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Old 04-02-2005, 11:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky called "fiction-writers" by By James DeMeo, Ph.D.

I am interested in comments in defense of Chomsky or of points made by James Demeo. Demeo apparently threw Moore's name into the article simply
to whip up sentiment. Do you think that this is an effort to deflect and distract criticism of U.S. administration policies and military and diplomatic activities?
<a href="http://globalpolitician.com/articles.asp?ID=515">http://globalpolitician.com/articles.asp?ID=515</a>
Noam Chomsky: Propanganda and Lies

By James DeMeo, Ph.D.

For awhile, it seemed the European intellectual scene would be completely flooded by the conspiracy materials, without any counter-critique whatsoever, when Der Spiegel waded in 2003 into the quagmire with the article "Panoply of the Absurd" (1) revealing the most obvious distortions and fabrications, and in so doing, considerably drained the swamp. However, Der Spiegel (a liberal-left publication with anti-American sentiments) avoided discussion of two of the larger and probably more radically "serious" but willfully deceptive critics of the USA, Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky, whose influence and book sales have soared in inverse proportion to their factual content. Fans of these two fiction-writers certainly will protest to hear them described as having abandoned factual emphasis, so I shall give a few of the essentials, with web links for access to the full load of devastating, though "struggling to catch-up" truth. Like the 9-11 conspiracy-theory books, these two authors appear to have a much larger audience in Europe than in America.

Noam Chomsky is best known for his missives against the USA and Israel, who are misportrayed as the cause of all the world's problems.(2) In this, he echoes the Islamo-fascists who rail against the "Great Satan" and "Little Satan", an idee fixe so intellectually nailed to the floor that he successfully avoids any mention of the genocidal butchery and crimes committed by the "Saharasian" Soviet Union, Red China and the multiple branches of the COMINTERN (100 million dead from that nasty bunch)(3) -- except perhaps to either blame their crimes on the USA and Israel, or deny that they occurred at all. But most people reading Chomsky won't know about his friendly relations with the Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis, except perhaps in France where those relationships have been more widely exposed. Chomsky wrote a glowing endorsement-foreword to a 1980 French-language autobiography by Robert Faurisson, who is best known for his many writings which claim the Holocaust never happened and the Nazi gas chambers did not exist.(4) In 1984 Chomsky gave the publishing rights to one of his books to a French neo-Nazi publisher, rescuing it from bankruptcy,(5) and he co-authored another book with a radical terrorist apologist, Edward Said, published in 1983 by a notorious neo-Nazi publishing house in the USA.(6) His books and audiotapes are openly sold and/or indexed on neo-Nazi websites, along with the writings of Adolf Hitler and nearly every historical revisionist and Holocaust denier imaginable, with no apparent embarrasment or objections by Chomsky.(7) And as late as 1986 he allowed one of his articles to appear in the Journal of Historical Review, mouthpiece for the anti-Semitic neo-Nazi Institute for Historical Review, which gives favorable attention to most all his other writings.(8) There is more.

Until most recently I had no idea about the extent of Chomsky's anti-Semitic activities, as in the USA and probably in most of Europe as well, he successfully passes himself as a "radical anti-capitalist" and "rational social critic" from the political Left. Full documentation on this matter is presented in the well-researched book by Werner Cohn, "Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers."(9) The book also is posted on-line by the author, who is a Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of British Columbia. Deborah Lipstadt, a powerful anti-fascist scholar who had done battle with the neo-Nazis on many occasions, also addressed the sordid Chomsky-Faurisson matter,(10) and most books factually discussing modern anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial will include a discussion on Chomsky. His die-hard supporters, however, either claim Chomsky's actions are a "defense of free-speech rights for Holocaust-deniers" (certainly it is much more than that), or they don't want to know about it at all. His distortions both in supporting the Holocaust deniers, and then trying to misrepresent his support as merely "defending free speech" is part of a larger pattern of misrepresentations which permeate his entire body of writings.

