Originally Posted by aceventura3
Let's get real. How many people without coverage don't have it because they made that choice? It happens every day. The twenty year-old on his first job after college who could buy an individual plan or participate in a group plan, says I would rather spend the money on other things. People can buy individual coverage for a couple of hundred dollars a month. Some spend that on cell phones.
I really resent this comment. This may be a divergence from the real topic of this thread, but this irritates me enough to respond anyway. I am a twenty year old undergrad and most of my friends are as well. Everyone I know is strapped for money and barely has enough to pay rent and buy groceries. If you think most people my age have an extra couple hundred dollars that we just play around with, you are dead wrong. Even after college, we'll have loans to pay that will take any extra money we earn - suggesting that fresh-from-college professionals have a choice about where their money goes is a joke. Implying that young people don't have health care because we use our money in vapid and irresponsible ways is insulting. I'm sure some young people make poor choices, but saying that many of us do is untrue and unfair.