Here you go, its still a work in progress, but i think it works
havent tested it outside XP, a lot of the shell stuff changed on 2000 and XP, so it probably doesn't work pre 2k and possibly not even pre XP,..
yes in fact i just tried in my 2k advanced server and it started up but looked like it failed on something later. so i'll check to see what stuff i have to add to make it work pre XP.
its pretty simple, defaults to 100 err units, you can change it easily enough, select start to start it, change to change it and quit to exit, it updates every 1 minute.
if you have XP play with it, see if it does what you want it to do, and i'll fix the bugs, like the one where it might in fact be showing 10x the earnings

its what we like to call a one level demo