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Old 05-28-2009, 09:07 AM   #121 (permalink)
Location: California
I've put on shows at bathhouses before. Usually me doing things infront of a dozen or so people. I only did things with friends and no one really joined in (it was a big bed with a spectating area, anyone could join in).

It's definitely hot.
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Old 06-01-2009, 09:05 PM   #122 (permalink)
Location: My head.
Seeing as I am desparately in need for another fix, I might as well bump this thread as a plea for more stories.
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:31 AM   #123 (permalink)
part of the problem
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i've jerked off on cam at webcamnow.com. not much of a story, but there it is.

actually, i'm showing on there now
onward to mayhem!

Last edited by squeeeb; 06-04-2009 at 07:59 AM..
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Old 06-05-2009, 12:03 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Hey. I thought people were tired of my posts. But here is the most recent thing. Last with this pretty but chubby Jewish girl came. She was traveling on the cheap as she called it. She said her family was religious, but she was not. Well she said she was staying for three days. The second day was Saturday, so I was home. I got up went out and she was watching TV and working on her lap top. I talked for a bit, put up a pot of coffee and went to shower. Now I had this planned. I put the laundry basket of towels in the living room the day before and I left none in the bathroom. I showered, and came out. I was unable to dry off as all the towels were in the living room next to my guest. I opened the door a crack and told her I needed a towel.
She said ok, go get one. Then I explained, “ No, I don’t have one, I left them all in the laundry basket. Do you mind if I get one?”
She was half working and not really paying attention. “Sure, its ok” she said. I walked out of the bathroom, wet, and hard. Sorry, I said I as I walked passed her. I squatted by the laundry basket and took out a towel. She just looked up at me not saying anything.
“ I told you I needed a towel.” I said. She just stared. “Sorry about this.” I said as I walked back into the bathroom.
“Its ok.” She said
I dried off, wrapped myself in the towel and walked out. “Sorry, again.” I said.

She was blushing. “ Wow, you don’t see that everyday.” She said laughing.
“I know, I know.” I was trying to sound apologetic.
I went to my room and dropped the towel. I left the door open about ¾ of the way. She went on typing.
“ Emailing a friend telling them what happened?” I joked.
“Ha, no, just work, nothing that good.”
“Oh so it was good at least?” I said through the door, stroking, just out of her sight.
She laughed and said at least I was Jewish. Then I laughed. I told her I wasn’t Jewish, but that didn’t stop the Rabbi. She laughed. Then I asked her if It was ok if I went to the bathroom to get my dirty clothes.
She said sure, and I am sure didn’t understand that I was still naked. I walked out again and went to the bathroom. I looked at her when I came out with my clothes. She was blushing again. She just sat there and looked at me. I took this as approval and stopped walking.
“ You like this.” She said.
“Like what?” I asked pretending to be shocked.
“Like showing off infront of strangers.” She said.
“Just the cute ones.” I said and she smiled. I walked to my room and stroked until I came.
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Old 06-05-2009, 02:23 PM   #125 (permalink)
Location: My head.
What happened to the other one?
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Old 06-05-2009, 03:06 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
What happened to the other one?
Yeah, I'm curious about that too.
Sounded like you were headed for a long term live-in.
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:04 AM   #127 (permalink)
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She is still here. She got a job cleaning an office at night so I hardly ever see her anymore. She comes in after midnight, and leaves for work soon after I get home. She does chores still during the day so its almost a perfect set up.
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:10 AM   #128 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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you have an official squatter my friend. if you dont make her pay for the board, she'll be there forever, an the only way you'd get her out is when she asks for half your possessions because she's been there so long

dont say i didnt tell you
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere

