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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Use the search button
10 questions...
Yes, I realize this is not the easiest assignment in the world. If, by chance, you find yourself inclined to answer, don't fuck around with verbiage. Don't read too much into what I am saying. Don't go off topic.
I bet your teachers never told you a test could be so cool... 1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most? a) I would have to say a blend, all political; Huxley's Brave New World, 1984 by Orwell, and Starship Troopers by Heinlein. Real out there stuff, all futuristic, all a critique on society today. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? a) Prime rib, baby. All the trimmings, potatoes, salad, everything. Nothing would compare to the steak though. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) Ravel's Bolero. I don't really get the whole classical music thing, but the spanish influences, the gypsy rythym, and the progression really gets to the fire in my belly. When I listen to it, even now, I get excited. It is life, put to music. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? a) Hey, we are all the same. Every emotion, fear and desire you have, someone else has. Relax. It will be okay. Don't go overboard. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? a) Sleeping in, grabbing a breakfast to go as I explore somewhere totally new to me. being rushed through all of the sights and sounds that the environment has to offer, yet missing nothing. Nap in the afternoon. Big early supper, in time to catch a night on the town, not knowing where or when the night will go. Friends everywhere, lots of laughs. Sex before bed. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... a) Self-centered people: when I see someone who cannot see the other side in an argument and defend it rigorously, I lose hope in humanity. Balance is crucial to both sides. To know one's enemy, to see through their eyes, is to see victory. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? a) That Ben, shit... he knew what was going on. A forward thinker, he never got the respect that he deserved. Without him, we would never have known what it was like back then. He really knew how to tell it. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? a) Nature and its beauty. I would love to have a place that you had to use a float plane to get into, where nature looked you in the eye and said, "I'm in charge here, and don't you forget it." 9. What is your most memorable moment? a) I could write books about my moments (and just might yet) but the most memorable... it would have to be when I was 13, and realized that no matter how fucked up things got, only I was in charge of my future. People say things, threaten, promise. Only I get to decide the path I walk down. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? a) The Big Lebowski, starring Jeff Bridges and John Goodman. Wait. That is too deep for high school kids. They'll only think that pot is cool. I would have them watch Saving Private Ryan, with Tom Hanks and directed by Steven Spielberg. Young adults need to connect to the past more, and appreciate what their predecessors gave them.
3.141592654 Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Florida
Yes, I realize this is not the easiest assignment in the world. If, by chance, you find yourself inclined to answer, don't fuck around with verbiage. Don't read too much into what I am saying. Don't go off topic.
If we're not supposed to read into it, why is it in the philosophy forum? 1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most? I'm going to go with 1984 by George Orwell. I've read a lot of stuff that's changed my perception of things. But I had read 1984 at the beginning of 7th grade and it made me start asking a lot of questions. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Tough. Depends on mood, of course. A nice piece of venision with some aged Burgundy would be nice. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Again, depends on mood. I've been re-listening to a lot of Radiohead's older material and I'm liking it more than I origianally did. So I'll say Radiohead's "The Bends". 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? You can say something, but that doesn't mean anyone will listen. Still... "Relax and be Groovy" 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Shit... Just one day off with my fiancee would be nice. Probably doing something cool like exploring NYC for the first time. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... The Self-Righteous. Those that decide that they've figured out the best way to live one's life and then try to force it on those around them. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? To tell the truth I don't really care about things like this. So I'll just go with humour. "Be Right Back" 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Right now, I'm planning my honeymoon in the Bahamas and hopefully my future life in the Pacific Northwest. Also, I want to travel and see every sight I can. 9. What is your most memorable moment? I'd have to say when I got over my depression. I got over my existential funk and have been moving forward and up ever since. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Requiem For a Dream. That outta open a few eyes out there.. |
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#3 (permalink) |
32 flavors and then some
Location: Out on a wire.
