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JaySpencer 10-25-2004 05:36 PM

What's the rudest thing you said after sex?
For me, after a girl pissed me off when I was in my teenage years was to pull out, look her dead in the eye, and tell her that she bored me. What made this really audatious was that we were going at it in the middle of a warm summer day, on top of a hill, in the middle of a county park!

cdog90260 10-25-2004 05:47 PM

after sex, a girl asked me how good was it, and I told her she had low self esteem... it really made her sad.

YKK 10-25-2004 09:03 PM

"i'd like some food"
"no, you can't clean it up"

i've said these things in different forms various times.. as well as some things i'd rather not openly discuss in forum

JStrider 10-25-2004 09:06 PM

ive never really been rude at all...
a friend of mine had sex with a girl... finished... sat down in front of his Xbox and told her to "get dressed and leave, i have to study or something"

World's King 10-25-2004 09:17 PM

I threw her clothes at her and told her to leave.

Then I realized she didn't have a ride. Called her a cab.

werneron 10-25-2004 09:50 PM

"I just wanna be friends."

CityOfAngels 10-25-2004 10:57 PM

"So, how much is this gonna set me back?"

Nah, I'm kidding. This was just obligatory.
I've never been rude after sex, or at least I wasn't told that I've been.

Rainy 10-25-2004 11:44 PM

Calling them by the wrong name....happend 2 or 3 times now with different people....think that upset them enough not to want to do it again.

Dostoevsky 10-26-2004 02:33 AM

I've never said anything too rude, I just don't let girls stay in my bed afterwards. Many don't take that well.

Bruisedskin 10-26-2004 03:36 AM

"... and I thought your sister was bad in the sack"... actually i've never said that but i have said something along the lines of "Yea, I'm done, you can leave now"

Bill O'Rights 10-26-2004 05:17 AM

I don't think that I've ever been rude after sex. I guess my thoughts are that if you care enough to be that intimate with someone, and they care enough about you to be that intimate in return...then why be an ass? And even if there are no "feelings" involved, and it's just a purely physical romp, then you've still been as intimate with someone as you can possibly be. Again...why be an ass?

Grace, Too 10-26-2004 05:23 AM

"Awww, you crushed my smokes, mom."

Rlyss 10-26-2004 05:58 AM

I said 'thank you' to my first partner a couple of times, but she was cool about it and explained nicely that no matter how much I loved it, saying 'thank you' to your girlfriend isn't the right thing to do. I've read that a few times on the TFP too, not to say 'thank you'. I suppose those rules are a bit different it's it's spontaneous oral or something though.

Kid_Karysma 10-26-2004 06:02 AM

"I can't believe you're unable to arch your back."

pinkie 10-26-2004 06:04 AM

"That's it?"

dobster 10-26-2004 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by JStrider
... a friend of mine had sex with a girl... finished... sat down in front of his Xbox and told her to "get dressed and leave, i have to study or something"

"or something" almost split me in two! LOL! :lol:

Irishsean 10-26-2004 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Grace, Too
"Awww, you crushed my smokes, mom."

WTF, EW!!!!

the_marq 10-26-2004 06:51 AM

"You don't sweat much for a fat chick."

Ustwo 10-26-2004 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I don't think that I've ever been rude after sex. I guess my thoughts are that if you care enough to be that intimate with someone, and they care enough about you to be that intimate in return...then why be an ass? And even if there are no "feelings" involved, and it's just a purely physical romp, then you've still been as intimate with someone as you can possibly be. Again...why be an ass?

Amen, never understood being a dick to a woman because you could be.

Averett 10-26-2004 07:07 AM

I'll have to agree with Bill and Ustwo. Why be the asshole?

I've never said anything rude, and I've never had anyone say anything rude to me.

Glory's Sun 10-26-2004 07:15 AM

I've only been rude once.. I said "you're kidding right?" then handed her her clothes and she left.. kinda botherd me that I was an ass so I focus on not being one now.

cj22009 10-26-2004 07:41 AM

I've never said anythig rude to a girl after sex why be a dick about it

Cynthetiq 10-26-2004 07:47 AM

i try to not ever be the former of my sig.

ShaniFaye 10-26-2004 07:52 AM

is it rude to say....I've told you 4 times now that the way you're doing that doing a thing for me.....can I just blow you instead?

Scabs the Clown 10-26-2004 09:06 AM

My sexual history isn't very extensive so I realize I am probably not like the norm but there has never been even one occasion where I even thought to be rude after sex. I never even considered the possibility until I read this thread.