I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy
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Old 06-07-2009, 05:03 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dlish View Post
you have an official squatter my friend. if you dont make her pay for the board, she'll be there forever, an the only way you'd get her out is when she asks for half your possessions because she's been there so long

dont say i didnt tell you
She pays in chores and sex. LOL
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Old 06-08-2009, 06:35 AM   #130 (permalink)
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just wanted to say this is entertaining as hell - keep the posts coming!
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Old 06-08-2009, 07:52 AM   #131 (permalink)
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Location: Spring, Texas
ahhhhh... FINALLY got my new fix. I swear if you stop posting I am going to go insane. I love hearing these stories. Maybe I will add my few times in this thread one day.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison
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Old 06-08-2009, 12:32 PM   #132 (permalink)
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I had an older woman stay for the weekend. I pretty much told her right out that I sometimes walk around nude, and if that would be a problem. She said that if it bothered me, she wouldn't look. So she was pretty cool, the first thing she did when she got in was pick up a porn DVD I left out. She just said that this was going to be an interesting stay.
The first night the only thing that happened was I walked to the kitchen to get some water while she was in the bathroom. M was out at work. My guest came out to go to her room when I was walking back to my room. She sort of blushed and I asked if she needed anything. She just stopped and said no. I asked if I was making her uncomfortable, and she said no, she knew as I told her, but she just didn't expect it just yet. She went to bed, and I went to my room.
The second day I was naked at home when she came in. I honestly didn't know she was going to be back so early. I was watching porn on the tv beating off. She said hello and I jumped up. She put her stuff on the table and realized what was going on. I was hard and the porn was going. She just said that she would go to her room so I could finish up. I told her it was ok, she didn't have to, and i started again. She went to her room. I finished up and cleaned up.
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:58 PM   #133 (permalink)
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My guest staye two more days. I walked around nude a few times but not much else.

Last week I was aproached in the park by some women pushing some religous cult. The family or something like that. I gave them my number and forgot about them. Well they came over yesterday to preach. I thought I would mess with them. Two women came over, in their late forties, one with a German accent, the other a southern. They came in and talked about their religon, gave me their literature and what not. I was extra dirty on purpose as I did come home from work only 20 mintutes before. As they were talking, I made sandwitches as they pretty much flat out said they wanted food, and then showered while they ate.
I came out in a towel and asked if they needed anything. They just thanked me for the food and set up their information. I went to my room and took off the towel while we talked. I stroked to get harder and I walked out with my towel in my hand. They looked at me in suprise. I spread out the towel on the floor and sat down. I started to ask questions about their literature. The German answered and the southern one asked if I was going to put on some clothes. I said I was comfortable as god made me, and went on asking questions. After a mintute or so they said that they had to go and I escorted them out. I hate cults.
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:29 PM   #134 (permalink)
Location: My head.
^^ GOOD JOB!! Ohhh Thank you for this ... you my friend are the best piece of human being ever born out there. If there is a god may he bless the hell out of you and grant you many more cults to weird out!!
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Old 06-10-2009, 02:15 PM   #135 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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Originally Posted by Anonymous Member View Post
My guest staye two more days. I walked around nude a few times but not much else.

Last week I was aproached in the park by some women pushing some religous cult. The family or something like that. I gave them my number and forgot about them. Well they came over yesterday to preach. I thought I would mess with them. Two women came over, in their late forties, one with a German accent, the other a southern. They came in and talked about their religon, gave me their literature and what not. I was extra dirty on purpose as I did come home from work only 20 mintutes before. As they were talking, I made sandwitches as they pretty much flat out said they wanted food, and then showered while they ate.
I came out in a towel and asked if they needed anything. They just thanked me for the food and set up their information. I went to my room and took off the towel while we talked. I stroked to get harder and I walked out with my towel in my hand. They looked at me in suprise. I spread out the towel on the floor and sat down. I started to ask questions about their literature. The German answered and the southern one asked if I was going to put on some clothes. I said I was comfortable as god made me, and went on asking questions. After a mintute or so they said that they had to go and I escorted them out. I hate cults.
Ha! Classic.

