View Poll Results: Who are you going to vote for?
This poll will close on 11-01-2004 at 08:06 PM |
ARTelevision, Bodyhammer86, Boo, cj22009, daswig, Deadite101, FailedEagle, FoolThemAll, frogza, fuzyfuzer, inharmony, irateplatypus, Kalibah, kiwiman, KMA-628, mirevolver, Mojo_PeiPei, Redtop, scout, SirSeymour, tspikes51, Ustwo, wnker85, ^Ice_Bat^
24 |
30.00% |
89transam, alkaloid, alto92, billege, biznatch, Bobaphat, CinnamonGirl, Dane Bramage, Debil, DelayedReaction, DJ Happy, docbungle, d_p_w_k, Evil Milkman, FishKing, Flyguy, host, iceburn, Jazzbone, Jeff, Journeyman, Kadath, kurty[B], Locobot, matteo101, NeoRete, nikey852, OpieCunningham, pan6467, Paq, Rdr4evr, Rekna, roachboy, Rodney, rukkyg, Scipio, shortynickel, splck, Tralls, weaselboy, Y2KDREAD, zipper
42 |
52.50% |
Someone else
hammer4all, Irishsean, Jervis, madsenj37, mo42, MSD, SecretMethod70, Sun Tzu, thefictionweliv, TheKak, Unright, Willravel
12 |
15.00% |
Not sure yet
2 |
2.50% |
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