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ametc 05-09-2009 02:01 PM

Cumming too soon...for a girl
The other night, my boyfriend and I were having sex and I was on top. I was going at a furious pace.. just right.. when I felt too close to climax and had to stop for a second.. then I went again.. this kept happening... and eventually he got out of the mood because I kept stopping. This doesn't happen to me unless I'm on top and that totally sucks because while on top.. I want to feel somewhat in control and if I can't control how soon I get my orgasms then I feel out of control. Me and him usually cum at the same time.

So, my question to you is.. how, while on top, do I control my orgasm long enough to make sure that either him and I cum at the same time or he cums before me? Should I just go ahead and climax before him and just keep going? I can have multiple orgasms.. but I feel that if I'm "in control" then it'd be seen as selfish for me to cum before him.. two or three times.

Willravel 05-09-2009 02:17 PM

Dude, go multiple. There's nothing selfish about going off a few times before your boyfriend catches up. Remember, most gentlemen are only up for one or two pops.

I love it when I've gotten a nice lady off a few dozen times before I get the Willravel tingle.

cdwonderful 05-09-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2634251)

I love it when I've gotten a nice lady off a few dozen times before I get the Willravel tingle.

"the willravel tingle" how awesome is that terminology? :thumbsup:

Willravel 05-09-2009 02:57 PM

Yeah, they're thinking about making it into a ride at Disneyland.

ratbastid 05-09-2009 03:07 PM

Your concern is fairness? Really?

The orgasm ratio around my house is WAY not 1:1, and I like it that way. Multi-orgasmic girls are awesome.

Willravel 05-09-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634262)
Your concern is fairness? Really?

I wonder how she feels about reparations for slavery... :expressionless:

Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634262)
The orgasm ratio around my house is WAY not 1:1, and I like it that way. Multi-orgasmic girls are awesome.

To be fair, you're outnumbered, but I'd still be surprised to read in the Unofficial Ratbastid's Unabridged Diary and Cookbook that the ratio was even 2:1.

vinceco252 05-09-2009 03:36 PM

^Also, in general, a guy would prefer to go after a girl so he can be sure. If you are trying to get him to cum first, things may deflate before you can...

---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

^and if you come first, fast, all the better. Takes the pressure off... so to speak.

StellaLuna 05-09-2009 03:52 PM

Honey. You're built that way. Get 'em.

Actually... why is this an issue? Seriously?

ametc 05-09-2009 04:18 PM

I guess I'm just not used to being on top... and really.. nobody else has this kind of issue?? >_< sux

cdwonderful 05-09-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by ametc (Post 2634276)
I guess I'm just not used to being on top... and really.. nobody else has this kind of issue?? >_< sux

if thats an issue, kiddo.... you got no issues.

Seaver 05-09-2009 04:53 PM

Honestly the fastest way for me to cum is feeling the girl cum. It's hands down the sexiest thing that can happen in the bedroom, seeing her face, feeling her clamp down on me in orgasm, there's no faster way for me to cum.

Bacchanal 05-09-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Seaver (Post 2634283)
Honestly the fastest way for me to cum is feeling the girl cum. It's hands down the sexiest thing that can happen in the bedroom, seeing her face, feeling her clamp down on me in orgasm, there's no faster way for me to cum.


If she hasn't cum at least twice before I'm done, I owe her one. Quit with the selfishness crap, and enjoy yourself! Trust me, no guy is going to complain about you cumming too much!

Zeraph 05-09-2009 06:39 PM

Eh when I'm with a girl I *expect* her to cum multiple times...or I'm not doing my job.

Xerxys 05-09-2009 06:47 PM

This was a brag wasn't it? Like a dude posting

"I'm too big and too good in bed .. What do I do?"

Cheater 05-09-2009 07:01 PM

I wouldn't say he was bragging, he is just considerate.
I enjoy knowing that the woman can have multiple orgasms before I am ready. By all means enjoy it "ametc", why hold back?

Plan9 05-09-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634262)
Your concern is fairness? Really?

The orgasm ratio around my house is WAY not 1:1, and I like it that way. Multi-orgasmic girls are awesome.

Both you and the OP need to pretend to be humble.



