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Crimson 04-19-2003 07:06 AM

Post your computer desktop

FreeBSD 5.0 running Gnome 2.0

Crimson 04-19-2003 07:13 AM

Post your computer desktop

Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3

jets 04-19-2003 07:38 AM


Krycheck 04-19-2003 07:53 AM

RH 8.0 running on KDE 3.0 on dual monitors!! PH34R MEH!! ;)

BoCo 04-19-2003 08:11 AM

I run 1280x960 but I shrunk it some so it'll display faster.


Magpie0001 04-19-2003 08:31 AM

Hey, BOCO, s'cuse my ignorance but is that a windowz shell or what? really neat.

Krycheck 04-19-2003 08:51 AM

Excellent theme BoCo
Here's mine. Same wallpaper as my linux desktop. Please excuse the sidescrolling :D

ChipX86 04-19-2003 10:17 AM

<img src="http://www.chipx86.com/screenshot.jpg" width="1280" height="1024" alt="Screenshot">

RH9 running Enlightenment 0.16.6cvs, gaim 0.62cvs, and OJMixer 0.1.0cvs.

Krycheck 04-19-2003 10:23 AM

Sweet!! Could never get my nix to look that good :(

Triseph 04-19-2003 10:35 AM

Ill post my Slackware/Fluxbox desktop as soon as I reboot. Gaming still keeps me in Windows at least half the time. =/

Banginblaz 04-19-2003 12:30 PM

*sniff, I got no hosting place, so no pic from me.

Crimson 04-19-2003 12:37 PM


Originally posted by Krycheck
Sweet!! Could never get my nix to look that good :(
Sure you can - Ask questions in the main fora and you will get an answer

Even if it is just 'I want a cool font' - I know I have spent ages looking for things like that when a single question in the right place would have sorted me out

Crimson 04-19-2003 12:44 PM


Originally posted by ChipX86
gaim 0.62cvs
I spent a few cursing hours getting my ports updated so that I could run gaim0.61 - And now people are flashing 0.62?

You better have a good reason for running that otherwise I am going to sulk

juanvaldes 04-19-2003 01:02 PM


genka 04-19-2003 01:08 PM

say, how do you chat in terminal?

ChipX86 04-19-2003 01:58 PM

Crimson: I have a great reason to run gaim 0.62cvs. I'm one of the developers ;) Check the about box on the screenshot.

I even have code running in my copy here that you can't even get right now.

juanvaldes 04-19-2003 03:22 PM


Originally posted by genka
say, how do you chat in terminal?
Install a command line chat program such as irssi or BitchX.

Snowman 04-19-2003 04:02 PM


XHydralisk 04-20-2003 12:31 AM

I use 2 monitors, and I need a new background image.. :p

and here is my list of games


Crimson 04-20-2003 08:52 AM


Originally posted by ChipX86
Crimson: I have a great reason to run gaim 0.62cvs. I'm one of the developers ;) Check the about box on the screenshot.

I even have code running in my copy here that you can't even get right now.

Can I demand features from you and get abusive when things go wrong?

(I jest - So what is it you do for gaim (developer is not too descriptive)

AxByC 04-20-2003 01:16 PM



Jack Ruby 04-20-2003 01:30 PM


Man I wish I had a 21" monitor. Juanvaldes, your screen rocks.

GreasyP 04-20-2003 01:48 PM

I desperately need to add more memory to my laptop:


And of course, I can only go up to 1024x768, so it's all about the virtual desktops:


Windows XP Pro on a Toshiba Satellite

AxByC 04-20-2003 01:54 PM

close some of that crap in the systray, and all that shit u have running, and u might free up some :D

Crimson 04-20-2003 02:39 PM

I worry at the amount of 'stuff' people have open - I guess I feel proud at how clean my desktop looks

GreasyP 04-20-2003 04:08 PM


Originally posted by AxByC
close some of that crap in the systray, and all that shit u have running, and u might free up some :D
Sure, but where's the fun in that? ;) That's like having a desk with nothing on it.

juanvaldes 04-20-2003 04:40 PM


Originally posted by Jack Ruby
Man I wish I had a 21" monitor. Juanvaldes, your screen rocks.

