Originally Posted by raeanna74
Down to my question. I guess it's mostly for guys but I want to know what girls think too. I wonder too if there's a difference between guys and girls definitions. What exactly would you define as a girl being pretty; one who's beautiful; and one who's hot? What would you say the differences were? What makes a woman beautiful but not hot? and visa versa?
I think the definitions are very idiosyncratic. With that caveat, here goes:
Beautiful: Elegant, stately, good lines, aesthetically pleasing. Even old women can be beautiful IMO (e.g., Ms. Hepburn).
Hot: Sexually appealing. Some of this is looks, but lot of sex appeal is the way women act; in particular, their sending of sexual signals, their desire to be perceived as sexually appealing. I'm not sold on Marilyn Monroe as beautiful, but she was undeniably hot.
Pretty: Somewhere in between -- good looking but not necessarily beautiful, sexually appealing but not necessarily sending strong sexual signals.
Generally as I get to like someone, they will become prettier, but not usually beautiful unless they started that way. Of the three, I'll take hot every time. You can be pretty or beautiful but cold. Hot is always good.