1. What piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
X: A Fabulous Children's Story 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, and Canadian bacon pizza with extra cheese, sprinkled liberally with crushed red pepper 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Into the Woods original Broadway cast redording. Sweeny Todd cast recording. Profound insights into human nature disguised as fairy tales, deceptively light and dark music mixed together, surprising musical depth. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Celebrate differences. Conformity is harmless, uniformity is deadly. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Wake up tangled up with the woman I love. Make love. Share breakfast on the patio as the sun rises. Lounge around lazily in an oversized deck chair, reading, playing games, napping. Spend the afternoon shopping for a new dress and heels for the evening. Get dressed up in lingerie, garter belt and nylons, a short, light fabric dress, spike heels, and go out to a candle lit dinner in a romantic restaurant with the woman I love. Finish the evening slow dancing, drinking red wine, and relaxing. Remove my lover's dress, leaving on her lingerie, and she does the same to me. Make love. Fall asleep, tangled up together. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Intolerance of differences. Being different causes nobody any harm. It is our differences that make us interesting, and thus, life interesting. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Your life matters. While you are here, your life affects others. Use that power wisely. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? A small village 30 minutes outside Seoul, S. Korea. It is the most peaceful place I have known. 9. What is your most memorable moment? I don't talk about that. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Intolerance |
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#4 (permalink) |
<3 TFP
Location: 17TLH2445607250
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
1984 and Catcher in the Rye probably first got my philisophical, political and reasoning thoughts flowing. To Kill a Mockingbird was also a fantastic book that will live on for me. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? A 3" thick filet mignon, slow cooked to Med-Rare without need for a butterfly cut. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Impossible question for me. Music is an entity all it's own, and not only varies by the mood I'm in, but changes my mood accordingly. A good italian saltarello, some gritty classic rock, some up-beat SKA, gypsy belly dancing music, irish jigs, scottish bagpipes... they all have their meaning, place and associated feelings and memories. Science says that scent is the sense with the strongest tie to memory, for me it's sound. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? "Whoa! Six billion people?" *tap* *tap* "Is this thing on?" 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? A long drive through the desert and mountains with my wife. Stopping now and then to take in the sounds, sights and scents of the naked world. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Those who would stand opposed to freedom and democracy (including my own government sometimes). 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? "not available for comment" 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Wow, so many places. The world seems so small sometimes, but it's not! If I "ran away" it wouldn't be to a specific destination... I'd become a world-hobo... move freely about to wherever life would have me go. 9. What is your most memorable moment? Graduating army basic training. Such a feeling of pride and satisfaction. 10. If you could make one movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Not so much a movie, per se, but along with what BigBen was saying... "Band of Brothers". I think it's important that the youth learn about the larger world. History shouldn't be taught only from books. Last edited by xepherys; 03-08-2005 at 12:07 PM.. Reason: typo |
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#5 (permalink) | ||||||||||
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
I hate closed mindedness, orthodoxy... one should always be open to new things and change. Quote:
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
10 questions
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
Catcher in the Rye - I love this book but I don't really know why exactly. I mean the thing has like no plot. It's weird but yeah. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? A Rueben - with a mile of corn beef. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? I'm not really into music. Back in the day my fav was Alice Cooper's 18. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? I don't think I would say anything becuase ppl have to learn stuff on their own. Noone takes advice well (even if you ask for it) 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Getting up early, going to university, free lecture in the afternoon (free cookies!), movie with friends. Good convo. Good classes. Basically everyday in my life is a perfect day. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... I hate lies. I'm a strong advocate for telling the truth in all ways shapes and forms. Telling the truth and someone getting upset is way less scarring to them then telling them a lie and them getting upset. The truth is always better even if it hurts more in the short term (which it usually does) 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? The spark of her life is smothered in shadows, her spirit is gone but her stench remains - which is from the movie Knight's Tale. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany because it has such a great but sad story behind it. If I could only visit one place in the world this castle would be it. Beauty. 9. What is your most memorable moment? Memorable in a good way or a bad way. Most memorable good is passing the PT test for the army because that took a lot of work for me because I went from being completly unphysical (dude, I failed gym in highschool) to being able to pass this PT test. I was proud. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? PollyAnna - which is an extremly idealistic movie that teenagers would hate but it may prevent one or two of them from suicide. Besides that, it would be funny to watch their horror at watching this movie. |
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#7 (permalink) |
I'm still waiting...
