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Old 04-30-2003, 02:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
Super Agitator
Liquor Dealer's Avatar
Location: Just SW of Nowhere!!! In the good old US of A

Not trying to start anything at all with this - I just think it was really neat

Sometimes it's easy to sit in an anchor chair and talk about a war. It's a lot more difficult being in that war, fighting in that war and for some, dying in that war.

But there are many who protested this war. That was their right then. But I think it's wrong now. Yet it continues. And given the transition difficulties in Iraq, it is even picking up steam now.

I think it borders on insulting now. Not only because the war clearly was a success. But because of the Americans who lost their lives to make it a success.

I want those who still burn flags and hurl insults to change venues. Away from very public places like the White House or New York's Times Square and to the front lawns of the homes of families who've lost loved ones.

If you're so convinced fighting for the freedom of an oppressed people wasn't worth their sons and daughters dying, then tell them directly.

Tell the young wife, who's now a widow. Or the proud Indiana mom and dad, who are now childless. Or the 21-year-old woman just giving birth, who's now a mother and a father.

Tell the four-year-old boy who doesn't understand his dad won't ever be coming back home to play. Or the sister who will never see her only brother.

Tell them their loved one's mission was a lark. Tell them the smiles you saw on those cheering faces in Baghdad didn't provide some comfort in this carnage. Tell them improving the plight of millions of starving Iraqis wasn't worth their loved ones' lives.

Go ahead. Lecture them. Rant at them. Save your speeches not for the politicians who make war, but the real people, who paid the price for this war.

When you call this war a waste, you call their loved ones' ultimate sacrifice a waste as well. You demean them and you demean those who survive them.

I see a country liberated now. I'll never forget the liberators.

I see a people smiling now. I'll never forget the people who made them smile.

We should all die making such a difference. All you protesters, should live, making such a difference.

I want you now to look at the faces of sacrifice and honor and courage. And of people who spent their time, not burning the flag, but fighting and dying for it.

So the next time you refuse to bury the hatchet and insist you weren't wrong, think of those who are burying their loved ones and need to know their cause was right.

They made a difference. You just make me sick.

By Neil Cavuto

Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!
Liquor Dealer is offline  
Old 04-30-2003, 06:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
ouch. the truth hurts.
touhy is offline  
Old 04-30-2003, 07:00 PM   #3 (permalink)
feeling tingly
Regardless of your political stance, how can you NOT show support for those who would make that sacrifice? I didn't like the idea of this war and I have no problem with my opinion...however, I would never show disrespect to the men and women who have more bravery than anyone.

We are so very lucky to have our armed services...and I hope we never take them for granted. They are all heroes.
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
JoeyB is offline  
Old 04-30-2003, 07:55 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: South of the border
Yes, I agree that the soldiers are brave, and they deserve respect for following orders, and for fighting something they believed in. However, they knew the harsh reality of the possibility of facing a premature death by enlisting in the army, specially in the army of the world's most war-mongering country.

On the other hand, blame the government who sent them thousands of miles away from home to die. How many of those who died are in some way related to the politicians? None of them, the politicians dont care about the person who died, for them, one person dying is just an statistic.

Free the Iraqui people? WMD?
The US sent their military to fight for oil. Many people need to be freed from oppresive regimes, but they dont get 'freed' by the US because they are not living on top of the world's second largest oil reserve.

And who says they are free? The US will have control over the new government, whether they admit to it or dont. The new iraqui governmet will be the US's brand new puppet, and they'll do not what is best for their people, but they'll end up doing what is best for the US.
"The weak are food for the strong, so die and let me feast!" - Makoto Shishio (RK)
Memalvada is offline  
Old 04-30-2003, 08:49 PM   #5 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
I fail to see how this war was a success....

We didn't find/kill/maim Saddam Hussein, who if I remember was equated there with Satan for while....

We didn't find any significant stash of weapons of mass destruction....although I admit it is a pretty big desert out there....

and the 'liberated' peoples of Iraq of now telling us to get the hell out because they feel like they've simply switched one oppressive group of assholes for another.

We lost a lot of their national culture through the looting and the robbing, but the good news is the oil is safe, and we've got a former military man ready to step up and 'help' the Iraqi people find "good old American democracy."

We took a piece of desert the size of Texas in a little less than a month with 350,000 soldiers and the most advanced military in the world. Forgive me my shudder of awe.....:P
No signature. None. Seriously.
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