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#41 (permalink) |
Location: Texas
well, they've already all been covered before, since I haven't been on in a couple of weeks, but I'll sum it up from this 34 year old male perspective.
Hot: T and A with the clothes on to show it off right now. Connotation is an almost purely and immediatly sexual response. Purely eye candy for these purposes. Pretty: To me, this is usually a young lady who invokes a sort of protective response.. kind of indicates innocense to me. Can be hot, but never sleazy, and is attractive regardless of weight and clothes / makeup. Often involves more than simply visual cues. Cute: much like pretty, there's an innocent quality and can be almost anyone given the right circumstances. this is a compliment, very much so. greatly, but not purely visual. Stunning: This one's a lot more complex. She may be hot, cute, pretty, whatever, but at that time and place something has placed her well above and beyond anyone else in view. primarily a visual response. Lovely: normally a more mature woman, attractive, but also elegant and graceful from her experiences. Beautiful: Far and away the greatest of the compliments here, in my opinion, and is based less on visual impact than any of the others. Often requires more in-depth knowledge of the person in question, but encompasses all facets of their personality, actions, intellect, etc. As a result, knowing someone beautiful, I am likely to find them HOT, PRETTY, CUTE, LOVELY and STUNNING at varying times and degrees. For the most part, "HOT" I only use in a sexual sense. It's a compliment to the bodies and overt sexuality of the individual, but the rest of them do not require a C cup or better with an "apple" bottom. They require smiles, kind interaction with others, and the like..
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. |
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#42 (permalink) |
Hot = that instant rush when you see a girl at her very best, all made up, sexy clothes, probably with a couple of drinks on board and dirty dancing in a nightclub. You don't bring hot girls home to meet your mom. A few examples of hot girls : Shannon Elizabeth (Nadia in American Pie), Christina Aguilera.
Truly beautiful women never lose that quality, are gorgeous no matter what they wear, what time of day it is and some become better looking as they grow older - I'm thinking of women like Princess Diana, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall ... Pretty / Cute is harder to explain, you bring pretty / cute girls home to meet your parents. Examples would be Cameron Diaz, Penelope Cruz, Reese Witherspoon. Actually, this could be interesting, anyone else care to list girls in each category ?? XDA |
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#43 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
To me Hot is purely physical.
Beautiful and pretty are more of an amalgamation of personality, looks and intelligence. I can walk along the street and see someone that I think is hot, but without talking to them, I wouldnt say they're beautiful. Someone whom is caring, fun, intelligent to me is Beautiful. For example, My girlfriend is not only Hot because, Damn, is she hot, but she is also beautiful because she is wonderful and makes me laugh and I love hanging out with her.
You did what with a duck? |
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#44 (permalink) | |
Beautiful: Elegant, stately, good lines, aesthetically pleasing. Even old women can be beautiful IMO (e.g., Ms. Hepburn). Hot: Sexually appealing. Some of this is looks, but lot of sex appeal is the way women act; in particular, their sending of sexual signals, their desire to be perceived as sexually appealing. I'm not sold on Marilyn Monroe as beautiful, but she was undeniably hot. Pretty: Somewhere in between -- good looking but not necessarily beautiful, sexually appealing but not necessarily sending strong sexual signals. Generally as I get to like someone, they will become prettier, but not usually beautiful unless they started that way. Of the three, I'll take hot every time. You can be pretty or beautiful but cold. Hot is always good. |
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#45 (permalink) |
Leaning against the -Sun-
Super Moderator
Location: on the other side
Pretty - someone generally attractive - and good-looking in an average kind of way
Beautiful 1 - someone you don't know, who you can't help but stare at, because of their physical perfection (symmetry, striking features, poise, etc.) - someone who seems almost out of your reach, sometimes even someone you would like to be Beautiful 2 - someone you are deeply in love with, who you can't help but stare at lovingly because the combination of your love for their personality and looks and the whole package runs the constant thought through your head "you're so beautiful to me" and you just want to say it all the time Hot: for a girl, one who exudes sexuality, by the way she looks, dresses, her behaviour towards you, and who you might want to have sex with. For a guy, I'd say the same, only I think for girls sometimes it's not even something you can put your finger on, he just sets of your alarm bells
Whether we write or speak or do but look We are ever unapparent. What we are Cannot be transfused into word or book. Our soul from us is infinitely far. However much we give our thoughts the will To be our soul and gesture it abroad, Our hearts are incommunicable still. In what we show ourselves we are ignored. The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged By any skill of thought or trick of seeming. Unto our very selves we are abridged When we would utter to our thought our being. We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams, And each to each other dreams of others' dreams. Fernando Pessoa, 1918 |
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#46 (permalink) | |
Location: Texas
Sorry to jump off topic a sec, but I have to disagree here. Being a male, and visualy stimulated, I go for looks first. Its not shallow, it isnt superficial, it is human male nature. I dont care how nice, sweet, caring, a good cook, etc...she is, you cannot tell ANY of that from a first look. You see the outside. And to add to that, if a girl is not "Good Lookin" in my eyes, I dont care how nice she is. Call me shallow or whatever, but I keep my standards. She has to be nice on the outside AND the inside, becuase you are going to be lookin at that person for a long time. If that means I will be lonley without someone like that...heh...so be it. I would rather be alone than with someone I dont find attrative (inside and out). Ok on to the topic: Hot- Gwen Stefani type. Just plain ol Sex-Ay. Jump in the sack. Pretty- How I describe a girl that isnt ugly...doesnt mean she is hot. Beautiful- Someone I find attractive in all areas. Like a good looking girl, doing charity work. |
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#47 (permalink) | |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
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#48 (permalink) |
Location: LV-426
Hot = nice tits and a piece of arse. Perhaps a bit slutty. Gives you a boner, but don't expect any quotes from Nietzsche.
