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#41 (permalink) |
Thats MR. Muffin Face now
Location: Everywhere work sends me
Im sure that through all the smoke that the constant flame wars create over MM (through the Media, through message boards, through every medium where people disagree)..
Even if MM's process is somehow flawed, if his information is not 100% unbiased (like anyone's is).. He is doing what few have been able to do.. He makes people argue.. When people argue, they think and even if they don't agree, if alot of people are all thinking about the issues, then there is more chance of something being done.
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?" -- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death |
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#42 (permalink) |
Michael Moore's books reach the top of the best seller lists where only the books by Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly belong. Moore's opinions challenge the viewpoints of these other, conservative, authors. He must be a liar. He must be discredited. Let us not rest until he is silenced.
Don't cha think? |
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#44 (permalink) | |
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#45 (permalink) | |
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#46 (permalink) | |
As far as your last sentence, I am sure the writers that were not paid for their work on " The Awful Truth" would severly disagree with you. They were denied their rights to earn money off their craft. |
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#47 (permalink) | |
So I assume you think Coulter, Limbaugh and O reilly are wonderful since they bring up valid points? PS if Moore's points are so valid, why does he need to lie, mislead and distort his evidence rather than just show the facts? |
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#50 (permalink) | |||
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Your straw man is you pretending to care about "the issues" when it seems you really only care about the idea that michael moore has nothing at all important or relevant to say. Quote:
I think valid points are wonderful, i don't care where they come from. If i hear coulter or limbaugh, or even hitler say something that makes sense to me, and seems relatively credible then i will consider it, ponder what it means in relation to what i believe. I don't stick my fingers in my ears and scream LALALALALALALALALALA just because someone shows a lack of integrity. Shit, if it was only about integrity where would you get your news? Do you think every thing in the NYT is completely and patently false just because lacks integrity as "part of the liberal media?" Quote:
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#51 (permalink) |
So let me understand what you are saying, you want me to say the real journalists and psycologists that talked about mental illness, alienation, and Nazi fetishes, like I did. Then you falsly claimed " like the ones that say rock and roll music" and get called on it? What is your point?
Second, you dont like Couter and co cause they have no crediblity. I assume they have no crediblity cause they lied. But Moore has crediblity EVEN THOUGH, and despite the fact that he lies. So again, what is your point? It must be nice to be a hypocrite. |
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#52 (permalink) | |
Location: norway
no FEL, that brain freeze was a dicert result of trying to argue with a fanatic (yeah, that's you) for too long. Your crusade agains Moore aren't really that interesting, and you will obviously not change your mind about this no matter what evidence or arguements we give you. Why do you even keep posting threads like these when you try to discard any type of debate? If you don't want discussion, why do you start threads? It is nothing but trolling. Last edited by eple; 10-30-2003 at 02:20 AM.. |
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#53 (permalink) |
Evidence against me? The only thing Moore supporters have said was" Yes, He lies, but I like him anyway," While at the other side of their mouths they say" Coulter and Co, lie and they are hypocirites ( at best)."
Not one person has, Moore Fan or not, has said that he DID not lie. What I am seeing is that if you are liberal, you dont care if he lies, as long as he bases Bush. |
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#54 (permalink) |
Location: norway
Well, I was going to point out that you don't really pay attention to what people are trying to say to you and navigate through predjudice, put you dust did that for me.
I have not attacked Coulter or any other right-wing writers in this thread, nor have I said that Moore is right, just that he HAS THE RIGHT to say what he says. Get it? |
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#56 (permalink) | |
Location: norway
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#57 (permalink) |
Nice evasion on two direct questions. I asked if he was right to make a buck ON THE FAMILIES OF COLUMBINE, not wether he could make movies.
Second I asked you to repost where I said Moore has no right to speak. Why the evasions? is your plateform made of thin wood? |
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#58 (permalink) |
Location: norway
Well, as I said, unfortunately he has. Unless those families want to sue, he can't really be denied making movies.
And of course, you never said that FEL, you just asked questions that indicated that restricitions on free speech would have to be the solutoin. I was neglecting your question as it seemed pretty rethorical to me. |
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#60 (permalink) | ||||||
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
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#61 (permalink) |
So you admit that liberal means unpatriotic? LOL
So are comparing Moore, who pretended to make a film that explains the Colombine shooters while charging the survivors and family to see it, to a Doctor? Wow this is the same kind of false assoication that Moore would use. No wonder you defend him. And last I checked tipper gore was neither a journalist nor a psychologist, so again your comment was without real merit. I will stand by my statement that a movie that seeks to explain why the Columbine shootings occured should do more to than say " A factory that makes WMD caused it, even though they dont make WMD" Why anyone is defending this is beyond me. and PS, I love all the talk that I want to take away Moore's rights to talk. I dont want that, I want a populace that is intellegent enough to know shit from shinola. And every time Moore open;s his mouth, a huge steaming pile of shit comes out. And the funnything is, again I will stand by this comment, even his biggest defenders call him a liar. And the same peolpe blast Rush for lying. So I conclude that Liberals are ok with lies as long as said lies further their agenda. PSS I am waitin for Eple to be a man and answer my questions. |
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#62 (permalink) | ||
Location: norway
I did....