One of my best friends many years ago invited me over for Thanksgiving. He always did the "bird" on a Weber barbeque's on this deck. Now this friend is a Marine (no one's ever an ex-Marine) He and I were standing on his deck drinking a beer and talking while he watched over his prized smoking turkey. A car pulled up and two nicely dressed ladies got out. He looked over his shoulder and said "These folks are lost, you know'em?" "Nope, never seen'em" They walk up to the deck and asked him if he'd heard the good word of Jehovah. I swear his ears literally laid back on his head. He said something to the effect of "we're having a holiday dinner here and I like you to please..." One lady interrupted him and began to explain why it was wrong to celebrate such things. Well that was the end of "please" on his part. He said, basically, "we're having this dinner and we're having our celebration. Now you're welcome to return after we're done eating 'cause we're planning on breaking out the Crisco and having ourselves a good old fashioned fuckfest/Crisco party. You know if ya got time. I only say that 'cause I think you'd make a lot more sense with my cock in your mouth." They both turned white and left. He lifted the top of the Weber and looked at the smoking turkey and said "And that's how you handle whack job, fuckhead's who go around trying to ruin other peoples day off." I was speechless for a while. I'm rarely speechless.

Not how I would have handled it but I bet he's got his name on a list because they never ever came back to his house. I lived down the street and they came to my door for several years trying to get me to buy the Watchtower and save my soul.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:34 PM   #136 (permalink)
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This has to be the weirdest thing ever. I have been talking to this man for three weeks about his daughters staying over. They are Korean, one is 19 the other is 22. They are coming for ten days and they want to stay in my room. I didn't want there to be any problems so I decided to just be normal for once. Well this guy has called me almost every night for three weeks. He would not get off the phone. He would leave messages asking questions and wanting information. I understand he is nervous but he was just getting anoying. He wanted so much personal information, that I started to think I was being set up for a scam, so I just stopped talking to him. I figured he would get the hint. I had to email him a friggen essay about myself! After dodging his calls for a few days, I just flat out told him that I am an exhibitionist and I will mostly be naked all the time. I figured that would stop him. He didn't know what the world meant so I explained it to him. He said ok and we ended our talk.
No joke, he called again and asked if the room was still available. I said yes, and reminded him about me bein an exhibitionist. He said ok again. Now thought for sure I was being the but of a joke. But after all the information was exchanged, last night these two lovely Korean girls came over and paid ten days in advance. They speak pretty good English and are cute. We talked till late at night, and I ordered pizza. We even talked about me being an exhibitionits and they said they were told about that. M met them and we all talked. Nothing happened as it was way late when I went to bed. It was way too late, and I have got to get up way to early.
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Old 06-11-2009, 12:56 PM   #137 (permalink)
Location: My head.
Holy shit, you must be very cheap ...
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Old 06-12-2009, 04:37 AM   #138 (permalink)
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So yesterday after work my two guests were out shopping for food when I got home. I made calls, paid bills and started my dinner. They came in while I was cooking and they started to make food also. I put my chili on low heat, as I like to cook it for a while and left them alone.
I went to my room and to my own bathroom and shaved. I came out with no shirt on to still the chili. They looked at me, but it was pretty normal. They asked if they could try the chili, and I warned them that it was very hot. They were making rice and vegetables so I thought it would work out to be a big meal.
They were buzzing around the apartment, going to their room and to the kitchen and living room, so I figured now was as good a time as any. I went to my room and stripped. I left the door open on purpose. I walked around my room a bit and looked out to see what they were doing. They were both in their room at this point so I just walked to the kitchen to stir the chili again. I walked back to my room, but they didn't see, as they were still in their room.
They came out to check their food and I was in my room so I walked out to get the rest of my mail from the counter when they saw me. They both stopped, looked and I just picked up the mail and walked back to my room. I heard them talking to each other but I couldn't understand.
They both came to the door and looked in. I was just standing there pretending to read my bills. I looked at them and they looked away and walked away. I figured the ice was broken so I walked into the kitchen again. They were there making ice t. They looked quickly, and then went back to doing what they were doing and I walked back into the living room. I really had no reason to be out here, other than to show off, so I felt a little uncomfortable and turned to go to my room when one of the girls asked me if I wanted some iced t. I said yes and she got me a glass.
I took it and went to my room. They were very polite, you could tell they were peeking and such, but no real reaction. I finished the drink and walked out to put the glass in the sink and came back. I went to my room and sat in my chair. I put a dvd on and started to stroke to some porn. After bit one of the girls came to the door and asked if I wanted some of their food, as it was ready. She saw what I was doing and I didn't stop. I just said sure, and she walked away. They both came back with a plate, I was still stroking. I didn't stop, of course and told them To just leave it on the table, when I was finished I would come get it.
Well I finished, came on my belly, and got up. I thought I would walk out with the cum on me so I came out, all drippy, and went to teh main bathroom to get some toilet paper. They were both eating and I said thanks, I will get you some chili in an hour or so. I just stood there so they could see the cum and all. Then I went to the bathroom, got some tissues and wiped it off. After that I pretty much put on sweats and just ate.
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Old 06-15-2009, 01:06 PM   #139 (permalink)
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The next day I got home from work early. MY two boarders and my semi permant guest were out. I enjoyed the time alone with a nice nap and some rare tv time. Around nine oclock the sisters came home. I was greated with smiles and they showed me the things they bought while out. They bought some DVDs and we sat down to watch one. About half way through I got up to get a drink. We we talking and they were asking me about places to go when I just started undressing. One of them just said that Americans are not shy. I stood naked watching the movie and then sat back down between them.
I asked them if they wanted to, they could take off their clothes too, its ok with me. They talked in Korean and said they would later. That was encouraging. We watched the movie and I jerked off between them. I got up to clean myself off, and we watched something else.
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Old 06-15-2009, 03:50 PM   #140 (permalink)
Location: My head.
Ohh man ...