I will say that some of your stories are funny though.

Ambiguity 10-26-2004 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by the_marq
"You don't sweat much for a fat chick."

Hahaha, that completely made my day. :thumbsup:

I've never been rude, but then when you only have a few experences where it went as far as sex to draw from, the field is limited. I can't imagine being an ass to a girl right after sex, guys like that a just pricks. Now, if she said something negative, I'ld bite right back, I guess its situational....

water_boy1999 10-26-2004 01:36 PM

"Does that happen to you often?" after I orgasm and she doesn't.

Ok, Ok.....I never would say that but always thought that was funny. Why be rude? I bet most of you who made rude comments were probably lucky to be getting some in the first place. No wonder you haven't been laid in a while.

Suave 10-26-2004 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
i try to not ever be the former of my sig.

You try not to be black? Haha, sorry I had to say it.

LIMilf 10-26-2004 03:01 PM

Do you mind if I turned on SportsCenter now?

Techno 10-27-2004 04:32 PM

"That was the creepiest sex of my life"
Still true to this day.

oblar 10-27-2004 08:27 PM

Techno, I wouldn't consider that to be rude... Just truthful :)

i tend to agree with several here... why be rude? You are already being intimate with them, it should be a comfortable experience, not an experience where one person is insulted in any way (unless they are into that thing.. I am not here to judge *wink*)

YKK 10-27-2004 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by water_boy1999
I bet most of you who made rude comments were probably lucky to be getting some in the first place. No wonder you haven't been laid in a while.

i don't like to have to be bitchy, although..

that was a completely presumptuous comment.. i wonder which post, specifically, you're referring to.. i don't remember a comment within this particular thread in which such a confession was made..

Private Public 10-27-2004 09:08 PM

it had been awhile since the last time and afterwards I joked "I Win" and she didn't take it very well.

not really rude but the wrong thing to say.

yellowgowild 10-27-2004 10:12 PM

" wow you're so loose, must be because you had a kid"

macsmith230 10-27-2004 10:26 PM

Like Werneron I've had the "I just wanna be friends" talk right after sex and that's pretty much absolutely a bad time to do it.

unbzete 10-28-2004 04:34 AM

I hate to reinforce a stigma, but I lived in a frat house right up till last year, so I've hear a million of them.

"I have to go feed my cat, I'll call you or something" (then the guy ran out the door in only his boxers, carrying his clothes in his arms)

"You were a lot thinner the last time we f**ked"

"I'm playing Halo...why are you still here?"

As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.

Kid_Karysma 10-28-2004 05:44 AM

Unbzete, you speak the truth. You speak the truth. That totally describes me.

Averett 10-28-2004 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by unbzete
As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.

Oh thank you! I forgot that it's all us womens fault that guys are assholes!

Man, really, that's great. Now I can go about my day. If a guy is an asshole to me, now I know that's it's all my fault!

Give me a break :rolleyes:

neutone 10-28-2004 06:08 AM

Never been rude to a girl I shagged. I'm generally too grateful as I'm a fat bastard.

pinkie 10-28-2004 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by unbzete
I hate to reinforce a stigma, but I lived in a frat house right up till last year, so I've hear a million of them.

"I have to go feed my cat, I'll call you or something" (then the guy ran out the door in only his boxers, carrying his clothes in his arms)

"You were a lot thinner the last time we f**ked"

"I'm playing Halo...why are you still here?"

As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.

NO ONE else is responsible for your actions but you. Grow up and learn how to take some responsibility for the choices that you make. Blaming others for your choices will get you nowhere but bitter and alone.

ShaniFaye 10-28-2004 06:29 AM

How can being a dick get you further? Does that just mean you have to go from woman to woman because none of them would have you a 2nd time thus you get to play the field more...except until each girl tells two friends and so on and you're left with all the women you encounter knowing you're a dick...what was my question again? Oh yeah...explain to me how being a dick gets you further?

Ustwo 10-28-2004 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by unbzete

As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.

This is very true, but after you fuck them you can be nice.

Being something of a dick up to the sex part does help, sad but sorry ladies its what most of you seem to want.

AFTER they decide to do it, there is no need to continue being a prick.

ShaniFaye 10-28-2004 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ustwo

Being something of a dick up to the sex part does help, sad but sorry ladies its what most of you seem to want.