Man I wish I had a 21" monitor. Juanvaldes, your screen rocks.

Thanks :)

It's only 17" though, with a "17" on the right, it's from 95 when the plastic still counted as it's width.

I run 1600x1200 & 1024x768 and at times it's still not enough :D

Wish I had a 22" as well, I talked my dad out of it last summer...his laptop couldn't run it and we need the cash. Then he tells me I would have gotten it! :o

a1t3r3g0 04-20-2003 04:53 PM

Here is what my background image looks like:

Quick job I made myself using Photoshop.

ChipX86 04-20-2003 06:19 PM

Crimson: You can request features through our listserv, IRC channel, and tracker on the project website ;)

I'm responsible for the account dialog in 0.60+; the new buddy pounce framework in 0.61+; the Conversation core/ui split, backend, and part of the frontend; the upcoming plugin framework v2.0; the file transfer framework, and file transfer support in IRC and MSN; the "<i>User</i> has closed the conversation window" message on MSN; several other small core/ui splits here and there; and several bug fixes here and there.

WildZero 04-20-2003 06:43 PM


Mac OSX, shrunk to save bandwidth.

First person to post what movie the image is from gets a cookie.

splooge 04-20-2003 07:03 PM

Here's mine:


Krycheck 04-20-2003 07:04 PM

Crimson inspired me to beauty up my desktop. This is my fresh install of RH 9.0 on my laptop.


I could have done better but I'm not done yet ;)

440sixpack 04-20-2003 07:53 PM


nine 04-21-2003 03:25 AM


zizdog69 04-21-2003 05:26 AM

Just plain black background for me. Ever since I had slow computers, where anything you had in the background would slow it down, I have been reluctant to have a pic on the desktop. At work is a different scene, I have Jesus from The Big Lebowski licking the bowling ball as the pic!

lakefire 04-21-2003 07:17 AM


nine 04-21-2003 08:07 AM

Why does eveyone have their trashbin everywhere but the bottom right - this is where is should go! :)

Would be cool to start a thread analysing the person behind the desktop (kinda like reading the tea leaves but for geeks) :)

Cuball 04-21-2003 08:36 AM



this is mine, quite simple but I like it :-)

once a week I try to change my girly in the back.

sloedough 04-21-2003 03:29 PM


Ashton 04-21-2003 06:08 PM

Just my Sweet Sarah's smile on my desktop:D


SecretMethod70 04-21-2003 06:29 PM


EDIT: I am running KDE 3.1.1a, XChat 2.0, slicKer cvs, and Gaim 0.61. I am using the bluecurve theme (obtained in gentoo by typing "emerge redhat-artwork") and nuvola icons (from kde-look.org).

The console card on the side and the top-left transparent taskbar are slicKer.

On the bottom, in kicker, you can see the kweather applet running as well.

All running on Gentoo Linux (you can see I'm about to emerge Chromium B.S.U. in the konsole window)

NOTE: The site this is hosted at allows a pretty egnerous amount of bandwidth but it may still run out after awhile for each month. It'll come back again though if it rexes

Krycheck 04-22-2003 11:54 AM

That is sweet. What version of KDE is that and how do you get X-chat to be transparent? I've looked at the settings and couldn't figure it out. And my Gaim doesn't look that nice either :(

shag112 04-22-2003 11:17 PM

Mine for today!


DuNiLoMoo 04-23-2003 07:17 AM

Mac desktop for a change

philzilla 04-23-2003 08:22 AM

click for 1280 image


XHydralisk 04-23-2003 10:25 AM

I just redid my whole theme/layout


shag112 04-23-2003 11:08 PM


Originally posted by XHydralisk
I just redid my whole theme/layout
What style is that your using and where did you find it?
I like that!

XHydralisk 04-23-2003 11:17 PM


Originally posted by shag112
What style is that your using and where did you find it?
I like that!

