, that sound card wouldn't even be needed. Get a decent mobo, and the onboard quality would be just as good (probably better judging from the fact that I've never heard of the sound card manufacturer) as the card you have your eye on.

And one more thing... GIVE US SOME INFO! Help us help you. Really, just answer these.

1. What type of games are you gonna play?

2. What CPU and mother board are you getting?

3. Give us a list of changed or added items from the first list or a whole new one.

4. What type of budget are you working with here? We don't care about your personal finances, how much you make, etc.. We just need to know how much do you A) plan on spending or B) can afford to realistically spend. Shipping can add alot to a PC build's price. Certain places, such as ZipZoomFly.com offer free 2nd day UPS shipping on most items. Sometimes it's better to shop around.

5. Will you be the only one using this? If not, are you interested in having something a little more upgrade friendly, ya know, in case you have kids that get into computer games (Tetris and Solitaire don't count), or just in case you don't feel like doing a complete overhaul and rebuild in three years?
I will not walk so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
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Old 04-19-2005, 10:42 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: MD
im a kid myself, so i have games like diablo and starcraft but nothing impressive

im looking to spend under or around 600 dollars and i'll prolly end up gfettin teh 280 dollar mother board intell combo that they linked above

Also i think i found something to do with the power supply. theres a 4 in one case with speakers, a mouse a keyboard and a case. the case has a 400 watt powersupply, and im thinking that might be the way to go cause it's all under 60 bucks.

the video card u suggest is 110 dollars witch was more than i wanted to spend, but i gusse it;s worth it.

i need to know which combo u guys would go with fromt he ones above that AMD athlon 208 dollar combo CPU and motherboard

or the 280 intell mother board CPU combo. Someone linked them above, but im not sure who

im at 380 bucks now and i still need memory, which one shoudl i get?
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-19-2005 at 11:11 AM..
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:12 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: MD
Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
I would upgrade the video card a bit. You could get a nice ATI Radeon 9800 for around 100 bucks and it would be extremely helpful for handling games better. XP Home with the MS Plus! is a waste. The power supply voltage is a bit overkill and I would recommend an Enermax power supply.

what Operating system would u suggest i get, keep in mind i have to share this with my parents and possibly brother
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:33 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pacaveli
im a kid myself, so i have games like diablo and starcraft but nothing impressive
how old are you?
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:44 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: MD
im 18 but im a kid at heart
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Old 04-19-2005, 01:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: Hoosier State
I got a few questions first.
1. What is the primary purpose for building the PC?
2. What is your budget?
3. Do you need to build it now?

If you want to use the PC for gaming, well, that's going to add up the total costs pretty fast. Some newer games have very steep hardware requirements. You'll need speedier CPU/Motherboard, video card, RAM and a big hard drive.

Do you want to get a good size LCD monitor? say, 17"? You can probably get one for under $200 w/rebates. We still haven't touched hard drive(s) yet, 160GB should last you a long time. You probably also want a DVD burner, in addition the the DVD ROM drive. Adding all the hardware mentioned thus far will set you back at least $700.

If you aren't in a hurry then you can save quite a bit by buying parts with rebate offers from various stores. I have had very good rate (100% of the last 12, 15 or so rebates) of getting rebates back. Whenever you submit for a rebate, circle the items required by the manufacturer. Write down copied and submitted date on the form, so the rebate processing center knows you are documenting it. I usually make a photo copy before sending it out.

A good computer case with good ventilation is very important, too.

Good luck!
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Old 04-19-2005, 01:46 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: MD
got an 120 gb hard drive it should do, i only play the following games
  • diablo
  • starcraft
  • guild wars when it comes out

now i need to know a few things before i make a purchase

1 should i buy a case that comes with power supply like 400wats
2 what operating system should i buy
3 what kind of mother board/cpu should i buy

if u can get me links for some of those things i'd be a very happy camper

also now serisouly considering this processor and chip set combo

2 im at 380 dollars i don't wanna spend more than 700

i upgraded the video card to this
SAPPHIRE ATI RADEON 9800SE Video Card, 128MB DDR, 128-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP -BULK

so i think i should be set their.

im actually considering this case power combo

I also want to get a GB of memory, the cheapest i see is 87 bucks, is that a good price?
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-19-2005 at 02:35 PM..
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Old 04-19-2005, 05:06 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Georgia Southern University
For gawd's sake... GET A DECENT CASE & POWER SUPPLY COMBO. That PSU will put out 550 watts when hell freezes over. This case/PSU combo is a decent one, and you won't have to buy a new power supply when the other one fries in a year:


Believe me. I've been there with a el cheapo case and power supply combo with a "600W" power supply from TigerDirect.com. And believe me when I say that it will struggle to power that graphics card and CPU without crashing. Please, don't be conned into getting some low quality P.O.S. power supply.

