04-02-2005, 01:26 PM
#2 (permalink)
Born Against
Shorter DeMeo: Chomsky flirts with Jew haters, therefore Comsky is anti-American.
Some info on DeMeo: he's a science crackpot who has convinced himself that he has built a contraption to harvest the energy of the human orgasm to eliminate drought. Seriously:
And he's been obsessed with the effects of drought on human culture for a long time. Here's the abstract of his U Kansas dissertation (1987):
World-wide spatial and temporal patterns of various painful, traumatic, and repressive practices aimed at infants, children, adolescents, and women were developed by systematic analysis of anthropological data on subsistence-level cultures. A 'patrist' culture form was identified which possessed the most extreme antichild, antifemale, antisexual, and violent characteristics, with attitudes, behaviors, and social institutions designed to interfere with the bonding functions between mothers and infants, and young males and females, and for the organized expression of violent, destructive aggression. A 'matrist' culture form which supported and protected maternal-infant and male-female bonds, and which also possessed very low levels of destructive aggression, was also identified. A cross-cultural test confirmed the global validity of the patrist-matrist schema. When the cross-cultural data were mapped, the great desert belt stretching across North Africa, Arabia, the Near East, and into Central Asia, called 'Saharasia', was found to possess the greatest areal extent of most extreme patrist behaviors and social institutions on Earth. Contrarily, those regions most distant from Saharasia, in Oceania and North and South America, were found to possess the most extreme forms of matrist culture. A review of archaeological and historical materials indicated that patrism first developed in Saharasia after 4000-3500 BC, the time of a major ecological transition from relatively wet grassland/forest conditions to arid desert conditions. Settlement and migration patterns of the earliest patrist peoples out of homelands in Arabia (Semites) and Central Asia (Indoaryans) were traced and found to explain the later appearance of patrism in regions outside of Saharasia. Prior to 4000-3500 BC, when Saharasia dried up, archaeological evidence for patrism is generally nonexistent; after this date, patrism is increasingly evident. It is argued that matrism constitutes the innate, inheritable portion of behavior, while patrism is a more recent development related to trauma-inducing social institutions which originally developed under the pressures of desertification. The impact of severe, prolonged desertification stimulated the genesis of patrism, largely through starvation and famine-related traumas (marasmus, kwashiorkor, & c.) which severely disturbed the maternal-infant bond, hurt the child, and thwarted family ties.
I wouldn't waste my time trying to evaluate any of his political writings.