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Old 03-28-2007, 09:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
Please throw some light on this issue.

Hello everyone,

Firstly this is my first thread, so please bear with me. I really need to ask this question and after reading the vaginal tearing thread on here, I felt you guys know a lot of things.

I am a 20 year old girl. I've been dating a guy for 4 months now. I was a virgin when I met him. Virgin as in a "never been kissed" virgin. He was not. So sexually, it was very unlikely for me to catch std's as I've never had any kind of physical contact with anyone before him. He has been tested and when I looked at his test results, it says negative in all the STD tests he took. He shows no symptoms right now either.

Anyway, I'm a very paranoid person by nature and I always have this fear at the back of my mind that I might have caught something. Also, he and I have had more oral sex than vaginal sex. And I don't have any sores inside or around my mouth or nose. So this kind of puts my mind at ease. But recently, I've been experiencing itching and burning (burning only occurs after itching, though) in my vagina. It does not burn when I pee though. I do not know how to explain this to anyone. I talked to him about it and he said when he looked down there, it seemed like my inner membrane was torn but that I did not have any sores or bumps. Also, if the membrane was torn, would not I be bleeding?

Also, I've not noticed any kind of unpleasant odor and he says neither has he. This itching usually happens 3 or 4 days after we have had vaginal sex. He usues condom all the time. So could this be due to the fact that I might be allergic to latex or is there another reason for it? Could I have a yeast infection?

I also took a urine test for Chlamidiya and Gnorrohea yesterday. Just to be on the safe side. But does it sound like I have any disease of this sort?

I'd be really thankful if you all could provided responses to my question. I'm really very worried about this.

Thank you.
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Old 03-28-2007, 09:44 AM   #2 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
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A latex allergy seems likely as far as I can tell. If it were a yeast infection, I would expect there to be an odor. That said, the best thing to do is speak with your doctor.
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Old 03-28-2007, 09:47 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I'd be thinking along the lines of yeast infection or latex sensitivity.. or even spermicide sensitivity. And I'd be asking a gyno post-haste. Get out there and do some learnin' - the only way you're going to stop being as paranoid is to become comfortable with the facts and your body.
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Old 03-28-2007, 09:57 AM   #4 (permalink)
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First off, you should be asking this question to a gynocologist to be sure.

Now that we have the legal disclaimer out of the way, I'll give you my input. More than likely your later guesses would be correct. It is more than likely a yeast infection. It could also be a latex allergy or sensetivity to the lubrication from the condoms. If its something to do with the condoms though, the symptoms usually occur during or immediately after sex. My wife and I are both sensative to the N-9 and very shortly after sex it burns like all hell.

It is also possible there is a physical complication. When a virgins hymen tears it can on rare occasion cause issues. But unless your boyfriend is in med school to become an gyno, see a doctor.
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:05 AM   #5 (permalink)
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You can get a yeast infection or a UTI when you first start having sex - or with a change in partners. If this happens after you have sex, each time, then I would lean towards latex issue not yeast infection. Sex when you have a yeast infection is painful. Non-oxyl-nine (did I spell that right?) - the spermicide can also cause issues.

Try polyurethane condoms like Trojan Supra - that would be the easiest way to see if you are having problems with latex condoms.

Regardless, if you are having issues and just became sexually active you need to see a doc.
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Old 03-28-2007, 12:11 PM   #6 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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I wouldn't rule out a yeast infection, you'd be surprised how they manifest sometimes. It could definately be a sensitivity to the latex, or it could be irritation from a change in your ph balance after sex. I had this issue for a while because we weren't using condoms and my boyfriend's semen irritated the area. It manifested as burning mostly but that was right after sex.

I would expirement with different types of condoms so that you can see how different materials make a difference. Oh yeah, and definately see a doctor.

Edit: I've used the Vagisil wipes before, they work pretty well to keep the itching and burning under control. You might want to try them.
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Old 03-28-2007, 12:11 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Sounds like a Yeast or other Urinary Tract Infection.

UTI's are known as the "honeymooner's disease" for a reason. His penis and sperm throw off the natural PH balance in your vagina. If it's been some time between sex for you (obviously it has), it'll take a bit for your body to adjust to it.

Go to your OBGYN, get a cream from them and it should clear it right up. IF it is something else, though, they will be able to catch it.
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Old 03-28-2007, 12:13 PM   #8 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Originally Posted by Seaver
Sounds like a Yeast or other Urinary Tract Infection.