Also: Climax quota = juvenile.

Seaver 05-09-2009 08:35 PM


Also: Climax quota = juvenile.

Plan9 05-09-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Seaver (Post 2634333)

Hallelujah! The Father, and the Son, and the Grow-The-Fuck-Up. Now and forever.


Yeah, I get so sick of the game people play in the bedroom with orgasms. Like it's an account balance, some notch on a bedpost contest, maybe crotch wampum. People can get so uncomfortable with sex acts because they physical process doesn't fit with social niceties 100% of the time.


A: Asshole who "gets his" and rolls over for post-coitus, don't-touch-me nap. Quota? They don't know how to spell quota.

B: Bitchy fucks-like-a-dead-fish woman who complains about not "getting hers" when she doesn't offer instruction via demonstration, feedback, or altering moan volume. She's keeping track of all the times she "puts out" and doesn't get "paid up."

C: Cowering idiot who masturbates before sex, slams his dick in a car door to numb it up, or continues pumping feverishly after orgasm to appease some sense What's Right For His Woman. Sex is a chore. Words like "failure" come into play.

Point: Sorry, ladies... if biology had wanted you to come on time, every time... you woulda been built different. Perhaps your anatomy was designed to make climax require effort for a reason? That's biology for ya. But if you're equipped such that you come when a cool breeze blows by your thighs? Quit complaining, quit questioning, quit keeping track and enjoy it fully. Your partner will be thrilled that you're a freak... that good kind of freak.


Orgasm quota rant:

Fuck all that jive, people. See, I had this really nice horny girlfriend once who literally couldn't get off from intercourse (oral sex did her in quick, though). Ever. And boy did we try. Positions, toys, lube, no lube, gentle, rough, alternative love canal, hot, cold, mayo, mustard... you name it. I mean, I stuffed things in there that they don't even have porno titles for yet. And no luck. Both of us were frustrated but came to accept it. She said it was fine... she came from oral like "a frog in a sock" and that she enjoyed intercourse simply because of how it felt, climax aside. She enjoyed pleasing me and did a great job of it. Whew, her hot pocket coulda turned Kingsford into a princess cut. But yeah, intercourse: she liked the journey, even if she never got to the destination.


Disclaimer: This has been a general rant, since I haven't actually had sex since around the time that Kurt Cobain decided to suck-start a 20 gauge. Turns out I've got game with the ladies like Michael Jordan has baseball skills. I disavow any knowledge of Crompsin Coitus between June 2001 and May 2010.

Willravel 05-09-2009 09:20 PM

A frog? That's kinky.

Plan9 05-09-2009 09:30 PM

Also: If I had a penis, I'd refer to it as "Thrognak the Destroyer."


Originally Posted by ametc (Post 2634276)
I guess I'm just not used to being on top... and really.. nobody else has this kind of issue?? >_< sux

Hmm... I was with a girl not too long ago that used to scream-n-clench in like five minutes from the cowgirl position. She felt inadequate about her quick orgasm because it takes me a while.



Originally Posted by Bacchanal (Post 2634297)
If she hasn't cum at least twice before I'm done, I owe her one.


Originally Posted by Bacchanal (Post 2634297)
Quit with the selfishness crap, and enjoy yourself! Trust me, no guy is going to complain about you cumming too much!

How do these two statements--as far as philosophy--fit together in the same paragraph?

ratbastid 05-10-2009 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2634312)
Also: Climax quota = juvenile.

Well, exactly. That's the whole issue with the OP.

Reese 05-10-2009 04:41 AM

as long as the quota is >0 / >0 ratio, it's all good.

thespian86 05-10-2009 05:14 AM

Yes dear. Men like it when you cum several times. In fact, it makes our male ego that much larger. So please, cum lots. He'll walk away happy.

ratbastid 05-10-2009 05:30 AM

Making a woman orgasm makes you feel like James Bond.

Plan9 05-10-2009 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634401)
Making a woman orgasm makes you feel like James Bond.