Question one: Is Moore right in doing this? Answer one: Yes, Moore cannot be denied making movies. as I have said before, he HAS, the right, wether or not he IS right, is another debate, and I hope it is ok if I don't have any strong opinions on that. Question two: Did you say that he sould be denied his free speech? answer two: No, you didn't say that straight out, but I believe you insinuated this. If I am wrong, do correct me. Are you content? |
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#63 (permalink) |
So you support Moore in making movies, and expoiting the people he is pretending to help. Ok clear.
And thanks, I never said he should be stripped of his rights, nor did I ever insinuate this. So If I make a movie that uses your family had they been in a tradgedy, you would support me not paying your family and then charging them to see it? I assume you are dandy with this, as per your defence of that Troll Mre Moore. |
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#64 (permalink) |
Location: norway
Er...well I would be pretty pissed, and I would probably complaint, maybe even sue you, but I never said that Moore was right, just that he had the right...as you would have had the right to do that against me and my family. You are arguing as if I we disagree, but I don't really see the conflict here, if you agree that Moore has te right to do this. Wether or not he IS right, is an issue I won't go into. If you hadn't been so determined on arguing, you could have avoided my previous 5 posts or so, which have pretty much stated the same opinion over and over again.
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#65 (permalink) | |||||||
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
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#66 (permalink) |
Location: Oregon
First off, I'm not right wing, but I do dislike Moore. The first time I saw Bowling for Columbine, I thought it was great. I thought it was good insight, even if Moore did jump around a lot. It seems like he got distracted about his ultimate statement in Bowling, switching focus from gun control to being anti-corpate. Asides from that, Bowling was a -very - misleading documentary. He leads you to jumping to the wrong conclusions. For instance, a lot of the NRA meetings that he leads you to belive happened right after the incidents, did NOT happen immediately after that incidents, which is why in the interview with Heston, Heston seemed confused about what Moore was asking about. It was edited in such a way as to completely draw the viewer in the wrong direction. Another example is about [Lockheed? I forget which aero space company he was talking about, I think it's Lockheed Martin] where he points you towards thinking that they are a missle maker. Which is incorrect. They are a rocket/aeronautics manufacture, not a missile company. The size the rockets he shows, and the way he phrases his statements would make the average person think they're building ICBM's.. There a lot of other examples you can find of inaccuracies and lack of integreity in Bowling for Columbine if you go around, fact check, and google search.
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#67 (permalink) |
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
That has all been covered in various other threads on the tfp. A search shall show you the way. What i and some other people are trying to say is that mm, while using some deception, does also make some good points about the culture of fear in the us and the amazingly high homicide by handgun rate.
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#68 (permalink) |
So does Rush limbaugh make good points with his deceptions? Coulter? or just Moore?
PS look at the Rush thread where I talk about him being an asshole. I didnt talk about Rush on this thread cause it was off topic. I also didnt talk about Snoop Doggy Dog either. |
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#70 (permalink) |
Aparently point out his lies doesnt mean anything to his fans. If you do, they say, "well he is still valid due to the point he was trying to make."