you make me so tame ....
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Old 06-15-2009, 05:47 PM   #141 (permalink)
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I doubt this Korean man understood at ALL what they were getting into.
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Old 06-15-2009, 06:08 PM   #142 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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in all seriousness,...i hope you never do this to a lebanese girl...

you'll have her father, her brothers, her cousins, her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cousins, along with the brother in law, his family, not to mention the uncles and all their friends paying you a visit. then word will spread to the village that they're from, and all the neighbouring villages will find out, and soon you will have half of lebanon after you. everyone is related within a degree or two,

i hope you never have to see that day
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere

I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy
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Old 06-15-2009, 07:51 PM   #143 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
That's both twisted and sorta hot. Jerking off between two Korean sisters just chillin' there. There's gotta be more to this.
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Old 06-15-2009, 10:25 PM   #144 (permalink)
bazkitcase5's Avatar
Location: Tupelo, MS
great stories - the visual imagery is disturbingly awesome

I only wish I was so brave, and lucky
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Old 06-15-2009, 11:26 PM   #145 (permalink)
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Location: Spokane, WA
Adventures in self confidence" heh.

I must admit this thread is a pretty steamy read.
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:00 AM   #146 (permalink)
Location: North Carolina
My thoughts on the posts by "Anon": I enjoy them for the most part, but I find them hard to believe. If they are true, I think the behavior is potentially dangerous in a couple ways. 1) The women are trapped. I think its safe that they have chosen to rent the room out of need and financial limitations. If they are uncomfortable its not as easy as just walking away. 2) The poster is forcing his nudity on the observer (although sometimes he asks first, it seems like usually the nudity comes first and then "do you mind". If he were doing this with an open window to an outside observer, it can be considered a criminal offense. I'm not sure about this particular situation, but nonetheless. I think there is some potential for this behavior to progress to something worse, along the lines of sexual assault/rape.