I think a LOT of TFP women would argue with you on that one

Ustwo 10-28-2004 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I think a LOT of TFP women would argue with you on that one

And they would be wrong.

I didn't figure this out till I was 19. I'd had a 'so-so' sex life up until then, never seemed to be with a girl for a real long time. I was the dumpee not the dumper. Then I figured it out, that the reason the jerks seemed to do better with women was because they were jerks. I personally think its genetic, once a woman knows she can have YOU she sees if she can get something better, where as if you made her unsure if you were really interested she tries to get you instead of you trying to get her.

Stupid I know but thats how we act. Now you don't have to be a total jerk, but the woman has to feel you can take or leave her, but it won't bother you if you never see her again.

I went from off-on relationships going no where to dating three girls at once. One of them I eventually married.

About the time I figured all this out, I was at a party with a bunch of friends, mostly my friends and their GF's and I mentioned this. The women all said it wasn't true.....

Then after they were done sticking up for their sex two of them later, on their own, said it was true but they just didn't want the other girls/guys to know they agreed with me on it since it would be a 'bad example'.

Now obviously with sex and relationships, this doesn't apply to everyone but I think its safe to say a majority of women act that way. Most of you dont' even know it.

Averett 10-28-2004 09:51 AM


That is all.

ShaniFaye 10-28-2004 09:54 AM

I dont get how WE THE ACCUSED who chose to argue that fact could be wrong :crazy:

a guy that TRIED to treat me like that was kicked to the curb rather quickly....I have more self worth and self esteem than to allow that kind of treatment

oh...and I know exactly how I act thank you very much

Ustwo 10-28-2004 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I dont get how WE THE ACCUSED who chose to argue that fact could be wrong :crazy:

That’s the irony of it. I have a good deal of training in evolution and genetics and I have my own theories as to why women act this way, and so far it seems to hold up pretty well. Now as a caveat to this I have to say I can only state validity with regards to women who are young and on the prowl for mates so to speak. I have only applied this technique successfully on that age group, and I have been now with the same woman for 14 years. Perhaps older women, tempered by wisdom, would not act in such a fashion.

Never the less I've had this verified a number of times to the point that I can not be dissuaded from this view without substantial proof as I have heard to many public denials and private acceptances over the years. Its not as if I take two women agreeing with me as proof, I've always found this concept fascinating and have been close to enough women that I can bring up such subjects without worring about the curse of Medea.

Booboo 10-28-2004 10:34 AM

ustwo is simply stating the generallity of the situation, which is indeed true. This doesn't mean there are not exceptions. You should be proud if you dont go after those guys, because most of us guys dont LIKE to be dicks. Unfortunately being nice only gets you so far, unless its with the girls that DO like the nice guys and more importantly Continue to like them once they realize they can have them. I personally have not turned into the "jerk" yet, and I have nothing to show for it. (I'm not neccessarily saying I will).

Spicy McHaggis 10-28-2004 12:18 PM

When I was in High School my friends and I were getting drunk at a party. One of my friends banged a pretty ugly chick (better ugly than nothing he'd say). They came back out into the living room and we were joking around saying how we were going to give beer to the dog.

The woman: "have you ever seen a drunk dog?"
The guy: "Like yourself?"

She ran into the bedroom and locked the door. It was so rude I laughed for about five minutes.

Bigeffinal 10-28-2004 03:06 PM

Story Time
Once at a party, my friend Matt was trying to get with this girl. The problem was she had that "girlfriend who wont leave and is not very attractive." So, being the good friend i am, i went up to this other girl and began to talk to her. A few hours, and alot of Baccardi 151 later, i ended up F-ing her. I saw my friend Matt later that night, thinking that the dog i had just recently screwed was gone and said, "Dude, I am never taking a bullet for you again." Oh she was pissed.
Matt never got with that girl... my sacrafice was for nothing...
:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

unbzete 10-28-2004 03:42 PM

ughh, ok I don't want to get into a whole argument here, but Averett I think perhaps you missed my point, and pinkie...did you quote the wrong post? Who are you responding to?
I said there IS NO REASON to be a dick, I was just trying explain how some guys are conditioned to act that way, not sayin it's right.
Ask some guys, many many of them have had this experience.

eagle1 10-28-2004 04:00 PM

"Is SportsCenter on yet?"

yellowgowild 10-30-2004 06:18 PM

No, I almost agree with what Unbzete said. The problem is that most people think being a dick makes you look confident like you have nothing to hide, and some women associate nice guys with being "fake" and boring.

