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#2 (permalink) |
Location: UCSD, 510.49 miles from my love
if it hasnt been written, it doesnt look like it would be very difficult to write at all.
Just ask one of the other coders here, and perhaps you may get something. If I have time in the next week, I'll have a crack at it. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: RI
That'd be pretty easy. If I wasn't at work, I'd see if I could throw somethin together, but I am. What'd be even better is if it took out taxes and the like beforehand =p. Ugh, damn you...=p
All of a sudden, my brain is thinking about many different things that could be added, like if theres direct deposit, how much will go into it, if you have it split, how much will go into both. I wanna go home now... Last edited by Fallon; 11-07-2003 at 07:34 AM.. |
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#4 (permalink) |
well it has been quite slow at work lately. Ive averaged out a net $/hr after taxes and what from my last few pay's. So if i could just put in a $/hr or even $/sec and it just counted it in realtime that'd be perfect.
im sure someone has done it before, or could do something up |
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: So. Cali
A search engine consultant friend of mine uses something like that to keep track of his time spent on the phone... he puts $400/hour in the box and hits the start button at the beginning of the call and the end button when it is done then he can bill the client for the exact amount of time... i will email him and ask him what the name of the program is.
Tell me what we’re fighting for— I don’t remember anymore, only temporary reprieve. And the world might cease if we fail to tame the beast; from the faith that you release comes an atheist peace. |
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#6 (permalink) | |
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#7 (permalink) |
Loves my girl in thongs
Location: North of Mexico, South of Canada
It's more money than you'd care to spend but the design and law standard program Timeslips does this and breaks it down into what each task or job was worth.
Perfect for keeping track of what i've done for a client and what i bill each client since they all are on different rates.
Seen on an employer evaluation: "The wheel is turning but the hamsters dead" ____________________________ Is arch13 really a porn diety ? find out after the film at 11. -Nanofever |
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: RI
Tonight, I'm gonna make myself a program that I can turn on when I start work, and when I finish, but it won't have a running counter, if you want a copy, get the .NET Framework 1.1, and when I'm done I'll see if I can send it.
What it'll do is hopefully write the start time, and when you click again, the end time, it'll save that to a file, if you want, you can then total the day, and get the hours and such. I'm sure the extras could be added, such as taxes and such. For me, it became a need after I did my timecard today so =p. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Location: Go A's!!!!
i seen something similar to this but it was java based and calculated how much texas rangers shortstop alex rodriguez made per hour minute second of each day on his 10 year 100+ million dollar contract never been able to find it again
Spank you very much |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: North Hollywood
Here you go, its still a work in progress, but i think it works
http://www.finitemonkeys.com/tfp/waiw.zip havent tested it outside XP, a lot of the shell stuff changed on 2000 and XP, so it probably doesn't work pre 2k and possibly not even pre XP,.. yes in fact i just tried in my 2k advanced server and it started up but looked like it failed on something later. so i'll check to see what stuff i have to add to make it work pre XP. its pretty simple, defaults to 100 err units, you can change it easily enough, select start to start it, change to change it and quit to exit, it updates every 1 minute. if you have XP play with it, see if it does what you want it to do, and i'll fix the bugs, like the one where it might in fact be showing 10x the earnings ![]() |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: North Hollywood
I upated it again and added the code ( should run at the right rate )
if this posts right, i'll be very suprised :) (ok edit for disable smileys, i bet when they came up with :DWORD they werent expecting cheesy grins , dunno about the double line feed though, try small size) Code:
.386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none ;=============================================================================================== ; include ;=============================================================================================== include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\shell32.inc include \MASM32\include\gdi32.inc include \MASM32\include\MASM32.inc include \MASM32\INCLUDE\advapi32.inc ;=============================================================================================== ; libs ;=============================================================================================== includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib includelib \MASM32\lib\gdi32.lib includelib \MASM32\lib\MASM32.lib includelib \MASM32\LIB\advapi32.lib ;=============================================================================================== ; prototypes ;=============================================================================================== main PROTO :DWORD SetBmpColor PROTO :DWORD GetRateProc PROTO :HWND,:DWORD,:WPARAM,:LPARAM Float2ASCII PROTO CalcRate2 PROTO ;=============================================================================================== ; macros ;=============================================================================================== LOWORD MACRO bigword ;; Retrieves the low word from double word argument mov eax,bigword and eax,0FFFFh ;; Set to low word ENDM return MACRO arg mov eax, arg ret ENDM ;=============================================================================================== ; defines ;=============================================================================================== .const WM_SHELLNOTIFY equ WM_USER+5 IDI_TRAY equ 0 ; icon resource number ProgIcon equ 100 ; menu ID's IDM_Pause equ 1005 IDM_Stop equ 1004 IDM_Start equ 1003 IDM_ChangeRate equ 1002 ; standard items IDM_AboutBox equ 1001 IDM_Quit equ 1000 IDB_Pause equ 10002 IDB_AboutBox equ 10001 IDB_Quit equ 10000 IDC_DOLLARS equ 1000 IDC_CENTS equ 1001 ID_OK equ 1003 IDD_RATE equ 9; ; hmm how did i manage that one Count equ 14 ; simple state STATE_STOPPED equ 1 STATE_STARTED equ 2 STATE_PAUSED equ 3 STATE_ABOUT equ 4 ;=============================================================================================== ; const non bss data ;=============================================================================================== .data currentState db STATE_STOPPED ProcessInfo PROCESS_INFORMATION <> ; --------------------------------- ClassName db "WaiwWinClass", 0 ProgramName db "WAIW", 0 NotRunningText db "Stopped", 0 ; --------------------------------- SetHourlyText db "&Change hourly rate", 0 StartText db "&Start", 0 StopText db "S&top", 0 PauseText db "&Pause", 0 ; --------------------------------- AboutBoxTitle db "About", 0 AboutBoxText db "WAIW, Copyright © 2003 charliex, root@charliex.net", 0 ; --------------------------------- QuitText db "&Quit", 0 ConfirmText db "Are you sure you wish to quit ?", 0 ; --------------------------------- ChangeRateText db "Changing rate", 0 StartedText db "Running", 0 PausedText db "Paused", 0 div60 dd 03c888889h div2 dd 03c23d70ah fipaddcon dd 000000000h,04f800000h startMS dd 0 milliSeconds dd 0 startTime dd 0 ; rate per hour ratePerHour dd 100 ; how much made so far made REAL4 0.0 ; internal calcs, exposed for debugging rph REAL4 0.0 ; temp buff buffer db 255 dup (0) ;=============================================================================================== ; non const data ;=============================================================================================== ETDBuffer db "ETD : $" ETDData db 128 dup (0) ;=============================================================================================== ; non const bss data ;=============================================================================================== .data? hInstance dd ? note NOTIFYICONDATA <> StatusInfo db ? hPopupMenu dd ? hBmp1 dd ? ; bitmap handle IDM dd ? ; menu number id IDB dd ? ; menu bitmap id ;=============================================================================================== ; code ;=============================================================================================== .code code: invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL mov hInstance, eax ; call our main invoke main, hInstance invoke ExitProcess, eax ;=============================================================================================== ; WinMain ;=============================================================================================== main PROC hInst:HINSTANCE LOCAL WindowClass : WNDCLASSEX LOCAL Msg : MSG LOCAL hWindow : HWND mov WindowClass.cbSize, SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX mov WindowClass.