Unless she's average looking, obese, or a high school dropout. :thumbsup:

ratbastid 05-10-2009 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2634404)
Unless she's average looking, obese, or a high school dropout. :thumbsup:

Oh, I don't know. I think maybe even then.

eribrav 05-10-2009 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2634404)
Unless she's average looking, obese, or a high school dropout. :thumbsup:

I shudder to think that someone might be all 3 but still worthy of some lovin.:eek:

Plan9 05-10-2009 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by eribrav (Post 2634406)
I shudder to think that someone might be all 3 but still worthy of some lovin.:eek:

I know, right? Tell that to MI-6 and their seduction training. When was the last time a Bond girl was named Heather or Rachel or Jane?

No... no, it's always Pussy Galore or Anita Ramming or something vulgar. Like maybe a porn star was there to help with the birth certificate.

Shaindra 05-10-2009 08:25 AM

*still chuckling at the phrase "crotch wampum"*

Orgasms are gifts. Take it, smile widely and thank the giver. Don't worry, they aren't running out of them. You'll make more.

And simultaneous orgasm is a concept that should not get in the way of enjoying a good romp. If you can do it, go for it. But don't waste perfectly good orgasms on the journey. I actually prefer watching my partner cum and I can't do that if I'm clenching and bucking.

Bacchanal 05-10-2009 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2634342)
How do these two statements--as far as philosophy--fit together in the same paragraph?

I wouldn't know. I failed philosophy.

cdwonderful 05-10-2009 12:43 PM

How did you do in ethics?

ametc 05-10-2009 09:30 PM

I'm usually not on top... so I'm still 'learning'. When I'm the one in charge, usually I'm giving him a bj.. and not the 69 way so I'm not used to being in charge and climaxing before him. When he's on top, it all just comes naturally and so easily.

But, I guess y'all don't mind if your girl cums before you while she's on top.. and my guy is pretty normal .. I guess.... so I'll just try doing it like you guys have said and if it doesn't work.. I'll just come back here and complain. :P

ratbastid 05-11-2009 05:04 AM

You know--and this might be a shocking concept for you--you could always try talking to him about it.

I always find it really strange when people are HAVING sex but not TALKING about sex.

Glory's Sun 05-11-2009 06:25 AM

I often wonder why people put so many limitations and expectations on sex.

Why worry about climax ratios? Why think it's your "job" to make a woman climax? We aren't robots that are supposed to make sure one gets off before the other or to hold back because we think we weren't good enough. Sex is about enjoying the other person and enjoying the sensations.

From my experiences, as long as you are having fun and enjoying yourself, the climaxes will take care of themselves naturally.. quit putting all the mental games into it and it will be alot more enjoyable.

Cynosure 05-11-2009 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634401)
Making a woman orgasm makes you feel like James Bond.

Having a sports car and a pistol and a license to kill, makes me feel like James Bond. Making a woman orgasm makes me feel like Johnny Depp as Don Juan DeMarco.


ratbastid 05-11-2009 06:56 AM

Whatever works for you. :thumbsup:

Willravel 05-11-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2634401)
Making a woman orgasm makes you feel like James Bond.

Waking up in the morning makes me feel like James Bond.

Plan9 05-11-2009 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2634747)
Waking up in the morning makes me feel like James Bond.

Waking up in the morning makes me feel like Leonard Shelby.


If I had a hat-drop orgasm girlfriend... I'd be all-lewd-all-the-time-Bob. I'd abuse the hell outta that. It'd be all "When Harry Met Sally" whenever I could spare the thrusting.


This thread is useless without orgasm noises / tuxedo pictures.

Anormalguy 05-11-2009 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bacchanal (Post 2634297)

If she hasn't cum at least twice before I'm done, I owe her one. Quit with the selfishness crap, and enjoy yourself! Trust me, no guy is going to complain about you cumming too much!

Plus one!

My wife is multiorgasmic, & the more orgasms she has the better I feel :thumbsup:. We even joke about the number of orgasms that she "owes" me.

Cynosure 05-11-2009 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2634754)
This thread is useless without orgasm noises / tuxedo pictures.

No, what this thread needs is this iconic guitar riff...

...for when Will makes a comment like this...


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2634251)
I love it when I've gotten a nice lady off a few dozen times before I get the Willravel tingle.

And especially for when he makes a comment like this...


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2634747)
Waking up in the morning makes me feel like James Bond.


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