I think he knows he's responsible for his actions Pinkie. He just gets better results being one way more than the other. Same thing applies to me.

vinmag7 10-31-2004 05:36 AM

in college i told a girl we're done now you can leave.(i did it so i could say i did in the locker room after practice)

and w/ another girl i finished got out of the bed and turned on wiseguy - i loved that show

sonikeko 11-01-2004 11:22 PM

Wow, there were a few times that I was rude. One in particular stands out. I was really drunk, so I don;t remember, but she told me I stopped in the middle, told her she was an awful screw and I was done, and to get the f#$% out! Wow, I felt like an asshole. But, it was kinda funny I guess since we had sex again later that week:crazy:

Rdr4evr 11-01-2004 11:36 PM

Screw asking her if Sportscenter is on. I either go watch it or I play some Madden, what the hell else would I do after sex? It’s not like I want to have a conversation.

I guess the rudest thing I have said is "you are weak and lazy; why don’t you get on top for a change?” All she wanted to do was get fucked, but she never returned the favor. Lazy ass.

blindawg 11-02-2004 10:42 AM

I've never been intentionally rude. I may have on accident, if I was I've never been told so.. I have to agree with what I've read earlier, tht if you're going to be intimate withsome one there should be some sort of respect there.

Fate 11-02-2004 11:08 AM

I didn't say something, after we were done, I just rolled over and ignored her and finally got some sleep.

haha yeh, I've only done that once.

Captain Nemo 11-02-2004 11:39 AM

I have never once been rude. The way I figured it was that I was getting the ultimate gift so why the hell would I denigrate it. Anyway, it has been my experience that the more times I have slept with a partner, the more interesting it gets as they begin to feel more comfortable with you and start experimenting.

For example, my wife, when we originally met, was not very experienced. She said that she couldn't orgasm (we figured out a correction to that one a long time ago), wasn't experimental, etc. Hmmm, we've come a long way from then, witnessed by this last Saturday night. She went out Christmas shopping and came home to have one of our dogs shred one of the gifts. She was completely pissed off by it, and I told her she was being silly, and it was only a little gift. I told her she should work out her anger issues in other ways.

I went upstairs a little later to find her standing in the hallway in a leather dominatrix-style teddy and 7 inch stilleto heels, holding a riding crop in one hand and carrying a harness and dildo in the other. I still am having trouble walking today.

How could I ever debase the species that can create that?

Paul67 11-02-2004 08:06 PM

I think I touched the sides of your pussy once or twice there! Did you feel it too?

Harshaw 11-02-2004 09:04 PM

I don't think I've ever been rude. I had a pretty bad experience of being yelled at after sex and I don't think I could ever do it to anyone else. My girlfriend was giving me a blow job, and she was turned around 180 degrees from the way she normally does it. I took this opportunity to caress her inner thigh and kind of place my hand a few places. When she finished me off, she turned to me and said "Why can't you keep your fucking hands off of me".

...yeah, that hurt.

Rlyss 11-02-2004 10:28 PM

Wow Harshaw, what happened after that? I'm intrigued. Did she not like you touching her, or was it distracting or did she feel like you weren't being romantic? I can't understand why she'd finish first and then get mad.

If it's not too painful, care to tell the story?

OFKU0 11-03-2004 10:44 AM

After sex with a one nighter in another country, the girl said to me, "By the way,what's your name?"

I looked at her and said, "Does it matter?"

Don't know if that was rude or not since I never saw her again.

watcherz 11-03-2004 02:20 PM

I said " I gotta go to work.I'm going to take a shower, there's 50Cents on the coffee table for busfare...Don't be here when I get out!! "

another one was " Love you?? I don't even know your fuckin' name!!"

electric9 11-03-2004 02:47 PM

"I've had better"..
not a recomended saying especially if she has nails......

psyday 11-03-2004 02:54 PM

Can't say that I've ever been rude after sex. I'm not really in a rude mode when someone has sex with me I guess.

DewMan 11-03-2004 03:08 PM

I've never been rude after sex.

After all, why burn those bridges when you may want to cross them again...


big perm 11-03-2004 03:59 PM

In Hindsight I have said a couple of rude things.

