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Old 03-28-2009, 07:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Anchorage, AK
Obama Deception:

I ran across this video. about 2 hours long, and boy did it scare the crap out of me. I guess that was their way to get the point across?

I have read up on the Trilateral commison, and the Bildaberg or whatever they called it.

It does make some sense, and I would rather take historians way of thinking than that of a reporter.

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Old 03-29-2009, 03:53 AM   #2 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
By all means, place the opinion of educated specialists above that of news reporters. But you should also keep in mind that someone is not a specialist just because they claim to be. And even if they really are educated in the specialty they claim, it still doesn't mean their opinion is of any worth. Creationists can find a handful of scientists to deny evolution (despite about 98% consensus among the scientific community who specialize in the appropriate areas of expertise), and conspiracy theorists can find a handful of historians to support their claims. Even more importantly, it seems you should really work on your propaganda-meter. Regardless of what truths may lie within, this video is pure propaganda and is in no way objective. While not ALWAYS the case (but close), it's pretty safe to assume that if the main vehicle for information is a propaganda video, that information is generally false. Especially when that propaganda video is produced not by a historian, but by an ultra-conservative radio host who has ties to David Koresh and an unhealthy love of conspiracy theories: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones_(radio_host)

There are plenty of valid debates to be had about President Obama's policies. This video is not one of them.
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Last edited by SecretMethod70; 03-29-2009 at 06:06 PM..
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Old 03-29-2009, 05:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
filtherton's Avatar
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Anyone care to summarize? I already know that Obama is a foreign-born black separatist Muslim. I don't want to watch a two hour video if it just going to reiterate these points.
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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I thought he was a genetically engineered CIA manchurian candidate. Or a member of al Qaeda. Or the wizard from Oz.

I even heard he was the first black president, but that's crazy.
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:33 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
I thought he was a genetically engineered CIA manchurian candidate. Or a member of al Qaeda. Or the wizard from Oz.

I even heard he was the first black president, but that's crazy.
You have no idea how much this sounds like the neo-con response to a 9/11 truth video. Frankly, I expect more from someone who hangs out on the 'paranoia' board trying to get people to discuss controverisal topics in a serious manner.

Ironically this video is from the same guy who made several 9/11 truth videos.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:59 AM   #6 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Sorry, not all conspiracies bring with them the same amount of evidence. The 9/11 truth movement isn't even consistent. Do you buy that 9/11 was perpetrated by extra-terrestrials? Or Nazis? Of course not, as there's no evidence. They take some evidence that suggests that the official story isn't quite right, and then they run with it in a direction that's not supported by evidence. It's the main reason conspiracy theories enjoy such a horrible reputation: most are insane bullshit.

Yes, Wall Street is highly corrupt, as are most politicians. Yes the central banking system is highly corruptible and highly corrupt. That doesn't link up to the NAU theories, though. Not in the least. They're corrupt out of self-interest, not because of some grand scheme. Empires all eventually fall because of individual greed for power winning out over collective power. It's the most simple lesson in human history.
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Old 03-29-2009, 03:37 PM   #7 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Location: Back in Ohio
Alex Jones needs to move from the paranoia side of things to the real investigative journalism side of things. It's not that he is wrong, he kind of puts together the pieces of information the way he wants them to go together instead of proving that it is the truth.

Now, when you are investigating secret societies, secret government organizations, extremely wealthy people who want to stay that way, and powerful government politicians with big guns... You have to understand that it is hard to prove or gain access to this information.

The second part is figuring out what Alex Jones agenda is. I was at the inauguration, but after listening to the Alex Jones podcast of that day, you would think that we all were being controlled by the national guard/police state. He also takes the news and shapes it to fit his idea of what should be going on. And he doesn't always look at the full reality of the problems we face today. If he was in charge, I'm sure we would have a bunch of problems as well. Like he doesn't like the private Federal reserve, then he doesn't want the central government to control the banks either (calls it communism/fascism/nwo). Is he a peaceful anarchist?

However, at around 1 hour and 10 min into the movie, he and Rush are on the same page and look to be correct about the bailout bill. Jones goes a step farther and links the international banks, but there needs to be better investigative journalism from independent media agencies. Almost something like a spy agency which answers to the people that has the resources to gather intelligence and truth about what is really happening behind closed doors.