The style is called plasticaa and the color scheme is bluemoon. I don't remember where I got it though. It was on one of the first sites to show up on a google search for "xp themes".

big lazer tron 04-24-2003 05:47 PM

yeah guys i seriously need to get win. xp. pro

big lazer tron 04-24-2003 05:48 PM


yotta 04-24-2003 08:57 PM

Mandrake 8.2, KDE 2.2.2, GKrellM, Mozilla 1.2.1 with LittleMozilla theme. I like a minimal GUI. Grew up on DOS and Win 3.1. Oh, and check out my TiVo... 240GB of storage.


bodypainter 04-25-2003 02:50 PM

yotta - greetings from a fellow TiVo user.

bodypainter 04-25-2003 03:17 PM

Right monitor
Left monitor

yotta 04-26-2003 02:25 AM

bodypainter: Is your TiVo upgraded/hacked?

bodypainter 04-26-2003 02:54 AM

No. I have a Sony 30 hour standalone and a new DirecTiVo Series 2, both stock.

I'm aware of all the things that could be done to them (from hanging out on the TiVo Community forums) but have never felt the need.

methodtim 04-27-2003 08:36 AM

Sorry I'm late to the party... it's one of the drawbacks of being a noob.


That screenshot is kind of deceptive... Two monitors, one 24 inch running at 1920x1200 and on the left is 15 inch LCD.

Ah hell, a picture's worth a zillion blah blah's. Here you go.


Noiz 04-27-2003 12:09 PM


Originally posted by WildZero
First person to post what movie the image is from gets a cookie.
As no-one else has stepped up to answer I'll use my first ever post to be a smart ass...

It's Battle Royale. I'd say who the character is too but it slips my mind at present. Ho hum.

Can I have my cookie now? :D

Edit: Hey methodtim, what Trillian skin is that? I'm always after the smallest skins around and that one looks sweet!

Apody 04-27-2003 12:13 PM


shag112 05-07-2003 05:18 PM


i3inary 05-07-2003 07:27 PM

please do tell what trillian skin that is methodtim

X_cody_X 05-07-2003 09:31 PM

The theme I'm running is "XP Black Final" from www.themexp.org. My Trillian skin is "Dark Bevel". I don't remember where I found the background image at, but it was a lot brighter before, so I darkened it a bit. Pretty cool looking if you dont hate windows :)
Here's the link to my background image.

suviko 05-08-2003 09:31 AM

What's your wallpaper? (nsfw)

Peetster 05-08-2003 09:42 AM

In my typical minimalist fashion, I don't use wallpaper. :-)

Bob Biter 05-08-2003 10:03 AM

From my favorite underground/indie music site:


I, too, like simple things.

It used to be a Fight Club wallpaper, which was completely black and read "You are not your stupid wallpaper" in special Fight Club font.

Giant Hamburger 05-08-2003 10:50 AM

I have a directory with about 10 different hamburger images in it.
Here is my current desktop:

Sticky 05-08-2003 01:01 PM

<b>Giant Hamburger</b>, that looks like a really good burger.

Bob Biter 05-08-2003 02:21 PM

Great, now I'm hungry.

Somenosuke 05-08-2003 02:50 PM

Bleh.. nevermind...

Emotion 05-08-2003 03:10 PM

its called thetismoon. i think i got it from digitalblashphemy.com

sierra2774 05-08-2003 06:04 PM

My wallpaper is The Pittsburgh Steelers!
Love em'

krwlz 05-08-2003 06:46 PM

cycles through airplanes, bryce images my friend made for me, and corvettes

bundy 05-08-2003 06:49 PM

that hamburger is looking FINE!!
nice one Giant Hamburger.

time to eat...

WildZero 05-08-2003 07:28 PM


Originally posted by Noiz
It's Battle Royale. I'd say who the character is too but it slips my mind at present. Ho hum.

Can I have my cookie now? :D

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...we have a winner!

May I say that you have excellent taste in movies :D .