1)Girl:"do you want to lay down for a bit"
Me:"No, How about I get a shower and take you home"

2)Girl:"Am I the best you ever had?"
Me:"(scoffing a bit) Nope"

I have a few more but dont want to type a bunch of bs

nomorensx 11-03-2004 09:23 PM

I have never been rude directly, but once I did walk out of the room and told a college buddy, "your turn." I was kidding, though.

soloist124 11-04-2004 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by JaySpencer
For me, after a girl pissed me off when I was in my teenage years was to pull out, look her dead in the eye, and tell her that she bored me. What made this really audatious was that we were going at it in the middle of a warm summer day, on top of a hill, in the middle of a county park!

wow that's so mean.

Harshaw 11-04-2004 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rlyss
Wow Harshaw, what happened after that? I'm intrigued. Did she not like you touching her, or was it distracting or did she feel like you weren't being romantic? I can't understand why she'd finish first and then get mad.

If it's not too painful, care to tell the story?

We were camping at the time, so I just got in my sleeping bag and looked at the top of the tent. She glared at me for about a minute then I think she realized what she had just done. She started crying. I told her it was ok and went to sleep. The next day we were sort of sheepish around each other. I got over it.
I think she felt I was doing it to distract her, I wasn't.

11-04-2004 10:02 PM

After a spectacularily short session (not his norm... but it had been quite a while since we'd seen each other), I looked at him and said, "What the hell was that?"

Not really rude, he knew I was (sorta) joking around...

ronan 11-07-2004 04:43 PM

hahaha, oh god... good stuff...

yeah, i've had the friends talk after sex..

worst thing i've said was probably, "holy shit, you have no tits"

CinnamonGirl 11-07-2004 05:15 PM

"Um...can you get off me and make some dinner now?" Or something to that effect.

Hey, I was hungry! :p

woOt? 11-07-2004 05:43 PM

"I couldn't feel anything"

Frowning Budah 11-07-2004 06:39 PM

I am ashamed to admit this, my only excuse is I was very young, but once I told a girl while I was doing her that I was only screwing her because I could. I didn't care for her at all. It was a lie of course. We had been together for awhile and she kept screwing around on me. She broke my heart and I just wanted to hurt her back.

MrsRight41401 11-07-2004 06:56 PM

The few times I was rude, I didnt wait til the end. I was tired of dating this guy and actually picked up the book on my bed stand and started reading while he was going at it. The sad thing, he was so wrapped up in himself that he didnt notice til the end.

I have asked guys if they were done yet or if they could find their way. I laughed at a guy once cuz he was smaller than my pinky finger. I didnt mean to laugh but I did anyway.

One of my girlfriends was lying in post-coital bliss and the guy said, well, you better leave my wife will be home soon. Yeah, she left REALLY fast.

adfaffasfd 11-07-2004 07:33 PM

No, you CAN'T wash your face, If you had swallowed it like I told you you wouldn't be in this situation now stop breething so loud it keeps me up and I have a test tomorrow.

That was friday night.

Amano 11-08-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rlyss
I've read that a few times on the TFP too, not to say 'thank you'. I suppose those rules are a bit different it's it's spontaneous oral or something though.

Anyone have a link to this thread?

fulltiltgonzo 11-08-2004 06:07 PM

My favorite line:

I especially liked the part where you moved...

Kalnaur 11-08-2004 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by unbzete
I hate to reinforce a stigma, but I lived in a frat house right up till last year, so I've hear a million of them.

"I have to go feed my cat, I'll call you or something" (then the guy ran out the door in only his boxers, carrying his clothes in his arms)

"You were a lot thinner the last time we f**ked"

"I'm playing Halo...why are you still here?"

As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.

It is horrible that you excuse cruelty with such misogynistic views. Women no more ask to be treated poorly than men ask to be rejected. Not all women are those that you have described, and if you become jaded after meeting such women, that is your fault, not theirs. Own up to the problem.

celticjester 11-09-2004 03:14 AM

Oh, so your not Michlle ? oh your her sister? ... When is Michelle home?
Bloody Twins, and I was sllightly drunk... :)

PHYcos 11-09-2004 05:09 AM

It was my first time with my girlfriend who was not a virgin. With a wave of tiredness, I looked at her and said, "I'm fucked"

I was slapped

Batski 11-22-2004 05:20 AM

I feel that I am being rude right after sex if I get up straight away, and talk normally. It means I am not relaxed, not sated, dont need any recuperation time, in fact, was barely affected by it.

Stick 11-22-2004 06:03 AM

The rudest thing was something I did many years ago.

