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Old 09-26-2004, 06:25 PM   #41 (permalink)
what qualifies as a terrorist organization?
Rekna is offline  
Old 09-26-2004, 07:11 PM   #42 (permalink)
delusion seems to be the current state of mind. Aid to a terrorist organization? Your income tax. Every dollar that goes to supporting Israel, (17 million every day) comes from your pocket. 48 homes demolished in the last 36 hours, more than 150 families, kids, mamas, grammas, now live in the dirt. Terrorists? No, just guilty of being palestinean. Smells a lot like genocide to me.
but oh yes, forgive me. Back to the muslim ex pop singer. Knowing aid to terrorists ? Somebodys been watchin too much Fox news.


As my grampa used to say..." whatta maroon!" And gee, look what happens when he sues.....http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmp...n_040925223243
spelling error. Didnīt Ted Kennedy, (that terrorist scum) just get bumped from his 4 times weekly (25 years) boston - D.C flight in the name of national security?
knowing aid? Show me.
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Old 09-26-2004, 07:16 PM   #43 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
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Location: Alaska, USA
If the US has information even suggesting that he is in any way linked to any terrorist group, then let him stay out. We need to actively pursue and eliminate terrorists and their supporters. If we are in error and do not have evidence, we need to apoligise and open our border to him.

After 21 years in the military, let me assure you that there are things you don't know. Things that are known only in small rooms with no windows. Things that make me sleep better at night. No, you are not privileged to this information and yes there are people much smarter than you are. Blind faith in your government is not required, but you need to give a little credit to the people doing a tough job in a tough world.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
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Old 09-26-2004, 08:00 PM   #44 (permalink)
again I state if the government had credible evidence that he was aiding terroists then they should have held him and charged him. They don't have any evidence other than that he is an Islamic activist. While the government making blanket descisions about people based on their religious or political beliefs may make you sleep well at night, it makes my stomach turn.

Maybe we should just throw all people we think may have somehow supported "terrorism" (used lightly) into jails without trials. Wait we already do that it is called Guantonamo. So lets go a step further let's throw all brown skinned people into interrment camps. But why stop there let's throw all Muslims into prison camps. And while were at it to many black people commit violent crimes let's throw them into camps too. Why don't we just become a Nazi regiem and take away all that the people before us fought for. This is where we are heading when we start making blanket decisions.
Rekna is offline  
Old 09-26-2004, 08:22 PM   #45 (permalink)
Originally Posted by james t kirk

No, not all muslims are terrorists,


Most terrorists are muslims.
I'm Christian and this statement insults me. I don't think the problem is mosts terrorists are muslims. I think the problem is we are just quick to label a muslim that does evil a terrorist and don't like to use the term for anyone that isn't muslim.
Rekna is offline  
Old 09-26-2004, 09:17 PM   #46 (permalink)
where the hell is all this evidence of aid and support for the terrorists? If you got a full house you lay it on the table. You will not take the pot unless I see your hand. You got the cards and there is no argument but I will never trust a proven bullshitter until I see em face up. National security concerns will never convince me. If you wonīt show me, I know my pair of twos has you out of the game.
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Old 09-26-2004, 09:54 PM   #47 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
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Location: Alaska, USA
Originally Posted by Rekna
again I state if the government had credible evidence that he was aiding terroists then they should have held him and charged him. They don't have any evidence other than that he is an Islamic activist. While the government making blanket descisions about people based on their religious or political beliefs may make you sleep well at night, it makes my stomach turn.

Maybe we should just throw all people we think may have somehow supported "terrorism" (used lightly) into jails without trials. Wait we already do that it is called Guantonamo. So lets go a step further let's throw all brown skinned people into interrment camps. But why stop there let's throw all Muslims into prison camps. And while were at it to many black people commit violent crimes let's throw them into camps too. Why don't we just become a Nazi regiem and take away all that the people before us fought for. This is where we are heading when we start making blanket decisions.
What if the "credible evidence" is also critical in stopping the 27 member team that he is supporting? What if stating it at this time would jeopardize 2 US operatives that have spent 3 years getting into position? Again I say, there are things happening that you nor I will be privy to. If Cat Stevens has become unwelcome in the US because of his statements or actions, that is his personal problem.