As for the mobo/CPU combo, your looking good. And keep in mind that you wanna get DDR RAM. It usually is expensive, but this is a darn good deal.
I will not walk so that a child may live!
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Old 04-19-2005, 05:15 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: MD
i have no clue what kind of power supply i need, do u think that thier are any good power supply ones that "look cooler" not necessarily light up, but have a cooler face.

i found this one from enermax, would it be worth it to purchase?


or could u list some other quality power suppies that make cases as well?
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-19-2005 at 05:22 PM..
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Old 04-19-2005, 05:23 PM   #26 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Um, no one sees the PSU anyways, why do you need it to look good?
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Old 04-19-2005, 05:25 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: MD
lol i dunt mean a cool looking psu i mean a cool looking case, my bad for not making that clear, i want a cool looking case and a decent PSU
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:09 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Georgia Southern University
Originally Posted by pacaveli
i have no clue what kind of power supply i need, do u think that thier are any good power supply ones that "look cooler" not necessarily light up, but have a cooler face.

i found this one from enermax, would it be worth it to purchase?


or could u list some other quality power suppies that make cases as well?

*P-Naughty points at the post he made above yours*
I will not walk so that a child may live!
- Master Shake
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Old 04-20-2005, 12:16 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Location: Hoosier State
One thing on the case and power supple. I'm on my 7th or 8th PC now and have yet to encounter a power supplier failure. My current PC has a lot of hardware on it:2 DVD drivers, 2 hard drives, IEEE card, video card, all running on a 350W for about 2 1/2 years now.

I regularly take the PC to the garage and run the air compressor to hose it down. Dust is #1 enemy of your PC. I attach a piece of 6" plastic strip to the back of the power supply fan. This way I can tell if the fan is functioning just by looking at the attached strip.

You will want to get a good CPU fan as well. Get some good thermal paste before you assemble the CPU and fan. If you can, get an aluminum case with one see-thru panel where you can monitor the CPU fan easily.

Just my two cents.
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:58 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: MD
alright heres what im gonna end up gettin if p naughty thinks it will be good

a case with no power supply

and a power supply seperatly this one that was recomended by p naughty

i just wanted to know one thing the cost was a lil too expesnive on the video card i was wondering if this one would be decent, im not a hardcore gamer i just need sumthing decent

i was just wondering if anyone could give me a cheaper alternative to this combo motherbaord/CPU, i want some that i can put more memory in, because im gonna start with 512 and then get more as time goes on, because it would be better for my cost effiencey

i want something that can go pentium 4 with more memory slots than this
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games


Last edited by pacaveli; 04-20-2005 at 06:06 PM..
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:20 PM   #31 (permalink)
sashime76's Avatar
Location: Hoosier State
One thing I don't like about that particular MB is only two USB ports. You'd be surprised 4 ports won't cut either. Sounds like you do want to control your budget, why not get an AMD 64?
This one even has 7.1 channel sound.
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:27 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: MD
the only problem i see with that is that it's only a little less expenisive and im not sure i can get it by the time the rebate is up. I've also never owned an AMD product so i know very little about what is their good stuff.

i can always get more usp ports with an adaport, i really oonly need one for my printer i dunt use too many usb ports currently
Check my blog out. Basically me talking about video games

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Old 04-20-2005, 06:54 PM   #33 (permalink)
Loves my girl in thongs
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Location: North of Mexico, South of Canada
Originally Posted by pacaveli
the only problem i see with that is that it's only a little less expenisive and im not sure i can get it by the time the rebate is up. I've also never owned an AMD product so i know very little about what is their good stuff.

i can always get more usp ports with an adaport, i really oonly need one for my printer i dunt use too many usb ports currently
Okay, if you want an Intel chip, go for one with the 775 socket, as that is replacing the older socket type.
This Gigabyte Board seems nice for the price, at only $30.00 more than the one you pointed out, but with nearly twice the features and support for PCI-E which is set to replace AGP for video cards.

If you have not actually purchased a video card yet, only decided which you'd like, look at if there is a PCI-Express version of that card. They are usually the same price at this point.

I have never used a Gigabyte board before though.
Does anyone have any thoughts on them?

As for AMD 64's, which have a nice pricepoint (And which I am biased towards )
Here is a nice MSI with AGP support still
and Here is a nice Chaintech with PCI-E
Both in the same ballpark (+30.00) as your choice, but both with features equal to or above the Intel I listed above.
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Last edited by arch13; 04-20-2005 at 06:59 PM.. Reason: Added AMD 64 stuff
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Old 04-21-2005, 04:14 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: MD
what is the difference between apg and pci-e?

also is that video car i picked out good enough for what i play

P naughty thoughs on my power and case?
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Old 04-21-2005, 05:03 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Location: North of Mexico, South of Canada
Originally Posted by pacaveli
what is the difference between apg and pci-e?

also is that video car i picked out good enough for what i play

P naughty thoughs on my power and case?
AGP is the slot that video cards use on the motherboards. A motherboard will have one AGP slot and a few PCI slots for other cards (Modem, network, etc)
A new type of slot called PCI-Express has been developed that is set to replace the use of AGP/PCI motherboard slots. PCI-Express is relativley faster, and more importantly can carry more data between the CPU and the cards connected to the motherboard. Larger pipe = better performance being the idea.