'Jessica' called me early one evening, "Can I come over?", "Yeah, okay". 'Jessica' arrives, we have a few cones - I still smoked back then - eat some food, watch the idiot box, talk. Usual night at home stuff. Later that evening she says - in her sexiest voice - "I might go to bed now - are you coming?" (she was a comely wench). "In a minute" say I. Then, as soon as she left the room, I stretched out on the lounge and smoked the rest of the dope. At 6am I went into the bedroom, got dressed for work, tapped her on the shoulder and said "I'm going to work, let yourself out". She'd been crying. Now, looking back over the years, I feel like the biggest cunt God ever put breath into.

fallenangel 11-22-2004 08:17 AM

Stick -> HAHA, that's absolutely horrible! :( However, now... after the fact, it proves to be for a good laugh ;)

snowy 11-22-2004 09:10 AM

I jumped out of bed, put my clothes back on and went to leave. The guy says, "What? Just, wham-bam-thank-you-sir?"

I said, "Yup. You've just been bammed. I have homework to do. See ya."

Note to men: If I have the ability to get up within seconds of being done with sex, it wasn't that good. :)

longbough 11-26-2004 09:54 AM

"How was that?"
"That was...uhhh... alright."

Not trying to be cruel but honest. I had my reasons, though.
Earlier she had said she liked to give head, but she just put me in her mouth and licked around the head for a while - She didn't use her lips and ignored the shaft entirely. When I would show her what felt good she just said, "That looks stupid." She also insisted that I'd like her "technique" better. When she couldn't finish me off she thought the problem was with me.
I now wonder if this was just "payback" for some past bf who didn't know how to go down on her.

Stick 11-26-2004 12:03 PM

Longbough - There once was a girl my mates used to call DF. Why do you call her DF, fellas? 'Cause she's a Dud Fuck, Stick. Yeah? Yeah! She was a pretty thing and curiosity got the better of me so I put some ground work in and got her into bed. The guys were right. Her "technique" was similar to your "friends". After waiting a while for something to happen I became bored and went to sleep. Dangerous thing to do, I'll admit, going to sleep with your cock in a girls mouth, but I was really living on the edge when I was younger. No, I didn't shoot a load that night, but I did get plenty of sleep.

Jerron36 11-27-2004 06:07 PM

...I feel nothing when I'm in you....your like fucking a 5 galion bucket of warm water!!!

(Not really, I'm not that mean.)

Val_1 11-27-2004 07:17 PM

I've nver said anything rude (that I know of). But once, for reasons even I don't understand, I started laughing uncontrollably during sex. She thought I was laughing at her (I wasn't). I was laughing so hard I could hardly speak to console her.

fredcola 11-27-2004 07:27 PM

your sister was better

mreman4u 12-08-2004 12:06 PM

"Would you get off of me now"

"So how much do I owe you"

high_way 12-09-2004 07:28 PM

it wasnt after it was during but she said something like "can i get on top"? i say "no" and leave it at that. didnt want to tell her that she wasnt doing it for me and that i didnt want to look at her.

Tophat665 12-09-2004 08:26 PM

"Snakes have no arms, that's why they don't wear vests." Whispered in her ear. Nothing like a good belly laugh when you're still in there but the action is over.

belkins 12-09-2004 08:46 PM

Q: Will you respect me in the morning?

A: Hell, I don't respect you now!

turbofish 12-10-2004 05:03 AM

I got a note from a girl after sex which stated "I promised my friend I'd give this note if I had bad sex"... I haden't wanked for 5 days as an experiment and I came in like 5 min... Never did tell her I did that experiment... Still sleeping together on and off...

a1t3r3g0 12-12-2004 05:52 PM

The very first time I had sex, the girl asked me how it was and I jokingly said "I've had better." Luckily she got the joke since she knew it was my first :D

Vincentt 12-13-2004 01:30 AM

I argue if a guy is an asshole to you, it is your fault. I’m sure you turned down quite a few “nice friends” to go out with the asshole.

This is not about blaming others. Being nice in the young mans dating game is will get you nowhere. Be a dick, and you get pussy. Those girls got to those beds by their own choices. They knew who they were with, and what they were getting into.

Why be a dick? Misplaced aggression, the hate of the women who made you a dick, so it is about vengeance really.

gonad 12-13-2004 01:54 AM

I won't admit to anything I've said, but a month or two ago after a particularly good first romp with a new chick she rolled off the bed and crawled towards the bathroom and said, "I haven't had a piece of ass like that in years."

She totally objectified me.

It was awesome.

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