My thoughts on the posts by "Anon": I enjoy them for the most part, but I find them hard to believe. If they are true, I think the behavior is potentially dangerous in a couple ways. 1) The women are trapped. I think its safe that they have chosen to rent the room out of need and financial limitations. If they are uncomfortable its not as easy as just walking away. 2) The poster is forcing his nudity on the observer (although sometimes he asks first, it seems like usually the nudity comes first and then "do you mind". If he were doing this with an open window to an outside observer, it can be considered a criminal offense. I'm not sure about this particular situation, but nonetheless. I think there is some potential for this behavior to progress to something worse, along the lines of sexual assault/rape.
I hate to be the downer, and I'm not trying to start an argument, this is just my two cents.