Here's your cookie...


rabidy 05-08-2003 10:07 PM

here is mine, 80)
heres a link to the full sized one.

vermin 05-08-2003 11:22 PM

Don't have wallpaper. They're painted a light blue-ish gray. ;)

Ashton 05-09-2003 02:22 AM

SOPHIE of course... :D

Loki 05-09-2003 03:10 AM

<img src = http://know.me.uk/vince/aimless/win2k.jpg>

that color, without the stuff in the middle or the windows logo.

unknownmf 05-09-2003 03:14 AM

Here is my wallpaper at home

Click here for the full size one.

qpid 05-09-2003 06:42 AM

as per:

my current wallpaper:


shalafi 05-09-2003 06:48 AM

whenever i see a picture i like that becomes my wallpaper for an hour or a day or a week. right now its plummies yoda from this thread http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...&threadid=5540 tiled

Loup 05-09-2003 06:49 AM

I walways check BoCo's Daily Wallpapers in Tilted Computers, there's a lot of interesting ones that is put up.
My current wallpaper, however, is Neo for the upcoming Matrix movie ...


alpha phi 05-09-2003 06:50 AM

my wallpaper is a "BoCo's daily wallpaper" from a few days back
A huge eye!

Hanxter 05-09-2003 07:06 AM

aside from what Boco's been putting up - I use these off & on...


Minx 05-09-2003 07:16 AM

Being a sun worshipper/beach bunny, my wallpaper is a great tropical scene....white sand, blue blue water and two lounge chairs under a funky palm branch umbrella. *sighs* It's where I'd rather be about 99.9% of the time.

zaiaz 05-09-2003 11:21 AM

Up up and away for me...

eyeronic 05-09-2003 11:27 AM

The New York Times...

oh, WALLpaper! Using a WEB TV right now. No wallpaper. At home it's a picture of the street stayed on in Cuba. Will add photo when I get back from this awesome vacation

bahula04 05-09-2003 10:36 PM

for a bonus cokkie, the characters name is kawada, unless i'm mistaken. just saw that movie for the first time, it's amazing.

TheIceMan 05-10-2003 12:25 AM

The Matrix Screenshot.

My current Mac desktop. The wallpaper can be found at SpyMac Gallery

The menubar applications at the top are from Left to Right: CheckOff, PTHiTunesNotifier, WeatherPop, MenuMeter, Volume control, DeskShade Plus, Battery indicator, wClock.

Because I can't stand a messy-looking desktop, I use DeskShade Plus to "hide" my icons. Also, I hide my dock because I use FruitMenu.

OS: Mac OS 10.2.4
Computer: Apple PowerBook Titanium
Theme: Max's SmoothStripes Sunken 3.0.1 Blue
Icons: SNOW E.2 (not visible)
Switcher since October 2002

hk- 05-10-2003 01:29 AM


Modded one of the papers from : http://www.toyota-supra.com



Freshly rebuilt gaming machine, all I been playing is Quake3 *am hooked*..... hmm dual processor rig with a radeon 9700 pro, RaR ;) :) :rock:

blindawg 05-13-2003 08:22 AM

It's my work board so it's got to be work safe.. running dual monitors..


Mondak 05-13-2003 03:19 PM

You bastards! I just spent at least 2 hours messing with this stuff. I basically did what X_Cody_X did since I thought it looked cool.

I would love to know all the things that BoCo is doing. That looks pretty cool to me.

nine 05-13-2003 10:41 PM


Got inspired by you guys so changed my desktop from my previously posted one. Much better I think

Konichiwaneko 05-17-2003 12:21 PM

Mine is kinda simple


viveleroi0 05-22-2003 04:46 PM

how do you get the quicklauch bar in xp to stretch across the top of the taskbar with the application tabs on the bottom like that?

longjohns 05-22-2003 05:05 PM

when you unlock the taskbar, just stretch the quicklaunch out to the right (i have mine small with a fly-out), then drag down - the taskbar should pop double height, with the program buttons on a new line below the quicklaunch. it sometimes takes a few tries to drag the elements around how you want them. then just re-lock it

Jesus Pimp 05-22-2003 06:33 PM


Frowning Budah 05-22-2003 07:38 PM

I like a nice clean computer desktop, even though my real desk top isn't so clean.
Sure can learn alot about people just by looking at the desktop.

sixate 05-25-2003 03:37 AM

Here's mine today. I change it every few days.
I scaled it down 20%.


The dave 05-25-2003 09:39 AM

Here is a Wallpaper i made for HL2



gili_666 05-25-2003 04:50 PM

not to sure about the checking into the "mentality" of people, by there desktops. i'd like to think im "sane". but you might think otherwise....

windows 2000 pro, runnin on a dell lattitude, at a mere 1024 x 768. picture is "borrowed" from deviantart.


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