But at 1 hour and 23 minutes, he goes off on the tax increases from non-renewable energy. And that global warming isn't happening... Taxing polluting forms of energy generation sounds like a fine thing to do to me. One guy in there says that millions or billions might be killed if we limit the carbon emissions to current levels... Well, I would say that millions or billions will get killed if rivers run dry because the glaciers melt, we use up all of the water in aquifers in the midwest US, and land that used to be dry is now under water forcing people to move. And at 1 hour and 27 minutes, it is probably true that Sun spots can increase temperatures here, but what happens when a CO2 blanket won't allow the planet to cool off at night? You can see what happened in Phoenix in the past 15 years which the increased H20 level (and possibly CO2 levels as well). At night in the summer it is still really hot.

And the FEMA camps, and military control inside the USA... I don't know what to think of that. Is it a scheme to control the masses, or a prudent planning step to be prepared for problems and protect the country from outside threats.

And at 1 hour and 30 minutes they talk about 'forced' community service programs... I think they are a good thing, and will teach people about work in the real world and what is actually going on. They get the benefit of helping others and giving back to other people in their communities. If it is implemented properly, it isn't a bad thing. The previous administration should have done a lot more to get major faith-based volunteer groups together.

Now, boot-camp (military style) for 18-24 might be a bad thing. There's a lot more to the debate than the 1 minute he gave to it.

And at 1 hour and 43 min 40 sec, he actually list what he thinks the people should do, and some of it is good. It goes off the deep end when they think that Obama is going to be like Hitler, Mao, and Stalin and kill millions of our own countrymen.

The whole thing needs to be consolidated to 60-90 minutes, tone it down a little, and he should attempt to get it on PBS. But, to do that, he will need to get more proof that what he is saying is true, and not just opinion based on some guy he finds, a politicians past acquaintances, or peoples past line of work. He has to prove that the puzzle pieces go together, not that he is afraid that this is how they will go together. The thing is, 50% of it might be true, but nobody knows what 50% it is.

On a different note... Someone should really write a Star Wars style parody of this as the power grab of the empire.
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Old 03-29-2009, 05:48 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Haven't bothered to watch it past the first 3min. I put my vote on moving to Paranoia.
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:25 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
I haven't watched the video but I have a feeling it is the right trying to use scare tactics about how evil Obama is...... pretty much the same as the left used against Bush.

All this does is further polarize the parties and country and give us distractions from what is truly going on. The US is becoming a 3rd world totalitarian nation where the taxes are used to make the richer richer and squeeze the middle class into accepting a socialized economy run by fascist leaders.

Speak out against one side, get annihilated by that side. Try to fight for moderacy and normalcy where people working forty hours a week can actually have disposable income... get destroyed by both sides as not knowing what you are talking about because the extremists run both parties.

But guess what the extremists even though they have the general population hating the other (leftys hating righties...righties hating leftys) side, don't care which side truly wins because the extremists on both sides are wanting exactly the same thing. The rich get richer no matter who wins and the squeezed middle class works harder and harder for less and less paying for it all and the people in power get to stay in power..
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:39 PM   #10 (permalink)
immoral minority
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If you had watched the video (or seen his previous works), you would know that he thinks both parties are corrupt and are puppets to the real policy makers in the shadows. (Or some policy makers actually belong to these groups and you have to tow the line if you want to get ahead).

But, there are some real problems with everything. I'm not sure what would make him happy. Then again, the problems are so intertwined that nobody really knows what is the best things to do to correct all of the things our society is currently facing.
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:34 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ASU2003 View Post
If you had watched the video (or seen his previous works), you would know that he thinks both parties are corrupt and are puppets to the real policy makers in the shadows. (Or some policy makers actually belong to these groups and you have to tow the line if you want to get ahead).

But, there are some real problems with everything. I'm not sure what would make him happy. Then again, the problems are so intertwined that nobody really knows what is the best things to do to correct all of the things our society is currently facing.
I know his work and there are some things that I believe may have some truth to them... overall tho he's throwing darts randomly and hoping he hits a bullseye sooner or later.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 03-30-2009, 02:11 AM   #12 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Originally Posted by pan6467 View Post
I know his work and there are some things that I believe may have some truth to them... overall tho he's throwing darts randomly and hoping he hits a bullseye sooner or later.
I agree with you there.

But, I think we need more people to be investigative and find out the truth. The large corporate media isn't doing much, asking a question directly to a politician won't get you much, and it is really hard to figure out anything. I think he believes he knows the answers when he doesn't really have all the evidence he needed though.
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:31 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ASU2003 View Post
I agree with you there.

