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Old 12-17-2004, 06:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fourtyrulz's Avatar
Location: io-where?
Is anyone else watching "Taking Back America" w/ Hannity and Colmes?

I've never been so angry in my entire life. I literally feel sick to my stomach watching this auditorium jam packed with obviously conservative christians and one intelligent athiest. They won't even let the guy finish a fucking sentence without interrupting. It's bad enough he's probably 3,000 to 1, and they won't let him make a point at all. The christian fellow doing the most of the arguing is bringing up bogus points (Why does it say IN GOD WE TRUST on our money? Why do you use money if your an athiest then?) It seems as though most christians forget we are a nation founded on RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE, as the lone athiest is trying to point out. Not to mention the name of the show is Taking Back America, implying that atheism and other religions are ruining our country. Leave it to Fox News and Hannity-n-Colmes to once again pound the wedge that's already splitting America.

Edit: Did anyone else notice the lack of...you know...ethnic people. All I saw were middle aged white dudes, and the only people asking asking questions were folks representing the religious right.

Last edited by Fourtyrulz; 12-17-2004 at 07:02 PM..
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Old 12-17-2004, 07:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
Anyone have a link to the video? I don't get much for cable
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Old 12-17-2004, 07:47 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
If this is truly what Faux News wants to air let them. Their bias will eventually become so apparent they will lose any credibility they think they have now.

The pendulum is currently swinging right but it will swing back. Just as when the pendulum swung left in this country and things became too extreme there was the shift, same will happen now. Unless, forces prevent it, but before I start that rant, I'll go to the paranoia thread.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 12-17-2004, 08:47 PM   #4 (permalink)
Fourtyrulz's Avatar
Location: io-where?
Heres some of the transcript from the show, although during the actual broadcast it was almost impossible to make sense of anything since everyone was arguing at once. The transcript is no doubt edited, if not only for that reason.


Another edit: Theres some video on there as well.

Last edited by Fourtyrulz; 12-17-2004 at 08:49 PM..
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Old 12-17-2004, 09:28 PM   #5 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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That's one of the reasons why I don't like Fox: How can anyone actually hear what anyone has to say? It doesn't make sense to me...
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Old 12-17-2004, 10:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: In my angry-dome.
Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Heres some of the transcript from the show, although during the actual broadcast it was almost impossible to make sense of anything since everyone was arguing at once. ...
I frigging HATE that. My side of the argument or not, STFU and get to points.

Media these days on either side serves markets instead of helping people understand. It's very difficult to extract anything useful from among all the propaganda.
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Old 12-17-2004, 10:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
Shouldn't get mad at just Fox, all the media is biased in one way or another.
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Old 12-17-2004, 11:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I saw the religious nuts and Pat Buchanan (who sided with them even though he was hosting) against one rational person on Scarborough Country a few days ago. I always joke about the news making me lose faith in humanity, but that segment really did. I was talking about it with a friend, and we both felt like we were trapped in a bad movie.
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Old 12-17-2004, 11:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
....is off his meds...you were warned.
KMA-628's Avatar
Location: The Wild Wild West
Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
I've never been so angry in my entire life. I literally feel sick to my stomach watching this auditorium jam packed with obviously conservative christians and one intelligent athiest. They won't even let the guy finish a fucking sentence without interrupting. It's bad enough he's probably 3,000 to 1, and they won't let him make a point at all.
And.....he wouldn't let them finish a sentence either. Everybody was talking over each other.

Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
The christian fellow doing the most of the arguing is bringing up bogus points (Why does it say IN GOD WE TRUST on our money? Why do you use money if your an athiest then?) It seems as though most christians forget we are a nation founded on RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE, as the lone athiest is trying to point out.
Actually there was a good point made here, but you would've had to put your anger aside to catch it. I can't tell you how "tolerant" you are coming across in this post.

Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Leave it to Fox News and Hannity-n-Colmes to once again pound the wedge that's already splitting America.
Yeah, you're right......we shouldn't discuss it or anything....or....heaven forbid.....get the opinion of....a....*gasp*.....Christian.

Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Edit: Did anyone else notice the lack of...you know...ethnic people. All I saw were middle aged white dudes, and the only people asking asking questions were folks representing the religious right.
First: if you are "white" you aren't ethnic? What about Spaniards? Italians? Hell, ethnicity covers many different cultures that have white skin.

Oh, I get it....you mean they weren't black, right? Because they are the only ones that are truly "ethnic" right? Ugh, there's that tricky tolerance again.

And, if you hadn't noticed, of the two hosts, both could be considered "ethnic". Alan more than anything since he is Jewish and that falls under most people's definitions of "ethnic".

BTW - It was a repeat from last week. And, oddly enough, it is playing right now for me.....


anyway, I am seeing a mix. Men, women, big small, "white", "olive", black, hispanic, etc.

And yes, there is a black woman sitting right behind the stage and she has the camera on her quite often....


Do you get my point?

You see what you want to see.
You hear what you want to hear.
You believe what you want to believe.

Why get your blood pressure up? It is not like there aren't other cable news channels, and God knows (oh no, he said God) they could use the viewership more than Fox.

/and yeah, Sean spent the whole hour pandering, but then again, most political pundents do, regardless of the little letter following the name.

//glad to see the right Pan....don't do that do me again....it gets me all confused
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Old 12-18-2004, 06:14 AM   #10 (permalink)
Fourtyrulz's Avatar
Location: io-where?
First: if you are "white" you aren't ethnic? What about Spaniards? Italians? Hell, ethnicity covers many different cultures that have white skin.
No need to nitpick...