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_DBLCLKS mov WindowClass.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WindowProc mov WindowClass.cbClsExtra, NULL mov WindowClass.cbWndExtra, NULL push hInst pop WindowClass.hInstance mov WindowClass.hbrBackground, COLOR_APPWORKSPACE mov WindowClass.lpszMenuName, NULL mov WindowClass.lpszClassName, OFFSET ClassName ; load icon invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ProgIcon mov WindowClass.hIcon, eax mov WindowClass.hIconSm, eax invoke LoadCursor, hInstance, IDC_ARROW mov WindowClass.hCursor, eax invoke RegisterClassEx, ADDR WindowClass invoke CreateWindowEx, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ADDR ClassName, ADDR ProgramName,\ 0, \ CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 100, 100, NULL, NULL,\ hInst, NULL mov hWindow, eax ; process message pump .while TRUE invoke GetMessage, ADDR Msg, NULL, 0, 0 .BREAK .IF (!eax) invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR Msg invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR Msg .endw mov eax, Msg.wParam ret main ENDP ;=============================================================================================== ; WindowProc ;=============================================================================================== WindowProc PROC hWindow:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM LOCAL pt : POINT LOCAL StartInfo : STARTUPINFO LOCAL hWnd : HWND LOCAL Nb: QWORD .code .if uMsg==WM_CREATE invoke CreatePopupMenu mov hPopupMenu, eax invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_Start, ADDR StartText invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_Stop, ADDR StopText invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_Pause, ADDR PauseText invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_ChangeRate, ADDR SetHourlyText invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_AboutBox , ADDR AboutBoxTitle invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL invoke AppendMenu, hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_Quit , ADDR QuitText mov ecx, Count mov IDB, IDB_Quit mov IDM, IDM_Quit loadBitmaps: push ecx invoke LoadBitmap, hInstance, IDB mov hBmp1, eax invoke SetBmpColor, hBmp1 mov hBmp1, eax invoke SetMenuItemBitmaps, hPopupMenu, IDM, MF_BYCOMMAND, hBmp1, hBmp1 pop ecx inc IDB inc IDM LOOP loadBitmaps mov note.cbSize, SIZEOF NOTIFYICONDATA push hWindow pop note.hwnd mov note.uID, IDI_TRAY mov note.uFlags, NIF_ICON+NIF_MESSAGE+NIF_TIP mov note.uCallbackMessage, WM_SHELLNOTIFY invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ProgIcon mov note.hIcon, eax ; set the program tool trap icons tool tip invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR NotRunningText invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_ADD, ADDR note .elseif uMsg==WM_COMMAND .if lParam==0 mov eax, wParam .if ax==IDM_Quit invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR ConfirmText, ADDR ProgramName, MB_YESNO or MB_ICONINFORMATION .if eax==IDNO invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_ADD, ADDR note .else invoke DestroyWindow, hWindow .endif .elseif ax==IDM_AboutBox cmp StatusInfo, 1 jz menu inc StatusInfo invoke LoadIcon, NULL, IDI_INFORMATION mov note.hIcon, eax invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR AboutBoxTitle invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ProgIcon invoke ShellAbout, NULL,ADDR AboutBoxTitle, ADDR AboutBoxText, eax dec StatusInfo ; change this to show the current status instead. ;; invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR NotRunningText invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ProgIcon mov note.hIcon, eax invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note menu: .elseif ax==IDM_ChangeRate ; popup a dialog asking use to set the hourly rate invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR ChangeRateText invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, IDD_RATE,0,ADDR GetRateProc,NULL .elseif ax==IDM_Stop ; stop counting invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR NotRunningText invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note invoke KillTimer, hWnd, 0 .elseif ax==IDM_Start ; get the current ms counter invoke GetTickCount ; clear up old one not needed anymore mov startMS, eax mov startTime,eax ; start of a windows timer for n seconds invoke SetTimer,hWindow,NULL,(1*60)*1000,NULL ; Set the timer to 60000 mSec (1 min) ; start counting invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR StartedText invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note .elseif ax==IDM_Stop ; pause counting invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR PausedText invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note invoke KillTimer, hWnd, 0 .endif .endif .elseif uMsg==WM_SHELLNOTIFY .if wParam==IDI_TRAY .if (lParam==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) || (lParam==WM_RBUTTONDOWN) ; popup menu invoke GetCursorPos, ADDR pt invoke TrackPopupMenu, hPopupMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, NULL, hWindow, NULL .endif .endif .elseif uMsg==WM_TIMER ; temp test, remove later !! :) ; mov ratePerHour,600 ; calculate invoke CalcRate2 ; convert current amount made from float to ascii, lea esi,made fld dword ptr [esi] fstp [Nb] invoke FloatToStr, [Nb], ADDR ETDData ; invoke DebugPrint, addr ETDBuffer invoke lstrcpy, ADDR note.szTip, ADDR ETDBuffer invoke OutputDebugStringA, ADDR ETDBuffer invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_MODIFY, ADDR note .elseif uMsg==WM_DESTROY ; quit invoke Shell_NotifyIcon, NIM_DELETE, ADDR note invoke PostQuitMessage, NULL return 0 .endif invoke DefWindowProc, hWindow, uMsg, wParam, lParam ret WindowProc ENDP ;=============================================================================================== ; SetBmpColor ;=============================================================================================== SetBmpColor proc hBitmap:DWORD LOCAL mDC :DWORD LOCAL hBrush :DWORD LOCAL hOldBmp :DWORD LOCAL hReturn :DWORD LOCAL hOldBrush :DWORD invoke CreateCompatibleDC, NULL mov mDC, eax invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBitmap mov hOldBmp, eax invoke GetSysColor, COLOR_BTNFACE invoke CreateSolidBrush, eax mov hBrush, eax invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBrush mov hOldBrush, eax invoke GetPixel,mDC, 1, 1 invoke ExtFloodFill, mDC, 1, 1, eax, FLOODFILLSURFACE invoke SelectObject, mDC, hOldBrush invoke DeleteObject, hBrush invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBitmap mov hReturn, eax invoke DeleteDC, mDC mov eax, hReturn ret SetBmpColor endp ;=============================================================================================== ; GetRateProc ;=============================================================================================== GetRateProc proc hDlg:HWND,iMsg:DWORD,wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM LOCAL rateDollars:DWORD LOCAL rateCents:DWORD mov eax,iMsg .if eax==WM_INITDIALOG .elseif eax==WM_COMMAND LOWORD wParam .if eax==ID_OK invoke GetDlgItemInt, hDlg,IDC_DOLLARS,NULL,0 mov rateDollars,eax ; convert to p mov ebx,100 mul ebx mov ratePerHour,eax invoke GetDlgItemInt, hDlg,IDC_CENTS,NULL,0 mov rateCents,eax ; add to dollarrs for one figure in units add ratePerHour,eax invoke EndDialog,hDlg,TRUE .elseif eax==IDCANCEL invoke EndDialog,hDlg,FALSE .endif .else mov eax,FALSE ret .endif mov eax,TRUE ret GetRateProc endp ;=============================================================================================== ; Float2ASCII - Convert a float to an ASCIZ string ;=============================================================================================== Float2ASCII proc LOCAL Nb:QWORD fld QWORD PTR [esi] fstp [Nb] invoke FloatToStr, [Nb], ADDR ETDData ret Float2ASCII endp ;=============================================================================================== ; CalcRate2 - Calculate how much has been earnt since started. ;=============================================================================================== CalcRate2 proc ; use a local!! sub esp, 8 ; ms = GetTickCount()-startTime; ; get current ms counter invoke GetTickCount ; eax = edx = ms mov edx, eax ; rph = rateperhour fild dword ptr ratePerHour ; this really only needs to be done everytime the rate is updated or at start ; rph = rph/100.0 fmul dword ptr div2 ; get start time in ms mov ecx, dword ptr startTime ; made = rph * (( ms/60.0)/60.0) fld dword ptr div60 fxch st(1) ; store as float / 100.0 fst dword ptr rph ; ms = current - last sub edx, ecx mov eax, 274877907 mul edx shr edx, 6 ; store secs count (for debug) yes yes i know it says ms, its milli vanilli seconds mov dword ptr milliSeconds, edx ; now do the actual math mov dword ptr [esp], edx fild dword ptr [esp] shr edx, 31 fadd dword ptr fipaddcon[0+edx*4] fmul st, st(2) fmulp st(2), st fmulp st(1), st ; store the amount calculated fstp dword ptr made ; use a local! add esp, 8 ret CalcRate2 endp end code Last edited by charliex; 11-19-2003 at 10:50 PM.. |
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