But, I think we need more people to be investigative and find out the truth. The large corporate media isn't doing much, asking a question directly to a politician won't get you much, and it is really hard to figure out anything. I think he believes he knows the answers when he doesn't really have all the evidence he needed though.
I totally agree we need more people truly investigating to find the truth, the problem is finding people who have the resources and can do it without any hidden or overt agenda. I don't know if that is possible.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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Old 03-30-2009, 10:38 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pan6467 View Post
I totally agree we need more people truly investigating to find the truth, the problem is finding people who have the resources and can do it without any hidden or overt agenda. I don't know if that is possible.
Not the way the system is set up, no. We've allowed media corporations (broadcast and print) to become for-profit entities who are owned by large, profit-is-all-that-matters corporations. Gone are the days when someone set up a TV station or a newspaper because they felt a duty to inform the public and keep a watchful eye on government.

Now there are some bloggers who claim to be separate from the main stream media, but really all they are is random unknowns on the internet spewing opinions about stuff they read in the main stream media. And that's really all they can be, because finding out the truth is expensive. Beyond travel budgets, FOIA request filing fees, and copying fees, there's also lawyer bills to pay when (inevitably) the corrupt sonofabitch you're going after sues you to shut you up.

We as a society have dismantled our watchdog media because we decided it wasn't fun or pretty. Now we must reap the rewards, which is to have videos like this spewed out there, and we know that it's most likely bullshit, but we can't really know for sure. (for the record, yeah, it's most likely bullshit)
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Old 03-30-2009, 10:48 AM   #15 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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How do we fix it, Shak?
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:24 PM   #16 (permalink)
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In my opinion that's kind of like asking how to unburn a barn down. It's broken, and probably beyond repair. The majority of the people are either stupid, lazy, or both, which is why we're in the mess we're in right now. They'd rather watch Idol than an hour expose on how the government is screwing up (unless, of course, that screw up has something to do with sex). A few days ago I looked at the latest news segment on CNN's website. 73% of the headlines were either entertainment "news," commentary, or "whee lookit this here video that won't effect you at all." The rest led to news stories that were poorly covered, glossed over pablum.

We'll talk for weeks and months and even years about a white stain on a blue dress and how exactly it got there and with which smoking implement the favor was reciprocated, and we'll talk for months about the clown car with a jillion kids, but people are "tired"of hearing about the war, and the economy's a real drag, man, which we wouldn't be paying attention to right now if it weren't for the fact that we are suffering because of it.

People are lazy, hedonistic, and are either naturally not smart, or not-smart by choice, and that's why the media can get away with spoonfeeding us bullshit and calling it news, and that's why politicians can get away with doing whatever the hell they want to do whether it's in the best interest of the people or not. It's why the GOP can get away with saying that Al Franken should concede the MN Senate race so we can get on with democracy, and then turn around and say that they'll by-god take the matter to federal court even if it denies MN one of its senators for /years./

And we let them get away with it because it's easier to roll over and watch Survivor, or football, or porn.

What we need is a ground-up societal reform and realignment of values. We as a society have to start valuing the many over the self, and we have to stop thinking we are entitled to sit on our asses on the couch all day and be spoon fed entertainment. In short, we have to can the hedonism.

There's nothing that can fix the media until we do that, because until we do that the media is going to be owned by profit-seekers who realize that a story about Bill Clinton's sperm is more entertaining and cheaper to run than a 6 month investigative piece into a corrupt politician in which journalists actually have to go find shit out rather than listening to "portly pepperpot" interns and reporting whatever the hell they blab this week, and until we do that the media is going to be watched by people who would much rather think about the President shoving a cigar into some bimbo than to think about issues that actually have an impact on them and their children.
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Old 03-31-2009, 12:14 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: Anchorage, AK
Shakran. YOU ROCK. I am vey bad at explaining things but it is as if you went in my brain. Hahaha.
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Old 03-31-2009, 12:30 PM   #18 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
Originally Posted by ASU2003 View Post
If you had watched the video (or seen his previous works), you would know that he thinks both parties are corrupt and are puppets to the real policy makers in the shadows. (Or some policy makers actually belong to these groups and you have to tow the line if you want to get ahead).
Isn't that basically the business card of any paranoid crazy person?
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deception, obama

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