Oh, I get it....you mean they weren't black, right? Because they are the only ones that are truly "ethnic" right? Ugh, there's that tricky tolerance again.
I just thought it was a completely accurate representation of the people running this country...middle aged white dudes. You really are placing context where there isn't any, you know that don't you?

Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a heated personal argument. I think this thread topic is too important to get closed. How 'bout next time just posting and not point your sarcastic, unfounded attacks at me?

The only reason I posted this was so people could read the transcript and watch the video and think things out for themselves. Yes, I added my own opinion BUT given Fox News current religious/conservative track record I only thought it fitting.

I saw the religious nuts and Pat Buchanan (who sided with them even though he was hosting) against one rational person on Scarborough Country a few days ago. I always joke about the news making me lose faith in humanity, but that segment really did. I was talking about it with a friend, and we both felt like we were trapped in a bad movie.
This isn't the Scarborough Country one, but another Hannity and Colmes bit: Are the Attacks on Christmas Getting Worse This Year?
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Old 12-18-2004, 09:35 AM   #11 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
I think it is a problem with accuracy and represntation. I don't begrudge FOX for their views per se (although I don't always agree) I think it is a rather poor news source.

To a degree allmedia IS biased, yes but tha's a problem. I prefer NPR where at least I can hear what people are saying (not shouting) and letting each otrher speak.

Just re-label FOX as a "talk show" channel. Then everyone can relax and enjoy the show and not worry about its credibility as a news source or bias whatever. OR better, don't watch or counter thier arguments.

I don't Fourtyrulz was coming down on Christians or Christianity per se, rather, just upset with the way in which the show was structured and conducted.
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Old 12-18-2004, 10:45 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
This may be somewhat off-topic but I think it relates to the way our current punditry operates - you know, the shout-over-each-other-until-nothing-intelligible-is-heard-from-anyone routine that has become the norm in newstalk these days.

Jon Stewart's Daily Show now has a news segment called "Great Moments in Punditry: As Read by Children. It's hilarious to watch 10 year olds read the ranting, crazed transcripts from shows such as Hannity and Colmes, Scarborough Country, Crossfire, et al.

The sad thing is that none of the current crop of talking head shows have any interest in actually discussing an issue. The current mindset, it seems, is to shout down your opponent and make them look as wounded as possible. Anyone who discusses an issue with intelligence and patience is not welcomed back. Anyone who shouts, froths, and insults is an instant hit and is guaranteed a recurring appearance. It's all about confrontation and it's a huge hit because we are glued to our screens, even as we are disgusted by it. Interestingly enough, we're only disgusted by it when we disagree with the prevailing point of view.

I remember when pro wrestlers were caricatures of themselves when they spoke. Now, they are the model of how pundits debate their points.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses
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Old 12-19-2004, 08:38 AM   #13 (permalink)
Originally Posted by KMA-628
Actually there was a good point made here, but you would've had to put your anger aside to catch it. I can't tell you how "tolerant" you are coming across in this post.

Yes, it was very inconvenient that you happened to be watching the same show and seeing all the "ethnics" that weren't there.

Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
No need to nitpick...
Yes, heaven (oops) forbid that everyone should not fit into the neat little categories that Fourtyrulz has assigned to them.

I hear echos of Big Gay Al on Southpark yelling "Oh no! Oppressors! "Republicans!"
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Old 12-21-2004, 03:57 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Pensacola, Florida
It seems to me that religious tolerance is an oxymoron. There seems to be little tolerance in our society whatsoever.
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Old 12-21-2004, 04:08 PM   #15 (permalink)
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A little tip for you. Don't watch or listen to anything involving Sean Hannity unless you wish to become " Hannitized". In other words, a brainless zombie who recites everything Hannity says. Otherwise you will just become angry, frustrated, and depressed.
We all have wings, some of us just don't know why.
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Old 12-21-2004, 04:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
Originally Posted by KMA-628
You see what you want to see.
You hear what you want to hear.
You believe what you want to believe.

It's not like you to be so tetchy and sarcastic KMA.

The original post had some good points. If you want to refute them, you could always use the logical methodical manner you always seem to use on me (much to my discomfort sometimes!).

Mr Mephisto
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Old 12-22-2004, 08:37 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: wisCONsin
Its pretty easy...avoid hannity and colms and fox news for that matter. in terms of ethnicity, there is another race of people that we tend to forget and we overlook but they are there and that would be 'the fuckers'. that would be that group you propably saw in that audience. they seem to migrate to these types of shows and you may notice that they are the same 'dudes' that are running our country. if you start looking you will notice them all over the place.

just my 2 cents
"There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, it's probably in Tennessee --that says, fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me ... You can't get fooled again." - G.W. Bush quoted by the Baltimore Sun - Oct 6, 2002
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Old 12-22-2004, 09:07 AM   #18 (permalink)
ObieX's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mrbuck12000
Its pretty easy...avoid hannity and colms and fox news for that matter. in terms of ethnicity, there is another race of people that we tend to forget and we overlook but they are there and that would be 'the fuckers'. that would be that group you propably saw in that audience. they seem to migrate to these types of shows and you may notice that they are the same 'dudes' that are running our country. if you start looking you will notice them all over the place.

just my 2 cents
^-- well put. It's usually the loud-mouthed bossy know-it-alls that love to push everyone around and control everything that end up in power. Be it government or the workplace. Usually no one steps up to punch these people in the face a few times as they are growing up to help them learn. Their previous job experience usually includes being that asshole bully that picked on everyone in school because he had a few pounds on people and no one could take him alone.
We Must Dissent.
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america, back, colmes, hannity, taking, w or, watching

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