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Old 10-09-2008, 06:31 PM   #41 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Location: Back in Ohio
Originally Posted by Martian View Post
Out of curiosity, how does one 'abuse' healthcare?

If I'm sick, I go to the doctor. If I go to the doctor and I'm not sick, he kicks me out. Pretty straightforward.

Maybe I'm naive. My pinko commie socialist healthcare system has probably blinded me.

I don't understand how anyone can reasonably argue against the idea of universal healthcare. When a society is healthy and educated as a whole, that society does better than the ones who do not provide these basic necessities.
People use the emergency room instead of waiting to see a regular doctor. Poor people/illegal immigrants also use the ER in order to avoid paying since they have to treat you regardless of ability to pay. If they can't find you or you tell them fake info, well the state has to pay it.

Let's say I wanted to use Viagra, but didn't really need it. My doctor wouldn't ask me to test this in their office. At least I don't think they do. The same could be said for other drugs. SSRIs will make guys last longer in bed too, but could you pretend to be depressed enough to get them?

As a single male with no kids and no girlfriend, why should I pay for other people to have lots of kids and get birth control? Pre-natal checkups and such cost a lot and I'm sure they would want to go everytime they felt something was wrong. Would vasectomies and tube-tying be covered? It would be cheaper than having to pay for another baby.

What incentive is there for me to have and keep a job if I can live with my parents and have my health care covered. Life might be better if I could lounge around home, hang out with friends, play video games, surf the web, and know that I had all my medical expenses covered.

Acne won't kill you, just make you unpopular and socially depressed, but is it a cosmetic issue? Or is it a treatable thing that will save money by preventing other physiological issues later on? What else is non-life threatening that you would get fixed if you never had to see a bill?

I don't drink, smoke, or have random sex with strangers at bars, so why should I have to pay for other people's lifestyle caused illnesses? Would more people have fun in the moment instead of worrying about their health later on? Would government have to put an end to these things in order to bring down expenses?

Who should pay for infant/adult circumcisions? It's not done for medical reasons. I don't want to pay for something I don't support and would never get done.

Would abortions be covered? I think 25%-50% of the country would riot if that occurred. It is a health issue. How about Plan B medication?

Ambulance rides costs a lot, some people don't have cars and would rather take the ride that is free than take a taxi or public transportation. (OK, so I doubt this one would happen very much)

Doctors would also abuse the system by referring patients to specialists or running tests that aren't really needed. They do this today to cover their ass from medical malpractice lawsuits though.

There are real concerns about playing the system. And if there is no incentive to be healthy, then our health problems won't get better.


Now, they talked about health care in the last debate again, and Obama was right to criticize McCain's plan. A state-by-state setup would turn out just like the banking and credit card industries. One state with a small population will want all of the people and business of the health insurance companies. They would move to a state like Alaska, which would give them tax incentives to do so, push through a bunch of laws to protect the insurance companies (since they have a large voting block of their employee base now). And they would raise the rates in 49 of the states so that one state was the best, and it would be right at $2500 for an individual and probably more for a family. I pay $1000/year right now with a (way too high) $2500 deductible (My company probably pays about $1000-$1500). Actually, I would think that unless you go with a fly-by-night insurer, they may charge us more than the $2500 rate for an individual. Let alone the nightmare of going through 2500 different plans (10 per state, 50 states, 5 big companies) to see which state's laws covered what, and if there is a limit to how much you can sue for in that state, and how good that company is, what the deducible is, would you need to contact the office in that state to get approval for care...? It justs sound like it is way too complicated, or at least the way I understand it and how it could play out.

If it was a national plan where the companies had the same plan where ever you were in the country, I could see it working. It still might not be the best, but it would alleviate most of my worries.

Obama's plan sounds like it may have some issues too. The part about offering the federal employee rate to all Americans is a good thing, but I wonder if they will raise this rate up a lot. He also wants people with pre-existing conditions covered, which will cost more (although $2500/$5000 won't go very far in McCain's plan either in that case). Forcing employers to cover healthcare seems like a good idea, unless it pushes too many companies into bankruptcy and they all lose their jobs. And this plan will have to either put limits on things or watch out for some of the abuses. There would probably still be a deductible and co-pays for doctor visits under both plans. And if it only covered kids, accidents, and real emergencies, I could see it passing with the American people easily.

Neither of the plans sound perfect, or would be attainable in a split government.

Who's plan do you like more?

Last edited by ASU2003; 10-09-2008 at 06:53 PM..
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Old 10-21-2008, 09:40 PM   #42 (permalink)
Originally Posted by aceventura3 View Post
Let's get real. How many people without coverage don't have it because they made that choice? It happens every day. The twenty year-old on his first job after college who could buy an individual plan or participate in a group plan, says I would rather spend the money on other things. People can buy individual coverage for a couple of hundred dollars a month. Some spend that on cell phones.
I really resent this comment. This may be a divergence from the real topic of this thread, but this irritates me enough to respond anyway. I am a twenty year old undergrad and most of my friends are as well. Everyone I know is strapped for money and barely has enough to pay rent and buy groceries. If you think most people my age have an extra couple hundred dollars that we just play around with, you are dead wrong. Even after college, we'll have loans to pay that will take any extra money we earn - suggesting that fresh-from-college professionals have a choice about where their money goes is a joke. Implying that young people don't have health care because we use our money in vapid and irresponsible ways is insulting. I'm sure some young people make poor choices, but saying that many of us do is untrue and unfair.
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Old 10-21-2008, 10:22 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Location: South Carolina
thanks hedwig...btw, the ask around now and you'll find many more people having to decide between insurance and rent/food... heck, i know several people who were told this morning to vacate the office, all benefits cut off as they were laid off....it really..really sucks. I think they can get 'cobra' plans for right now, but that's not absolutely certain.

heck, a couple hundred dollars a month for me is the diff between being ok and struggling to meet. I'm lucky where i am right now, but i definitely don't have 'just a couple hundred' per month if i plan on ever retiring. (first rule of financial management, pay yourself first, then go to bills)


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care, health, make, mccain or obama, plans, sick

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