I do like how the US rejecting one person (we let his daughter in) is now a blanket statement. I suppose that no people of the muslim faith were let into the US since 911. There is no blanket policy regarding muslims, therefore, your second paragraph belongs in Tilted Paranoia.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
Boo is offline  
Old 09-26-2004, 10:10 PM   #48 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Boo
What if the "credible evidence" is also critical in stopping the 27 member team that he is supporting? What if stating it at this time would jeopardize 2 US operatives that have spent 3 years getting into position? Again I say, there are things happening that you nor I will be privy to. If Cat Stevens has become unwelcome in the US because of his statements or actions, that is his personal problem.

I do like how the US rejecting one person (we let his daughter in) is now a blanket statement. I suppose that no people of the muslim faith were let into the US since 911. There is no blanket policy regarding muslims, therefore, your second paragraph belongs in Tilted Paranoia.
27 member team? 2 U.S. ops spending 3 years getting in position? Mister secret service army guy, one question. Are you exceeding the state laws of Alaska regarding personal cultivation and consumption of marijuana? cause doood, you are way high.

you know Iīve seen alot of what the world can do
and itīs breakin my heart in two
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Old 09-26-2004, 10:33 PM   #49 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
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Location: Alaska, USA
Those were possible samples of why the US did not tip our hand. If you assume that fighting terrorism is a simple matter with black and white solutions, Mister pair of twos will be even more disappointed than you seem.

No I did not smoke dinner. While Alaska has awesome weed, I do not partake at this time.

you know I've seen alot of what the world can do
and I expect the US government to spend wakeless nights
keeping them away from me and mine.
It won't break my heart
Keep the fuckers out or put them in jail.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
Boo is offline  
Old 09-26-2004, 10:51 PM   #50 (permalink)
people like you worry me much much more than cat stevens. blind faith is one thing, wide eyed justification of the current fascistic politics of fear is another thing entirely. Iīm glad you believe there are serious manipulations taking place behind our backs. Personally, I doubt the scheming bastards have our best interests at heart. Shouldnīt you be out shooting animals or something
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Old 09-27-2004, 10:13 PM   #51 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
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Location: Alaska, USA
Originally Posted by pedro padilla
people like you worry me much much more than cat stevens.
Does holding people responsible for their actions and utilizing a "tool" such as limiting their freedom to enter the United States worry you? We are not arbitrarily denying people entry into the US. I limit entry into my house. I would not let a person that advocates killing a person for their writings into my home. Why would I not expect it from my country? Obviousy, there was a reason to deny that single person entry.

Originally Posted by pedro padilla
blind faith is one thing, wide eyed justification of the current fascistic politics of fear is another thing entirely.
How did we get here from Cats in the Cradle? Are we making more of this than there is?

Originally Posted by pedro padilla
Iīm glad you believe there are serious manipulations taking place behind our backs.
I believe that there are people doing the difficult and very non-popular job of protecting our nation. I believe that they will make mistakes, go overboard, miss things and hopefully learn from their mistakes.

Originally Posted by pedro padilla
Personally, I doubt the scheming bastards have our best interests at heart.
Opinions vary.

Originally Posted by pedro padilla
Shouldnīt you be out shooting animals or something
Does this mean that you no longer wish to hear my opinion concerning this thread? Good day and don't forget to read the rules of Tilted Politics.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
Boo is offline  
Old 09-27-2004, 10:57 PM   #52 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally Posted by Boo
What if the "credible evidence" is also critical in stopping the 27 member team that he is supporting? What if stating it at this time would jeopardize 2 US operatives that have spent 3 years getting into position?
Your premise seems to be that arresting and charging someone (in this particular case, Cat Stevens) will alert the more distant network he is supporting.

If true, wouldn't the action of questioning and denying someone entry into the States have the same effect?

I mean, the terrorist network that he may be supporting now knows the intelligence community is on to them. Do I read you correctly that accosting Stevens would have alerted them of the government's knowledge that they exist?

Also, how does sending Stevens back to the UK do anything at all? Is he being denied entry for his ties to terrorists abroad? And if so, what would letting him visit the States with his daughter do to our collective safety? How exactly would our safety be undermined by him being here, yet bolstered by him being sent back to the UK?