If Coulter, Rush or any con was as sloppy as Moore their points would still be worthless, as per the Moore fans. And keep in mind, no where did I ever defend Coulter or Rush. In fact in the RUsh thread i trash him too for innacuries, and NOT one person said his points were still valid. Weird huh? |
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#71 (permalink) | |
From of all the places, the San Francisco Cronicle
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cg...DG0R2LB101.DTL EDITORIAL Bowling for credibility Thursday, October 30, 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote:
I was awakened to a pleasant surprise this morning. For some reason, my alarm radio wasn't tuned to the usual right-wing hate-spewing station I like to wake up to, but instead I was treated to the soothing, dulcinous squawking of Michael Moore. After a rambling diatribe against Rush Limbaugh's pill-hopping hypocrisy, Mike attacked the evils of our capitalist system and how it exploits the working class (but he's not a socialist, or anything). I found this enlightening because unlike Rush Limbaugh - Mike is no hypocrite. He doesn't profit from the blood, sweat, and tears of the working man. On the contrary - Mike divides all the profits from his books and movies equally amongst the people who produce them. Everyone from the folks who work the presses that print his wonderful books, down to the gal who brings him his quadrtuple shot latte' every six minutes - they all get a big fat check from Mike. The only profit Mike takes from his work is the satisfaction that some poor working slob, who deserves the money far more than he, won't be living in abject squalor because a rich corporate fat cat took all the loot for himself. Even more astonishing is that Mike relinquishes all creative control over his books and films to the people who actually do the work. The famous rabbit scene in Roger & Me? That was the idea of Todd, the college intern who follows Mike around and picks up his empty beer cans and candy bar wrappers. The part in Bowling for Columbine where Mike gets a free gun at the bank? That was actually suggested by Rico, the undocumented worker who details Mike's Lexus every Tuesday, then voted on by committee, and finally submitted to Mike for inclusion in the film. You see, Michael doesn't only PREACH the doctine of socialism, he also LIVES it. Of course, there aren't the usual 10 million dead peasants that usually precede socialist utopias, but have patience, Mike's working on it Last edited by Food Eater Lad; 10-31-2003 at 10:17 PM.. |
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#72 (permalink) |
All the luxuries that Moore is enjoying right now, from the perspective of Time Warner, are part of Moore's compensation package. A compensation package is comprised of two parts a cash component, which is taxed, and a service component, which is not taxed. Both parties beneft, Time Warner pays Mike less and Moore bellies up to the trough. A quick example with made up numbers: if Moore paid for the private jet and good food, it would cost him 30,000 dollars, however, he has to make 40,000 first so he can have 30,000 after taxes. This is also why some employers pay for employee health care. The ultimate point being: it is cheaper to pay for the service, then to pay the employee in dollars that are then taxed to pay for the same service.
This brings up another question. If Moore does not want the trough, and is only opportunisticall spounging off of Time Warner, why, does he not insist that instead of wasting the money on him, the company should disperse it in the form of an additional dividend to their stock holders. After all, more than 50% of Americans own stock! Moore claims to be a man of the people, he should ask that the money be given to the shareholders. If this is not acceptable, then, as a man of the people and member of the highest tax bracket, Time Warner should just give the money to him so that through taxation, the government can be funded, and little Jimmy can learn to read. The point of this absurdity is that Moore has chosen to live this lifestyle. He says that he would never pay for it, implying that it has no value to him, but, he is still consuming it! He has chosen to suckle from the corporate tit and in doing so enjoys the same "excesses" of the men he railed against. |
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#73 (permalink) |
There's one other point I'd like to address here. Mike spewed the following idiocy.
Moore said politicians can manipulate voters because we grow up in a system of "enforced ignorance" in the United States. "Everything is about trying to keep us as stupid as possible," he said. "If you don't know what's going on, you won't rise up, will you?" Moore cited a National Geographic poll of American 18- to 25-year-olds. Eighty-five percent couldn't find the country of Iraq on a map, 60 percent couldn't find Great Britain and 11 percent couldn't point out the United States. "That's how the Bush administration has gotten away with what it's done -- fear and lies and an ignorant nation," Moore said. Somehow, in Mike's delusional mind, George Bush is responsible for the ignorance of Americans who were at least 15 years old when he took office three years ago. Let us not forget that the entire education system in this country is dominated by the liberals Mike supports and the unions that Mike loves. Let us also not forget that the United States spends more money per student on education than any other nation on earth. So, if students in this country are graduating from high school and college wholly ignorant of the world around them, it has nothing to do with Bush and everything with Mikey and his leftist ilk. A. The majority of 18 to 25 year olds are too stupid to be able to find prominent countries on a map. B. Their stupidity is somehow Bush's fault, instead of being the fault of their parents, teachers, and principals. (Bush wasn't even elected to a national office until year 2000) C. Very few 18-25 year olds vote. The vast majority of them are not even registered to vote. So, how is their ignorance responsible for Bush being elected, when most Bush voters are middle-aged career people who not only could find those countries on a map, but actually name the country's leaders, units of currency, form of governments, and capital cities? Actually: The majority of Moore's audience and followers are those same brainless 18-25 year olds who he derides as being stupid. It is Moore who is exploiting ignorance. His fawning little Moore-dilettantes never even bother to question his faulty reasoning, blatantly false statements, selective ommissions of relevent facts, theft of creative ideas, and his flawed cause-and-effect assumptions. Without ignorance, Moore wouldn't even have an audience. |
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greedy, micheal, moore |