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paulskinback 02-24-2007 08:25 AM

Tramp Stamps
Personally, I don't like tats on girls, unless they are hot and look like sluts. Even then I only want to see one across the bottom of their back when i'm bangin them

Thing is, more and more girls are getting lots of tats and I think they'll live to regret some of their choices later in life.

So the question is... tats or not on a girl?

If you like them, why? And post some pictures of the ones you like, i've only seen shitty ones to be honest

oneofmanymen 02-24-2007 08:57 AM

I honestly dont care for tats although my wife has two. However in my art play I have been trying to find a picture of a woman with a colorful full back tat that I can play with a bit. but so far no luck. I have been trying very hard to get my wife to have her hood pierced though. The thought of playing with it during oral just gets me going. But she says no..
Sorry I will stop rambling...

Dilbert1234567 02-24-2007 09:04 AM

i think anyone should be able to express themselves as they see fit, some tats look great, some don't. my old roommate had a gorgeous thistle on the small of her back.


ShaniFaye 02-24-2007 09:09 AM

I would love to see it Dilbert, but it says I dont have permission

As a female, I love my tats, I've made very careful, thought out decisions on what has been inked on me and I will never be sorry for any of them. I waited until I was over 30 before I got my first one, and I love my first just as much as I love my 5th one

james t kirk 02-24-2007 12:38 PM

I really don't like tattoos on women.

Especially the big Ass Antlers that are some common these days.

If you want to decorate yourself, why not get the removable tattoos that wash off.

Nothing beats smooth natural skin.

Dilbert1234567 02-24-2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I would love to see it Dilbert, but it says I dont have permission

As a female, I love my tats, I've made very careful, thought out decisions on what has been inked on me and I will never be sorry for any of them. I waited until I was over 30 before I got my first one, and I love my first just as much as I love my 5th one

I'll see if i can dig her up and ask her if i can post a pic.

Daniel_ 02-24-2007 01:04 PM

"Ass Antlers" hur hur hur.

Personally I think as with all art, it depends on the quality of the artist. Some are stunning.

As an example, I love the cross that Shanni has on her leg (see ladies lounge thread), but have seen some crimes against art, masquerading as art on women that were highly regretable.

MiSo 02-24-2007 01:16 PM

i think a womans body is beautiful the way it is and does not need tatoos.

Halx 02-24-2007 02:03 PM

Not too long ago, I really dug tattoos on a girl. Recently, I've changed my opinion on the matter and I like pure, clean, soft skin.

SecretMethod70 02-24-2007 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
Not too long ago, I really dug tattoos on a girl. Recently, I've changed my opinion on the matter and I like pure, clean, soft skin.

I go back and forth. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a more "edgy" look, other times...not. That's the problem with tattoos: you can't take them off when you don't feel like wearing them! :p (And don't say "temporary tattoos" - those look like crap and are just plain silly) For that reason, I tend to like the idea of piercings better. They can be taken out for a more "natural" look, or put in for a more modified look.

World's King 02-24-2007 03:07 PM

I'm pretty sure you all know how I feel about this so...

Carno 02-24-2007 03:24 PM

I don't think I've ever seen a tattoo that looked good on a woman.

Supple Cow 02-24-2007 05:17 PM

Uhh, I think they can be just as ugly or cool on a boy. But I don't really dig the idea of having one on myself, so that's the only question that really matters to me.

What's the big deal about "girls" having them anyway? I'm sure somewhere out there, there is a "girl" who has one for the same reasons you people seem to think that boys have them. You know, because it's a tattoo of something meaningful to her. Just a thought.

ASU2003 02-24-2007 07:17 PM

I like maybe 5%, don't care about 50%, and think 45% look bad or tacky. I like girls without them a little better though.

analog 02-24-2007 09:27 PM

Tattoos on a woman are great- as long as they're not stupid. The problem is, lots of people get really stupid stuff tattooed on them all the time.

Bill O'Rights 02-24-2007 10:28 PM

It doesn't really do anything for me, but it's not necessarily a turn off either. I mean as long as it doesn't look like she's ready to star in a circus side show...no big thing.