I hate to be the downer, and I'm not trying to start an argument, this is just my two cents.
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Old 06-16-2009, 08:27 AM   #147 (permalink)
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Location: Spring, Texas
Originally Posted by elsesomebody View Post
My thoughts on the posts by "Anon": I enjoy them for the most part, but I find them hard to believe. If they are true, I think the behavior is potentially dangerous in a couple ways. 1) The women are trapped. I think its safe that they have chosen to rent the room out of need and financial limitations. If they are uncomfortable its not as easy as just walking away. 2) The poster is forcing his nudity on the observer (although sometimes he asks first, it seems like usually the nudity comes first and then "do you mind". If he were doing this with an open window to an outside observer, it can be considered a criminal offense. I'm not sure about this particular situation, but nonetheless. I think there is some potential for this behavior to progress to something worse, along the lines of sexual assault/rape.

I hate to be the downer, and I'm not trying to start an argument, this is just my two cents.
While I understand your initial thoughts, the OP has many times stated that he has been VERY clear that he does this in his home, and the boarders choose to come stay anyway. So I say if they get uncomfortable with it, they can always say something, or go to their room. On many occasions the OP has even specifically asked the people if it was ok, and they chose to say fine. They could have easily said that they were uncomfortable with it, and in my opinion, based on the way the OP has talked, if someone WERE uncomfortable, he would stop. The only difference I see are the one with the real estate agent, and the ones pushing religion on him. And personally I think they are funny.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:11 AM   #148 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Originally Posted by Deltona Couple View Post
While I understand your initial thoughts, the OP has many times stated that he has been VERY clear that he does this in his home, and the boarders choose to come stay anyway. So I say if they get uncomfortable with it, they can always say something, or go to their room. On many occasions the OP has even specifically asked the people if it was ok, and they chose to say fine. They could have easily said that they were uncomfortable with it, and in my opinion, based on the way the OP has talked, if someone WERE uncomfortable, he would stop. The only difference I see are the one with the real estate agent, and the ones pushing religion on him. And personally I think they are funny.
IF it were true..but i highly doubt most of these stories...they started ok fine, but they get creepier and creepier. the more this continues the more unreal it becomes. entertainment? sure

but even if the girls were in his house and they were aware that he was going to get naked, i highly doubt that they'd expect him to be jacking off in the way the story has been told. they might not say anything, but it doesnt make it ok, their silence surely doesnt make them confortable with it.

This is sexual assault. This is forcing your sexual needs on others. at the end of the day it is a 'need' that he is satisfying. Maybe some of the lawyers here can chip in and give us their opinion?

In my eyes its sexual assault, even though the girls imply acceptance with silence.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere

I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy
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Old 06-17-2009, 12:48 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Location: Spring, Texas
Originally Posted by dlish View Post
IF it were true..but i highly doubt most of these stories...they started ok fine, but they get creepier and creepier. the more this continues the more unreal it becomes. entertainment? sure

but even if the girls were in his house and they were aware that he was going to get naked, i highly doubt that they'd expect him to be jacking off in the way the story has been told. they might not say anything, but it doesnt make it ok, their silence surely doesnt make them confortable with it.

This is sexual assault. This is forcing your sexual needs on others. at the end of the day it is a 'need' that he is satisfying. Maybe some of the lawyers here can chip in and give us their opinion?

In my eyes its sexual assault, even though the girls imply acceptance with silence.
Then the only thing I can suggest, is if it bothers you so much, don't read the thread any more?
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison
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Old 06-17-2009, 12:53 PM   #150 (permalink)
Location: My head.
You guys are killing me ....

DC - thedlishsguy never said he was bothered, he even went as far as to say he thinks the entire story is BS ... that was just his take in the situation ...

Now, can we move away from the discussion and go back to disturbing visualizations?
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Old 06-17-2009, 01:02 PM   #151 (permalink)
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Location: Spring, Texas
Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
You guys are killing me ....

DC - thedlishsguy never said he was bothered, he even went as far as to say he thinks the entire story is BS ... that was just his take in the situation ...

