![]() |
http://sc.groups.msn.com/tn/AB/00/RiverzEnd/1/2.jpg the two i have been switching around with latly... have some starwars ones for when im feeling uber geeky (im addicted to SWG... havent seen the movies in a long time, dont read the books... dont play the other games or any of that... so... i guess im a fake geek...) Once i can find my umm... "cd" of "my copy of the newest desktopX" ill be able to use those themes and objects i got... but as for now "my cd isn't being found" I also have some other random pics i use when the themes arn't peeking my interest but i got them from here so i dont feel the need to post them again (from TFP that is) |
I only have geocities as a host but if you copy this link and put it into a browser it will work, unless someone wants to host it for me i can just edit my post and put it on.
http://www.geocities.com/threepape69/desktop.jpg |
fhqwhgads, I love that wallpaper... where did you get it?
flamingpeach uses FreeBSD??
I think I'm in love :love: :D :p |
fhqwhgads, http://www.mikebonnell.com/pub_html/PUB_AB_01_04.html these some similar ones on the free bit, not quite the same
oops reducing to 4 colours removed all the mac style menus
Here is me on the laptop... Rather boring, I am afraid. I will post some of my other machines later. Sorry the image is so large, I dont have any image editing software on this machine.
http://theravenel.mine.nu/img/desktop-lappie.JPG |
And here is my desktop on my Debian box, running KDE. I resized this one (hooray for the Gimp!). I will post my Mandrake machine and my other XP machine when I get back to school. Somehow I doubt anyone wants a screenshot of the command prompt on my Red Hat server ;)
http://theravenel.mine.nu/img/desktop-deb.jpg |
This still makes me smile when it comes on, no icons, lean n mean desktop screen :)
http://www.syb.org.uk/index_files/image001.jpg another one of my desktops later Jonah |
looks great hk ! :eek: |
Cheers :)
I used to have triple, and at one stage 5. Ah the days of more multimonitorness. Using a laptop now, therefore only dual monitors :( |
Simple, but it gets teh damn job done. .. Red Chord rocks btw. |
Here is the desktop on my main XP machine. I will post my Mandrake install when I boot to it.
http://theravenel.mine.nu/img/desktop-main.jpg |
Finally got around to upgrading my macine so I can run stuff like StyleXP
http://www.theediproject.com/desk.jpg Most of your desktops blow mine away, but I did what I could. . . |
just blue, my computer can't handle anything
having over 500 walls i use these a lot...
http://img17.photobucket.com/albums/...r/desktop1.jpg http://img17.photobucket.com/albums/...r/desktop2.jpg http://img17.photobucket.com/albums/...r/desktop3.jpg |
my current.
freeBSD 5.2 running gnome. (click for full size) http://flamingpeach.castlewee.com/ri...opimgthumb.jpg edit: i made the wallpaper, btw :D |
Here's my latest. It's the WindowBlinds/SysMetrix Zippo theme with a modified ObjectBar theme to match:
http://www.projectbigbrother.com/ima...po-screen1.jpg http://www.projectbigbrother.com/ima...po-screen2.jpg http://www.projectbigbrother.com/ima...po-screen3.jpg |
post your desktop
probably been done before but desktops change ;)
here's mine.. [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SgDRAk4X6394rWK0ZiPi!9KIXiyoVy*OcArUytMNlCbU4d0w8ys0dzyew0E2U!M0pbBIoimaECfS!x42Ii8krepjp0YANBffGrqpxNHoLkO88JKOQh0LsQ/desktop.JPG?dc=4675463743782089163[/img] |
my current desktop.
[IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SADRAiQWzTH5L4W07qKFWCKADcN3JL5uZIc3USbkZ*9!Ptnd4otoYAKKIcM9UkS8iJ*effMkfxNgAaKMdXZwPI0zQ9Ga!NDFwJmvTeuT4bVGAAAArXJZAg/Desktop.JPG?dc=4675463745314872319[/IMG] |
My sweetie, Sung Hi, whom I also see after 2 minutes of idling via a 152 picture slideshow screensaver. Most of the icons are either games, or Engineering/Programming stuff, i.e Inventor, ACad, MATLAB, etc.
http://a1.cpimg.com/image/01/D6/3086...-02000180-.jpg |
This is probably better in Computing Forum but... I'll play:
http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~afx/screenshot smaller.png Full size Here I picked a workspace with nothing on the screen cause I'm in love with the background. Running Gentoo Linux, Gnome 2.5.91 (Garnome). |
ok...I am too much of an idiot to figure out how to do this...please disregard
Hey ya know what... maybe this is the place for this:
I got XP... every time I set a desktop, it resets back to that fucking hillside when I restart. Anyone got any clues about why it might be doing that? |
Re: post your desktop
Post your computer desktop (Tilted Computers) |
skier, where'd you find your background/icons? they're both pretty sweet :P
Nothing spectacular, but I like it. edit: er...why is it so small? grrrr..... |
Magic man- Just did a little searching on google and the windowblinds site for icons, changing em is simple, just right click->customise for a file.
I had to wade through a fair amount of flat and ugly ones though. Background... this one probably from deviantart, but normally i'll pull one from Conceptart.org or 12ozprophet. |
<img src="http://www.kyledurepos.com/bitchtits/scaryback.JPG">
I find myself wishing for a monitor as large as yours Bmarley.
Allways keep some beautiful and simple things in your desktop..Ha!
current background scaled down from 1280x960 on a 21" Sony Trinitron.
Original pic and all modifications courtesy of me http://www.torlian.net/pics/AF_ran_pics/11apr04.jpg |
sadistikdreams, Donnie Darko freaked me out. I think I'd go crazy with a desktop like that.
Here's mine... it's not pretty and it's kinda cluttered, but it's functional. My desktop cracks me up everytime I see it - gotta love Blizzard's april fools jokes :) Click the image for a bigger size (my resolution is 1600x1200). <a href=http://ieng9.ucsd.edu/~dclamage/desktop_lrg.jpg><img src=http://ieng9.ucsd.edu/~dclamage/desktop_sml.jpg></a> |
my current dektop:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TwDtAhAajD94rWK0ZiPi!0LAVvillhu!0DgpqUJ8MwweoVFakPc9GQMwQtguZfwU9wKEXesX2lSnfaWrIGKCqRTPhxfxV3cGwXrH7Q*ckfD2WAyEBQexLQ/desktop.jpg?dc=4675467776962979169></img> resized, as you see, for your viewing pleasure. I'm all about the dektop minimalism, utilizing my quicklaunch buttons as much as possible. |
Work computer w/my fav pic ever:D ack! I cant make it any bigger, an I dont have a resizer at werk |
That is really disgusting :D Here's the one that I'm currently using: http://members.shaw.ca/nickkoo/desktop.jpg |
My pretty boring Windows desktop. The background changes pretty frequently. |
Here's mine:
http://img37.photobucket.com/albums/.../wallpaper.jpg Until I can find that great shell replacement program I used to use, this one will have to do. Used desktop x for the neat little cpu/memory monitor at the bottom and used windowblinds for the gui. |
Yep, the ubiqitous Shrooms wallpaper and the clean desktop look. |
Here is my new desktoop.
http://www.worldofdreams.com/desktop_new_s.jpg I use Rainmeter with a modified skin, Samurize for the weather, Rainlender and Mobydock. The background was scanned by me, which is why the quality is not very good =P |
thats a great desktop, looking up those progs for my pc right away!
You can get rainmeter and rainlender here. They are very cool programs, I could not live with out 'em.
Here my newest desktop
http://www.samurize.com/modules/myalbum/photos/1054.jpg |
Hey Latch, where did you get that desktop image? I would love to get it. Thanks!
