First: if you are "white" you aren't ethnic? What about Spaniards? Italians? Hell, ethnicity covers many different cultures that have white skin.
No need to nitpick...
Oh, I get it....you mean they weren't black, right? Because they are the only ones that are truly "ethnic" right? Ugh, there's that tricky tolerance again.
I just thought it was a completely accurate representation of the people running this country...middle aged white dudes. You really are placing context where there isn't any, you know that don't you?
Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a heated personal argument. I think this thread topic is too important to get closed. How 'bout next time just posting and not point your sarcastic, unfounded attacks at me?
The only reason I posted this was so people could read the transcript and watch the video and think things out for themselves. Yes, I added my own opinion BUT given Fox News current religious/conservative track record I only thought it fitting.
I saw the religious nuts and Pat Buchanan (who sided with them even though he was hosting) against one rational person on Scarborough Country a few days ago. I always joke about the news making me lose faith in humanity, but that segment really did. I was talking about it with a friend, and we both felt like we were trapped in a bad movie.
This isn't the Scarborough Country one, but another Hannity and Colmes bit:
Are the Attacks on Christmas Getting Worse This Year?