Now, can we move away from the discussion and go back to disturbing visualizations?
LOL, point taken, lets get some more stuff going here Anon!!!!!
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:15 PM   #152 (permalink)
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My two guests have gone home. They were polite, cute and very gracious. After I read the posts from you guys, I asked them it was ok, and they just said to do that in my room. So that was the end of that. They were ok with the nudity so it was still fun. They said they heard Americans were not shy, so they said it was ok. I saw them in their underwear and in a towel a few times. M and the sisters and I all watch pornos a few times. I taught them all the dirty words in English. I did jerk off a few times in my room with the door open and one of the sisters peeked. M said she saw one of them watching us fuck but I didn't see.
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:52 PM   #153 (permalink)
Location: My head.
I swear to god, I was just on my way to bump this thread ... thank god he's back!!
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:44 PM   #154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Redlemon View Post
Vana, was that the whole article? I still don't see the connection between exhibitionism and pedophilia. (Perhaps, if you have more to say on the subject, this would be better as a separate thread?)

A month later...

All paraphilias are the same in form, they differ in particular. Do you know the children's game 'Mad-Libs'? We can take something about perversion, or about the motive, and switch exhibitionism for pedophile, or for shoe-fetishist, or homophile, and so; likewise for phobia, the mirror of fetish. Same thing with ideology, switch woman for Black in a feminist text. Fun stuff.

Radical exhibitionists demand freedom now! Would there be anyone to play the game with if flashing were legalized and normalized?
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Old 07-02-2009, 02:22 PM   #155 (permalink)
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Last edited by raptor9k; 09-08-2021 at 04:55 AM..
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Old 07-06-2009, 12:31 PM   #156 (permalink)
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I hadn't had a boarder in a while, I hadn't posted in a while, just took the time to do some work around the place and do some overtime. M is still here, that is going ok so she is welcome to stay pretty much as long as she likes. A few times I had her answer the door naked when I knew it was the UPS guy or the pizza guy. They pretty much know me by now. Hell, they even know M's name!
I had a guest stay the three day weekend, an older black woman. She was from Dallas. I didn't see much of her Friday or Saturday, but she came home Saturday Night a bit drunk. M was cleaning the kitchen and I was in my bathroom. I head them talking and I came out to say hello. I was fully dressed. We talked for a bit and she asked if she could use the bathroom for a while ,and I said sure go ahead. She used the main bathroom to get ready for bed. M used my bathroom to brush her teeth and she went to bed. I stayed up to watch tv. She came out ready for bed. I was watching stuff I recorded and asked if I was too loud. She said no, went to the kitchen and got a beer. She sat on the couch and drank as we talked. After a bit, she went off to sleep.
I was catching up on some shows I liked and after two hours, I put on some porn. I went to my room, put on my boxers and came back out and sat and watched. After a while, a sleeply looking Houseguest came out, headed to the bathroom and proceeded to go. She didn't see what I was doing, so I pulled up my boxers and just sat there.
I flipped the channel and pretended everything was normal. She came out and engaged me some more in small talk. I kept flipping through the channels till she went back to her room. When she closed the door I went back to stroking and put the porn channel back on. I was into it really good when the door opened again. I was too into it to care at this poing. She was going to the kitchen when she saw me, I was beyond caring so I just finished. She just looked at me for a second and went back to her room.
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Old 07-06-2009, 09:16 PM   #157 (permalink)
vainღ♥♡jane's Avatar
Location: here until i'm there
i am interested in exhibitionism. i am almost sure i am going to be a webcam girl at some point; right now i am starting small, and posting pictures of myself on a forum specifically for people like me.
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:34 AM   #158 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
Originally Posted by vainღ♥♡jane View Post
i am interested in exhibitionism. i am almost sure i am going to be a webcam girl at some point; right now i am starting small, and posting pictures of myself on a forum specifically for people like me.
If you hang out here a TFP long enough to get promoted to full member, you'll discover a whole area HERE for people like you.
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:37 PM   #159 (permalink)
vainღ♥♡jane's Avatar
Location: here until i'm there
cool i look forward to it =]
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Old 07-07-2009, 04:58 PM   #160 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
I'd like to get back into exhibitionism myself, but I would like it to be more artful.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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