Location: West Linn, OR
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
Brave New World was probably the first book I read that really made me think about the world we live in. You've got a good choice there BigBen. :-) But I would have to say that the Tao te Ching and any Buddhist texts have influenced my outlook on life the most. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Fresh chinook salmon fillet cooked just right so that it has a semi-crusted surface, so that all the juices are kept inside, alongside garlic mashed potatoes and mixed vegitables. I have had the privilage of actually having this meal once in my life. My mouth waters just remembering it. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Well, I'm a little lazy right now, and I don't want to go downstairs in order to find out exactly which orchestra performed it, but Antonin Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, the New World Symphony simply blows me away. It was the first symphony I ever heard live, and it was when I was in a youth symphony, and the more advanced youth symphony performed it, so I was watching my peers play this AWESOME piece, and I think that's why I have such strong feelings for it. Plus, it's just an incredible piece! 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Be happy with being content. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Waking up fully rested, then spending the entire day with my cousin just chillin' out. Making music, playing video games, smoking some bowls, maybe go golfing. As long as I'm with someone who I'm so close to, like my cousin, it's pretty much going to be a perfect day. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... I hate stupidity. I don't like people that don't use all their mental faculties. I hate ignorance. But most of all, I hate it when people ignore issues, facts, or other peoples opinions. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Love life. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Anwhere where I am alone in nature. I have a forest close to my house, and I take walks in there whenever I need to get away. But in an ideal way, I would like to run away to that cliche cabin in the woods in the mountains by a stream. More specifically, on the Metolious river in central Oregon. There's absolutely no other place in the world where I would rather be. 9. What is your most memorable moment? Man, there are really too many to choose from. My g/f of 3 1/2 years breaking up with me. Getting baptised. Going to Japan. Graduating from college. Finding out my g/f (not the same one) was pregnant, then having to tell my parents, then having to deal with the miscarriage. Yeah, that last one is what's most memorable right now, but that's probably because it's the most recent. 10. If you could make one movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Some people will not like me for saying this, and I kind of feel bad for suggesting this movie especially since it's so recent, and I just saw it, but I think that Napoleon Dynamite deals with a lot of issues that go on in high school, and the movie makes so many points about life. I think that if today's high school students watched that movie critically, they would learn so much about life. |
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#8 (permalink) |
Location: UK
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
a) Orwell, 1984 and Huxley, Brave New World. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? a) Salmon, spinach and baby new potatoes. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) A long-time favourite is Bach's Air On A G String 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? a) Peace! And! Love! 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? a) Anything that doesn't involve some kind of stress. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... a) Bigotry, blinkered-ness and shortsightedness in a political context. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? a) I was here. I did my best. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? a) Somewhere remote and simple. 9. What is your most memorable moment? a) Probably in my garden in my Dad's old house. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? a) Schindler's list. It says much about the human condition.
Furry is the leader of his own cult, the "Furballs of Doom". They sit about chanting "Doom, Doom, Doom". (From a random shot in the dark by SirLance) |
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#9 (permalink) |
Getting Medieval on your ass
Location: 13th century Europe
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
The Bromeliad Trilogy by Terry Pratchett and God's Debris by Scott Adams. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Fettucini alfredo with roasted chicken bits, covered in parmesan cheese with some fresh baked bread to sop up the leftover sauce with, exactly as it is served at Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi, Too! in Mountain View. Mmm... 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Carmina Burana & The Hall of the Mountian King. If you've heard them you already know. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Don't panic! 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? A pretty catchy song by Hoku. I can't help but be cheered up by it whenever I hear it. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Stupid people. Not very PC, I know. But there it is. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Just some dude. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Somewhere with a nice beach and no traffic. 9. What is your most memorable moment? The time I experienced complete ego-death. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Kids. |
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#10 (permalink) | |
Location: Use the search button
Man, I gotta fit that saying into a conversation. WELL DONE!! Bravo!