Many legitimate and respectable internet sites and books provide a veritable index-list of specific rebuttals to Chomsky's claims and writings, correcting his multiple distortions of historical and recent events.(11) A particularly good book is "The Anti-Chomsky Reader" Edited by Peter Collier and David Horowitz, published in late 2004. (12)

Among the revelations are his flirtations and embrace of Stalinism and Holocaust-denial, as well as justification of Islamist terrorism. The above revelations, and a good examination of the specific critical materials cited, should discredit Chomsky for anyone with genuinely liberal sentiments, a.k.a. someone concerned about genocide, justice, human rights, freedom, honesty, genuine scholarship, totalitarianism, etc.

But people who drink from the revisionist's poisoned well spew hate at Americans, "The Jews" (or euphemisms for Jews, such as Zionists, international bankers, gold traders, money lenders, etc.) and Western democracy in general. In fact, Western democracy has become the new scapegoat among those who enjoy all the benefits the West can offer, while simultaneously openly supporting the most blood-soaked dictators and totalitarian fanatics one could imagine. The strange phenomenon of Western intellectuals, movie-stars and the so-called anti-war activists, throwing hate at Bush only to give big friendly hugs to mass-murderers like Saddam Hussein or Kim Jung Il.

They would have us believe, the world would be a better place if only the West, in general, and the US and Israel, in particular, would cease to exist. Chomsky's widespread network of imitators and supporters, who uncritically parrot his distortions (13) don't seem bothered by his helpful support for the crass Jew-hatred and historical revisionism of the Holocaust deniers, nor about the falsehoods discovered in his citations. (11, 12)
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Old 04-02-2005, 01:26 PM   #2 (permalink)
Born Against
raveneye's Avatar
Shorter DeMeo: Chomsky flirts with Jew haters, therefore Comsky is anti-American.

Some info on DeMeo: he's a science crackpot who has convinced himself that he has built a contraption to harvest the energy of the human orgasm to eliminate drought. Seriously:


And he's been obsessed with the effects of drought on human culture for a long time. Here's the abstract of his U Kansas dissertation (1987):

World-wide spatial and temporal patterns of various painful, traumatic, and repressive practices aimed at infants, children, adolescents, and women were developed by systematic analysis of anthropological data on subsistence-level cultures. A 'patrist' culture form was identified which possessed the most extreme antichild, antifemale, antisexual, and violent characteristics, with attitudes, behaviors, and social institutions designed to interfere with the bonding functions between mothers and infants, and young males and females, and for the organized expression of violent, destructive aggression. A 'matrist' culture form which supported and protected maternal-infant and male-female bonds, and which also possessed very low levels of destructive aggression, was also identified. A cross-cultural test confirmed the global validity of the patrist-matrist schema. When the cross-cultural data were mapped, the great desert belt stretching across North Africa, Arabia, the Near East, and into Central Asia, called 'Saharasia', was found to possess the greatest areal extent of most extreme patrist behaviors and social institutions on Earth. Contrarily, those regions most distant from Saharasia, in Oceania and North and South America, were found to possess the most extreme forms of matrist culture. A review of archaeological and historical materials indicated that patrism first developed in Saharasia after 4000-3500 BC, the time of a major ecological transition from relatively wet grassland/forest conditions to arid desert conditions. Settlement and migration patterns of the earliest patrist peoples out of homelands in Arabia (Semites) and Central Asia (Indoaryans) were traced and found to explain the later appearance of patrism in regions outside of Saharasia. Prior to 4000-3500 BC, when Saharasia dried up, archaeological evidence for patrism is generally nonexistent; after this date, patrism is increasingly evident. It is argued that matrism constitutes the innate, inheritable portion of behavior, while patrism is a more recent development related to trauma-inducing social institutions which originally developed under the pressures of desertification. The impact of severe, prolonged desertification stimulated the genesis of patrism, largely through starvation and famine-related traumas (marasmus, kwashiorkor, & c.) which severely disturbed the maternal-infant bond, hurt the child, and thwarted family ties.
I wouldn't waste my time trying to evaluate any of his political writings.
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Old 04-02-2005, 08:46 PM   #3 (permalink)
lindseylatch's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
So, I guess the moral is, nobody's a saint...we all have skeletons in our closets. Crazy shit...
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."
"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
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called, chomsky, demeo, fictionwriters, james, michael, moore, noam, phd

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