Mine's a minimalist desktop with a maximum emphasis placed on the quick launch. 32 icons, about 30 actual programs on that ol' quicklaunch. Yep. If I ever have a shortcut on my desktop, it gets deleted IMMEDIATELY. No clutter here ladies and gents. |
15" PowerBook G4 running OS X Panther, with Konfabulator Widgets Picture Frame, Tail Chaser, Temperature Text, and The Weather. |
<IMG SRC=http://www.appstate.edu/~bt52438/background1.jpg>
-Lasereth |
Where'd you get DesktopX from Sixate? That's pretty damn cool displaying all the info that would normally be displayed in task manager plus some other nice info.
Take a look here at Object Desktop: http://www.stardock.com/products.asp The program that dislpays all my PC stats is called Sysmertix3. You can download it here: http://www.xymantix.com/sysmetrix/download.html Best part is it's a free program. The skin I'm using is called Ripped(Small). Get it here: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.as...ing&library=28 You can also browse around and find another skin you may like more. There's a shitload of them. Wincustomize has skins for all the programs that are a part of Object Desktop, and some others, also. |
Sorry its so small, its two monitors, which makes it even larger, and I dont wanna kill my bandwidth with people viewing this image and it being served off my server. To see a little bigger version, click HERE |
What theme are you using? Pretty cool |
I will give it a try as well.. :) This is a dual monitor setup.. |
http://www.guiolympics.com/skins2004.asp?SkinID=108 |
sixate, your the man. First you suggest the lian-li pc6070b (which I bought for myself, great case), then you show me that sweet gui, which I had to use as my own. My desktop has never looked better.
Thanks :) |
Pic of my baby...:D
http://www.IMGSpot.com/u/2004/05/13/...o_05-13-04.JPG Really basic desktop, but I don't like clutter 1280 x 1024 Running StyleXP Rainlendar YzDock Coolmon |
Mine for today! Running Windows 2000 Pro.
1152 x 864 resized for quick view. http://members.rogers.com/a.thomson/screenshot5.jpg |
shag112, how did you get your desktop to look like that? What are all of the weird buttons and whatnot?
pragma astonshell.com
Lot's of easy plug-ins! |
Hey guys, since I've changed my desktop yet again, I felt I should post a picture of it in yet another thread. Be warned this picture was captured at my current resolution of 16*12, so it's a pretty 56k-unfriendly thing, but then, so is this entire thread. The program I'm running on the dt is just an offline-available webpage called newsmap, which is available at http://<a href="http://www.marumushi...ewsmap.cfm</a>. It takes a few seconds to load, but it's pretty cool once you navigate through it a bit. It's basically a graphical representation of Google News, but I like it. It helps with the minimalist theme, especially after I added the address bar to my taskbar, thus rendering the icons I was using before (IE, My Documents and My Computer) useless. I'm liking this setup so far, but, knowing my finicky self, I'll probably change it back to the way it was or something entirely different in the next few days. Ah well, here's to the present.
http://appstate.edu/~bm48531/desktop3.jpg BTW, I actually hate Elfbowling, but I keep it on my Start Menu, just because my girlfriend complains I don't have any games (despite the ever-present and always fun BFV, DC, BF, and UT2k4 :).) |
Zoom Visual Style by Kol. You can get it here. Wallpaper by Seph. You can get it here. Weather by Kapsules. System Stats and 24 hour analog clock by Rainmeter. Calendar by Rainlendar. Dock Icons by Dave Brasgalla. You can get them here. |
And here is mine today |
<a href="http://www.xs4all.nl/~meekel/pictures/desktop.jpg">http://www.xs4all.nl/~meekel/pictures/desktop.jpg</a> <b>/NSFW</b> Mine. Resized from 1280x1024 to something a bit smaller. Quite standard Windows XP theme, running motherboard manager in the lower-right corner, and showing the rear of Kyla Cole. :) |
at the moment,
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0YgDZAh8ebVp4rWK0ZiPi!0LAVvillhu!0DgpqUJ8MwweoVFakPc9GQMwQtguZfwUuIoxFIZ8YJB0VymKTNWmnEZ*bTBkauvu3oxZCttQqw8sqoYSvOLONyI2IjGxqWVxwbTAPxVpoKewhBq5L966tQ/desktop.jpg?dc=4675479370752669236></img> fear the fruit fucker. :D |
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