Overall, though, I'd have to say that I'm not a big fan of tattoos on women. But, then again, I'm not a big fan of tattoos in general.

Stick 02-25-2007 04:16 AM

I love tats on a girl. The more the merrier. (Mmmm. Typing one handed now.)

World's King 02-25-2007 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Supple Cow
Uhh, I think they can be just as ugly or cool on a boy.


A tattoo has to fit the person, place on the body, and be well done. You can't just get a big tat of the Tazmanian Devil and think you're badass. The problem with most people is that they just get the first thing that comes to mind and don't think about it. Then they end up with a lame tribal on their arm that looks like every other tribal out there. And if you're a girl and think you're being original by getting a little butterfly or flower or whatever the fuck you think is cute that week on your lower back. It makes you look cheap. Trust me. And if I see you in a bar with that shit sticking out of your nasty low rise jeans just above your thong... I'm gonna laugh at you. Then I'm gonna make you blow me in the bathroom. Cause I'm pretty sure you would have anyway. And to you fuckers that have tattoos of your kids faces... Why? You have to look at the little prick everyday for 18 years. Why would you want his ugly mug on you for the rest of your life?

I get a little pissed about this shit... sorry...

Toaster126 02-25-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by analog
Tattoos on a woman are great- as long as they're not stupid. The problem is, lots of people get really stupid stuff tattooed on them all the time.

Yeah. Much like men's tattoos, it really depends on the person and what they got inked. If they go well together and had a good idea or are somehow right for that person, then more power to them.

What I don't like is people judging anything about a person with tattoos. The only thing you can say about a person who decides to get a tattoo that isn't an assumtion without talking to them is that they got a friggin' tattoo.

paulskinback 02-25-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Toaster126
What I don't like is people judging anything about a person with tattoos. The only thing you can say about a person who decides to get a tattoo that isn't an assumtion without talking to them is that they got a friggin' tattoo.

You obviously have a few??

spectre 02-25-2007 04:03 PM

The only issue I have with anyone having a tattoo is if they don't think about it first. With something that major, it should have some meaning or some importance, not just an impulse thing. That's more of an annoyance than anything though. In general, I don't judge people over things like that. And I certainly wouldn't think someone was unattractive because they had a few tattoos.

Lady Sage 02-25-2007 04:47 PM

I have two tattoos, I designed the one on my arm which can be seen in my profile picture and a friend designed the one on my leg. Both are one of a kind tattoos and both have a lot of deep personal meaning to me. In face, I am planning a third.

If this makes me trashy to some people? Dont look at them.

Thats all I have to say about that.

analog 02-25-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Toaster126
What I don't like is people judging anything about a person with tattoos. The only thing you can say about a person who decides to get a tattoo that isn't an assumtion without talking to them is that they got a friggin' tattoo.


Originally Posted by paulskinback
You obviously have a few??

Does that mean you judge people and assume things about them if they have tattoos?

Bill O'Rights 02-26-2007 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by World's King
And to you fuckers that have tattoos of your kids faces... Why? You have to look at the little prick everyday for 18 years. Why would you want his ugly mug on you for the rest of your life?

For real? People do that? You travel in different circles than I do, so I'm sure that you'd know. I find it...strange.

I get the mental image of "Grandma" lifting her shirt up, and saying; "Wanna see my grandkids?".
Brrrr...cold chill.

Glory's Sun 02-26-2007 05:38 AM

I love tats on girls, with the exception of tramp stamps. I hate those for some reason. The design can be perfect and look great but I just hate tramp stamps.

For me, it doesn't really matter what a person has tatted as long as it's not done on a whim and actually holds some meaning. Seriously, what the fuck could kermit the frog really symbolize??

Sultana 02-26-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Supple Cow
What's the big deal about "girls" having them anyway? I'm sure somewhere out there, there is a "girl" who has one for the same reasons you people seem to think that boys have them. You know, because it's a tattoo of something meaningful to her. Just a thought.

Hello, exactly!

I certainly hope a female's decision whether or not to get a tattoo is not influenced by whether or not she'll be perceived as more or less attractive to the opposite sex.

Gees, if a man said, "I'm thinking of getting a tat, but I don't know if girls will like it" would be laughed out of town! Ugg.