3.141592654 Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis. |
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#11 (permalink) |
Location: corner of No and Where
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. It made me realize that you can support strong individual freedoms while simultaneously striving for the greater good. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Oh man...I'd start with saganaki for an appetizer. I'd move on to pad thai, with two - nay, three - limes, as the main course. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake for dessert. I'd drink Mr. Pibb (er, Pibb Extra now). Wow, that was a pretty random assortment of foods, eh? 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? The Beatles, Rubber Soul. Not as inventive as Revolver or The White Album, but bit a more...emotional, grounded in the real world chord. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Everything in moderation, including moderation. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? I sleep way, way in. I get up and enjoy a great lunch with a few of my buddies. Afterwards, we head to Wrigley field and watch the Cubs beat the Cardinals. We stay in Wrigleyville, and frequent a couple bars. I somehow get to eat the meal I wanted in question 2. At night, I play video games with my pals for many an hour, and we maybe watch a great movie (Kurasawa, perhaps?). I return home and collapse in bed without setting the alarm. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Too many things to be healthy, probably. Tough to pick just one. I'll settle for when the Cubs play Neifi Perez. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Loving son, husband, father, and grandfather. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Alaska. Too beautiful to not go back. 9. What is your most memorable moment? I don't know what will be remembered most by others, but the moment I remember most is traveling in a car for hours in Alaska with my family. We'd go hours without talking; instead, we simply appreciated the staggering beauty all around us. I remember traveling through one particularly picturesque valley between two mountains, as Venus Hum's The Bells swelled in my earphones...just magical. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Requiem for a Dream, no question.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'" |
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#12 (permalink) |
I got blisters on me fingers!!!
Location: In my stressless expectation free zone.
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas. Thompson was able to capture American and the great paradigm shift in philosophy at the end of the 1960s. People will be reading this book for year to come. Ever generation will find something about this book to latch on to. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? I big kosher corn beer sandwich and a bowl of matza ball soap 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Weezer – Weezer (Blue) The songs on that album so capture the zeitgeist of the mid 1990s. The depth of that CD (see undone and in the garage) 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? relax 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? walking up on a cold morning in a sun drenched bed with the girl I love, and never getting out. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Those who deny that truth; those who use the past the justify evil 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Mike Lewis – Historian, philosopher, friend 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? A roof top garden in Rome. 9. What is your most memorable moment? Sitting on a rock in Pompeii, Italy reading American Gods. and coming that thinking to myself that gods could be walking the earth all around me. 10. If you could make one movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Dr. Strangelove. Dark - Funny - Honest.
If you are not outraged than you are not paying attention! "Reality has a well-known liberal bias" - Steven Colbert |
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#13 (permalink) | |
lost and found
Location: Berkeley
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
Come to think, no one piece of writing comes to mind, yet I'm very philosophical. Maybe Out of Body Experiences by Robert Petersen. I don't know if I believe in OOBEs, but the things he talks about are startling and intriguing and have stayed with me over the years. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? A sourdough melt with seasoned curly fries and a Cherry Coke; a fudge brownie topped with vanilla ice cream for dessert. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) Henryk Gorecki's Sympony No. 3, as performed by the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra. It's fucking transcendant. I like it better than the London Philharmonic version. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Compassion is the only way you will avoid self-destruction. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Waking up on a warm summer morning next a girl I fancy, followed by pancakes and eggs, a walk on the beach, lunch in town, shopping in the afternoon, drinks and dinner at a nice restaraunt in the evening with friends, followed by a concert and dancing, then sweet love and sleep. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Legislating morality and lifestyle for the masses while the priveleged get away with murder. It is a tradition that spans recorded history, from Egypt to America, shrouded in shame and exposing the worst of human nature. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? If there's anyone still around to read this, then he did something right. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Somewhere tropical, lazing in a hammock with a margerita in one hand and a cigar in the other. 9. What is your most memorable moment? Sitting in my truck at the airport after an ex-girlfriend cheated on me. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? That's a tough one. Maybe Schindler's List. Quote:
Last edited by Johnny Rotten; 03-10-2005 at 12:39 AM.. |
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#14 (permalink) | ||||||||||
Forget me not...