Why hasn't he been more closely scrutinized on the other side of the pond? It would seem that while we aren't privy to certain info, the British Military Intelligence would be--especially, since Britian is our most vocal and tangible ally in our current endeavors?
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann

"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman
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Old 09-28-2004, 03:03 AM   #53 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Something Bad Has Begun
* The former Cat Stevens says he hasn't changed but the U.S. has.

By Yusuf Islam, Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, was deported to Britain last week after being refused entry into the United States.

I was flying to Nashville last week with my 21-year-old daughter to explore some new musical ideas with a record label there. Ironically, I was trying to remain low-profile because of the speculation that it might have raised in the music world about a return of "the Cat." Media attention was the last thing I wanted. But it seems God wanted otherwise.

Toward the end of our journey from London to Washington, the plane was diverted. The captain announced something about "heavy traffic." After landing in Bangor, Maine, six tall, blue-uniformed officers boarded and surrounded me and my daughter.

"Is your name Yusuf Islam?" they asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Do you mind coming with us and answering a few questions?"

At that point my heart stopped, and my daughter's face turned aspirin-white. This was the start of the nightmare.

Three FBI agents escorted me away from my daughter and asked me questions. At first, it sounded like they might have me mixed up with somebody else, as they repeated the spelling of my name.

"No. Y-u-s-u-f," I carefully spelled out. The agents looked a bit puzzled.

As they continued asking questions, some of their queries were obviously not related to me, so I thought this must be a matter of simple mistaken identity. Whether it was a mix-up or not remained unclear because they weren't under any obligation to give me a reason; the green visa waiver form I had so neatly filled in earlier had effectively denied me any right to appeal or answers. It was only when an immigration official read out to me a legal reference number that he mentioned some implication with "terrorism" — no further details necessary.

The most upsetting thing was being separated from my daughter for 33 hours — not knowing how she was or when and where we might be united. Because my phone was confiscated, I couldn't contact my family.

God almighty! Is this the same planet I'd taken off from? I was devastated. The unbelievable thing is that only two months earlier, I had been having meetings in Washington with top officials from the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to talk about my charity work. Even further back, one month after the attack on the World Trade Center, I was in New York meeting Peter Gabriel and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the World Economic Forum!

Had I changed that much? No. Actually, it's the indiscriminate procedure of profiling that's changed. I am a victim of an unjust and arbitrary system, hastily imposed, that serves only to belittle America's image as a defender of the civil liberties that so many dearly struggled and died for over the centuries.

Need I say that any form of terrorism or violence is the antithesis of everything I love and stand for? Anyone who knows me will attest to this. I have spent my life in the search for peace and understanding, and that was mirrored clearly in my music. Since becoming a Muslim, I have devoted my life to education, charity and helping children around the world.

Consistently I have condemned the attacks of 9/11, stating that the slaughter of innocents, the taking of hostages and coldblooded killing of women and children have nothing do with the teachings of Islam. I've openly and publicly repudiated the actions of groups that resort to such acts of inhumanity — whatever their names. Any allegations to the contrary are fabricated. The Koran equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of all of humanity.

Ever since I embraced Islam in 1977, people have regularly tried to link me with things I have nothing to do with. Take the Salman Rushdie case as an example, or the regurgitating of the accusation that I support groups like Hamas.

I am a man of peace, and I denounce all forms of terrorism and injustice; it is simply outrageous for anyone to suggest otherwise. The fact that I have sympathy for ordinary people in the world who are suffering from occupation, tyranny, poverty or war is human and has nothing to do with politics or terrorism.

