I fail to see how this war was a success....
We didn't find/kill/maim Saddam Hussein, who if I remember was equated there with Satan for while....
We didn't find any significant stash of weapons of mass destruction....although I admit it is a pretty big desert out there....
and the 'liberated' peoples of Iraq of now telling us to get the hell out because they feel like they've simply switched one oppressive group of assholes for another.
We lost a lot of their national culture through the looting and the robbing, but the good news is the oil is safe, and we've got a former military man ready to step up and 'help' the Iraqi people find "good old American democracy."
We took a piece of desert the size of Texas in a little less than a month with 350,000 soldiers and the most advanced military in the world. Forgive me my shudder of awe.....:P
No signature. None. Seriously.