As a larger pipe so to speak would mean that video cards could be sent more data per second, that could improve their performance. Realizing this, Video card makers have been some of the fastest to adopt this emerging standard. PCI-Express based motherboards can still use all your old PCI cards like the network and modem, but they now have the a different slot for the video card. So PCI-E is backwards compatible with PCI, but not with AGP, Got all that

Here is a comparable PCI-E card to the AGP card you pointed out. I like This one more, but it's about $10.00 more. I admit I like it more becuase I like ATI based (non-se) products, and have never owned a GeForce based product. In that sense, I am ignorant to compare them.

For what you listed playing, all these cards work fine so far, including the one you pointed out.
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Old 04-21-2005, 05:06 PM   #36 (permalink)
Location: MD
think im gonna stick with APG, but im kinda pissed because new egg deleted my shoping cart
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Old 04-21-2005, 08:30 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pacaveli
think im gonna stick with APG, but im kinda pissed because new egg deleted my shoping cart
A rather smart choice in my opinion. AGP is not going anywhere fast, and will be around for several more years.

As for your motherboard/CPU choices, To me the idea here is to choose a motherboard that does not just have what you need now, but things you may want in the future. USB ports for example. Adapter cards are never as efficiant as onboard USB. I'd say a board should have a least four ports. 7.1 or 8 surround sound from a good onboard soundcard (as in built into the motherboard) is also reasonable to expect nowdays. As for hard drive connectors, I see SATA as required on whatever you buy. A good board has both IDE and SATA onboard, so that both type of harddrive's can be attatched and mixed. I'm on the fence about onboard networking, but you might as well look for a board with it, as most have it nowdays. Thats less money spent to get a network card later.

In your case, I'm less concerned with AMD vs. Intel as both meet your needs. I call your minimum CPU speed at 2.5ghz. Both types of chips are too inexpensive not to get at least that.

Your video card choice seems great to me, and I actually kind of like the first case you suggested more. But I don't like my cases to be big fashion statements. Antec power supplies are great, but as long as the supply is a name brand, I don't see the problem. None of my PS's are well known brands, and none have ever failed. That said, stick with the recomendations here, as you depend on a PSU to have a computer work.

Make sure to get a good fan for the CPU. Remember that CPU's run at between 100-175f degree's. The stock fans made by Intel and AMD for their chips work fine. You shouldn't have to spend more than 25.00 for a fan, otherwise you paid to much in my opinion.

XP home or Pro work fine, as does Win2000. Just don't touch ME with a ten foot pole.

Also, instead of a DVD drive, get a combo CDR/DVD-Rom drive. They cost between $40.00 and $60.00 and then you have both a cd burner and can watch DVD's. You really don't need a DVD burner. few people actually need them. If you don't have need to back up 7gb's of data daily, you don't need one.

Running the calculations in my mind, your around $600.00 for parts
The Motherboard/CPU combo and your video card are the two most expensive parts. If you spend $350.00 - $375.00 on those, and then $300.00 for everything else, that seems like a decent balance in pricing to me.
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Old 04-22-2005, 06:09 AM   #38 (permalink)
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I'm looking to build a new system myself and I'd like to go with one of the AMD 64s but I'm confused regarding which socket (i'm assuming 939) but what is the diff between AMD64 and the 64 FX?

I'm looking to purchase this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicati...960&CatId=1619 for a gaming machine. I'm going to buy a new PCI-E vid card and use my Audigy2 soundcard from my existing system.

Any thoughts?
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Old 04-22-2005, 10:57 AM   #39 (permalink)
Location: MD
damn ache u drilled it for me, im at 595 lol with everything i need, i'll run down what i have and u can give me suggestions

Linkworld 3210-04-C2628 Black/Silver Metal ATX Mid Tower Computer Case $28.50

Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) System Memory Model KVR400X64C3A/512 $39.67 i plan top upgrade latter, but im a little strapped for cash so i';ll start with 512

Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-350 ATX12V 350W Power Supply $55.00

SAPPHIRE Radeon 9600 128MB DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card $69.00

K13-1300 CD :: Mercury 56x CD-ROM / Black / CD Drive $19.99
i don't really need a dvd reader, i've got like 3 dvd players in my house so im set their. Plus i don't really watch dvd's on my computer

MBM-K8TNEO2-3000 :: MSI K8TNeo2-F Via Socket 939 ATX Motherboard and AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Processor $254.99

WD 120 GB WD1200BB 7200 RPM
with Microsoft Windows XP Home Full Version OEM $137.00
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Old 04-22-2005, 11:36 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: Hoosier State
You can save that $137 for WinXP Home if you know where to find it. DVD Rom / burner are necessary if you plan on ripping your own DVDs, or making your own home DVDs, which I do. Then, the 120GB should be bumped up to 160GB, at least.

Portwineboy, the MB/CPU combo will run you $250+, you might as well get this:

My brother in law bought one and has been working great. I'd recommend you use Sysoft Sandra and run burn in test for at least 24 hrs. It has a 3 month warranty so you want to break it, break it before the warranty is up.
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