Thank God my daughter and I were relieved of our ordeal and delivered home safely. I also thank all those who prayed for me and supported me through this dark episode; I have never harbored any ill will toward people of God's great Earth anywhere — and wish the reverse was also true.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann

"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman
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Old 09-28-2004, 03:28 AM   #54 (permalink)
Pacifier's Avatar
Location: Duisburg, Germany
Even further back, one month after the attack on the World Trade Center, I was in New York meeting Peter Gabriel and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the World Economic Forum!
< conservative paranoia >
Thats the proof, Clintons have ties to AlQuaida
< /conservative paranoia >
"It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death
— Albert Einstein
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Old 09-28-2004, 08:25 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Cat Stevens was guest of Canadian Hamas front

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
TORONTO - Yusuf Islam, the British singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, was the guest of honour at a Toronto fundraising dinner hosted by an organization that has since been identified by the Canadian government as a "front" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

In a videotape of the 1998 event obtained by the National Post, Mr. Islam describes Israel as a "so-called new society" created by a "so-called religion" and urges the audience to donate to the Jerusalem Fund for Human Services to "lessen the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and the Holy Land."

The Jerusalem Fund is one of four "fronts" named in a secret Privy Council Office memo that was sent to Jean Chretien, then prime minister, on May 23, 2000, discussing what it called groups that "have unsavoury links with terrorism.

"In a limited number of cases, fundraising in support of violent foreign struggles takes place in Canada through the cover of ethnic, religious or community-based associations and groups, lobbying and even criminal activity," the report says.

"Front groups operating in Canada include the Jerusalem Fund for Human Services (Hamas Front), the World Tamil Movement (Tamil Tigers Front), the Canadian Kurdish Information Network (Kurdistan Workers Party Front) and the Babbar Khalsa (a Sikh extremist front)."

Hamas, also known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, is responsible for most of the suicide bombings against Israelis. Canada has outlawed Hamas under federal anti-terrorism legislation, making it illegal to support the group.

Hamas sympathizer, eh? Since Hamas is a terrorist organization, I agree with their decision to send him a-packin. No soup for the Cat.
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Old 09-28-2004, 08:39 AM   #56 (permalink)
Cracking the Whip
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I've read this thread with interest, trying to formulate an opinion on these events.

If the last is true, that Yusuf/Cat was the guest of honor at a Hamas front organization, then this is particularly damning, IMO.

Of course, the question remains did he know it, does he know it now, and if so, does he still support them?

As to the piece he wrote that smooth posted, I would be interested in hearing his view of the situation in Israel and what should be done.

I also note that he didn't actually clarify the Salmon Rushdie affair. Does he or does he not support killing the man for something he wrote, either by an assassin or by a "legitimate" islamic government?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis

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Old 09-28-2004, 06:14 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Rekna
I'm Christian and this statement insults me. I don't think the problem is mosts terrorists are muslims. I think the problem is we are just quick to label a muslim that does evil a terrorist and don't like to use the term for anyone that isn't muslim.
Sorry if it insults you.

I realize it's politically incorrect, however, it is pretty much the case.

When was the last time you saw a Christian chopping some muslim's head off in front of a video camera while he was sceaming "God is Great"

The only time you will hear a Christian say, "God is Great" is just before he says, "God is good, let us than him for the food"

Lets face facts, Islam is a religion with as severe image problem on its hands. They are a young religion and have never had a reformation. Just look at their subjegation of women, and their attitude towards nonbelievers.

You want to read an excellent book, read "The trouble with Islam" by Irshad Manji (a nice girl from Toronto who is a conflicted muslim.)


Last edited by james t kirk; 09-28-2004 at 06:19 PM..
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Old 09-28-2004, 06:20 PM   #58 (permalink)
Originally Posted by james t kirk
Sorry if it insults you.

I realize it's politically incorrect, however, it is pretty much the case.

When was the last time you saw a Christian chopping some muslim's head off in front of a video camera while he was sceaming "God is Great"

The only time you will hear a Christian say, "God is Great" is just before he says, "God is good, let us than him for the food"

Lets face facts, Islam is a religion with as severe image problem on its hands. They are a young religion and have never had a reformation. Just look at their subjegation of women, and their attitude towards nonbelievers.

You want to read an excellent book, read "The trouble with Islam" by Irshad Manji (a nice girl from Toronto who is a conflicted muslim.)


Does bombing them over and over again while claiming god is great count? If so you can look at Bush.
Rekna is offline  
Old 09-28-2004, 06:45 PM   #59 (permalink)
cthulu23's Avatar
As was posted a page of comments ago, it is now claimed that Cat Stevens was the victim of a clerical error. From Yahoo News :

NEW YORK (AFP) - An incident this week in which former pop star Cat Stevens was deported from the United States to London as a "no-fly" terrorist risk was caused by a spelling error.