Location: See that dot on the map? I don't live there.
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620 |
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#15 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
a) Hmmm... probably... probably Socrates. I kinda base myself around that mostly... asking things of people to accumulate opinions, ideas etc. I really like that idea. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? a) 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) Leaving Hope by Nine Inch Nails. Its like.... pure, and intense, but also very very real. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? a) I'd grab it by the collar and say "GOOD GOD MAN, THINK FOR A FUCKING CHANGE!" This is of course assuming that by "the world" you refer to the population of the world, not the earth itself. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? a) Hell, I dunno. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... a) Well, I would say I take a stand against meaningless discrimination, buuut... I really hate smokers. It's true. Yeah I'm lookin at you, ya bastards, you know who you are. So I can't say that, or I'm a hypocrite. So... rac/class/sexism away guys, I'm not any better. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? a) Don't think I'll have one. Not as I see things now anyway. 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? a) Somewhere where I'd be free to observe. 9. What is your most memorable moment? a) Bah, im sick of this, I'm going to bed. Oh, and Donnie Darko by the way. Peace out.
ignorance really is bliss. |
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#16 (permalink) |
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
The proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem. It changed what Truth means to me. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Right now, reading the question, I could go for a Lasangna. By the end of the quiz, I am thinking a nice roast chicken would be nice. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? The first one that comes to mind is "Christmas in New York" by the Pogues. My taste in music is relatively unordered. I like the vocals, story and rhythm of it. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Send 10$ to P.O. Box 427 for herbal calais. But seriously, I doubt anything as simple as a soundbite would make much difference. Possibly I'd quote Douglas Adams (from my sig). 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? Meeting a new person and getting along amazingly with them. Geeking out, maybe a walk through some pretty terrain, and a big meal at the end of the day. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... People who live their lives pumping out negative externalities and think they are productive and virtuous. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? I don't plan on dieing. After I am dead, I hope my organs are used productively. Any epitaph is for those who survive me, not for me. Maybe something clever. How about: "Did I win?" 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? I can run away to wherever I want to go. Currently, I'm not running anywhere. 9. What is your most memorable moment? My memory is poor. I can't recall what my most memorable moment is. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Schindler's list.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest. |
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#17 (permalink) |
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
Location: Paradise Regained
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
The B-I-B-L-E 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? Lamb. Sauteed veggies, After a soup and salad appetizer. Soup - cream of broccoli, salad- spinach. Dessert - something chocolate. Drink - Yellow Label. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? John Denver' - Back Home Again. Eternally linked with my childhood. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? You cannot live forever. You will die one day. Have you made provision for it? 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? It's a fall day, cool, crisp and clear. A good long walk in the woods at my cottage. A beautiful sunset. A cup of coffee with friends around a fire, maybe a sing-song. It involves sex at some or many parts of the day. I'm sure this changes on a daily basis. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... Arrogant people who know they're wrong but won't change their minds. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? Some place warm and tropical, with nice people. 9. What is your most memorable moment? The day my daughter was born. Or the day I got married. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? Schindlers List or Life Is Beautiful. I know, maybe a bit heavy, but both these movies deal with a real situation that kids these days have no consciousness of. There are a whole whack of good lessons in these films.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys |
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#18 (permalink) |
Getting Clearer
Location: with spirit
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