Beautiful = ideal beauty. My 'type', nothing like the 'hot' category, except that I like a nice pair of tits and a....well you get the idea. Beautiful is more than just curves and facial features - it combines intelligence and character, a smile, sense of humour...lotsa things. Pretty = That fat friend of your girlfriend's who always looks pissed. Wouldn't do her, unless you were really wasted. Style may be second cousin to class, but Pretty's got nothing on Beautiful.
Who is John Galt? |
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#49 (permalink) |
Location: Michigan
I think there are very different ways to describe women...
Hot and sexy in my mind are the same thing. Girls who dress scantily, show cleavage, short skirts, tight pants, etc, usually lots of makeup & look like someone you'd love to take home after the bars close. No worries about the next morning, just have at it for the night. Whether they're a genious or dumb as rocks, it doesn't matter. Pretty & beautiful are to me the same thing. There might not be a lot of sexual air around a beautiful girl but she looks like she should be modeling something. We built, doesn't need a ton of makeup to look good. Also has a brain & can hold up a conversation deeper than today's weather. Cute girls are just that, cute. They are attractive but you wouldn't expect to see them in a magazine ad. |
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#50 (permalink) |
Location: Plano, TX
"Hot" for me simply denotes a physical attraction based purely on physical attributes.
"Beautiful" denotes a woman that is very physically attractive but has a quality about her that a "hot" woman typically does not - such as a good personality, being a great person, etc. The best example I can come up with off the top of my head would be... probably a woman like Faith Hill. Pretty is usually a word I reserve for non-human things, such as flowers or clothing. I don't know why - but pretty just doesn't do a woman justice, in my opinion. It's the vanilla of compliments.
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw |
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#51 (permalink) |
Location: Dallas, Tx
for me...
hot is a girl with a nice body and an empty head. pretty is a girl that is easy on the eyes and has the brains to back it up. beautiful is my woman. for myself the brain goes along with the body so i always take both into consideration. Last edited by st33lr4t; 11-18-2004 at 01:51 PM.. |
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#52 (permalink) | |
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
Hot, beautiful, and pretty: Nancy, Pinkie, KinkyKiwi, and many others.
They all mean the same to me. Although I can call someone's child "beautiful" or "pretty," I would never say, "hot." When I say "hot," that means I already acknowledged the person being beautiful and pretty, but there's that added "OOMPH!" that makes me turn into that wolf with the bulging eyes and tongue, panting and pounding the table screaming, "WOOOO WOOO WOOOO!" and whistling.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all. Quote:
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#53 (permalink) |
Location: Montreal
Hot in my terms would represent a woman that is genuinely a physical tease to look at.
Beautiful on the other hand is a girl that is attractive, but seems innnocent. Yet has a personality to attribute her. While Pretty is a girl who's attractive and her personality is a major aspect of what makes her attractive.
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#54 (permalink) | |
Helplessly hoping
Location: Above the stars
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#55 (permalink) | |
Location: Central PA
I usually say aww she's cute or she's a cutie...i dont normally say she is pretty or the like |
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#56 (permalink) |
How about Gorgeous? or Sexalicious?
*Minimedgirl who joins Fallenangel in sighing..."if i'm called cute ONE more time...."* and what if you call a guy cute? is that good or bad? or "adorable"? I think Hot is just in reference to physical attributes. Handsome is the equivalent of beautiful. Doesn't incite fire in in the loins...but a hell of alot more interesting. because handsome people are both good looking AND they tend to have real personalities. |
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#57 (permalink) |
Location: O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A
I once had a couple of guy friends explain to me that I was *cute* because I had a good personality. Wasn't sure how to take that. lol
For me, a guy that is hot is like those sweating, muscle-bulging, ripped jeans type that you see on the calendars. Nice eye candy, but probably not much of a conversationalist. Cute is a guy that has really nice, almost perfect facial attributes. Very symmetrical. Handsome would be a guy that is more rugged than cute, maybe a bit conceited. Beautiful is a guy who is handsome, doesn't know he's handsome, and has a great heart and mind to go with it. But in agreement with a few others here....I know it when I see it. Then again, these are just my opinions. :P
"Whoever wrote this episode should die!" |
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#58 (permalink) |
Location: Albuquerque, NM
To me, on the female side of it, pretty is a girl next type, like Katie Holmes. Hot is just a purely sexual attraction, generally thought of as sorority girls, at least on my campus. Beautiful is more than just a nice face and body, but also the way a woman carries herself and presents herself and someone who will still be attractive when she's 50 without any surgical inhancments.
"You always said destiny would blow me away. But nothing's gonna blow me away"- Something Coporate " I do not pop pills! I take them and I eat them..." - Foamy's friend ![]() |
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beautiful, hot, pretty |