Stevens, 57, gave up his successful pop career in the late 1970s, taking the name Yusuf Islam and converting to Islam.

He had been travelling from London to Washington on Tuesday when his flight was diverted to Bangor, Maine, where he was detained on "national security grounds" and summarily put on a plane to London, according to US security officials.

Asa Hutchinson, the US Department of Homeland Security's under secretary for border and transportation security, refused to specify the allegations against Islam.

Time magazine, in its on-line edition, quoted aviation sources with access to the "no-fly" list as saying there is no entry on the list under the name "Yusuf Islam," but that there is a "Youssouf Islam" on the list. They said the incorrect name was added to the list this summer.
Now whether you believe this was a legitimate case of speliing error or embarrased state department backpedaling, we can obviously see that our government does not consider him a threat....or at least not enough of a threat to warrant the embarrasment of deporting him.
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Old 09-28-2004, 08:33 PM   #60 (permalink)
Mister boo, indeed you are right and i would like to apologize for the six pack of bile. Uncalled for and very counter productive to any intelligent form of debate.
I will try to curb my moments of stupidity in the future. Apologies.
pedro padilla is offline  
Old 09-29-2004, 07:46 AM   #61 (permalink)
We need to hear the evidence before we defame and miscategorize any individual. These acts of premature defamation are 100% not in-line with what this country stands for and what we used to justify all these terrorist prevention actions since 9-11. The taxpaying public is in no way required to just take what the administration says in fear of being labeled "one-of-them".
On a personal note it is an insult to many of our intelligence that we are left with little information to analyze and just press-releases to accept and believe.

What groups did he support which were linked to Hamas?
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:13 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by Bookman
...On a personal note it is an insult to many of our intelligence that we are left with little information to analyze and just press-releases to accept and believe.
Indeed. The fact that these links with Hamas of Mr. Islam's, which Israel apparently knew about as well, weren't mentioned in the mainstream press at all is something of a mystery to me also.
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:23 AM   #63 (permalink)
Originally Posted by powerclown
Cat Stevens was guest of Canadian Hamas front

Hamas sympathizer, eh? Since Hamas is a terrorist organization, I agree with their decision to send him a-packin. No soup for the Cat.
I don't know if Cat Stevens knew he was supporting terror or not. Who does? But the ties to calling Israel a 'so-called new society' and 'so-called religion' surely puts him at the fore front as a terrorist since free speech doesn't apply to anything Israeli related unless it is a ringing endorsement. Other words it's hate propoganda. Therefore he must be a terrorist.

As for the source, the National Post, I would consider others before this rag since this paper is so pro-Israeli it is ridiculous. Wouldn't surprise me if the context has been changed to put Cat Stevens in a negative light. Afterall this is a paper that changed a Reuters story last week (the wording, to suit it's needs) without permission from Reuters to do so.

Also this same paper yesterday justified Israel going into Syria to blow up a terrorist. I don't have a problem with Israel killing terrorists. But just doing as they please in another country devoid of all diplomacy? Oh, I forgot, this is Israel we are speaking of. They can do what ever they want when they want to. I can just imagine the U.S response if Canada blew up a terrorist like Israel did, say in mid-town Manhattan in the middle of the day without any dialogue between the countries. Do you think the U.S would be pissed? But I digress.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:49 AM   #64 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
Well it's one thing when countries like Syria knowingly harbor and sanction terrorism and terrorists in the country, and allow them to use it as a base of operations.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
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Old 09-29-2004, 10:40 AM   #65 (permalink)
Location: Allen, TX
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Well it's one thing when countries like Syria knowingly harbor and sanction terrorism and terrorists in the country, and allow them to use it as a base of operations.
Yes, it is different than Canada striking in the US. Syria and Israel are at war still, and have no lost love between them. As for whose harboring terrorists, forget it, they are both immoral, illegal, and detested combatants to each other (that's their view of eachother), whatever labels are applied. Until one of them takes a serious step to peace, whatever they do to each other is pretty much fair game.
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cat, islamic, stevens, terrorist

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