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Old 03-30-2009, 10:38 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pan6467 View Post
I totally agree we need more people truly investigating to find the truth, the problem is finding people who have the resources and can do it without any hidden or overt agenda. I don't know if that is possible.
Not the way the system is set up, no. We've allowed media corporations (broadcast and print) to become for-profit entities who are owned by large, profit-is-all-that-matters corporations. Gone are the days when someone set up a TV station or a newspaper because they felt a duty to inform the public and keep a watchful eye on government.

Now there are some bloggers who claim to be separate from the main stream media, but really all they are is random unknowns on the internet spewing opinions about stuff they read in the main stream media. And that's really all they can be, because finding out the truth is expensive. Beyond travel budgets, FOIA request filing fees, and copying fees, there's also lawyer bills to pay when (inevitably) the corrupt sonofabitch you're going after sues you to shut you up.

We as a society have dismantled our watchdog media because we decided it wasn't fun or pretty. Now we must reap the rewards, which is to have videos like this spewed out there, and we know that it's most likely bullshit, but we can't really know for sure. (for the record, yeah, it's most likely bullshit)
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