Originally Posted by Rekna
again I state if the government had credible evidence that he was aiding terroists then they should have held him and charged him. They don't have any evidence other than that he is an Islamic activist. While the government making blanket descisions about people based on their religious or political beliefs may make you sleep well at night, it makes my stomach turn.
Maybe we should just throw all people we think may have somehow supported "terrorism" (used lightly) into jails without trials. Wait we already do that it is called Guantonamo. So lets go a step further let's throw all brown skinned people into interrment camps. But why stop there let's throw all Muslims into prison camps. And while were at it to many black people commit violent crimes let's throw them into camps too. Why don't we just become a Nazi regiem and take away all that the people before us fought for. This is where we are heading when we start making blanket decisions.
What if the "credible evidence" is also critical in stopping the 27 member team that he is supporting? What if stating it at this time would jeopardize 2 US operatives that have spent 3 years getting into position? Again I say, there are things happening that you nor I will be privy to. If Cat Stevens has become unwelcome in the US because of his statements or actions, that is his personal problem.
I do like how the US rejecting one person (we let his daughter in) is now a blanket statement. I suppose that no people of the muslim faith were let into the US since 911. There is no blanket policy regarding muslims, therefore, your second paragraph belongs in Tilted Paranoia.