I have aspired to create links between philosophies I've read, then I try to link them to my personal experiences... I can't say any one has influenced me the most... hmmm. I find it a little like religion I guess. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? A nice peice of stonegrilled rib fillet, pasta with a creamy bacon and mushroom sauce and a salad on the side. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? Too many, depends greatly on mood. so I guess that's a 'No Favourite' huh? 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? It's life - deal with it! 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? A day where I've been content to be who I am with people who understand where I'm coming from. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... 'Poor Me' people, and people who cannot see that they themselves live in glass houses yet continually throw stones. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Whoa - What a Ride! 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? I'm with BigBen931 here... Nature and its beauty. ...where nature looked you in the eye and said, "I'm in charge here, and don't you forget it." Anywhere the wind would take me, I also like to see diversity of culture - travelling makes all your perceived drama so inconsequential when you get out there and see other perspectives every now and then, be it nature or cultural. 9. What is your most memorable moment? When I was seven (I'm 34 now), I rustled up the courage to ask my Mum why she had married my Dad... my brother and I had a pet name for him ("The Arsehole"), she was a nice person so why did she marry an arsehole? I've been questioning everything ever since. <oh, and I love my Dad, I don't find him too bad now ![]() 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - An amazing movie about people and dynamics for me. <I was so angry, shocked and appauled it took me three days to get over it! I was about 20 at the time> |
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#19 (permalink) |
can't help but laugh
Location: dar al-harb
interesting... but i don't understand the philosophical relevance.
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. ~ Winston Churchill |
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#20 (permalink) |
Getting Clearer
Location: with spirit
Amendment to Answer
7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? Remember friend as you walk by As you are now so once was I As I am now you will surely be Prepare thyself to follow me. Whoa - What a Ride! |
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: Virginia
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
a) The Bible, it turned me off to religion and got me thinking for myself instead of believing what others told me. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? a) A ridiculously huge bowl of cereal. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) Not a particular piece of music really, but I love chinese music. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? a) Shut up. 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? a) Perfect day is a day I am supposed to be at work but I'm not, I'm at home doing what I want to do, whatever that is at the time. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... a) I dislike people who refuse to see the plain truth when it is presented to them because they don't want it to be true. Just because you want something to be true doesn't mean that it is, and just because you don't want something to be true doesn't mean that it isn't. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? a) "This space for rent" 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? a) A small house in the woods away from everyone else in the world. But with cable modem and a grocery store not far away! 9. What is your most memorable moment? a) My most memorable moment from my childhood would have to be the first time I finished reading the Bible, and realizing how full of shit everyone at my church was. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? a) I wouldn't make watching a movie mandatory, but I would make Richard Dawkins' "Devil's Chaplain" mandatory reading.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I. |
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#22 (permalink) |
1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
a) There is no particular book for me. But if I had to choose out of the many writings that had some sort of influence on me, I would choose the high school English book that got me into poetry. It opened me up to a whole world of people expressing ideas, and they've helped me to shape my own thoughts. 2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be? a) Veal Parmisan. And pepperoni pizza. I have no refinement when it comes to food. 3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why? a) Beethoven's 9th. I just listened to it in its entirety for the first time, and it blows the other stuff away. I don't think he's overrated anymore. 4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? a) This is God, send all of your money to this address: *My Address* 5. What is your idea of a perfect day? a) I wake up fully rested, but am so comfortable that I stay in bed for a little while. I get up and eat a big breakfast. I'm completely comfortable everywhere I go. I do something amazing and original. I listen to music and it feels brand new again. I find some new piece of art and adore it. 6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why... a) I hate people who do things that they know are wrong. 7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph? a) Remember that joke with the pink ping pong balls disappearing, and the song dying right before he could explain it? 8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why? a) I wouldn't run anywhere. There's really no place I can think of that's much better than where I am now. 9. What is your most memorable moment? a) When I was in middle school, and actually comprehended the whole notion of eternal death while laying in bed. It was also the moment where I first realised how pointless everything was, and my priorities completely changed. 10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be? a) Office Space. It's entertaining, and hopefully some of the people watching it might realise how pointless work is. Last edited by braindamage351; 03-12-2005 at 07:26 PM.. Reason: Just listened to better music. |
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