UTI's are known as the "honeymooner's disease" for a reason. His penis and sperm throw off the natural PH balance in your vagina. If it's been some time between sex for you (obviously it has), it'll take a bit for your body to adjust to it.

Go to your OBGYN, get a cream from them and it should clear it right up. IF it is something else, though, they will be able to catch it.
I don't think it is a UTI. Those are pretty obvious in my experience. I could be wrong though.
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Old 03-28-2007, 01:08 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cadre
I wouldn't rule out a yeast infection, you'd be surprised how they manifest sometimes. It could definately be a sensitivity to the latex, or it could be irritation from a change in your ph balance after sex. I had this issue for a while because we weren't using condoms and my boyfriend's semen irritated the area. It manifested as burning mostly but that was right after sex.

I would expirement with different types of condoms so that you can see how different materials make a difference. Oh yeah, and definately see a doctor.

Edit: I've used the Vagisil wipes before, they work pretty well to keep the itching and burning under control. You might want to try them.
If they use condoms, his semen is not in her vagina.

It could be latex. It could be N9. It could be friction.

Personally, I'd recommend lube, and a non-spermicide condoms. Recent advice from the WHO makes it clear that N9 is bad news. Almost all condoms in the UK have had N9 taken off them. It makes very little difference to the amount of pregnancies, and it irritates the vaginal lining thus making transmission of virusses more likely.

If it's latex, use a non-latex condom; there are several, not just Trojan - ask your pharmacist or google.

Use lube - contrary to old fashioned views, lube does not make you a slut. It's great stuff. Slippy sex is way more fun than scratchy sex.

Failing that, you could always try anal...
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Old 03-28-2007, 01:15 PM   #10 (permalink)
Sounds like a yeast infection or possibly vulvadinia...again check with your doc.
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Old 03-28-2007, 03:01 PM   #11 (permalink)
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it's syphilis, easy call.
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Old 03-28-2007, 07:10 PM   #12 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Originally Posted by Daniel_
If they use condoms, his semen is not in her vagina.
Well, I realize that but it was an example. The spermicide could cause the same problem.
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Old 03-30-2007, 04:02 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I have the same reaction to latex condoms. The burning I get with a latex condom is unbearable
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:59 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Why do people come here to ask questions that should be discussed with a doctor?
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Old 03-31-2007, 07:14 PM   #15 (permalink)
still, wondering.
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It's the paranoia causing the symptoms. Way back when when I was meeting new people, I felt things that weren't there.
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Old 04-01-2007, 02:31 AM   #16 (permalink)
Yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTI's- though I wouldn't say your symptoms suggest one because you'd likely experience pain on urination) can be common for those new to sex.

To start with, make sure you're urinating shortly after each instance of intercourse. One major way that these things get started is the pathogens that create these problems get to hang out inside the vagina, or even migrate into the urinary tract. By urinating shortly after sex (within an hour or so, please do not freak out and run to the bathroom the second after you've finished ), you help clear the urinary tract of anything that may have started to hang out near or just inside the opening of the urethra.

Then again, some women just seem to be extra prone to UTI's and yeast infections, no matter how diligent they are about urinating after sex, cleaning, etc.

As mentioned, it could also be a host of other things- latex sensitivity, sensitivity to the spermicide on the condom (if you're using the kind with spermicide), sensitivity to any lubricant you might be using...

Anyway- go talk to your doctor. Now. Quit wasting time on tests and actually go see a doctor to diagnose the problem. If it's either a yeast infection or a UTI, they're easily treated- but nothing should be ignored or pushed aside.

It's really good that you're so careful with your health by making sure that your boyfriend got tested and all, but if something is going on, you need to just go see the doctor already and don't waste time.
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Old 04-01-2007, 03:22 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Sounds like a yeast infection or vaginitis. You won't always have an odor with yeast. And sometimes they can be mild and just hang around. Go see a doctor and don't worry so much. You'll be fine.
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Old 04-01-2007, 06:10 AM   #18 (permalink)
1010011010's Avatar
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Originally Posted by sayonara12
So sexually, it was very unlikely for me to catch std's as I've never had any kind of physical contact with anyone before him.
Come again?

I'd wager your personal ecology has been thrown out of whack by the introduction of new species/strains to your system. If it gets worse or doesn't go away, go see a doctor, but chances are good it's just an adaptation period.
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