I object to the common tats on either sex, because they don't indicate meaning, thought, planning, or originality. I object to the same defects in conversation as well.

Toaster126 02-26-2007 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by paulskinback
You obviously have a few??

No, actually I don't have any. Do I have to have tattoos to be offended at people being judgemental?

Master_Shake 02-28-2007 08:34 AM

Tat's on young hot chicks can be really hot.

Not all the time, but as part of a whole condition of being the "bad-girl who wants to do bad things for alcohol and to get back at her parents because Daddy never hugged her" it can work.

little_tippler 02-28-2007 08:47 AM

I prefer bare skin...on both men and women. A small and tasteful tattoo in a discrete or sexy place I don't mind. About 90% of tattoos look crap to me - they may be good art, but they don't look good on the person, permanently.

pig 02-28-2007 10:24 AM

I dig 'em, as long as they're well done.

Lady Sage 02-28-2007 10:45 AM

Kinda makes me wonder if some of the people in the world would rather have a ditz without tattoos or an intelligent person they enjoy spending time with.

pig 02-28-2007 10:48 AM

well, in a slightly more verbose response - as someone who is covered from head to toe with freckles, i was born a million tattoos that i didn't get to choose. i've got scars in a bunch of places, and i didn't choose those either. therefore, i rather like the idea that someone can exercise their own creativity to modify their appearance, either temporarily or permanently. your body is one of the few things that is absolutely yours (or should be); and if you want to personalize it, i say kudos. if someone doesn't, that's fine with me too. there is also the question of personality types, although that of course isn't a direct 1:1 correlation.

Lady Sage 02-28-2007 11:07 AM

Valid point Mr. Pigglet.

I also wonder what the difference is between a tramp stamp and a tattoo?

SecretMethod70 02-28-2007 11:10 AM

a tramp stamp is just a term for a tattoo on the small of one's back.


Bill O'Rights 02-28-2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Kinda makes me wonder if some of the people in the world would rather have a ditz without tattoos or an intelligent person they enjoy spending time with.

Do I have to choose?

Why can't I have an "intelligent" person, that is ink free?

Given your limited parameters though...I'd have to go intelligent art exhibition.

Look...it's not that I have anything against tattoos. It's just that I prefer there to be none. If they're there...oh well. On my overall lists of potential deal busters...tattoos are waaaay down on the list. ;)

Sweetpea 02-28-2007 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by paulskinback
Personally, I don't like tats on girls, unless they are hot and look like sluts. Even then I only want to see one across the bottom of their back when i'm bangin them

this isn't meant as a personal attack, because obviously you view women a certain way and I can't change that ... but dude, I just have to say, your language towards women is offensive and disrespectful.

as to the question,
I'm in the frame of mind, tats can be hot or not. It totally depends on the girl.(or guy)
no, I don't have any, but I know several women that do and it was well thought out and looks kick ass.

It's someone else's choice for their body, not mine. *shrug* and even if I didn't like her choice of tat, It wouldn't be a basis for turning a girl down that I liked.


Prince 02-28-2007 01:27 PM

My wife has a small one on her lower back that she designed herself. It's cute, but beyond that, I've never seen a tattoo that didn't just look trashy on a girl. I don't care for it, and whether I like it or not it changes my perception of them, but to each their own.

*Nikki* 02-28-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by World's King
..... And if you're a girl and think you're being original by getting a little butterfly or flower or whatever the fuck you think is cute that week on your lower back. It makes you look cheap. Trust me. ...

Um I have five tattoos and one is indeed on my lower back. Actually its resting just above my ass crack. I got it long before it was popular to get the tramp stamp done. So I don't really think this applies to everyone.

However, I might still consider blowing you in the bathroom.

Lady Sage 02-28-2007 06:35 PM

My next one is going to be on my lower back. My alpha female cats face inside a blue crescent moon with angel wings on the side.


antdood 03-01-2007 12:56 AM

I'm not one for tats, I mean, a small thing on the lower back is fine. Someone I was with had a tat about 4cm from her pussy, a real turn-off. As long as it doesn't interfere with the natural beauty of a woman, it's fine, so something small is good. No skulls or flames though, they're just freaky.

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